After finishing off that strongest opponent of this Silva family camp, Minos promptly headed toward where those 500 Spiritual Generals were defending their positions.

Such enemies were defending against the long-range attacks of the Miller family guards on the outskirts, fighting a battle of movements, slowly gaining space to counterattack.

But by the time they were in the middle of this battle, young Stuart had already finished off his primary opponents and was making his way towards them with intense killing intent!

"Shit! This guy killed our experts!" Someone in the middle of that group shouted this out loud, causing dozens of people in the surroundings to find out what had happened.

They knew that a young Spiritual King had rushed towards the three Silva family experts at this location earlier. But none of them had worried about it since they had more significant problems to worry about, and their bosses could quickly deal with such an opponent.

But some people there had paid attention to Minos' fight against those three since when the young Stuart was finished, those people could finally count on the support of those experts.

Unfortunately for them, the reality was cruel!

Not only could they not count on the help of those mighty Spiritual Kings, but each of those individuals had already fallen by the hands of their opponent. Moreover, this enemy did not seem well-meaning towards them!

"That damn monster is about to attack us!"

"Attention, everyone! Get ready to fight!"

And soon, the boldest and most active people of those 500 Spiritual Generals started shouting with everything they had, encouraging these people to fight for their lives.

It was definitely losing fighting for some of them. Still, they hoped that such an enemy could be eliminated before everyone there died.

But not everyone thought that way.

"Run for your lives!"

"Run! Run!"

"Disperse as quickly as possible, and maybe some of us will be able to escape!"


And at the same time that those people who were members of the Silva family were beginning to panic, the Miller guards on the outskirts of there had finally realized what was happening.

"Looks like it's all over."

"Hmm, it looks like the young master is about to escape. It's time for us to do the same!"

"Yes, people. Stop attacking the enemies. They will naturally disperse, and there's no point in us taking any more risks here!"

"Mission accomplished!"

Quickly the Miller family guards began to ease their tensions, feeling that they had completed their mission in this place.

Almost everyone there did not know Minos' identity, nor had they interacted enough with this young man to know what he intended to do. So, after some of them had seen the figure of this young man walking out of the central part of that camp, they had already considered that it was time to leave.

It was not part of their plan to fight in this place against all opponents. Once the specialists of that base were eliminated, they would return to the Miller family base.

With that, many of them were already preparing to leave as they picked up some of their artifacts in the surrounding area and relaxed a bit.

"Hey! Hey! What is the young master doing?"

However, that didn't last long. Soon after, one of those more curious guards shouted, making many individuals pay attention to Minos' actions.

"What's going on? He's running towards the enemies!"

"Shit! Is he out of his mind? Does he want to face this ridiculous amount of opponents?"

"Damn! That wasn't part of our plans!"

And soon, several angry comments began to resonate throughout that area, at the same time, where they saw Minos beginning his bold action.


Devouring Art!

Spatial Sword!

Meanwhile, Minos had already reached the central position of that group, where he had finally activated his two primary techniques.

As he did so, immediately hundreds of people in the surrounding area began to feel their energies dwindle. At the same time, these energies were sucked up by the tremendous black ring on the sky, which rotated slowly, creating a distinct sound.

But the most shocking thing for these people was not losing their energy so quickly as if they were air balloons that had just been stabbed. Worst of all, the moment their opponent began to move his two swords, a powerful suppressive force spread throughout the area, paralyzing many people.

'What is happening? Why can't I move or circulate my energies?' So, someone thought in desperation, only seeing that many others were experiencing the same thing that was happening to him.

Infinite Dream!

But while attacking those people, Minos promptly used his mental technique on opponents trying to escape, the one that his first charge had not limited.

After all, he couldn't put all those people under the effects of his techniques at once!

Some of them were feeling weaker effects, even considering that their levels were lower than his and being within the area affected by his techniques.

But in any case, most of those people in that group of 500 opponents were below level 46. So, most of them were utterly vulnerable to Minos right now!


With that, after putting some of the strongest people into a dream controlled by him, this young man finally launched a massive attack against the people in his surroundings.

He couldn't kill all those people at once, and since many there had suffered less from the suppressive effects of his primary technique, he couldn't help but target those individuals at this first moment.

The suppressive effects of the Spatial Sword would naturally be most potent on the people closest to him in a situation where so many opponents were within its range. So, while these individuals were totally at Minos' mercy, those farthest away from him were the first to be sent to the afterlife!




"Ahh, my arm! My arm has been cut off!"

"Ahhhh! Help me, please! Help me!"

And then, many voices in pain began to sound in that place, when Minos' initial attack had claimed the lives of dozens of people at once, while such a thing had seriously injured many others.

Explosive Steps!

Indestructible Body!

Spatial Sword!

But Minos didn't care about the misery of these people.

He just moved around that place again, heading towards the most vigorous opponents, already attacking with intent to eliminate them all!




Quickly a few minutes passed. But even though, in theory, they didn't have to be there anymore, all the Miller family guards in the surrounding area had stayed to watch Minos' battle.

Not only because this was the opportunity to see a high-level regional expert in action, but also because what was happening there could only be described as impressive!

Individual strength was their goal for these Miller family guards, which they think it could not be easily opposed with numbers alone. But it was undeniable that against such a large group of opponents, it would be difficult for someone with such little difference in levels to fight back.

Even more impressive fighting dominantly, without practically suffering from his opponents' desperate attempts, as Minos had done for most of the fight!

Hence, each of those people had watched with open mouths the show, as they stored in their memories this day that surely none of them would forget.

"He... He truly massacred that group!"


"I thought we'd have to help him escape alive from here, but, wow!"

"He is a heaven-chosen prodigy!"

"Hey! Hey! Pinch me! I can't believe this isn't a dream!"

Someone in that group of Miller family guards then went next to that person and did what had asked.

"Ahhh! Wretch! Why did you do that?"

And then those people continued to watch from afar the show, as that young man was finally about to eliminate the last of those 500 individuals.

"Hah... It's finally all over!" He said aloud, just after pulling his sword from an opponent's chest, causing that bloody body to plummet to the ground, where many corpses were already piling up.

Meanwhile, Minos was completely sweaty, with a tired look on his face, but without any injuries, despite the much blood on his clothes.

'Time to collect these people's belongings and go home!' He thought, just before making a move in the direction of those individuals from the Miller family.

"Come over here. Help me deal with these bodies!"

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