The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1226: Searching High and Low, Only to Find by Luck

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

Sheyan stared into the darkness with his brows slightly furrowed. Although the town was smeared in blood and eeriness, it did not grab Sheyan’s attention at all. A stream of blood slowly trickled down Sheyan’s nose to his lips, looking like a dark creeping worm in the dark night.

He had received quite the impact too when the tendril of the ‘Stairway of the Sun’ got into that short confrontation with the monster’s blood vessel. When Melody saw this, she quickly rushed to his side and gently wiped away his blood. There was also a green glow on her fingers which healed him. Anyone could tell from her undivided and concerned gaze on Sheyan that she regarded Sheyan as her entire world.

Zi was naturally really upset when she saw this, but she merely bit her lips and turned aside. Women who appeared strong on the surface were often very vulnerable in many aspects.

What Sheyan was worried about did not happen, because Zi was even more afraid than he was of the consequences of laying it all out in the open. She was afraid that it would be the end of the ambiguous relationship between the two of them. Zi would rather be indecisive and occasionally feel jealous, than to steel her heart to face the cruelty of confronting Sheyan about Melody.

After Sheyan’s injury was treated, Zi asked matter-of-factly, “Are we going to chase after him or not? If we don’t hurry up, we won’t catch up to him.”

“This monster of darkness is very explosive, but its host is quite weak. Mr. Jakaya is a patient with advanced stage lymphoma after all. That means the host body can rarely provide nutrient to the ‘Crystal Skull’. Most of the time, it’s the ‘Crystal Skull’ that has to maintain the body. He won’t run far,” stated Melody.

Sheyan nodded. “You’re right. Why did Jakaya still stay in his house after he killed his entire family and absorbed their brains? It’s because he was trying to reach the Black Crystal Skull! The body the ‘Crystal Skull’ is currently controlling is so weak that it’s like a radio that’s about to run out of battery. It has to carefully adjust the band bit by bit in order to receive the desired signal.”

“So we’ll use him as bait? See what we can catch?” asked Reef.

Sheyan nodded again. “Melody’s right. The monster ran away really fast, but after he managed to put some distance between us, he actually slowed down. In any case, we don’t have much time; we still need to collect cultural relics in Asia, Africa and Europe. We can waste eight more hours on him at most. Eight hours later, we’ll pull the net in.”


What followed was a chase akin to a hunt.

But it was hard to say if the hunters would become the prey.

Three hours later, Jakaya’s crooked figure once again appeared on their binoculars. Both of Old Charlie’s pupils contained Freddy’s laughing image.

“You’re right. This guy is searching for a certain signal, a signal from the Black Crystal Skull. His weak body makes it impossible for him to transmit any more information over, so he can only look for places where the signal from the Black Crystal Skull is especially strong. He’s like a ship struggling in a storm, having to rely on the faint light from a distant lighthouse to barely discern the directions!” said Old Charlie.

“You’re sure he can’t transmit any information over?” asked Sheyan earnestly.

“Absolutely certain!” Old Charlie claimed with confidence, “The only way he can deliver any information is by killing himself, because the other side will surely sense something when he dies. It appears that the signal from the Black Crystal Skull is stronger in places with strong magnetic fields, so Jakaya will stop from time to time to find a suitable place to receive the signal.”

Soon, Jakaya led Party Ace to the top of a hill. From the hill, they could see countless bright lights on the horizon. It was the largest city in Michigan, the world-famous city of automobiles, Detroit.

“We surprisingly came back,” Sheyan said.

Upon arriving here, Jakaya caught a taxi. Party Ace had already anticipated what he was going to do while he was waiting for the taxi, so they had already obtained a Buick MPV for themselves through some less than legal means. They instantly followed after him.

Jakaya’s taxi drove past half the city before it stopped in what seemed to be a ghetto. This was a dangerous place where the gangs fight for territories.

Jakaya immediately got off without paying. He slowly walked forward while withdrawing a tentacle-like blood vessel. It was obvious what kind of fate had befallen the taxi driver.

“This guy has lost his worth! I already know where the Black Crystal Skull is!” Old Charlie suddenly said, “It’s in the open jeep over there! See? Under the street light!”

Everyone turned to the direction where Old Charlie was pointing! Jakaya was also obviously moving in that direction. The eyesight of Awakeners were much better than ordinary people, so they could all see the “Black Crystal Skull” from here. The “Black Crystal Skull” was sitting with his back to them, burying his head and wearing headphones, looking like he was listening to music. He was a very ordinary-looking guy with sickly pale skin, but for some reason, when they focused their eyes on him, a feeling of sharpness will emerge, the same as the feeling they got when they saw the liquid metal Terminator in Terminator 2.

“It’s him!” Sheyan suddenly shouted in the party communication channel. “No wonder he feels familiar. This guy was in the DVD Rocky gave us! He’s Bind’s Divine Servant, the idiot pierced by the light of Gungnir thrown by Rocky!!”

Everyone seemed slightly surprised to hear that. Indeed, the more they looked, the more he seemed like the Divine Servant. They never expected that the “Black Crystal Skull” they were pursuing would actually lead them to him! They’d searched high and low to no avail, only to discover him by luck!

“Could Bind be nearby?” Reef immediately voiced his concern.

Zi instantly shook her head. “No. We can deduce from what Rocky said that Bind has an ability to quickly return to the Divine Servant’s side to provide reinforcement. If that’s the case, it’s meaningless for the two to stick together; it’s a waste of human resources. Most importantly, Bind will absorb the luck of the people in his surroundings, and the ordinary people around us don’t seem particularly unlucky right now.”

Sheyan had a fierce glint in his eyes. He said in the party channel through gnashing teeth, “You guys know what to do. That damn guy called Bind has been hunting us down for long enough. He didn’t personally join in on the fight which caused Mogensha’s death, but he’s the real culprit behind all these. From the information Rocky gave us, this Divine Servant obviously carries something or some secret that’s very important to Bind! Today, we’ll let that son of a bitch taste the pain of losing something important!”

At the mention of Mogensha, a burning desire rose in everyone’s heart. Reef’s voice was heard, dry and venomous.


Zi did not say anything, but a cold light shined on her fingertips. Sanzi was also silent, but Kulutego had begun to take deep breaths. They cyclops’ sharp fangs would occasionally show through his mouth.

Sheyan stepped on the accelerator, and the Buick MPV sped forward like the countless other cars that were passing through this street.

Jakaya was enthusiastically running in the direction of the jeep, the blood vessels on his fingertips fluttering excitedly. His stomach once again bulged grotesquely like a demon’s belly. He obviously planned to feed all the “essences” that he had plundered along the way to his superior.

There were now only 2 meters separating them, but these two meters were destined to be a grand canyon for them.

With a loud crash, a huge white palm appeared on Reef’s head and broke through the MPV’s roof. It traveled through a distance of 30 meters to reach the Divine Servant in the blink of an eye. The palm grabbed the Divine Servant and dragged him back to the Buick.

‘Holy Grasp’!

The Divine Servant’s eyes instantly turned red – not bloodshot, but red like the eyes of a Terminator when it goes into combat mode. A large amount of light suddenly burst from his body, almost causing Reef’s ‘Holy Grasp’ to break into pieces!

But Reef was not fighting alone in this battle. Zi completed her long chant right then. The darkness around her instantly turned into a huge, frantic vortex. Strange Sith magic runes flew out of the vortex one after another to surround the Divine Servant, then turned into a huge tentacle which wound around him. After that, the black magic runes exploded one by one deafeningly. The smoke produced by the explosions took on solid form and drilled into his mouth and nose.

‘Force.Magic Chain’!

The Divine Servant’s struggle was immediately interrupted. Right after he was pulled over by Reef’s ‘Holy Grasp’, it instantly shattered and daubed his entire body in a layer of light. The light was scorching hot, making his skin hiss as it burned!

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