The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1033: The Intervention of the Third Party

As this beautiful, magnificent bow was slowly drawn back, it took on the appearance of a phoenix flapping its wings, looking as if it would soar to the sky at any moment. The bow needed no arrows, as the bowstring was pulled taut, a ray of light slowly took form and turned into a physical arrow! The flaming feathers of the illusionary image of the phoenix rustled down from the bow and kept burning even after they touched the ground.

In a mere instant, Melody loosened the bowstring!

In a flash of light, the T-1000 that was originally entangled with Sheyan fell backwards.

When the T-1000 stood up again, a mass of red energy could be seen at the spot below its left shoulder, as if it was embedded into the Terminator’s body. More terrible was the fact that the red energy was constantly spreading a hot fire to its surrounding like little scarlet snakes. They left trails of scorch marks on the T-1000’s liquid metal skin, and even carved out deep, twisted ravines on the Terminator’s body! A burning smell instantly permeated the air.

The T-1000 pounded its fist on the wound without any hesitation. Several tongues of brightly-burning flames burst away from the fist. The liquid alloy at the wound of the T-1000 could be clearly seen twisting and flashing rapidly in its attempt to heal the wound, but the energy from the arrow shot by Melody was as stubborn as a bone-sucking maggot. The T-1000’s wound looked like it could never heal as long as the energy had not fully dispersed.

What was even stranger was that, although the T-1000 was continuously releasing bursts of electric sparks to try and neutralise the negative effects from this attack the same way it expelled the extreme cold previously, it’s attempts were all in vain. That was because the energy contained in Melody’s attack was something that the T-1000 simply could not understand, as the Terminator and Melody belonged to two completely different civilizations with different powers. Even the all-knowing Skynet could not have predicted this.

Seeing that its self-healing attempts were ineffective, the T-1000 suddenly raised its head. Its eyes were initially blank, but a large amount of calculations and numbers soon appeared in them. This time, both Sheyan and Melody were prepared, and they quickly took the corresponding measures!

However, Sheyan was quickly filled with dread. He realised that he was actually quite a distance away from Melody at the moment, which meant that he may not be able to carry her and run away in time!

In his desperation, Sheyan fetched ‘Ambition’ out and blasted the head of the T-1000 off, while Melody took cover behind a tree and performed a protective divine spell on herself.

But the effort was futile. ‘Gravitational Construct’ still mercilessly befell her.

Just as the T-1000 could not neutralise the power of the phoenix bow, Melody’s divine arts was also ineffective in combating the Terminator’s ‘Gravitational Construct’. The heavy and oppressive feeling once again assaulted Melody’s body. The T-1000 shook its head, recovered from the injury caused by Sheyan’s lead bullet, and then charged straight at Melody!

All its killing intent was now focused on the Elf! It had thoroughly searched through its CPU chip but it could not find any intel on this mysterious woman with mysterious power in front of it. What the T-1000 did not realise was that fear often sprang from the unknown!

The T-1000 did not like this feeling, so it had listed this woman as the no. 2 target on its aggro list. Unless that woman who was pregnant with John Connor appeared in front of it, no one could stop its murderous determination to eliminate Melody! Right now, the thing that the T-1000 seeked to eliminate was not just Melody, but also the strange, disgusting feeling that emanated from its own CPU — the feeling that the humans called fear!

Sheyan naturally could not sit back and watch that happen. He pounced on the T-1000 and grabbed the Terminator’s right hand, but it simply dissolved in his grasp like a melting candle. Then, the T-1000 kicked back. The foot turned into a machete while it was travelling through the air!

Sheyan rolled backwards, gasping violently, and felt a cold sensation on his forehead. Severed strands of hair rustled down his face. Blood dripped down from a wound on his forehead and covered his eyes!

With a muffled grunt, Sheyan immediately rushed back in, instead of retreating! With his high defence and HP, the T-1000 could not take him down so easily, but if the Terminator managed to get close to Melody, it would be really dangerous. After being in confrontation with the T-1000 for a period of time, Sheyan had understood some of its basic properties. The T-1000’s limbs could shapeshift at an astonishing speed, but the speed of its torso’s transformation was a lot slower. So with a muffled roar, Sheyan grabbed the T-1000’s waist in an attempt to hurl it away.

But in that instant, a ruthless blue spark flashed continuously on the Terminator’s body; the T-1000 had activated the high-voltage electric shock program again. Sheyan rolled away with his body convulsing and foaming at the mouth like he was having an epileptic seizure. A spot on his chest was charred and smoking. The charred area was not too large, but the flesh there had sunken so deep that the ribs inside were visible. Even the ribs were a dead black colour! One could imagine the intense pain Sheyan was in right now!

“Damn it…” Sheyan forcefully resisted the numbness assaulting his entire body to wave at Melody to signal her to run away. He then threw a bottle of curse-mix, praying that the curse smoke could delay the T-1000 for a few seconds.

However, Melody did not choose to run away while dragging her heavy body. Instead, she simply gripped the emerald green fruit hanging on her neck. The fruit was actually a fruit from the World Tree! After being injected with Melody’s nature energy, the fruit instantly emitted a humming resonance which sounded as pleasant as the striking of ancient Chinese bells.

Amidst the sound, the branches and leaves of a broad-leaved Chinese parasol tree beside Melody started to tremble. Then, with a shake of its trunk, it pulled its roots out of the soil. Its branches and roots changed form rapidly, and it soon turned into a three-meter-tall Ent!

Next, under the order of Melody, the Chinese parasol tree Ent lifted her up and quickly fled! The T-1000 was not slow, but each step the Ent took was as large as three of the Terminator’s steps. Therefore, it did not seem like the T-1000 could catch up with Melody anytime soon.

In truth, Sheyan had acted too hastily due to his concern for Melody. Killing Melody was, quite frankly, beyond the T-1000’s power. Although the world had limited Melody’s offensive power, her various defensive measures had not been weakened in the slightest. Take Vilya, the Ring of Air, for example. The ring alone had the ability to safely teleport Melody back to the world of the Lord of the Rings.

After recovering from the electric shock, Sheyan climbed back up, covered in dust. Although he looked like a mess, his clenched fists and the solid iron-like body exposed under his shattered skin showed his vigorous vitality.

After all, if ‘Gloryheal’ and the honorary dosage were taken into account, Sheyan’s effective HP amounted to a total of over 11,000 points! Even if the T-1000 was strong, there was simply no way it could insta-kill Sheyan.

Sheyan charged forward with big strides, and happened to witness the T-1000 sent flying by a shot from Melody’s phoenix bow. This time, the part that was hit was between the T-1000’s eyebrows. The T-1000 instantly climbed back up with a roll. After its face was hit, it looked truly grim and sinister. It continued pressing forward towards Melody who was sitting on the Ent.

This kind of tenacity was the hardest aspect of the Terminator to deal with. As long as it was not dead, it would never give up! In addition, the self-healing ability of the T-1000’s liquid metal constitution was just too strong. No matter how it was attacked, it would instantly recover. To be targeted by such an enemy was a true test of mental fortitude indeed.

Just as Sheyan was running to rejoin the fight, a calm voice came from the dark bushes to his side.

“You look like you could use some help.”

Sheyan’s heart skipped a beat. He immediately asked, “Who are you?”

A dark shadow stood up from the bushes. A darkness surrounded the person’s body; a darkness which seemed to somehow daub the dark evening in a more brilliant shade.

“Two of my friends recently fought with you, have you forgotten? Maybe these words will remind you: the Cyberdyne Tower, stairwell, a man and a woman…”

Sheyan stole a glance at Melody not far away. Although she seemed to cut a sorry figure as she was constantly forced to retreat, she was actually in no danger. Therefore, Sheyan calmed himself down and started to converse with the newcomer.

“I remember now. Are you here for revenge?”

Sheyan understood that he must not simply compromise and negotiate for peace right away in this negotiation. He must display a tough attitude. Otherwise, the other party would definitely use that as leverage to ask for a large portion of the benefit!

The dark shadow appeared undaunted in the face of Sheyan’s hardball tactic. He laughed with a hoarse voice, and said, “Whether I’m here for revenge or to help will depend on your decision.”

Sheyan’s eyes narrowed.

“So what do you want, Mr. Darkness?”

“Oh, I’m Mr. Darkness? I like the name. I think I’ll call myself that from now on,” Mr. Darkness knew it was impossible to convince Sheyan just by appearing at this opportune moment, so he went straight to the point.

“I’ve observed your team carefully. I must say, you’re a really strong party. You two MTs are especially outstanding. It sure is an enviable configuration.”

What Mr. Darkness said was the truth. Based on his words, Sheyan made a guess of his intention.

“Let me guess. You’re doing an important mission, but something happened to your party’s MT, so you have no choice but to enlist our help! Otherwise, you’ll have little hope of completing your mission!”

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