The Rise of the Black Plain

The power displayed by Minos and Ruth's techniques was so great for their levels that both Leroy and Jeff were in complete disbelief at this.

And even if the power emitted by Ruth was not so different from that of Jeff, Minos' blow was much stronger than Leroy's!

Not only that, but Leroy had noticed that by the time he entered that area within the black ring in the sky, his speed had slowed, and he was gradually losing spiritual energy!

'What the fuck is going on?' Leroy thought as he tried to understand the changing events.

He was supposed to win this fight in one stroke, and then he could have fun with beautiful Ruth. However, the reality was quite different. Even before his attacks collided, Leroy was sure he couldn't beat Minos!

Green Shield!

And even before he was attacked, Leroy immediately activated his defensive technique in an attempt to prevent injuries from Minos' attack.

'That wretch! But I doubt that his attack technique alone can destroy my attack and my defense together! Whoever has more spiritual energy will be the winner of this fight!' He thought confidently.

And at the same time, bodyguard Jeff looked over at Minos and Leroy and sighed as he thought. 'If we extend this fight, I can win this girl. As for the young master, I think he can hold it until I finish here...'

Jeff then turned his attention to Ruth and started to fight her.


At the same time, when Jeff and Ruth had started to fight each other, Minos and Leroy finally clashed.

'Ehh? Why isn't he using his blow to defend against my attack?' Leroy thought, seeing Minos not giving a damn about his attack.


The shield, which appeared to be made of several roots and was being used by Leroy to defend himself when he was struck by Minos' blades of air, was instantly destroyed, emitting an explosion sound in the area.


The claws of spiritual energy that appeared in Leroy's hands slowly hit Minos' chest. Still, it barely scratched the young Stuart's skin before finally breaking!


Leroy let out a great cry of pain as he took several steps back, feeling various cuts through his body. The wounds were not enough for him to be in danger of death, but the cuts still hurt a lot and certainly diminished his proficiency in battle.

"Miserable, I'm going to kill you!" He shouted in an angry voice.

He, the young master of the Chambers family, a high-ranking power in the northern region of the Central Continent, had never been hurt like that before!

Leroy was feeling humiliated because of this. He was injured by a person who had not even reached level 40.

That would be a blemish on his battle records!

At the same time, Minos did not listen to what Leroy was exclaiming. No, there was no point in talking during a fight.

That was just about killing or being killed!

Spatial Sword!

Again his attack technique was activated when Leroy felt his body getting heavier and saw Minos starting to launch other attacks towards him.

'Shit! Why does this guy have so much spiritual energy?' He lamented in his mind.

Leroy did not understand how Minos could continue to launch his techniques as if he was not worried that his spiritual energy would run out!

For him, only with the previous attack should Minos be almost exhausted. However, the reality was ruthless for Leroy, who only had Black-grade techniques...


While Minos and Leroy exchanged blows, Ruth had already spent half her energies, having several abrasions on her body. It was not easy for her to fight with such a difference, but she was still trying her best to hold on to her opponent.


Jeff took another punch to the face as he staggered to the side.

He was as hurt as Ruth, and he, too, had already spent almost half of his spiritual energy. And with each passing moment, Leroy's bodyguard became more and more scared.

'How can she be so strong, just being at level 46?' He thought to himself. Jeff was starting to be afraid that these two youths they attacked were of even more substantial power than the Chambers family...

If that were the case, if they didn't eliminate these people today, their lives would certainly be taken another day!



It wasn't long before Jeff realized that his young master was rapidly deteriorating, to the point where Leroy was unlikely to survive the following three attacks unleashed by Minos.

While Leroy agonized in pain because of the many cuts in his body, Jeff suddenly ran towards the blades that Minos had thrown, counterattack it.

He had no choice. If this continued, even if he could beat Ruth, his young master would still be killed. That way, they could only retreat by the hour and get ready for revenge at another time!

Upon seeing this, Ruth immediately ran to Minos, standing in front of him to defend against any attack sent in his direction.



An explosion occurred as soon as Minos and Jeff's techniques touched, while remnants of the attack spread in all directions, forming powerful winds in that place.

Minos held on to Ruth's waist while the young girl protected him from being hit by the enemy's technique.

Simultaneously, Jeff grabbed Leroy by the waist, running at full speed from this location. If they didn't run away, a tragedy for him could end up happening.

"Young master, we can't go on with this..." He said in a low voice as he moved quickly.

'Shit! Shit! Shit!' Leroy cursed in his mind. 'I'll remember this, bastards!'

At the same time, as Leroy was taking his oath, Minos spoke aloud in an icy tone. "Leroy Chambers, huh? Escape while you can. One day I will rip your head off!"

"Worm!" Before Leroy and his bodyguard finally disappeared from Minos' sight, that was the only word heard.

Seeing this, Minos blew out a sigh of relief and looked at Ruth.

She had many abrasions on her body and looked very pale at the moment. He then touched her face and asked in a concerned manner. "Do you have any serious injuries?"

Ruth shook her head in denial and then said in a tired voice. "No, it's just external injuries. I will be fine after two days."

"That's nice. Don't worry about those two. One day I will kill that bastard myself." Minos said in a determined tone. For him, the problem with Leroy could already be considered to have crossed the line, where there could still be chances for reconciliation.

At the moment, Leroy was an enemy that had to be killed!

He couldn't let such a scum live, especially after the things he had said he would do to Ruth.

Ruth might not be Minos' wife, but their relationship was excellent at the moment, and he couldn't bear to offend her. Therefore, he felt an indescribable hatred, perhaps as great as the hatred he had for those responsible for his father's death!

"Hmm..." Ruth nodded in agreement. She could handle it herself, but she felt perfect knowing that Minos was on her side. Although it is not good to depend a lot on others, having someone to trust was an excellent thing...


While Minos and Ruth rested elsewhere in that forest, their two enemies, Leroy and Jeff, had already covered dozens of kilometers. After some time, they finally stopped to recover, in a place full of trees and with a stream.

Leroy then snarled as he leaned against a tree. "Shit! We don't even have the name of that bastard!"

Upon hearing this, Jeff, who had just taken some spiritual pills out of his spatial ring, said in a confident voice.

"Take it easy, young master. I'm sure that boy will participate in the Spiritual Tournament. That way, we can discover his identity when the competition starts."

Leroy calmed down a little upon hearing this and started thinking about what he could do. He then said. "I cannot beat that wretch. Even if I had a weapon like his, it would still be a difficult fight. So, I can only use my intelligence to form a strong ally during the Spiritual Tournament, who can help me take care of that guy."

Jeff then sat on the ground, and before he started to cultivate, he thought of something terrible, but he said nothing to his young master. 'I just hope that those two are from the North of the Central Continent. Otherwise, we will be dead in a very short time...'

He hadn't said anything about his crazy thinking to Leroy because it was doubtful. There was no reason for people from outside this region to come to this place.

It would be a waste of their precious time!

However, he still couldn't help thinking about the challenging strength that Minos and Ruth showed.

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