Finally, Otis's kick hit the bottom of Emlyn's neck, sending her backward as her large body rotated.



But at the same time as that Nine-tailed Fox was thrown backward, Minos' kick hit its target, right between Otis' legs.


A loud cry of pain came from that man as his legs trembled softly, as an electrifying sensation flowed through his body.

Otis obviously had his defenses activated and had a somewhat strong body. But since Minos was using his Indestructible Body, the power of the kick from before had been too great, having caused this person quite a bit of pain.

"Cowardly brat! Fight like a man!" He brandished in fury as he braced himself with his sword, trying to get away from the young Stuart who was rolling around on the ground, preparing to attack.

"I fight to win..."

"The same way I did when I killed your son!" Young Stuart maliciously commented as he held his golden-bladed sword with both hands, attacking that man diagonally.

"What did you say?" Otis brandished in fury as he finally found out about the culprit of his son's death!

All this time, he had been in the dark about it since the first investigative team had died in Dry City in that attempt of putting the blame on Minos. On the other hand, the members of the second investigative team that had also discovered Minos' connection with Darell Silva's death had died on the Black Plain. The most they had accomplished was passing on the information about the change on that territory to their superiors.

But as for Darell's death, Otis didn't know who had taken the life of his beloved son until this moment!

After finding out about the changes on the Black Plain, he and his family's focus had shifted from finding the clues of young master Darell's killer to fighting the enemy in such a place.

And after fighting a few times and gaining so many losses, the growing threat of that territory had surpassed anything this family had faced in thousands of years. Therefore, Otis no longer had so much time to worry about taking revenge for his son's death!

That could be done in the future!

On the other hand, the family's existence in the short term was much more important than this man's personal revenge!

With that, he had gotten to this point without knowing anything about it until Minos had thrown this information at him.

And after hearing this and starting to connect the dots, Otis Silva was turning redder and redder with anger, feeling that he had been manipulated and immensely offended by a 20-year-old man!

Darell had been dead for over four years, and in this interval, the Silva family had only accumulated defeats.

It was as if they were cursed!

And now, knowing this, it all made sense. Minos had been harming them all along, slowly building up this current situation where House Silva was under the threat of destruction.

"Damned demon!"

"You killed my son and devastated my family!" Otis shouted with all his might, red with rage, with all the veins in his face exposed, trembling with the hatred he was feeling now.

"Not only did I kill him, but I will also kill you, insect!"

As he said this, Minos activated his Spatial Sword once again, causing the space in his surroundings to come under his restraint as he attacked his enemy.

"Brat! If I don't kill you today, my name is not Otis Silva!"

"Then you will die like a nameless worm, decrepit old man!"


And at that moment, Otis rushed toward Minos in a rage, ignoring the battlefield in his surroundings, focused only on eliminating this person in front of him.

As Otis saw that young man's eyes glowing in the rainbow colors, he could almost see his son's face in front of him as he countered his enemy's technique.

"Worm, you should have seen the pathetic expression on that insect's face!" Minos said in a harsh tone as he 'squeezed' the mental wounds of his opponent. "He had begged to live, trying to name how powerful his daddy was..."

"But you weren't there!" He said as he leaned sideways and felt the air being cut by his enemy's weapon.

"Minos!" Otis roared, still struggling.

"In the end, I killed him with a single blow when I was several levels weaker than him, just like our current situation." He said, constantly attacking this enemy as he saw Emlyn returning to the battle. "And when I cut off his head, the expression on his face was one of pure fear, disbelief at his untimely death."

"I'll do the same to you, old bug!"

"I will cut off your head and display it to hundreds of thousands of people!" He said while having a euphoric expression, seeing how much his words were messing with his opponent's psychology.

"Son of a bitch!"

But as Otis cursed young Stuart, cursing Albert's son in his mind, this patriarch had made a crucial mistake!

By falling for Minos' provocation, he had put himself in a vulnerable position where Emlyn had not failed to take advantage of it!


And then, when she had finally reached one of Otis' legs, Kyla's mother closed her big mouth, shattering that piece of meat in one bite.



Otis began to roar in pain from then on as blood spurted from the corners of Emlyn's mouth, and the underside of that leg shook vigorously.


Finally, the sound of the bones of that part of his body breaking reverberated through that area just as Emlyn pulled that piece of flesh in the opposite direction to that man.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! Damned animal! I will kill you!" He screamed in desperation as he tried to do something about Emlyn, feeling much less enraged at this moment about Minos.

But as he was trying to do something, he felt something go through the wrist of his hand holding his sword in!


And as his hand fell to the ground, Otis cried out in pain as Emlyn finally let go of the piece of meat from earlier and used her claws to pin part of this man's body.

After that, Minos wasted no time and used his sword to slash toward the back of Otis' head, not so deep as to kill him, but deep enough to wound.

Young Stuart then made the decisive move while practically saying this person's sentence. "Worm, that's the end of you!"


Realizing what was happening, Otis screamed in despair, profoundly regretting his previous decisions.

At the same time, he hoped that at least something would happen so that his cultivation would not be affected.

He even thought of sacrificing himself and trying to take young Stuart along with him...

Unfortunately, it was already too late for him!

No one was coming to his rescue, and Minos' movement was simply too fast for him to have time to complete the sacrifice ritual.





Then a semitransparent gland with a colorful glow was forcibly torn from the base of the back of Otis' neck as he desperately, with tears in his eyes, screamed.

But not long after having his spiritual cultivation destroyed, Otis didn't even have time to come out of his state of shock when Minos put him in chains.

"You will not die today, insect."

"You will not die with dignity on the battlefield!" Minos said aloud, feeling an incredible sensation as if he was getting rid of several weights that had been accompanying him for the past few years.

As he was feeling good and breathing calmly after finishing his battle, of the previous 13 enemy Spiritual Kings, only 7 of them were left alive at this moment. But even if every one of them was in horrible shape, they all saw this final moment of Minos' fight against Otis, shocked, hopeless for their Silva family.

"Patriarch!" One of them shouted as tears streamed down his eyes.


"It can't be, Otis!" Adrian said aloud, ignoring the arm and leg he had lost in this fight.

He couldn't believe what had just happened to his patriarch, the only person he genuinely trusted in this world.

But even the person he respected the most had just fallen at Minos' feet.

It was indeed a tragic end for these experts who had once been at the top of this kingdom!

"Ahhh! It can't be! It can't be! That can only be a nightmare!"

But while some of them went into despair at seeing Otis' downfall, the people on Minos' team didn't take it lightly and continued what they were doing.

"Old fart, don't worry about Otis. Worry about yourself!" Liam Gill shouted as he grinned, once again attacking his target.



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