Several cannons were fired on the outskirts of Dry City, targeting different parts of the local defensive dome.

At the same time, this was happening; the many soldiers and allies of Minos in the vicinity were already circulating their energies, waiting for the right moment to act.

They were outnumbered, so they could not fight carelessly. Consequently, only by using strategy could they challenge this powerful force that was attacking them today.

With that, they allowed the first wave of enemy attacks to hit the local defensive dome, which had precisely the primary purpose of protecting Dry City against such attacks!

Thus the giant cannonballs fired at the local defensive dome quickly reached the safety limit of that device. Then, in the blink of an eye, opaque barriers appeared around that structure, covering all of Dry City.

"What's happening?"

"That's defensive dome! We are under attack!"

"Ahh, it's happening! It's happening!"

Several people in Dry City began to get nervous as they noticed the daylight fading in a single instant, while the typical twilight of the nights covered that urban area.

They had already been warned that things would get a bit tumultuous in the next few days, as well as being warned to avoid staying near the local wall. But even so, many were still shocked to realize that such a thing was happening!

"Mommy! Mommy, I'm scared!" A young girl walking back from the Dry City Preparatory Academy said next to a middle-aged woman.

Such a person then stopped walking and knelt in front of her daughter, hugging her and saying some words of comfort. "Don't worry, sweetheart. The local barriers will protect us."

And then...



Suddenly, many explosion sounds arose for those inside that area, just when the many cannonballs started hitting the local defenses.

Each time one of these cannonballs hit some point of that enormous barrier, the material that looked like an opaque gel shook vigorously while parts of it prolonged like a rubber band.

After that, the cannonballs that could not overcome such defenses would explode into endless pieces, creating tiny cracks here and there in that structure.



But defensive barriers created by medium-level grade-2 defensive arrays were not weak, and attacks like those needed many cannonballs to succeed!

Consequently, despite the shock to the local population, the urban area of Dry City remained untouched while the defensive dome withstood the enemy offensive.

"That's the difference of us being in Dry City..." An elderly gentleman commented aloud as he stood in the middle of one of the most important streets of this place. "If it were in another city in the region, we would be exposed to that conflict!"


'That truly makes a big difference...'

Several people thought of this as they watched such a thing develop in awe.

And it was no different for the Brown family troops, who were looking forward to the partial destruction of that dome, something that would make an invasion attempt possible!

'Let's see how long you can stand it, rebels...'

'Soon, you will lose this shell that gives you so much courage to challenge us... We will see if you are that good later!'



While several of the soldiers of the Counter-Revolutionary Army were thinking such things, the explosions around specific points of that dome continued.

However, this did not continue for long!

At that moment, explosions appeared around the outside of the dome, around where Minos' enemy forces were!


In the blink of an eye, dozens of explosions took place, creating chaos among the soldiers led by King Brown. At the same time, curtains of smoke, flames, and dust began to spread around the area.



"The rascals have set up explosion arrays around this area!"

"Be careful!"


"Help me! Help me!" Someone desperately screamed as he felt a hellish heat slowly melting his skin.

Simultaneously with this individual screaming in agony and pleading for assistance, several others who Minos' group's initial action had hit were also yelling in desperation.

However, in just a few seconds, hundreds of them had already died without even having a chance to show the world their despair!

"Damn rebels!" Thomas Brown said in hatred, just after realizing that he had fallen into Minos' trap.

'How could this brat do this? Did he spread explosive arrays all over the surroundings of this place?'

'No! No, impossible!'

'He can't have that many crystals to put those arrays all over that area!'

'That would be far more than what even my family could invest in a single confrontation!' He reasoned about it, trying to understand how Minos' attacks could be so decisive against him.

The Brown family group had tens of thousands of people, so even these explosions around that area were not enough to kill a significant number of them. However, it was impressive that the explosions in question happened when the barriers were reaching their limit and at critical places!

With that, Minos' side disrupted the attack by King Brown's group and managed to knock out several of the troops around where the cannons were!

It was as if Minos' forces knew where they would be...

And come to think of it, it was not impossible to figure out the places that were most likely to happen. After all, there were positions where weapons like cannons worked best.

But that would involve an extensive area to be covered with explosives!

Therefore, King Brown was shocked at the Black Plain's precise accuracy.

"That bastard truly likes to explode things!"

"Your Majesty, we have to kill that demon!"

"If we don't deal with the damned rebels in that place as promptly as possible, I fear for the safety of the entire kingdom!"

Several of the group leaders commanded by Thomas shouted such things, advocating for this king to use everything they had to oppress Dry City.

But while they were talking about this, the fast attack groups from Dry City had already made their move amid the smoke in that area, directly attacking the enemy cannons!




Several sounds sounded through that area where the thousands of soldiers commanded by Thomas were, as many attacks cut through the air, moving quickly towards their targets.

"Enemy attack! Get ready!"

"Ahh! Fight for the kingdom! Kill the rebels!"

However, even though many had already realized that enemies in the surrounding area were attacking them, such enemies were too quick. By the time those people realized it, everything had already happened!


"My cannon, my cannon was damaged!"

"Ahh! The same thing happened to mine!"

"They just stole the last batch of cannonballs I had!"

Several of those soldiers who controlled these weapons and survived the previous explosions shouted similar things as their hearts were filled with frustration.

And while many were saying things like that, hundreds of soldiers from those invading forces were using their techniques to clear the area of the dust and smoke from before.

The vision of cultivators was excellent in the dark, but the same was not entirely true for dust and gas. After all, unless they had skills or techniques that made them see through things, it would be difficult to see through matter!

That involved entirely different abilities than seeing in the dark!

As such, many individuals quickly scrambled to improve their surroundings' situation until daylight once again illuminated the entire space between them and the enemy barrier.

And with that done, it was not long before the forces led by King Brown realized what was happening.

'They are not attacking us!' So, one of the level 49 Spiritual Generals there thought to himself, realizing that the previous action was only to slow them down from destroying part of the local defenses.

At that instant, the barrier around Dry City was still standing, with many cracks at specific points, but no points destroyed. At the same time, none of the enemies could be seen in the surrounding area, ahead of where the tens of thousands of people from that Brown family group were.

'Those cowards!'

'They dare to fight in such a lowly way!'

"Damn rebels!" Thomas shouted in a fury, enraged by Minos' actions.

And while this king was trembling with rage, Minos was watching this with a smile on his face, feeling good that the land mine plan had narrowly worked out.

'Good thing we knew the exact direction they were coming from; otherwise, this wouldn't have worked...' He thought about it as he remembered that after those arrays had been activated, the explosions had only hit the vicinity of where the enemy weapons were.

That had not destroyed them directly, but it had been enough to create chaos and disrupt the enemies who were handling and protecting those weapons!

'Now, what are you going to do?' Minos asked in his mind as he looked in the direction where Thomas was standing.

'Will you sacrifice your energies to destroy part of the dome? Or will you make your many soldiers do it for you?'


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