"That damn brat!"

"How could he do this to us? That is not right!" London said indignantly, not understanding how Dry City could have such an ability. "This shouldn't happen!"

They respected Minos' strength to the extent that they had formed such a strong team already for the beginning of the conflict. But that did not mean that they considered him dangerous to the point of accomplishing this!

That is, it was one thing if the soldiers who were supposed to be here in this area had fallen during some confrontation against the enemies on a battlefield. But that was completely different than what London and his fellow travelers were witnessing at the moment.

Destroying an entire city, and probably the group that was here, put Dry City on an entirely different level!

Hell, this city could be considered a royal family base!

A place that should be considered safe enough for the soldiers of the Counter-Revolutionary Army to rest in peace when they returned from the battlefield!

But still, the forces of Minos had probably found some way to ignore all this and ultimately destroy this area.

Anyway, while London was still indignant, the two humans in his group were already carefully observing the surroundings. They were trying to associate the current image of this area with what this place should look like.

"They destroyed the entire infrastructure of the Maritime City... From the most distant and common houses in the central area to even the harbors."

"There's nothing useful left for us!"

"Yes, this place now has no use for receiving our troops... Or rather, this area is no better than many others on the Black Plain!" The other person commented in agreement as he noticed the probable goal of the enemies. 'They are smart for destroying this place...'

"But I wonder what happened to the population of this place... Did Minos Stuart just massacre them?" The same person from before looked quizzically at his companion as he said this.

The killing was not considered a significant crime in the Spiritual World. Or rather, there were rules against it everywhere. Still, it was common for this to happen, and practically every warrior would have countless deaths on his record.

But as long as someone didn't do it in the strictly forbidden places, even if many people knew that someone had killed thousands, most likely no one would bother about it.

At least in most cases. After all, someone who kills his own master, parents, very close relatives, and so on would never be well regarded even in the Spiritual World.

However, killing hundreds of thousands of people in one single act was completely different!

And since the numbers of people in this city were far beyond the acceptable limit, that person couldn't help but question this aspect.

Minos should be around 21 at this point, but had he been able to order something of this nature?

That was genuinely worrying!

"It would be easier to eliminate everyone in this city at once..." The other commented, feeling that this was the most likely thing to have happened here.

"Maybe we should show the rest of the kingdom how cruel..."

As one of those two was about to say something, the supreme elder finally gave his opinion. "No, I doubt those people from Dry City have wiped out the entire local population."

"We can't trust the population figures of that place that we received earlier. But it is a fact that the population of that city is not large."

"That dome has its limits, after all..."

"So, they must have captured the survivors and taken them there."


"That actually makes more sense!"

"If that is true, we should pursue them, supreme elder!"

"Considering the state of this area, I believe this place was destroyed less than four days ago. So, part of those people is probably still on the road."

"This is our chance to get revenge!" The young man said energetically while looking at London in expectation.

However, the supreme elder of that family had lived a long time and did not like ill-planned actions. "No. We don't know anything about what happened here."

"And even if these citizens of Maritime City are being escorted to Dry City, who can assure us that there are specialists in such a group?"

"Maybe only the small fry are with them."

"But what if there is someone strong enough to challenge me?"

"I am confident in fighting the Black Plain, but alone, even I can fall in this place!" He said firmly, already calmer than before.

Doing as that young man had suggested would genuinely be a big gamble. At best, they could eliminate some powerful enemies. But at worst, they would be killed!

It wasn't hard to imagine what they would prefer here.

On the other hand, it was much better to wait for orders from the king, who by now certainly had some idea of what had happened, as well as plans ready to be put into action.

With that, London would rather wait for another day or two until some crow coming from the Brown family headquarters reached him. Only then would he act.

"Come on!" He nodded to those two and commented to his beast. "Let's circle the area. Maybe there are survivors in the surroundings."


Soon after, they departed from that place.


Meanwhile, in Dry City.

After two days since the attacks of the Black Plain Army, allies and subordinates, against the enemy forces in that territory, almost everyone who was supposed to return to that city was already here.

Minos and his group and those who had participated in the attacks against the posts east and south of Dry City had returned to this place. As for those coming from the Maritime City, the vast majority of them had not reached this place.

Only the carriages with the soldiers and citizens wounded in that conflict had reached Dry City by now as the rest of the group coming from that place continued their journey here.

So, Dry City General Hospital was very busy at this moment, with a capacity close to its maximum, with many people already being treated in tents in the side streets of the building.

This place was closed for the passage of people not related to the essential services in that area. But even so, many citizens were watching from afar, at various points where there were already small crowds in the surroundings.

They were not just watching outside the tents in that area. No, as many people and carriages were still coming from the Maritime City, several wounded people were passing through that area, crying from their injuries every hour.

On the other hand, some of the arriving people were not in deadly dangerous situations, and they would leave that area after a short time.

But as several inhabitants of today's Dry City had come from that city, more than 100,000 to be precise, many were curious to know if their neighbors, friends, had arrived. So, they crowded around to observe this area from which cries of pain were constantly spreading.

But while these people outside the local hospital were watching that outside area where the medical tents were, the group of Spiritual Kings was on the upper floors of that building.

Most of the Spiritual Kings who had participated in the previous attacks were physically well. Just a few days of rest would be enough for them to be ready for the subsequent battles. But some of them needed medical treatment if they didn't want to lose their fighting proficiency.

Consequently, these individuals were on the floor of this hospital attended directly by Dillian, the doctor with the best skills in this place.

Anyway, in one of the rooms on that floor in question, Minos and several of the local Spiritual Kings were there, even if they weren't here to use Dillian's services.

Since it was expected that some Spiritual Kings would have to pass here, young Stuart had already ordered them all to come directly here, where they could inform him of their results.

And that was what he was doing at this very moment while learning about the results at the post operated by the Miller family, right after hearing about the actions of the team led by Elena.

"... And that's what happened in that place, young Minos." One of the three Miller family Spiritual Kings who had 'fallen' in that place said, finishing talking about the events in that area.


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