Quickly five days passed...

While Lee and Alison's group continued their critical mission, and the war on the Black Plain had its battles for space, something abnormal was happening in this territory.

Specifically, this thing was happening between the Brown Kingdom and the Cromwell Kingdom borders.

As for what was happening, well, this was nothing less than a meeting of kings!

The northern region of the Central Continent did not have many states, being only 6, if one considered Stone Island to be part of that area. And so, there were only six kings in this region, compelling individuals, not only individually but collectively as well.

Precisely because of the importance that each one of them had, these individuals rarely left their states.

Not that they did not communicate between them. But those rulers usually did this through letters or other means of regional communication, such as sending representatives.

So, a meeting with at least two of these individuals, as was happening right now, was an extremely unusual event!

Not only that, hardly any kings would meet in the middle of a desert region. A place far from major urban centers, as in the place where they were at this moment, in that part of the Black Plain.

And because of all these unusual circumstances, each of the experts in the surrounding area and the Spiritual Generals of the two states were there nervous, worried, and anxious.

Worried because royals naturally had their flaws, peculiarities that sometimes made them difficult people to live with.

Usually, they only dealt with their subordinates, vassals, individuals obliged to please them. But when meeting others of the same status, problems of all sorts could happen!

On the other hand, those various people in the surroundings of the large camp where the two monarchs were meeting were anxious because of the current situation in the region.

Minos had already passed the point where he could be controlled by only one level 59 cultivator and had, thus, become a threat to the entire region.

Therefore, these people could not help but worry about the future of their states, which at any time in the future, depending on young Stuart's wishes, could be invaded or destroyed!

Hence, they could only hope that those two peak regional experts would work together to deal with the threat on the Black Plain.


Inside the most exotic tent in that sizeable military camp, Thomas Brown and James Cromwell were sitting face to face, in silence.

Apart from them, there was no one inside such a tent, only the royal guards of the two standing around the outer area. And as they sat there in silence, the two individuals had many things on their minds, questions to ask, possible plans, and even some accusations.

"Looks like you've made quite a mess, uh, my dear Thomas..." King Cromwell said this while having a deadly serious expression on his old face.

Hearing this comment from that person wearing a golden robe, King Brown frowned, finding it disproportionate.


"I would say that it causes a mess that one who attacks another independent state, but not a rebellion caused by a third party..."

"If rebellions were so easy to prevent, we wouldn't have had so many similar events over the past 200,000 years." Thomas declared without looking away.


"You speak very well for a person who has put the entire region in danger..." James dismissively said while making an expression of disappointment. "Couldn't you have killed that child before he got to the present level?"

"He even dared to participate in the Spiritual Tournament in my state, and even then, you couldn't identify him?"

"Are you that incompetent, Thomas?"

That was a tough thing for King Brown to hear.

James did not know it, but Thomas had plotted the death of Minos' father merely to prevent that man from eventually getting out of control.

So, it was only natural that his son would be considered a potential danger.

And if James knew that, then his lecture would be even harsher!

But Minos' situation was somewhat unique. After all, there was no way anyone could have known ten years ago how far he would reach.

Minos had been seriously injured at that time when he had not even begun to cultivate. At that time, Thomas had even considered eliminating young Stuart. Still, after the Silva family's move, this man had gotten the best of scenarios.

Someone had dealt with Albert for Thomas, and the only son of that potential problem had been injured and would not have a chance to learn from that king's actions even if he was fortunate.

At that time, most likely, even if he lived and became influential, Minos would have a tough time finding out the culprit for the Silva family's actions. After all, such an organization had hidden its involvement very well!

But even if Minos had discovered something, he would still have something against the Silva family, not against House Brown!

And that had been perfect for Thomas.

So much so, in fact, that it had happened!

Even today, Minos had no idea that the upper echelon of the Brown family had facilitated the Silva family's action.

With that, as well as the frightening power that Minos' mother had, Thomas had let the poor boy live to grow up to the current point.

Had that been a mistake?

Obviously, looking at the current situation, yes, of course. But when considering only the evidence he had at the time, even now, King Brown still felt he had made the best decision.

The world was vast and unprecedented events could happen at any time, to anyone.

Life itself was incredible just by existing. There were so many things that threatened creatures like humans, yet they were there, living and thriving.

With that, Minos could have died at any moment and consequently never had any relevance.

And this was the most likely scenario considering the information he had at the time, information regarding a young man who was neither living nor dying, who had missed the best time to cultivate.

Considering all this, Thomas could not help but feel irritated by the poor judgment of his colleague. In his opinion, James probably would have gotten to the same place as him if their roles were opposite.

"James, you blame me for not recognizing an insignificant young man until recently, but what about you? While I was here trying to deal with my mistakes, you started a senseless confrontation with the Snow family."

"You are responsible for diminishing the power of two royal houses!"

"To make matters worse, you knew very well that brat was rebelling against me at that time."


"I don't think you have any right to judge my leadership in the Brown Kingdom!"


"All right..."

"Let's talk about the damn rebel and get it over with." James contritely said, already feeling frustrated that he could not throw the blame for the regional problems on that man in front of him.

He felt ashamed that he had made the mistake of underestimating Minos, thinking that this young man would not be as troublesome to this point.

That was why he had acted so decisively against the Snow family and fought a war of more than six months against such a royal organization.

But as he watched himself at this moment, this king felt very bad. Not only had he made a mistake, but he had been forced to retreat, make peace agreements, and now, he feared Minos' existence.

All this was very bad for him!

That's why he had tried to make the person in front of him more ashamed, in an attempt to keep his mistakes away from himself.

Anyway, Thomas knew this neighbor's personality and had not given in.

So there was no more time to make accusations.

"Good," Thomas said after sighing.

"You fought him a few times... What can you tell me about that?" James asked, now with a solemn expression on his old face. "I saw that brat fight in the final of the Spiritual Tournament, but I imagine things have changed a lot since that time."


"I didn't see him fighting when he was at the 4th stage of cultivation, but today, being at the 6th stage, he's a real monster."

"When he was at level 50, he was already able to withstand my blows for some time..."

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