Two weeks later...

After Minos' confrontation with King Brown and King Cromwell, things on the Black Plain went on as usual, with enemy troops fighting around this territory.

But with the arrival of the forces of House Cromwell to provide support for the Kingdom Brown to fight the rebellion on the Black Plain, the pressure on Minos had increased considerably.

Because of that, even considering the arrival of the more than 100,000 members of the three noble families of the Brown Kingdom who were now on the Black Plain side, that had not helped the situation as much.

But that was to be expected. After all, most of those people had no actual power to fight the war.

On the other hand, the enemy numbers had increased quantitatively and qualitatively with the arrival of the Cromwell family.

Moreover, the position of the Brown family troops was excellent for the Counter-Revolutionary Army to expand its actions with the arrival of more allies. In contrast, the position of the Miller, Austin, and Parkinson families was not so simple.

Dry City could have its advantages, and Minos' army knew how to use the terrain to their advantage. But the enemies would not come this far, so this did not generate many favorable conditions for them right now.

Moreover, without the inside information of internal allies and with so many enemies around the territory, acting even after that addition of personnel was not so simple.

At the very least, they would have to risk attacking the enemies without much advantage, something dangerous.

Consequently, even though Minos and those top regional specialists had not fought in the last few days, his side had lost another 5% of this territory to the enemy!

In any case, young Stuart was still acting when he could, training when he should, and continuing with his primary or alternative plans.

He knew that the situation would be horrible up to some point in the war, so he was not desperate just for these losses.

The opposite of that, he and his people continued to work hard, counting on the moment when they would have their breakthroughs!

And that had just happened to one of the Black Plain Army's specialists!


At the headquarters of young Stuart's army...

In this place where thousands of people passed by, daily, the inner cultivation tower was as full as ever, with many soldiers coming and going, making room for others to cultivate and train here.

But while the corridors and rooms of this six-story building were crowded, the large cultivation room for 6th stage cultivators had a few Lieutenants training at this very moment.

Among them were Mirya, Eduard, Grace, Elena, Viola, and Doug, the Black Plain Army's top blacksmith.

Anyway, most of them were peacefully cultivating on top of their cultivation pads, close to each other in the specific space for that kind of activity.

On the other hand, Eduard and Elena trained their techniques, improving their mastery.

But while each of them was focusing on their self-improvement, suddenly, the body of one of those cultivating people stopped trembling. At the same time, a cracking sound spread out from the bottom of that being.


That person's soul stopped expanding at that moment, and she finally achieved a new level, quickly absorbing much of the energy from the crystals around her.

"Oh?" The two people training their techniques looked in Mirya's direction with smiles, pleased that one of them had just advanced.

Mirya had finally reached level 54!

And while the others who were cultivating understood what had happened but continued in silence, Mirya finally opened her eyes, smiling.

'Finally!' She thought about it contentedly, feeling how nice it was to be able to get stronger, getting one step closer to level 60, her goal.

Mirya had suffered a great deal of trauma before due to the sacrifice of that assassin from the Scourge of the Devil group. Because of this, not only had her strength been partially degraded, but the many scars around her body had also impaired her beautiful appearance.

Because of this, this woman, previously full of life and sexual pleasures, had not experienced anything for months!

That was not much, considering the life expectancy she had and the reality of the Spiritual World, where there were hermits thousands of years old who were still virgins.

But for a person with her personality, months without that were a long time.

In any case, such a reality was due to Mirya herself, who had deprived herself of her forbidden relationship with Viola and her experiences with other 'friends,' as in the case of young Stuart.

Mirya was a woman of breathtaking beauty. And precisely because of this, she could not accept herself at the moment, much less allow herself to be with other people.

And that had put her in this situation of, let's say, abstention.

But she was not satisfied!

So, with each advance she had, with each step closer to achieving the traditional spiritual cleansing, Mirya could not help but feel great pleasure, coupled with relief.

'If it weren't for the remaining damage to my body, I could probably fight on equal terms against regional nobles who were at the top of level 56.'

'But due to the condition of my body, my maximum capacity is probably equivalent to that of a noble at the beginning of that level.' She pondered this as she nodded to Eduard and Elena.

She stood up from where she was, clenched her fists, and closed her eyes momentarily. 'In any case, I can now protect myself better and play a more relevant role in the war!'

After thinking about it, she immediately headed towards the exit of that place, saying goodbye to those two and then heading to young Stuart's office, where she would report her progress.


But while Mirya was going to talk to Minos, at one of the southernmost points of the Kingdom of the Waves, a large army was passing through the area, coming from the north.

Such a group had over 40,000 people, with the weakest of them being at the 5th stage. There were also 45 Spiritual Kings at the intermediate levels of this stage accompanying them.

But while the strength of this group was impressive, the many symbols that could be seen on carriages, clothes, items in the surroundings of this group were the most eye-catching of all.

After all, warrior groups would rarely have people from so many different organizations!

Anyway, as these people headed south, having just passed through the vicinity of the Flooded Valley, the leaders of such a group were gathered together as they mounted their beasts.

"Those damned wild beasts!" One of them said in hatred, regretting what they had been through in the past few weeks.

"That's probably brat Stuart's doing!" A level 56 Spiritual King with the Collins family symbol on his clothes said this in anger.

After entering the Flooded Valley, this Counter-Revolutionary Army group coming from the Kingdom of the Waves had suffered to cross such an area.

In addition to the naturally dangerous terrain of this area, they had had to fight against virtually every beast in this region while crossing that area!

That had been the action promised by the Feathered Serpent tribe to Minos in the previous agreement that the two parties had agreed upon.

The Feathered Serpents were the leaders of this area, and since they had made several promises to the other tribes of the Flooded Valley, it had not taken long for an army of beasts to be formed in this area.

With this, every time massive groups of humans passed through these areas, those beasts would fight with everything in an attempt to slaughter the enemies before they reached the Black Plain.

And such a thing had produced positive effects for Minos!

For example, the group in question had suffered so much from this that those in this place now had only 60% of their original force!

Even the Spiritual Kings of this group were outnumbered when they had started this journey months ago!

So, these people could not help but feel bad for their recent past, even considering that they were now almost under the territory ruled by their allies in the fight against Minos.

"Those damn serpents!"

"Why did those things come to our kingdom? Previously there was no information about those disgusting beings in our state!" A man who had had his right hand melted by the acid of a serpent from that tribe commented on this with a murderous gleam in his eyes.

It was just a shame that their goal was to deal with Minos. Otherwise, they would have fought harder in that place instead of avoiding the enemy and trying to cross the area quickly.

And this man in question could not help but shiver with rage at having to hold his hatred and not being able to turn back the way to get revenge.

'Damn rebels!'

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