As Celeste watched those points from a distance, about 20 warships were slowly approaching that naval base!

Each of these warships had large cannons on their sides, each of them capable of launching 1-meter radius cannonballs!

And while the cannons would undoubtedly draw the attention of anyone who saw them up close, the most remarkable thing about these ships would be the same symbol repeated on each warship.

This symbol repeated on each of these warships, on flags and bows, looked like a glass bottle containing some drink inside.

That was the symbol of the Collins family of the Kingdom of the Waves!

"Ma'am, we are arriving at our destination." Someone on one of those warships said aloud, while a woman who was almost 2 meters tall was standing on the highest part of that ship, with one of her legs resting on a rung.

"Good!" She said in satisfaction as she looked ahead and could already see that base.

"However, we just spotted a ship leaving that location."

"What should we do?"

"Pass the order to one of the ships in our group to pursue them... We cannot allow anyone to know of our action in this place!" She firmly said, picking up a large stick and clasped her hands around such a weapon.

Such a family had 'discovered' a location on the Black Plain's coast that was of their interests... There existed many high-value resources, which could yield tens of millions of low-grade crystals to whoever 'collected' it.

After that, they discovered that there were no high-level forces in this area, only a small naval base around this place of their interest. So, then, the Collins family leadership had sent a group to take this place over their control!

They had investigated this place before and found that not only were there no high-level defenses in this place but that the strongest person there was only at level 50...

And this had given them the confidence to act against this place!

This naval base had valuable resources but was protected by a fragile person. And this had given them the fact that there was an almost 100% chance that this was the base of a mid-level force that was working for another organization or something like that.

Consequently, if they took this place and left no trace of their action, they could make a massive profit in it without having to take a risk with a high-level power. That was why they had sent such a large force here.

That was to exterminate the people of that place and collect all those resources!

"OK, I will do that!" The man said this before finally running towards a room on that warship to send that woman's message to another warship in that convoy.

Such a woman was the leader of that group of the Collins family, who was already at level 55, the strongest in this group.

As for the other individuals in those 20 warships, about 200 people were on each of them, almost all at the 5th stage of cultivation. However, there were 10 Spiritual Kings in such a group, with the weakest at level 51 and the strongest at level 55!

Anyway, after that man from before disappeared from that woman's sight, she put a big cigar in her mouth and started smoking quietly.

After doing that for a few seconds, she smiled and looked in the direction of another guard who was standing nearby. "Give the order for us to start the movement."

"Four groups will land at the northernmost and another four at the southernmost shore. Then, the rest of us will attack that place head-on!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

And it wasn't long before one of those warships left that formation, heading toward the Nash family ship, while eight others headed toward the north and south shores of that base.


"Captain! Captain! We're being pursued!" An officer from the Nash family ship rushed into where the captain was standing while sweating profusely and with a worried look on his face.

"Take it easy, guard Ed, take a few breaths..." The captain of that ship said as he stood up from his seat and looked in the direction of that poor man.

At the same time as that, the Spiritual King who was there to protect that ship also took an interest in this matter as he got up from where he was and approached that guard.

"Captain! It's the Collins family! There are many of their ships heading towards that base, and one of them is coming towards us!"

"What?" The two men said simultaneously, while their eyebrows frowned considerably and their faces turned dark.

"Why would the Collins family come to this place? And what do they want with us?"





However, while those people were trying to understand the information that had just arrived, several sounds of explosions reached their ears. At the same time, the pursuing warship shot mercilessly in their direction.


"They're attacking us!" The Spiritual King on that ship said this coldly, right after feeling the ship wobbling considerably due to one of the cannonballs that had just hit them!

"You miserable bastards!"

"Damn you, Collins! To think we almost allied ourselves with those bastards!" The ship's captain shouted in hatred as he held himself near a glass window and looked in the direction of that enemy ship.

At this moment, all cannons of that Collins family warship fired simultaneously, causing yellow flames to come out of its mouths. Then the characteristic noise of those guns spread over that area.




"Ahhhhhh! My leg! Ahhhhhh!"

"Sons of a bitch..." Someone shouted right after seeing a fucking metal ball falling on top of him.



Just then, that person was crushed and then exploded into many pieces, just after the cannonball hit a part of that ship.

"Ahhh! Enemy attack! Attack back! Use all our firepower!"

"Quick, send a message to the headquarters!"


A highly destructive naval battle then broke out at that location a few miles away from the Black Plain Army's naval base. And while the Nash family ship was suffering under the enemy attack, the other Collins family groups were getting closer to that base.

As such, Celeste had finally been able to see what that glow from earlier was...

"Sound the alarms! We're under attack!" She shouted as loudly as she could, making every soldier in that building listen to her.

And just then, the alarms in this area started going off!

Woop! Woop!

"Get ready. We are under enemy attack!"

Woop! Woop!

"Everyone in positions!"

"Soldiers below the rank of Sergeants should immediately retreat and lock yourselves inside your respective rooms!"

"Group 2, come with me."

"Group 21..."

Several shouts could be heard around that base at the moment, as many soldiers ran around that area, already carrying weapons of the most varied kinds in their hands.

Most of the Sergeants on this base had already fought many battles around here or in Dry City. So, they were all used to this kind of thing.

Therefore, despite the nervousness that would always exist in situations like these, they knew what to do without much delay.

'That's the symbol of the Collins family...' Celeste thought, looking at the 11 ships approaching from the west of that base. 'Why would this noble house of the Kingdom of the Waves send such a group here?'

'I thought there was no family outside the Brown Kingdom and Stone Island that knew about this place... How did they find out about us?' She wondered as she clenched her fists and watched the group of ships pointing their many weapons toward the defensive walls of this base.


Meanwhile, on one of the 11 ships facing sideways towards that naval base, that level 55 woman was looking at her target with a smile on her face. She could not sense the defensive fluctuations of that location, and as such, for her, her job would probably be taken care of in no time...






Then, dozens of cannonballs were thrown in the direction of the defensive walls of that naval base...

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