The Ultimate Evolution

The T-910 Terminator took a step forward, raised its arm, and ferociously slashed its dagger across Sheyan's front!

The high-frequency vibration of the dagger created a buzzing noise which permeated through the air like violent ripples on water, overwhelming anyone who heard it.

The Terminator T-910 may appear mechanical and rigid, but in truth, it was very agile. The dagger flashed past and, before blood could even gush out from the wound it made, it had already returned to the original position.

Faced with such an attack, Sheyan could only take a step back, but he was still a bit too late. A chill immediately crept up from his chest. Through the shattered clothes, he could see a strange cut emerging there. Blood oozed out from it.

The power of the high frequency dagger was truly terrifying! Sheyan could have sworn that he had evaded the dagger with some space to spare, and yet he was still injured. And upon closer inspection, the wound the dagger made was actually a little strange.

Usually, a wound created by a sharp weapon would just result in a parting of the flesh, but the long, narrow wound on Sheyan's chest looked like there was a strip of flesh torn away there!

That's because, not only was the high-frequency dagger virtually unstoppable, its blade was also constantly vibrating at a high speed. A slash from this dagger would not just cut through an object like other ordinary daggers; it would damage a small area! Everything in the area of the vibration, be they objects, flesh or steel, would be crushed into powder in an instant!

However, such a high-frequency vibration was also quite destructive to the weapon itself. Dolittle had confirmed that even with the advanced technology possessed by Skynet, the cumulative service life of each high-frequency dagger would not exceed two hours in total. If the dagger was used continuously without breaks in between, it would last for one and a half hours at most. The dagger could be said to be a type of expensive disposable item.

Seeing Sheyan forced back from their first exchange of blows, the Terminator continued to march forward with tyrannical steps. Due to its immense weight, every step it took left a deep footprint in the wet soil. What was even stranger was that it held the high-frequency dagger in a backhand grip and hid it behind its wrist, away from Sheyan's line of sight. Then, it fiercely charged shoulder-first towards Sheyan!

The T-910's battle technique caused quite a bit of shock in Sheyan because all the Terminators he met before had employed very simple, direct attack patterns. On the other hand, the T-910's actions were like those of a well-trained member of the special forces, perhaps even deadlier than that.

It must be known that the move of sinking the shoulder low to ram it into an opponent was a suicidal move in modern warfare, unless it was used in select occasions such as within narrow passages.

A shoulder charge like this in the modern world would only result in being shot head on by a gun. That was why it was a suicidal move. It relied on the attacker taking a bullet with their body, then killing the enemy with the dagger that was hidden behind them once they got close!

But the Terminators did not care about being shot at. Their terrifying survivability meant they could not be easily destroyed on the battlefield. Besides, their mission was to kill! Thusly, this behaviour of exchanging blow for blow, life for life, was perfectly acceptable when they were the ones to do it.

As far as human weapons were concerned, the only thing that could pose a threat to them was the recently-developed taser gun. Since the humans were constantly upgrading their weapons, how could Skynet not make any progress itself? The T-910, being the latest mass-produced terminator model, were equipped with the latest insulated living tissue for their skin. Although taser guns were still a threat to them, the threat was already not as deadly as before.

During the latest round of testings, a T-850 Terminator's CPU chip would be fried after taking four shots from taser guns, but the current T-910 could withstand more than 20 taser shots!

Sheyan could instantly sense the danger from the T-910's fierce charging momentum. However, he was in an awkward position. 20 meters behind him was Dolittle's lab.

Since he had promised Dolittle those valuable lab instruments of his would be perfectly fine during the fight, Sheyan naturally could not let this abominable steel monster in front of him to charge into the lab. His pride simply would not allow it. Besides, those precious instruments were all personally seized by Sheyan from Cyberdyne. If they were damaged, it could very well affect the final evaluation of the mission -- all the more reason Sheyan could not allow that to happen!

The only thing Sheyan could do was to keep retreating, but the problem was, the longer the charging distance of the T-910, the greater the force of the resulting collision, and the more difficult it would be for Sheyan to deal with! Think about it. A huge pile of steel 200 kilograms in weight rushing at you with unimaginable speed. Anyone would feel the impulse to dodge to the side.

After retreating for about eight meters, a fierce light entered Sheyan's eyes. Using the distance he pulled from retreating, he suddenly reversed his direction and accelerated towards the crazy machine that was the T-910!

Both of them rushed at each other with their body lowered. They moved with such force that the surrounding air became turbulent like a raging sea. The intense flow of air even made it hard for Sheyan to breath.

Right when they were about to collide, Sheyan abruptly leaned back and slid forward with his feet in the lead like a baseball player! His feet left two deep ravines on the loose, wet ground.

He was taking a gamble. If the T-910 could jump up in time, Sheyan's move would completely expose his injured chest to the mercy of the enemy. The reason Sheyan dared to make this gamble was because he could tell that it was almost impossible for a heavy robot like the T-910 to grasp the timing of battle so precisely.

This weakness did not come about from Skynet's negligence, but due to a fundamental reason -- this time period was already the era of firearms, not the era of cold weapons!

For Skynet to develop the T-910's melee combat skills to such an extent was already a bit of an extreme, even a waste! The hypothetical enemies in Skynet's research were undoubtedly the humans, and this level of melee fighting skills was more than enough to handle the humans since it would only take the slightest touch from a Terminator to kill one. Moreover, most of the fights with humans should be gun fights.

Therefore, Sheyan managed to make use of this weakness. His feet successfully dug into the T-910's shin! No matter how strong the Terminator was, it could not stop itself from losing its balance from such an attack. It flew forward and fell to the ground with a thunderous crash!

The T-910 executed a roll and got back up almost instantly. Although it was a robot, there was no clumsiness in its action. Its face was covered with dirt, but the red rays in its eyes still shined with the usual calmness and ruthlessness.

As it stared at Sheyan, the powerful engine inside it began to rev up. Its strong mechanical legs slightly squatted to accumulate energy, and then with a strong step, it launched itself once again towards Sheyan.

Sheyan dodged to the side. When the Terminator went past him, it lashed out with the high-frequency dagger again. This time, Sheyan had learned his lesson. He leaped further backwards to avoid the damage area of the dagger. He then grabbed a cement column beside him and, with a sudden burst of force, snapped off a two-metre-long section of the cement column. He aimed the cement column at the fearsome high-frequency dagger in the T-910's hand, and swung it hard!

The resulting collision sent smoke and dust flying everywhere. With a frantic slicing sound, a huge chunk of the broken cement column was cut away by the high-frequency dagger! A strong smell of cement permeated through the air.

Right after Sheyan finished his swinging motion, he immediately stabbed the column at the T-910's chest!

The shield embedded in the T-910's arm was obviously not just for show. Unfortunately, Skynet never expected the T-910 to engage in close combat with the humans to such an extent, so it did not prepare the T-910 for it. The T-910's shield could guard against strong acid, firearms, electric shock, and even laser weapons that were yet to be produced in this era, but Skynet did not take the violent impact from a cement column into consideration when it designed the shield!

Of course, a bulletproof shield was certainly not that easy to destroy, but don't forget that Sheyan had abnormal strength. The T-910 inevitably lost its balance and stumbled backwards after the collision. Sheyan immediately rushed forward to grab the wrist of the T-910's arm that was holding onto the high-frequency dagger!

The two of them started a contest of strength! The sleeve on Sheyan's right arm burst and showed the bulging iron-like muscles inside, as well as the popping veins on them. On the other side, the T-910 pumped the power output of the nuclear battery inside it to full capacity, using everything it had to stop Sheyan.

At that moment, the gloves on Sheyan's hands suddenly glowed with a metallic luster. The mechanical parts on them started spinning at a high speed in different directions. A huge power rushed out from the gloves.

Sheyan used his free hand to seize the T-910's throat.

"Sorry, Mr. Terminator, if we're talking technology, my gloves seem to be a lot more advanced than you!"

"'Tactical Throw', activate!"

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