
Explosions sounded in the middle of the Silva family's northern camp.

In that place, one could see long-range attacks flying back and forth constantly, destroying tents and even injuring people nearby.

At the same time, three people were fighting at high intensity in the center of this temporary camp. Two of them were suppressing the last one, using everything they had in an eye-popping battle.


"Die on my feet!" Finally, after deflecting the latest attack from his two enemies, that level 54 Spiritual King tried to attack the level 53 enemy with everything he had.

As he did so, he leaped into the air, spinning twice, until he followed with one of his feet raised, as if it were a fin of a large fish, heading towards his enemy's head.

However, as this man prepared to blow his target's head off, his opponents were not standing still, waiting for him!

Then, the gray-haired, level 55 man promptly jumped towards that level 54 Spiritual King, his fist already ready to punch his target in the face as soon as he was close enough.

On the other hand, that target of the powerful kick that was coming down in the air towards his head was trying to move backward while circulating his energies in his defense technique.

He then bent his knees slightly, made a defensive stance with his arms above his head, and prepared for the worst!



At that instant, that gray-haired old man's punch hit his opponent's jaw, causing the blow that such a person was about to deliver to deflect a few inches until it hit the air!


And then cries of pain resounded from that man's throat, at the same time, in which he fell a few meters away from where he was, already bringing his two hands to his face and feeling the damage.

"This is your end, Emmett!"

"If you surrender now, we can guarantee you a painless death... Otherwise..."

"Fuck you!" That man shouted but immediately afterward closed his mouth as he trembled in pain from the previous blow. 'If you guys can take my life, then do it the hard way!' He considered, already preparing to act.

"Don't think you guys will get out of here in one piece!" He shouted in fury once again as he stood up and jumped towards those people!

"Then we'll do it the hard way, you ignorant fool!"

"Die, you fool!"



And with that, the three battles of the Miller family experts began around that part of the Brown Kingdom.

But while those individuals struggled to deal with their opponents, Minos' approach was somewhat different.

He even used the Miller family's Spiritual Generals in the same way as his allies. That is, he was using the dozens of guards from that family to distract those Spiritual Generals that there were in this Silva family post.

But instead of trying to act with as much speed as possible, this young man had been crossing that camp somewhat calmly while watching those enemies, the three Spiritual Kings of this place.

Not that he didn't want to settle this quickly. He wanted to, but considering his advantage in this place, he wanted to exchange a few words with those people so that they wouldn't be so defensive.

Almost every time he had met with people from the Silva family, he had to kill them quickly not to let information leak out. After all, most of these 'encounters' had happened in Dry City, a place he wanted to protect.

But right now, Minos was out of his city and was in a situation where he wasn't in danger of losing something because he wasn't quick enough to stop a letter or something. So, he wanted to know who these people were before he eliminated them.

Therefore, right now, he was face to face with those people.

As he was the only person with an eye-catching level in the surroundings, something that had drawn the strongest in this place towards him.

"Brat, are you behind this attack? Do you know who we are?" A level 52 Spiritual King said this while having an unfriendly expression on his face.

At the same time, a level 53 individual, who was right behind the level 56 person, looked at Minos with a murderous glint in his eyes. "Derek, don't ask useless questions. We will capture this insect, and then we will know everything!"

"I know you are from the Silva family, but who you are, I have no idea," Minos said calmly, as he looked intently at the faces of those three.

"And you dare to attack us being only a mere level 50 Spiritual King?" Derek said in ridicule. "Fool!"

But Minos didn't care about that. But instead, he just said what he had in mind. "Today, I am here to eliminate your entire group. But before that, I would like to know your names..."

"Not that I give a damn about most of the worm members of the Silva family, but I have matters to settle with three people from your organization..."

"Oh? How arrogant!"

"You must be the biggest asshole in the universe to say such big things with that kind of cockiness!"

"Brat, you truly are bold!" Finally, the leader of those two said something as he looked cautiously at Minos and the surroundings. "Because of your courage, I will do you the favor of helping you in this final moment of your life..."

"Tell me the names of those you seek. Then, if one of them is here, we can give you the pleasure of dying by his hands!"

"Otherwise, you don't even have the minimum to know our names!"

"Is that so?"

"Well, if you want to die like nameless worms, so be it..." Minos commented confidently, laughing as if he were seeing a group of clowns in front of him. "Anyway, I have business with someone named Willian Silva, another named Percy, and Otis Silva, but I already know that old fart isn't here."

"Hahahahahaha, it's your lucky day, brat. I'm here!" The level 53 man said, laughing, already feeling excited to torture this worm who had some issue against him.

"I'm Willian Silva!" He said.

Upon hearing this, Minos' eyes narrowed as he could finally come face to face with one of the people who had participated in the attack against Albert. 'Today, I will deal with this one...' So, he thought to himself as his two swords appeared in his surroundings.

After meeting Darell Silva on Stone Island, Minos had learned about the identity of those who had participated in the attempt against his father.

That young man had not given all the relevant details at the time. Still, after knowing the bare minimum, it had not been difficult for young Stuart's soldiers to figure out exactly who had participated in that action.

So, he knew the identity of the two members of the Silva family who had participated in that attack and the fact that it had all been planned by Otis, the patriarch of that local noble house.

"So, you are one of them..."

"Well, well! That is truly a lucky day for me!" He said aloud, while already circulating his energies, ready to act at any moment.

Minos then looked in the direction of those three and made his last comment before acting. "Today, I, Minos Stuart, will wash these lands with the blood of your corpses in honor of my old father!"


'Albert's brat?'

"Oh? An old enemy, eh..."

'Wait a moment, is this brat that guy's son? How is he already at level 50?' The group leader pondered for a second, but his attention was soon drawn to the power that the young man was emitting!

Devouring Art!

Infinite Dream!

Explosive Steps!

Indestructible Body!

Spatial Sword!

In a split second, Minos activated everything at his disposal, quickly causing a giant black ring to begin devouring the power of those three.

He then looked into Willian's eyes and used his mental technique, just before finally running towards those other two, ready to fight!

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