After listening to the whole report through Tom, Minos was pleased with the numbers he had achieved in the interval since he had risen from level 48 to 50.

The population had not grown as much in this period because of the difficulties in attracting people to Dry City without attracting attention. But this had been solved in the short term, and with Maritime City under his domain, Minos could finally put this problem aside for now.

Despite the fact that the population had not increased as much as in previous years, the farming numbers continued to rise, reaching a level that would allow many things to become possible in the future.

However, since Minos had already made many recent investments in his army because of the war-related actions, this income from agriculture would take time to bring results.

Or rather, the young ruler had invested a lot of his funds, and he would need several harvests to gather a comfortable capital. Only then could he get back to making improvements in Dry City, enhancing existing services, and bringing new things here.

As for the unemployment rate in Dry City, well, it remained at 0%, since only children under the age of 10 didn't work, but they didn't count in this statistic.

As for teenagers between the ages of 10 and 15, they could not work in regular jobs, but there were things available for people in this age group. As in the example of the army, which had many members like that.

Because of this, even these young people were not unemployed in this city!

On the other hand, Minos had discovered that the first local citizen born in Dry City since his arrival had been born in the last few months!

Before this, the people in this place either came from outside this city or were already here before the arrival of this young sovereign.

With that, although his territory was not yet officially an independent state, Minos considered this newborn to be the first citizen born on the Black Plain and not in a region of the Brown Kingdom!

And although this was only a curiosity to him, he felt somewhat happy to know that his territory was having its first newborn.

Breeding in the Spiritual World was not easy, and many things could lead to failure regarding this action. But even so, occasionally, living beings managed to pass through the adversities contrary to pregnancies and thereby give birth to offspring.

And as an imperative biological that were in all members of this humanoid race of cultivators, it was difficult for the people behind the Dry City government to ignore this event.

To them, this was like a sign, a starting point for the future of this place, a good omen!

So, there was a certain satisfaction in talking about this little native of young Stuart's state.

"Her name is Trix, young master. I hope the birth of little Trix will be a blessing to the Black Plain." Tom said gently, finishing organizing his things right after they ended their official talks.

"Hehe, a good name." Minos commented as he got up from his armchair and shook one of Tom's hands. "Well, let's keep working so that little Trix can grow into an independent, strong, and respected state."

"Yes, young master, we will do everything possible to that end."

"Good, hehe. See you later, Tom."

After that, that man left young Stuart and Ruth in that place alone, bringing that sovereign's work to an end.

"Speaking of babies, I wonder when you will have yours..." Ruth commented in a low voice, just after young Stuart sat down next to her.

As she said those words, she turned to him and hugged him from the side while her legs went around that young man's waist.

"Oh?" Minos made a sound of surprise as he realized what Ruth meant by such words.

'You and Abby have been on quite the same page since that day, eh? You seem to be agreed about the same things...' So, he thought for a moment, as he remembered an evening he had had about a little over a month ago.

At that time, those two women had agreed to do everything he wanted, going beyond just having sex with him in front of each other...

They had begun to act together, more like Mirya and Viola did with Minos and less like they were used to performing in front of each other. And with this change, this young man had noticed that he had been getting more occupied with them and less with the other women with whom he usually interacted.

On the other hand, they had started to support each other's ideas, like minor everyday things and this question of reproduction.

And obviously, Minos noticed all this...

But he didn't care. He stayed with other women just for fun, and if he could only do that with his girlfriends, he didn't care if they were trying to take over the space of those other women.

He had no feelings for any of them other than his girlfriends. As such, he had nothing to lose here.

Because of this, he took it easy while enjoying the fun of seeing two women who had seen each other as enemies for a few months, now acting like sisters.

He then said. "Who knows after the Black Plain becomes a recognized independent state... Maybe that's the time for me to start worrying about it."

"Oh?" Ruth's eyes sparkled upon hearing this as she felt certain anxiety deep within her being.

She wouldn't go out saying certain things out loud. Still, if she were asked about pregnancy, she would definitely answer that she would like to be a mother to Minos' children. Not only that, but she wasn't even trying to guard against it anymore, having already stopped using her energy to destroy her oocytes a few months ago.

And it was no different for Abby!

As long as Minos stopped preventing himself and they had a little luck, then in a matter of months, they could give birth to the offspring of this young man they both loved...

But unfortunately for both of them, Minos had no interest in doing that for the time being. After all, he had no time to be a father in the short term, and both of his girlfriends would be vulnerable in such a period as pregnancy.

Hence, even if the chances of such a thing happening were small, Minos would not neglect to prevent himself from such a situation...

Anyway, while feeling excited about the future, Ruth began to feel warmer and warmer as she hugged Minos' strong body. "Even if you don't want to make babies at the moment, we can continue training..."

"Hahaha, that's my favorite kind of training." He replied, smiling, as he pulled that woman onto his lap and felt his younger brother grow a few inches.

"Mmmm~" After that, the two kissed passionately as they slowly undressed, enjoying this early evening in Dry City while they were still in that office.

There shouldn't be many people working there by this time, and neither was worried about interruptions. So, Minos once again was ready to use his office with one of his partners, with one of the two women he loved.

'I don't think I've ever done that with Ruth in this place...'

'Time to change that!'


While Minos and Ruth were exchanging fluids vigorously in that office, three Spiritual Kings were arriving at this very moment at the north exit of the local wall.

Of the three, two were middle-aged men, one tall, strong, and in typical warrior attire. At the same time, the other looked very muscular but in clothes commonly worn by blacksmiths.

And in the middle of the two men riding 5th stage beasts, a woman with blond hair was standing on a beast that looked like an orange fur bear.

"After months away, I'm finally back!" She declared, making her two companions and the soldiers at that northern exit of the wall hear that.

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