He discovered Nangong Chong’s secret to make time go back?

Yan Chixia and Sun Junlin have travelled in Jiang Hu for a long time and have never heard such things. How come something they experienced become a completely different story? It’s almost like a child went out to buy candies in the street and when he came back home, he was told that some demons coming out in the street and a swordsman fought against them, and at last everything quieted down like nothing had happened. It could only be a dream.

The monk did not say a word. Since Meng Qi knew he carried the Ksitigarbha Transgression Script, he tended to believe him but dared not say whether it was true or not. Maybe the Guru of the Sect of Ether made up a story for some other purpose.

Everyone kept quiet. Meng Qi looked at everyone and did not explain the secret but described different versions of how things went like every time when time went back in details, including different scenes of Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian met.

Everyone looked at each other with a surprised look. If it’s a fake story, how could Meng Qi explain everything in such details? And their way of talking and personality in the story matched with the reality so well, it almost felt like they just heard a story of another self!

It could not be fake.

Or maybe Meng Qi has reached a level to predict everything. But why would he want to cheat them on this, anyway?

As they were still thinking, Meng Qi folded his hands on his back, looked up at the starry sky, and sighed, “I’ve realized that Nangong does not belong to our world but from a different world. He entered into our world by the help of a special device and then constituted his body out of nothing. That’s why he could control time and make it go back on a small scale.”

“Constituted his body out of nothing, time goes back…” Du Qingqing murmured to herself. She knew Chong for a quite long time. How come she never noticed that he had such magical powers.

So is he the incarnation of the Creator? Yan Chixia and others made an assumption. Meng Qi said calmly, “Therefore I let my Primordial Spirit go out of my body, replacing the blue sky with the yellow sky. My Primordial Spirit went through the barrier by connecting with Nangong’s Qi Ji and entered into his world.”

What? Yan Chixia and Sun Junlin opened their mouth slowly. They never thought that the story would have such a turning point!

Going through the barrier and entering into the world on the reverse side? This has gone far away from their imaginations and was more bizarre than any other stories they’ve ever heard. How could anyone make up such a story if he has not experienced everything himself?

Du Qingqing, Ning Caichen, and Nie Xiaoqian got even more confused. They felt like they were listening to some kind of story telling.

“Amitabha, what did you experience in another world?” the monk finally opened his mouth and asked.

He had always been careful not to make any quick judgment of truth. Therefore, he decided to ask for more details and then make his judgment by taking all details into consideration.

Meng Qi looked away and said at a leisurely manner, “Nangong lived in a world that is completely different from ours. They invented new devices to explore Heaven and Earth. They study the law of nature and then design different things according to that law. Generally, it means that they create things to help themselves to have a strong, healthy body and live a longer life.”

“They made warships that can destroy stars to travel in the river of Heaven. Their daily life is quite convenient, much more convenient than our world. They communicate with each other by something called phones and the Internet. It’s a device that can help people to hear each other’s voice like they are standing next to each other. They use airplanes and hovering cars to travel. Those devices are so fast that can take people to any places no longer than time for a meal….”

Du Qingqing listened attentively. The world Meng Qi described was so different from her world. And Meng Qi explained everything in great detail. It did not seem to be a fake story.

How come there exists such a strange place? And people living there enjoy such convenient and comfortable life?

Meng Qi smiled and said, “The place I arrived in that world is Nangong’s home and he was playing a video game called The Witch of the Black Mountain.”

“Video game?” Everyone blurted out except for the monk.

They all knew the word game but it sounded like that it had a different meaning from what they knew. And the name was The Witch of the Black Mountain!

“Just like we call Hen and Chicks a game. The Witch of the Black Mountain was a game based on our world. It created a world of illusion and players will play different roles like eagle or chicken in it. Nangong’s role in the game is young hero Nangong Chong,” Meng Qi explained.

“If it is only a world of illusion, how come we can meet him and even travel together with him?” Yan Chixia frowned and asked.

Meng Qi nodded his head slightly and said, “I found it to be very strange, too, at the beginning. But after a little research, I found out the reason behind it. Different from other players, Nangong arrived in our world directly and it’s caused by a mysterious fragmentation from that world.”

Meng Qi did not speak further and raised his right hand and drew a circle in mid-air. The circle displayed a video of his conversation with Wu Youming.

“The Female Monarch got transported reversely?” the Envoy of the Left, Yan Chixia, and Du Qingqing noticed it at first. The monk watched it with a solemn face. What Wu Youming said in the conversation was clear and logical. Though they might not understand the meaning of virtual technology, they knew the words world of illusion. By looking at the whole thing and the details, they could judge whether Meng Qi’s story was true or not.

Meng Qi switched the video to another one that was shot when he led Nangong Chong to sneak into the Canopy Game Company and their battle against the Female Monarch. Everyone else watched the video breathing heavily as they all recognized the Female Monarch!

“Later by the help of the government in that world, I destroyed the game company but only to find the Female Monarch already left and the mysterious fragmentation was lost with the special device ruined completely. The Witch of the Black Mountain left this message on the wall,” Meng Qi showed them the bloody line. That’s why our world went back to normal but Nangong could not come to this side again as his body disappeared automatically.”

“Are you saying that Chong is not dead?” Du Qingqing asked eagerly. Now she tended to believe the story to be true.

Sun Junlin suddenly realized something and said, “Master, the video you showed to Laolao before, was it from that world? Was it made by a player in the world of illusion?”

He was not disappointed at the result that his master was not a prophet. If what his master said was true, it meant that his master was able to replace the blue sky with the yellow sky and his Primordial Spirit could travel out of this world and enter another world. His master has already surpassed all the other Great Gurus and was almost the same level with Demons and Gods. He admired his master even more!

“Yes, it was,” Meng Qi answered with his long robe waving in the wind.

No wonder! He has been thinking about it all the time how his master knew about Laolao’s past life. Now he had an explanation but he soon frowned again and asked, “But if it was a world of illusion, why did Laolao say she had a similar dream?”

The monk and Yan Chixia felt confused about it, too.

Meng Qi replied, “I have been to a place. In the same situation, different people saw very different things but none of them could touch the base of it. The reason behind it was that this place was very unique and above the normal world. It displayed different things to different people but none of those people could touch Noumenon. However, Yin-Yang, front and reverse side, even the law of Heaven and Earth has proved that one thing that makes an impact will be influenced on the reverse. Not touching Noumenon does not mean it will not be influenced, a little change can make the coffin of Noumenon open.”

“It is the same theory with Laolao’s dream. The world of illusion is made based on Noumenon, where different people will make different decisions. Their different reactions will cause different results. Once that world becomes different from Noumenon’s world, that difference will have a reverse effect on Noumenon itself, not a huge one of course. The worst it can do is to cause dreams but those with a strong soul will not be influenced at all.

Ning Caichen was still confused after hearing Meng Qi’s explanation. He asked, “I often dream of very strange things but every time after I woke up, I could not remember anything. Was it because of that, the world of illusion?”

“It should be. Sometimes we can even make predictions by making assumptions according to what happened in the world of illusion,” Meng Qi cast a glance at Ning Caichen with sympathy.

Yan Chixia got clear on one thing but soon he got another question, “If they can control time and let it go back, does that mean they can kill us if they want to?”

If not now, then just make time go back again and again and try it many times!

Meng Qi folded his hands behind his back and said, “They can only make time to go back on a very small scale. And from what I’ve learned, those who arrived in the Nirvana Realm can appear in the time of the past, present, and future. Do not measure another’s corn by one’s own bushel.”

“Amitabha. I completely agree,” the monk was quite familiar with the Nirvana Realm since he himself had an inheritance of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. He put his palms together, looked at Meng Qi and asked in a solemn tone, “Do you want me to work together with you to fight against the Female Monarch and the Witch of the Black Mountain?”

“Yes. I can not just stand by and let them ruin our world,” Meng Qi nodded slightly.

Before the monk could open his mouth to reply, Yan Chixia said, “I still cannot believe the story you told.”

This is just too bizarre! He doubted that maybe it was just a lie told by the Guru of the Sect of Ether, who were trying to persuade the Monk Master to help him.

But not only him, the monk and the Envoy of the Left could not completely believe everything Meng Qi said either!

Meng Qi answered calmly, “If you do not believe it, I can send your Primordial Spirit to the world on that side and have a visit there by yourself.”

What? Yan Chixia and others were shocked to hear it. He was capable to send people over? Could it be real?

“The Monk Master is here. You do not need to worry about me setting you up,” Meng Qi added.

Yan Chixia did not know what to say. Before he could open his mouth, Du Qingqing stepped out and asked eagerly, “Master, could you then please send me over to meet my Chong?”

“You have never been to the Exterior Realm before and your Primordial Spirit is not stable. Once you arrive there, your spirit will soon turn into a lost spirit and disappear. Then you will never be able to come back,” Meng Qi shook his head.

Du Qingqing was very disappointed. Her tears dropped down.

Yan Chixia looked at the monk and saw him nodding his head. Then he grit his teeth and said, “Sure. I will give it a try.”

Then he sat down on the ground with legs crossed and gradually entered Deep Calm status. His Primordial Spirit slowly separated from the body.

At this moment, Meng Qi’s eyes went deeper. Streaks of starlight appeared in his eyes, reflecting bright starry sky.

It was a deep dark corner of the starry sky. No one could see it clearly but everything in this world started from there!

“The yellow sky will soon rise?” the Envoy of the Left opened his eyes wide and got excited at the sight.

Meng Qi waved his hand and everything turned deep dark without any lights as if a crack somewhere has absorbed all the lights and everything on earth.

The Envoy of the Left and Du Qingqing looked at Meng Qi as if he was God and Devil!

After arriving home, Nangong Chong felt extremely tired. He took off his clothes and walked into the bathroom. He needed to take a bath badly and then go to bed.

He felt much more relieved in the shower as if the water washed away his exhaustion and tension.

For God’s sake, everything comes to an end…

Right at the moment when he was going to turn off the shower, a chilly wind blew through and gave him a shudder.

“Young hero Nangong,” he heard a familiar voice.

Nangong Chong was stunned for a second and opened his eyes wide. He saw a vague figure appearing in front of him. It was Yan Chixia!

“What? Another one…” Nangong Chong opened his mouth wide and looked at the ghost with blank eyes. He was at a loss again about where he was now.

Suddenly he came back again to himself and remembered that he was still naked. He hastened to wrap himself in a bathrobe. Being a bit embarrassed and angry, he asked in a low voice, “Swordsman Yan, have you been transported to this world, too?”

“Yes. The Guru of the Sect of Ether helped me to come because I want to confirm something,” Yan Chixia was honest in his answer. “I can only stay here for one minute since my body has not come together with my spirit. I have to ask for your help in this.”

Nangong Chong grit his teeth secretly and cracked a smile.

“Let me guide you through the Internet!”

After Yan Chixia left, Nangong Chong went back to the bathroom, sat down on the toilet seat and cursed, “Is this done? My home is not a transfer station.”

Another gust of chilly wind blew through. An old monk appeared in front of him.

Nangong Chong suddenly froze and bowed subconsciously.

“Monk Master…”

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