The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1234: A Change in the Situation

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

The interior of the Zandala Tower was magnificently decorated. It was not at all inferior to the headquarters of any of the world’s top 500 enterprises.

In this building gripped by fear and uncertainty, the trembling voice of the woman was even more goosebump-inducing.

Sanzi shook a random platinum VIP membership card of a luxury club in front of the woman and told her seriously, “This is my ID. As you can see, we’re experts sent by the UN World Health Organization. A sudden increase in the gamma rays emitted by the sun has caused some pseudo-dead viruses on a certain antique that may be in this building to resuscitated, leading to the outbreak of an ancient virus! We can see that you’re already infected; you’re just not showing any symptoms yet because the viruses in your body are still in the latent period. There may be a way to save you still. Quick, take us to the source of the infection!”

There were obviously many flaws in Sanzi’s claim, especially the platinum VIP membership card of a luxury club which he used as a fake ID. The words on it were all in Chinese.

Fortunately, although the decoration of this building was comparable to the headquarters of the world’s top 500 enterprises, the quality of the staff inside the building was a different matter. In addition, the heavy atmosphere of death that had spread throughout the building had also destroyed much of their precaution.

The woman was successfully deceived by the platinum VIP membership card. Sanzi became the straw she was desperately clutching at, her final hope for salvation. She immediately grabbed his sleeve and said, “Okay, I’ll take you there! I know where the source is!”

Reef actually pulled out a device and questioned, “How could you possibly know? Don’t lie to us!”

“I know where it is! I’m sure of it! It has to be the goddamn mask! Please, let me take you there!”

And so, they got themselves a guide. As they walked deeper into the building under the guidance of of the woman, they kept ruthlessly doubting out loud whether she would take them to the wrong place and thus delay their work progress. They also kept complaining and complaining about other things. The complained that the windows here did not conform to the lighting standard and could easily cause bacteria to breed in the building, and the poor ventilation there could easily trigger an influenza outbreak, and the janitors were slacking in their work, so the floor was must be filled with germs, etc. etc…. The woman did not quite understanding what they were talking about, but they sounded very professional indeed….

Chief Zandala usually did not have too many official duties to perform because the tribe had secretly ruled over Benghazi for more than ten years now, so everything was already on track. Even if something were to happen, his sons would fight among themselves for the opportunity to deal with it, in order to show their capabilities. For that reason, he did not have much work to do. The old man preferred to spend his spare time in the largest brothel in the area.

Therefore, Chief Zandala’s office usually served as a multi-purpose room. Its function included a meeting room, a study, and even a mating hall. Its least utilised function was for work. So, it was naturally impossible to find anything valuable here besides the mask, the same way cash wouldn’t be kept in a relatively public place in the house like the living room.

It was for this reason that when they walked into the office of Chief Zandala, the resistance they encountered was far less than they had anticipated. Of course, because of the nightmares, there were some who tried to come here to break the mask to vent their anger, but they were all stopped by the four guards here. Although the current Chief Zandala had died and the Nigerian Golden Mask had lost its protective patron, it was still protected by another thing — its high transaction price.

Before the new Chief Zandala was selected and could deal with the Nigerian Golden Mask, the four guards dared not let the responsibility of losing the mask fall on themselves.

Party Ace was also stopped by the four guards.

This was the first fight Party Ace encountered after infiltrating the building. And it was a very one-sided fight.

The Nigerian Golden Mask was very broad and had a weird curvature. There were two bloody fangs on the corners of the mouth. The eyes were just empty holes, yet there was an indescribable feeling of evil about them. The facial features were sharp and distinct like they were carved with an axe, but the wide cheeks eased the mask’s expression to a mild majesty.

There was a strange glow on the back of the Nigerian Golden Mask. It was a golden glow so fresh that it seemed to be boiling. Humans loved this glow, and that was why the gold standard system was prevalent in most countries. If one were to inspect more carefully, they would find a few tiny holes in the golden mask — they seemed to contain some mystery.

Sheyan did not study the mask for too long. He just needed to check if this precious artifact had a hidden lethal factor in it like the Crystal Skull did. He actually did discover something out of the ordinary. His fingers seemed to be touching the surface of the Nigerian Golden Mask, but they were in fact stopped a couple of millimeters away by something akin to a layer of invisible film, preventing Sheyan from truly coming into contact with the mask.

“What is this thing?” While Sheyan was wondering that, a loud bang came from the cupboard next to them. A very tall man appeared from inside the cupboard. The man’s body was strong, explosive, and agile, just like the figure of Kevin Garnett, the famous NBA star.

But the man’s glassy eyes, deadly pale skin and slightly mechanical movements betrayed his identity. He should be a zombie similar to a voodoo corpse puppet. Sanzi and Zi shouted at the same time.

“Brother, I can feel something being summoned!”

“There’s a fluctuation in the dimension, Seaman. The thing isn’t summoned from another realm, it’s being teleported over from somewhere in this world! We’re being blocked from where you are by an invisible barrier. It’ll take a couple of minutes at least for us to get to you.”

Sheyan’s face turned grave. The muscles in his entire body tightened.

He was not someone with a persecution complex, but he could not help recalling the ambush they had suffered before – a completely unexpected car accident, the party being separated, one of the members being the focus of firepower…. The difference was that the last time, he was the one being isolated while his teammates were the ones being attacked. This time, he was the one who had to try his best to survive, while his teammates could only watch helplessly from the sideline!

The overreacting Sheyan instantly stepped forward and gave the zombie a fierce hook to the chin with all his strength. The zombie flew up and crashed into the ceiling, smashing the decorative chandelier into pieces, then bounced back down and hit the ground with a bang. It turned into a mess of bloody flesh, broken bones protruding out of it.

However, the zombie apparently could not feel any pain. It instantly tried to climb back up with rigid, mechanical movements. Sheyan immediately charged towards it and gave its head a hard kick. The head snapped back by 80 degrees, and it brought the body flying back by five meters or so.

The zombie grabbed at a mahogany bookcase next to it to pull itself up. This action instantly caused the mahogany bookcase to tilt forward. Books that had never been opened since they were purchased dropped down and littered the ground. But the zombie had hardly lifted itself up by 45 degrees before Sheyan had once again pounced on it. Sheyan slammed his fist into the zombie’s left chest.

The sound of the zombie’s ribs breaking could clearly be heard, thanks to Sheyan’s Strength that exceeded a hundred points. Even a zombie could not withstand such a fierce blow. It spat out an oily, asphalt-like substance. Sheyan immediately stuffed the substance back down its throat with a magazine.

The portraits of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were smiling warmly on the cover of the magazine, but their faces were slowly being blackened by the zombie’s body fluid. This time, Sheyan intended to solve the problem once and for all. He moved behind the zombie and twisted its head by 180 degrees!

The cracking noise that came from the spine indicated that the connection between the brain and the spinal nerve had been thoroughly severed, so the zombie would no longer pose any threat to Sheyan. But Sheyan still kicked it a few meters away just to be safe.

The Nigerian Golden Mask suddenly flashed again. The sound of something fracturing came from the wall on the right side of the reception room. A huge palm with sharp nails slammed into it, causing dust to billow.

A huge African lion crawled out from the dust, but it was not a fresh, living lion. Sheyan could tell from its dry eyes and withered fur that it should be some sort of undead creature. It was strength, fearlessness and brutality personified.

But at that moment, Sheyan finally understood why the goddamn golden mask had such a weird curvature. It was because the mask was not designed for a human being at all. As soon as the lion appeared, the mask instantly flew to the lion’s face and stuck to it tightly, forming a strange combination:

A gigantic lion wearing a bizarre golden mask!!

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