In the blink of an eye, the four members of the Nash family were surrounded by the six individuals that Celeste's group had spotted earlier.

There weren't many defenses in this area. After all, this place was not designed to attract attention, something difficult to accomplish with many arrays or high-level people in the vicinity.

But it wasn't an utterly unprotected place either. That is, even if this post had to look superficially weak, for this place to sound more realistic, there was a need to have some devices.

Among them were some sound and distraction arrays, useful to alert people in this place and help in escapes or similar situations.

And when the adversary Spiritual Kings had invaded this place, it hadn't taken long for these items to start working at total capacity.

That had given room for the weaker individuals in that place to run for refuge while the stronger ones stood by to act against the invaders.

At the same time, the group led by the patriarch of the Allen family had not had the chance to attack by surprise. Instead, they ended up in the current situation, surrounding those four people while looking seriously at them.

"Duncan, you bastard, this is Nash family property!"

"Do you think you can just walk in here anyway?" The Nash patriarch said in an angry tone while circulating his energies, ready to fight at any moment.


"Marvin, you truly are an idiot!"

"Still talking nonsense even at this last moment of your life..." The Allen family patriarch said this while having his two hands holding a purple-bladed sword.

"Why don't you try something better? Come on, who knows, maybe your last words won't be forgotten!"

"Hehehe, let's just finish them off, patriarch!" One of the other Allen family members in that place said this, smiling maliciously.

At the same time, each of his companions was in battle position, waiting for the best moment to act.

"Today is the beginning of the end for your Nash family, Marvin!" So, another person said, someone wearing armor with the Collins family symbol on it.

After this was said, the other Collins family expert in that group, level 57, then nodded to his level 56 companion and commented. "You guys should just give up on all of this. Your alliance can't beat ours..."

"Why don't you just give yourselves up? Then, we can guarantee painless deaths for you and your family members!"

Hearing the comment of those Spiritual Kings of House Collins, Elen's father couldn't help but spit on the ground and make an ugly expression at those people. "You Collins people are by far the most overbearing people I've come in contact with!"

He then laughed and continued. "But don't misunderstand me, you imbecile vermin."

"Regardless of what happens to our Nash family, your House Collins is already dead!"

"You just don't know it yet."

"You guys should never have challenged the person behind that naval base!" One of the level 56 Spiritual Kings of the Nash family who was standing there said this as he looked at those two Collins as if he was seeing two walking corpses.


"Someone about to die like you doesn't need to worry about us!" The stronger of those two individuals said this, as he felt even more compelled to kill the people of the Nash family.

He and his companion naturally wanted to eliminate the Nash family to prevent this organization from creating problems for House Collins one day because of what had happened before.

That was the rational thing to do, to eliminate an enemy before he had a chance to retaliate. But these two individuals, as well as the rest of that family, didn't have an extraordinary hatred for Elen's family.

After all, until recently, neither of the two had had any significant confrontations, being two families that even had relations, although not substantial, that was peaceful.

So, it was difficult for these people to have a great hatred for these Nash family members, as those from House Allen felt for their historical rivals.

But upon hearing the comment from Richard and that other Nash elder, these two men from the Collins family could not help but feel an intense irritation.

Patriarch Nash then looked in the direction of those two for a moment and said. "I used to respect your family, but it seems that you are some hot-blooded fools who don't know how to respect others..."

"Your action from months ago will be the cause of your destruction!"


"That old devil truly likes to talk nonsense, huh?" The supreme elder of the Allen family said this as he laughed at the plight of that regional expert.

"Maybe the end made each of them lose their lucidity..." Duncan declared before finally giving the signal for them to act. "Enough stalling, time to get it over with!"

But instead of one of those people from the Nash family's enemy group saying something, Marvin himself agreed with that enemy. "Yes, some people have to die!"


After both sides shouted the same thing, the spiritual energy in the surroundings quickly became turbulent as powerful spiritual attacks formed in the air due to the techniques of those ten people.

Each of them was a regional expert, individuals with a lot of power at their disposal, and the 'best' techniques in the region.

Consequently, the commotion in their surroundings was not insignificant!

"Duncan and I will deal with the old demon Marvin. The rest of you take care of those three!" Rolf Allen said this to those other two members of his family and the allies coming from the Collins family.

Duncan and Marvin were on the same level. Still, since the Nash patriarch was the main target in this place, the Allen family group couldn't help but act against him in such a decisive manner.

Richard was also at level 58, while the supreme elder of the Allen family was only at level 57. But considering his situation, he was not much of a threat to this other group, something that would prevent those two strongest individuals of House Allen from dealing against Luke's father.

As such, the two strongest individuals there were preparing to deal with Marvin once and for all!

And considering that Duncan's group had the numerical advantage here, dealing with those other three members of the Nash family would not be so difficult.

Obviously, it wasn't something easy, but since each of them was at level 56 or higher, their lives wouldn't be at risk in this place!

And with that in mind, those people began to move toward their respective targets, following the plans of the patriarch and supreme elder Allen.

"Duncan, Rolf, it won't be long before you regret all this!"

"Your family will be wiped out before mine. You can bet on that!" Marvin said aloud while he had a severe expression on his face as he ran around that place.

"Let's see how long you keep talking nonsense!" In anger, Duncan said this while cutting the air in front of him with his sword, creating a powerful attack.

"If you think those four can help you, you are mistaken!"

He knew that there were some Spiritual Kings around this place since his family had discovered the presence of some experts in the vicinity of this area.

But what could two level 55 and two level 54 Spiritual Kings do against their group?

In patriarch Allen's opinion, those four people could even raise the difficulty of the mission to eliminate the upper echelon of House Nash. But at no time had he felt that such people could endanger the lives of him and his companions!

The difference in levels was not easily overcome, after all.

As such, he had made that comment confidently!

On the other hand, while they were acting here, other Spiritual Kings from the Allen family alliance were also in the surrounding area to deal with those four.

At the same time, once these people here were eliminated, the Allen family forces would take the opportunity to attack the rest of House Nash.

Consequently, this patriarch was confident now as he danced with his sword, fighting with Rolf against Marvin.

But as he and his group began to press the Nash family leaders, a particular noise reverberated through that place, forming an intense current of air in some directions.

Void Fists!

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