The Ultimate Evolution

Seeing this, Carlisle Cullen's hands began to tremble, but he managed to force himself to stay calm. Soon after, the next frame of information and photos was displayed:


The French Republic.

The Louvre, Paris.

Location: Downtown Paris on the north bank of Seine River

Telephone: XXXXXX


Signs: A number of rare and valuable items such as the Mona Lisa have been transferred away by the authorities, leaving behind counterfeit products in their places. These counterfeit products can only be authenticated under infrared light.

Reason: The French government has stored them in the ark especially designed to deal with the disaster. The person in charge of this operation, Roland, the curator of the French National Museum, was killed in a car accident. He has been silenced.


Alice Cullen could not help exclaiming in disbelief, "No way! This is downright impossible! I'll call my French friends right away to confirm it!"

"That's exactly why I attached the phone number, fax number, address and name to all the information, Miss Alice. It's so that anyone can verify it," sighed Sheyan.

Alice was already trembling in fear. She immediately pulled out her phone and contacted her friends.

Sheyan had undeniably managed to grasp the attention of all the people present by now. After a moment of silence, he once again raised his chin at Old Charlie. A new series of information and pictures was slowly presented to the vampires.



Cho Ming, Tibet.

Location: Dinggyê County, Xigazê Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region / North Latitude 28.396283, East Longitude 90.206648

Telephone: Confidential

Fax: Confidential

Note: This place is heavily guarded by the government and is extremely dangerous.

Sign: 46 countries on Earth have started to jointly build the Noah's Arks which can survive the end of the world.


All the Cullen vampires were surprised to see this.

And the next lines of data shocked them out of their minds:


The ticket price for a Noah's Ark is up to a billion Euros per seat.

The global financial crisis in 2008 was caused by the world's richest people diverting their money to buy tickets, so China was the least affected.

When the end of the world comes, the Earth's crust will first rotate around 30 degrees. Horrifying earthquakes will spread across the world, triggering tsunamis. Even the tallest mountain range on Earth, the Himalayas, will be submerged. The whole process will last for a month.


Sheyan gave the vampires some time to digest the information before he told them in a slow, sorrowful voice, "My friends, with your abilities and connections, you should be able to easily verify the truth of the information I've given you. I cannot but inform you with a heavy heart that the world, as we know ending."

Following Sheyan's words, a deadly silence descended upon them. The vampires, with their shockingly long lifespan, had probably never considered the matter of death before this, but

Sheyan had cruelly placed the facts down in front of them, brutally unveiling everything to them.

Sheyan gave them some more time to take in his words. After a while, he continued, "You still have a bit of time to verify the truth of what I just revealed to you, but remember, time is running out. If you can't get on the arks....we'll be at Rucker Park in New York at midnight three days from now. For now, there are other things we must do. Goodbye, friends."

It was not until Sheyan's group had already disappeared into the darkness that Carlisle Cullen snapped awake from his daze and shouted, "What should we call you?"

Sheyan contemplated for a moment, and a word suddenly came to his mind. His fading voice came from within the darkness, "Call us apostles, if you will."


The party had only moved a few dozen meters away from the dumbstruck Cullen vampire family when they suddenly felt the ground shaking again and heard a loud rumbling noise from underground. It was truly frightening. The tremor was not strong enough to make them lose their balance, but the shock that came from deep inside the Earth still gave off a feeling of being irresistible and unavoidable.

Their tautly-drawn nerves were startled. They thought that there would be another mudslide. They were currently still at the bottom of the valley, which was quite a terrible terrain to be stuck in. But contrary to their expectations, the shock subsided in less than ten seconds. However, the originally flat valley was now spotting many clear fissures, so deep they could not see the bottom.

Sheyan still had his mind on the Cullen family so he did not notice anything wrong, but Old Charlie suddenly whispered to him, "Master, the fissures are a little strange."

Sheyan's eyebrows rose. He immediately climbed to a higher place. When he did, he instantly saw the mystery of it. The fissures at the bottom of the valley surprisingly formed clear lines of texts:

[ The survival rate of the residents of Forks Town is over 90%. ]

[ You have met the relevant prerequisite condition. ]

[ The side you have chosen in the 2012 world is the Salvation side. ]

[ Silver Party: Party Ace, welcome to the Nightmare World. ]

[ You must complete the main mission assigned to you in 48 hours, or you will be deemed to have failed. ]

[ Main Mission: The Beginning of Salvation! ]

[ Mission Briefing: As the end of the world approaches, more and more elite personnel have discovered signs of it, but their actions have met with sanctions from the National Security Agencies of the Alliance of Nations. You must save as many of the people on the death list as possible. ]

[ Mission Note: You can access the website from anywhere with Internet to obtain the death list. You must save at least three people on the list, or you will face the penalty of a 5-point reduction in your highest attribute and cause the end of the world to arrive 24 hours ahead of schedule. ]

[ Mission hint: After you rescue more than five elite personnel, the end of the world will be delayed by eight hours for every additional person rescued. You will also receive additional rewards based on your performance. The better your performance, the better the rewards. ]


[ Hint: You can achieve the following milestones in this world (including the extended worlds). ]

[ Lucky Dog: You succeeded in escaping from a territory where the doomsday earthquakes occurred. ]

[ Ark Member: You became a passenger on Noah's Ark. ]

[ Amazing Fireworks: You witnessed the world's largest volcanic eruption in Yellowstone National Park. ]

[ Straying from the Important Task: You climbed Mount Everest in this world and succeeded in reaching the top. ]

[ Calm and Collected: You dived into the Mariana Trench in this world and reached a depth of at least 10,000 metres. ]

[ Bronze Title -- Miracle Worker: You simultaneously possess the titles of 'Straying from the Important Task' and 'Calm and Collected'. ]

[ You cannot view the rest of the milestones, either because you do not have sufficient achievement points, or you have not achieved the relevant activation conditions. ]


At the same time, the clear ringing of notifications could be heard in their ears.

[ Time: 8 a.m., December 5, 2012 A.D. ]

[ Location: Forks Town, USA ]

[ Setting: The main world is the apocalyptic world of 2012. This is an independent world. ]

[ Difficulty: S (Very High) ]

[ Pain limitation: 50% ]

[ Individual capability bonus: 0% ]

[ Present setting exploration rate: 0.13% ]

[ Setting description: This world is a party battle world. You may encounter other hostile parties in this world. ]

[ You automatically grasp the relevant language of this world. You are able to interact freely with characters of this world. The grasped language will be erased from your memory upon leaving this world. ]

[ Accepted Mission Count: 1 ]

[ Your appearance and identity have undergone alteration; they will be restored upon returning to the real world. You can also modify your appearance within the Nightmare Realm. If you have any enquiries, you can voice the question to the Nightmare Imprint with your mind; you will receive an answer should you have sufficient authority. ]

[ You have established a friendly relationship with a legendary figure/faction in this world, the Cullen vampires. ]

[ Because Party Ace is the only party to have chosen the Salvation side so far, you get 72 hours of extra preparation time. Other parties will be sent to another plane which has a time flow many times slower than this plane. Only a few minutes would have passed for them when they are transported back to this plane after 72 hours. ]


The last line of notification was no doubt a huge relief for Party Ace. However, the news that "Party Ace is the only party to have chosen the Salvation side" was also lethal.

After all, this was a disaster world with a doomed ending. The pressure from the plot alone was already astonishing enough for the Salvation side, and they still had to face the assault from other contestant teams looking to spoil the party for them! In addition, there was also a powerful mastermind among these contestants!

The three additional days of preparation time provided by the Realm was fuel delivered in the snow, something they desperately needed! It was also a matter of course, or Party Ace would have no chance to win at all.

At this moment, Zi suddenly asked, "What choice do you guys think the vampires will make?"

"I remember in Twilight, they have some mind-reading skills and the ability to foresee the future. However, they obviously couldn't read our memories. Alice's ability to foresee the future is even more limited; she can't even foresee the future of the werewolves, let alone the disaster of 2012! That said, they've no doubt amassed an astonishing amount of wealth all these years, so they may choose to buy ark tickets," said Reef.

"They won't," replied Old Charlie.

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