" I'll create a Hill Faction. " Athan interrupted Rukia with these simple words, but their impact on those representatives was not small.

Their expression changed dramatically as they...actually...started laughing loudly with a mocking expression.

" Hahahaha. What a funny thing to hear. Create a hill faction? Hahhahaha. "

" As they say, Ignorance is Bliss. Hahaha. Hey, kid. Are you going to create a hill faction? Pfff...Hahaha, I am going. I can't stay here. It's too funny. "

A buffy man with thick muscles left while shaking his head and laughing.

Other representatives were also laughing, and they looked at Athan as if they were looking at an idiot.

Seeing their reaction, Athan internally frowned while keeping an indifferent face outside. It was true that he didn't know much about this place, and he just declared that he was going to create one without sufficient knowledge, but...It didn't matter to him.

" Sigh, Athan. Do you think you can simply make a hill faction just because you want to? There are not one or two but many requirements to fulfill before you can establish a hill faction. " Rukia shook her head with pity while looking at Athan.

' Once he knows the difficulty to create a faction, He will come on his own record to join a faction. Hmmm...But before that happens, I'll grab him. If I invite him once more, He will have goodwill towards me and the faction behind me. It's the best way to increase the loyalty of Athan. But honestly, Athan...why are you like that? '

" Athan. Let's not talk about the many requirements to submit the request to establish a hill faction and the trials you need to pass after that, even after doing all of that, which will be simply impossible for you. There is one last hurdle that you have to pass to establish your faction. " Rezy also stood up finally before speaking.

She walked near Rukia before speaking with lament in her cold voice, " There are Twenty-two hill factions, and that number is fixed. They are called Hill Factions because each of them is situated in different Hills. Each of those hills is unique in its own way, and the last hurdle is to fight one of those twenty-two hill factions in a way, kick it out of their Hill and take their place.

So tell me, do you think you can do that? You need a number of people who are willing to follow you and trust you before you even register to create a hill faction before going to fight. "

After speaking this, Rezy also left the Wonder Hill Pavilion.

Venzar was also laughing, but after hearing Rezy, He stopped and sneered at Athan, " I want to see how you are going to create your faction. EVERYONE! This kid has disrespected us and insulted our faction. We...shouldn't forget about, right? Hehehe. I will declare right now that whoever took in this person in their Hill faction is my, Venzar's enemy. "

Venzar looked behind at other representatives and smiled, " I will also talk to the leader of my Hill faction and tell him about the conduct of Athan and the things he spoke; I'm sure he will also support me. If you all feel the same, then please do the same as me. These days, kids become very arrogant just because they are some kind of genius and break the records. We have to show them that their genius and talent only show their future potential, not the future itself. And at present, they are still like weak ants. "

Hearing Venzar's speech, Other people also nodded their heads and agreed verbally with gusto.

They all grinned at Athan before leaving the Wonde Hill Palace.

Rukia was the last one to leave as she sighed after looking at Athan.

' Hehehe, This makes it even more exciting to create a Hill faction. I'll fucking do it. '

When everyone left, Athan's indifferent face finally changed. An arc formed on his face that displayed an excited smile.

He had noticed that Max had already scurried away but didn't care about him.

" Hello, Athan. We meet again, Hehehe. "

Athan turned to the left and saw someone familiar walking towards him. But he already knew who the person was based on her high-pitch voice.

Mitra walked towards Athan with a smile on her face. Arriving in front of Athan, She chuckled with her hand covering her mouth before speaking, " I was watching everything. It seems like you are deep in trouble. But considering that I was one of the first people you met, I will ask the leader of the Hill faction behind me to take you in. "

Athan shook his head with a grin on his face, "Since you watched everything, then you should know about my intention. So? Do you have any business with me? "

Mitra wryly smiled before nodding her, " Alright. But you are really...sigh. I would like to say that you are an idiot, but I won't. "

' You already said it, though. ' Athan stared at Mitra speechlessly.

" Anyway, I am here for your first record-breaking reward, A complete Cloud of Chaos. So let's go and take it. "

Both of them moved towards the giant round desk at the far end of this wonder hill pavilion's hall.

Athan showed his crystal card because his record-breaking feats were recorded under his name and his crystal card was like an identity verification of sort.

The person behind the desk looked like an old man with wrinkles and white hair. He was the only one behind this big arc-shaped desk stuck to the wall.

He gave a ring to Athan before speaking lazily, " Inside is the complete cloud of chaos technique and a scroll with some instruction. Don't let it escape because we will not refund you with another complete cloud of chaos technique. "

" Don't let it escape? What do you mean? " Athan was confused. How can a technique escape?

Mitra chuckled and spoke, " Hehehe, You will know about it after you take it out from the ring. Anyway, I know about your record-breaking feats, and of the two remaining rewards you have to take from here, I suggest you use the reward of Chaos Enlightenment Tree first. "

" That was my plan in the first place. " Athan spoke before he took out the token of Chaos Enlightenment Tree that looked like a normal-looking branch of a tree and gave it to the old man.

But right after that, Mitra also took out a letter.

" Uncle Frenz, I have this letter from leader Fiore; she told me to pass it over to you. " She gave the letter to the old man and before turning towards Athan, " Good luck, Athan. Hehehe, Don't die too early. I still say that you should give up your wishful thinking and join a Hill faction. "

She then left the Wonder Hill Pavilion.

On the other hand, Uncle Frenz caressed his beard while looking at Athan as if sizing him up.

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