The Ultimate Evolution

After knocking away the slow-moving Toyota Corolla ahead, the Hummer H6 only slowed down slightly before it once again accelerated sharply, spewing black smoke from its exhaust pipe. But after making a sharp turn, Sheyan could not help but swear out loud again.

That's because an accident involving more than 20 vehicles was taking place right in front of them. Fire and smoke filled the air. Under the circumstances, no matter how powerful the Hummer H6 was, there was no way it could just force its way through like a bulldozer.

Therefore, Sheyan did not hesitate to press the button on the dashboard to switch to off-road mode. With a turn of the steering wheel, the vehicle steered towards the lawn to the side!

The Hummer's performance on the road was about the same as cars like Jetta and Santana, but in terms of off-road capability, the Hummer was the king among civilian vehicles!

Amidst the loud roar of the engine, large masses of wet soil mixed with a large amount of crushed grass sprayed out from under the wheels and splashed onto the trees nearby. The lawn had obviously been carefully managed; the owner must have spent a lot of time on it, but he was now unable to make any protests because he was currently buried under his collapsed house.

Sheyan showed not the slightest hesitation in driving over several patches of lawn and smashing into a beautiful fence with blue and white morning glory growing on it. After that, the Hummer crashed into a shaky shed at more than 80 km/h, then dashed out among the dust and debris like a giant metallic beast.

A wet slope more than sixty degrees steep appeared in front of them. Most people could only stop helplessly and sigh when they see this.

Seeing the inevitable collision approaching, Gordon could not help screaming out loud.

"You're crazy!"

Zi pulled him to the back of the car to join his family, and she herself took the front passenger seat.

Right before the moment of impact, without the need for Sheyan to give the order, a yellow glow already appeared from Kulutego's hand.

The slope collapsed slightly, forming something like a staircase. Sheyan put the pedal to the metal, and the engine roared loudly. The custom Bridgestone off-road tires provided amazing grip for the vehicle, launching it forward. A large amount of wet mud frantically splashed out from under the rear wheels. The steel monster forcefully climbed up the steep slope!

Even after overcoming this obstacle, the path ahead was still not a smooth ride, but at least they had temporarily steered away from the direction which the fissures were extending towards. From this high ground, they could clearly see the vast land in the distance waving and undulating. The buildings were shaking and collapsing in this unprecedented disaster, and the trees were falling down one after another.

The family at the back trembled when they saw this scene. Gordon could not help yelling in fear, "Where are we going now?"

"Santa Monica Airport. There's a plane waiting for us there," answered Sheyan calmly.

"You can save at least half the time if you take the airport highway!" Gordon immediately gave a suggestion.

Sheyan smirked. With a turn of the steering wheel, the Hummer steered back onto another road which had less traffic. It charged forward violently, knocking away all the vehicles in its path.

The earthquake had lasted for nearly five minutes now. All the buildings that would collapse already did, while those that had not collapsed could probably still persist for a while longer, ushering in a relatively safe period in the city for the moment. Although entering the city was a very dangerous thing to do, in order to cut back time on the journey, Sheyan decided to take the risk.

"You should've turned left to get to the airport highway," Gordon pointed out Sheyan's mistake, but he immediately shut his mouth. He stared wide-eyed into the distance, because he already saw what the airport highway that was built on a bridge looked like at the moment. From a bird's eye view, it would look like the corpse of a snake that had dried up.

The whole highway had collapsed in sections. The road on top of some of the more stable piers were still being supported in mid-air, albeit a bit skewed, but at least half the highway had completely collapsed. The highway sections were densely packed with vehicles which could not advance or retreat. They could only crash to the ground together with the collapsing bridge, or wait for the land's fury to claim them.

If they had really taken the airport highway according to Gordon's instruction, they would be trapped up there right now.

The road they were driving on was also in a chaotic mess. Sheyan ruthlessly crashed through everything in their way -- vehicles, corpses, and even living humans that were screaming in panic. The surface of the Hummer was now full of scratches and dents, but its inside was not much affected. The engine was still providing powerful thrust, while the tough inner wall effectively protected the passengers inside.

The pier closest to them suddenly fractured. The cracks spread to the whole pier and it completely collapsed, no longer able to support the section of the road above it. The section of bridge, about four to five hundred meters long, fell towards this side together with hundreds of cars on it.

It felt exactly like the water that came crashing down when a thirty metre dam burst, flooding the whole world!!

Sheyan swore in anger. He could only turn the steering wheel hard and execute a crazy maneuver akin to a drift, forcing the vehicle to steer into a small alley. But even so, there were still a few cars that were pushed by the falling bridge section which came sliding over in this direction, leaving trails of sparks that sprayed more than five meters into the air!

Seeing the inevitable collision, Gordon's family screamed in hysteria.

"Zi," Sheyan uttered calmly.

Zi immediately opened the car door, extended half her body outside, and pushed out at the cars that were sliding over.

The invisible 'Force.Collision Wall' immediately flew out towards the cars that seemed like they carried the will of Death, giving rise to a loud, roaring wind! It crashed into the cars from the side, skillfully deflecting them away from their true course.

A white mixer truck was still crashing in this direction, but its course was already off by 15 to 20 degrees. It hooked onto a nearby building about five or six meters away from the Hummer and immediately lost control, swinging into the building. The building had already been ravaged by the earthquake, and now that it was struck by the white mixer truck, the huge impact force immediately made it collapse. A violent explosion followed.

Sheyan kept stepping on the accelerator, continuing to accelerate. After turning a corner, he saw many high-rise buildings trembling like unstable dominoes. Their glass curtain walls were cracking, and various humans and furniture were falling down from them.

Twenty metres ahead, an unbelievably large but shabby neon sign board fell down from the sky with a large number of electrical wires trailing behind it, looking like a comet crashing down to earth.

The electrical sign board was at least twenty meters high and five meters wide. Although it looked tattered, dirty and unremarkable right now, it was sure to be a most remarkable landmark in the city's skyline come nighttime. Sheyan dodged the crashing object with a sudden brake and drift. Countless broken glass fragments scattered across the area.

"This electrical sign board must have cost a lot of money. What a pity." Sheyan made the random remark under his breath because he had been involved in the installation of light signals on the airships, so he had been exposed to this kind of thing before. Surprisingly, a reply to his remark came rather quickly.

"Yeah. It was custom made in Washington, and it cost $1.78 million in total!" The one who replied was Gordon, who was sighing from the back.

"How did you know that?" asked Sanzi curiously.

Sheyan suddenly realised something. "The sign board says Gordon Cosmetic Hospital. Could that place be...."

The half bald Dr. Gordon Silberman stared out of the window with a forlorn look, and replied in great distress, "That's right, this is my private hospital. Alas..."

Suddenly, a group of people that looked like office workers rushed out of the hospital building. They were all in a sorry state and looked really terrified. Right then, a five-storey building next to them collapsed and mercilessly fell directly onto them. Only a woman was lucky enough to survive, but her left leg was crushed. She screamed and cried in despair.

Sheyan had seen too many of such incidents before to care, but Gordon suddenly started shouting like a wounded beast and thumping against the car wall in spite of the pain.

"Stop! Save her, save her!"

To stop the car to rescue someone in the current situation carried a great risk. There were dense buildings on both sides of the road. All of them could fall anytime, blocking their way or burying them alive. Furthermore, the earlier they could get to the airport, the higher their chances of survival!

But Sheyan then saw Gordon's desperate look from the rearview mirror. He suddenly had an idea. He actually stopped the car and asked Reef to rescue the woman.

Reef knew that bringing another person with them meant more burden on their shoulders, but he still did as Sheyan asked out of his trust in Sheyan.

After the woman was rescued and brought onto the car, they found that although she cut a sorry figure right now, she was actually a blonde beauty. Moreover, she had a curvy, sexy figure. However, her left leg was crushed and she was badly injured, so she would probably need quite some time to recover.

When the blonde woman got on the car, she first looked around, then hugged Gordon tightly and burst into tears. "I thought I'd never see you again!" she repeated over and over.

Kate's face visibly turned stiff seeing this awkward situation. However, she was apparently a very kind person. When the blonde girl had recovered slightly from her state of shock, Kate asked for a glass of brandy and brought it over to her.

"You'd better have a glass of brandy first, Brooke. After that, you should clean the wound on your leg to avoid contamination."

Brooke obviously realised that she was acting inappropriate, so she immediately let go of Gordon and whispered her thanks. Gordon also seemed really embarrassed.

The injury on Brooke's leg looked to be quite serious. The broken bones were exposed to the air, puncturing through the wound. There were also sand and debris sticking to the wound. They did not have anything to treat the wound with at the moment, so they could only anaesthetise her with liquor, and mixed drinking water with liquor to clean the wound.

Dr. Gordon Silberman, being a plastic surgeon, could certainly perform a simple treatment like this. But the ambiguous atmosphere between him and the patient he was treating was obvious to anyone who was watching. Even a blind man could see that there was something between them.

Reef looked at this scene with great interest and could not help asking Kate, who was holding onto her children, "Who is this lady named Brooke?"

"Gordon's secretary. We've had dinner together several times," answered Kate flatly.

"Oh," Reef let out an exclamation of comprehension. All of them could hear the unconcealed dissatisfaction in Kate's voice. They now also understood Sheyan's intention in saving the woman.

In the original plot, Dr. Gordon Silberman had unfortunately died in the end. It was thanks to his death that the protagonist, Mr. Jackson Curtis, could get back with his wife and children without any problems.

But now, Gordon had been saved together with Jackson's family, and it was unlikely that he would die, unless Party Ace killed him themselves. To kill such a weak character who was extremely important to the plot? No contestant would ever do that unless they had no other choice! Party Ace, of course, was not so foolish either!

But then, a problem arose. If Gordon lived, Kate would still be his girlfriend, and the protagonist, Mr. Jackson Curtis, would have zero chances of getting back together with her. He was destined to be forever alone.

The storyline had changed dramatically here. Fortunately, Sheyan's keen sense made him aware of the problem, and he gave the order to rescue Brooke. It seemed that Gordon was not a very faithful man. Now, things would have a more satisfactory ending.

In truth, Gordon actually loved Kate a little more than he loved Brooke, but because Kate still had her ex-husband in a small corner of her heart, she had been taking contraceptives all this while. This particular matter had made Gordon very unhappy.

It was common knowledge that reproduction and survival were the instincts of all creatures. The activities of all living things could be considered to revolve around these two matters, human beings included. Furthermore, Gordon was already in his early forties, so his desire for having his own children must be very strong. This had become the most fundamental rift between them.

At that moment, Brooke had appeared. She was at least fifteen years younger than Kate, young, beautiful and unmarried. Her boobs were at least D-cup and she had a slim waist to boot.

In order to capture Gordon's heart, she perfectly played the role of a gentle, obedient and considerate woman. Monica Lewinsky could not hold a candle to her. Things like not wearing condoms and not taking contraceptives were trivial matters to her. In fact, she wanted to get pregnant with Gordon's child. It would help her climb up in status.

Gordon was not a saint. He could not help falling for such a gentle assault. However, his feelings for Kate were real, plus they were only living together together at the moment and were not married yet, so he decided to have both women simultaneously and see what happens. He just did not expect today to be the day his affair would be exposed.


The tough metallic beast that was the Hummer H6 finally escaped from the city with Kulutego's help, covered in scars and bruises. Fortunately, Sheyan had already planned a route in advance. Thanks to the Hummer's powerful off-road capabilities, they could race across uneven terrains straight towards Santa Monica Airport, avoiding the dangerous roads. They soon reached their destination.

The earthquake was still ongoing. The ground was shaking like it was floating on a water surface. But the earthquake here felt slightly weaker, and the collapsing of the buildings seemed less serious. Despite that, the airport was still in complete chaos.

The earthquake had happened for nearly half an hour, and due to the widespread knowledge of earthquake emergency measures, most people knew that they should move to an open space.... An airport undoubtedly fulfilled this criterion, hence the crowd density here far exceeded their imagination!

"SH*T!" When Sheyan saw the situation at the airport after jumping out of the car, he could not help cursing in anger!

The 12-seater Sikorsky S-76 helicopter he had arranged for was still here, but it could no longer soar into the blue sky, because an electric cargo truck commonly seen in the airport had rammed into it. The helicopter was tilted, leaning against the ground on its side. It was already quite fortunate that an explosion had not occurred due to fuel leakage. As for the pilot, half his body was still stuck in the cabin. He seemed to have died for a long time.

"What do we do now?" asked Reef.

"We can hijack a plane," suggested Zi without hesitation.

But Sheyan shook his head. "Look at the four takeoff runways outside! They're all either damaged so badly that they can't be used anymore, or they're completely blocked. There aren't only humans on the runways, there are also lots of cars and other objects. Even if we don't care about human lives, we still won't be able to forcibly take off. That's why we can only look for another helicopter."

They wasted no time in doing so. Sanzi was left behind to take care of the people in the car, while everyone else spread out to search. However, the results were very disappointing.

"I don't see any helicopters on my side."

"Oh, I see one,'s broken down."

"I found an airport staff who told me that ten minutes ago, someone had rushed here with a gun and forced the pilots to drive away the last two helicopters remaining."

All the development seemed to be advancing towards a hopeless direction, but Sheyan did not believe that the mission would force them into a dead end so quickly. A few ideas instantly sprung in his mind.

He took a deep breath and asked, "How long have you stayed here for, Gordon?"

Gordon was in a state of confusion and fear, so he only snapped back to his senses after a short while. He replied, "I came here as an intern in my sophomore year and instantly fell in love with this beautiful place. I don't think there's anywhere in the world more suitable for me. It's been exactly 27 years and 5 months since then."

"You must be very familiar with this area then?" asked Sheyan again.

"Of course. I know this place like the back of my hand," Gordon immediately answered.

"Is there a military base nearby?" Sheyan asked seriously.

Gordon hesitated for a while before he said, "I think so, but I've never paid much attention to these things."

Brooke, who was biting her lower lip with a pale face, suddenly interjected, "Yes, sir, there is indeed a secret military base nearby, because if hostile forces attempt to invade the United States from the air, this place has a high probability of detecting the enemy's aircraft or missiles in advance. The military base is small, but it has a tight defensive system, and the level of confidentiality is high. The military base is also engaged in underground research."

Sheyan's eyes lit up. He did not expect to get extra information from a random person he rescued. His lips curled into a grin.

"That's the only piece of good news I've heard in the last 24 hours. A high-level military base must be equipped with helicopters, and they'd be military helicopters to boot. I only have one last question because I need to verify the reliability of your information. How do you know a secret that Gordon, who has lived here for 27 years, doesn't?"

"An officer in the base is chasing after me. Gordon knows this too," Brooke answered unhesitatingly.

Gordon was momentarily stunned, but he soon verified that it was true. Indeed, there was a military officer who was chasing after Brooke madly in the first half of the year. This was the catalyst that prompted Gordon to start a relationship with Brooke. After all, something that was in high demand would always appear more precious. Even a bad lot of land would sell for the price of diamonds if there were people competing for it.

Sheyan immediately snapped his fingers. "Wonderful! I believe you must know how to get to the military base then, Brooke?"

Brooke bit her lip in anxiety and said, "Of course, he took me there for a ride once. But the problem is, that place is a highly guarded military base. Although a terrible disaster like this has happened, I don't think the soldiers there will just let us drive a helicopter away."

Sheyan burst into laughter while re-igniting the Hummer's engine. "You're right, but I'm pretty good at persuading people, be they soldiers, politicians, bankers or lawyers. So don't worry about that, just show me the way."

In truth, a branch in the storyline had occurred here. Even if Party Ace had not rescued Brooke, they could have learned from the other hospital staff that the hospital had a light-weight helicopter that they used to transport patients. However, the light-weight helicopter could only carry seven people. Hence, Gordon would have to be sacrificed.


Although the reason given by Sheyan was not that convincing, Brooke still obediently acted as the guide. They arrived in the vicinity of the military base merely ten minutes later thanks to the excellent off-road capabilities of the Hummer.

The barbed wire fence denoting that this was a restricted military area had already been distorted out of shape or had collapsed, no longer able to prohibit outsiders from entering. During the earthquake, the soldiers had no choice but to run towards open spaces too.

But the earthquake had seemingly subsided now. At least, it had changed from the previous violent tremor into a light shaking. The people could now walk without holding onto something for support. However, a faint white gas was escaping into the atmosphere from the fissures on the ground, and the air was filled with a pungent smell.

Sheyan's senses told him that the earthquake was only a little tired from the sequence of serious disasters it had caused, so it was stopping for a moment to take a breather in preparation for a more terrifying outburst later!

Unfortunately, the rest of the people were not aware of this. They were basking in the joy of having survived a catastrophe. Maybe some did, but there was nothing they could do.

This restricted military area was situated in the wilderness, a place covered in yellow, withering grass. The only signboard guiding others to it was the cracked cement road. At the gate of the restricted military area, Sheyan boldly stepped on the accelerator and effortlessly broke through the guardrail. The three soldiers who should have been guarding the gate were nowhere in sight.

After driving two to three kilometers further, they saw green barracks, vast training grounds, and also the military airport Sheyan most wished to see, on which were three Black Hawk helicopters!

The Black Hawks were multipurpose helicopters commonly used by the U.S. Army. Apart from the pilot, each helicopter can carry 11 soldiers, 19 in an emergency. They are mainly used for transporting assault troops to the front line and to attack ground targets. Sometimes, they are also used to rescue the wounded from the battlefield.

Of the three helicopters parked on the apron, one had fallen into a fissure, tilting to the side, and it seemed like it had already exploded and burst into flames. Several people were currently beside it, trying to put out the fire with fire extinguishers. Fortunately, the other two seemed all right.

On the other side of the military base, more than twenty soldiers were gathered around a collapsed barracks, screaming loudly. It turned out that, although the surface area of the military base was not that large, the underground area was actually really vast! There were about twenty floors underground!

The underground facility of the military base was carrying out research akin to that in The Hive in Resident Evil. Of course, they had not produced any T-viruses or Z-viruses yet, but it was because they were afraid of biochemical leakage and pollution that they were performing the research at such a secretive place.

Therefore, the underground base was not afraid of nuclear weapons or satellite surveillance. However, there were pros and cons to everything. Now that they were assaulted by a high-intensity earthquake, the damage done was astonishing. All the facilities inside had collapsed and all the people inside were buried alive. None of them managed to escape.

The place the soldiers were gathered around, despite the risk of aftershocks, was the entrance to the underground base. They were digging hard at the rubble with shovels, but they could only try their best and leave the rest to fate. Based on their current digging speed, it would probably take them months to evacuate the first three floors of the underground base. And that was under the condition that there were no further earthquakes to disrupt their progress.

Party Ace, of course, had no intention of helping others out of kindness or justice. The Hummer charged straight for the parked Black Hawk helicopters.

If they were still not discovered after that, the remaining soldiers must be blind. A few of the soldiers shouted warnings and aimed their guns at them, but the safety lock on their guns were still on. They were probably just trying to intimidate the trespassers.

Gordon and the other ordinary people at the back of the Hummer was naturally keeping a close eye on the development of the situation. When the soldiers targeted their M4A1 rifles at the car, it made them very uncomfortable, their faces immediately turning pale.

Sheyan suddenly turned to Gordon and told him, " Gordon,, I'm just saying IF. If a fire is spreading behind you and is rapidly catching up to you, and there's a wooden bridge in front of you. You know that you'll be safe if you can just cross the bridge to the other side, but a stranger is standing on the bridge, refusing to let you pass. Will you kill him?"

Gordon hesitated and replied, "I don't know."

Sheyan laughed. "What if your loved one is also fleeing next to you?"

This time, Gordon answered without hesitation. "Of course I'd kill him. I'd willingly be burdened with sin for the rest of my life if it means the person I love can live on in peace and happiness!

Sheyan revealed a mysterious smile. "It's great that you can think that way."

After he said this, he stopped the car, jumped out of it, raised both his hands, and then, with a smile on his face, walked towards the soldiers.

The little girl, Lilly Curtis, suddenly told her brother Noah Curtis quietly, "I don't think those grown-ups will let us on the helicopter. They look really scary!"

"But Mr. Seaman said he's really good at persuading people," Noah replied in the tone of an adult.

"Good heavens!" Lilly suddenly exclaimed in surprise. Before Sheyan had even said a word, a lieutenant with bloodshot eyes and was breathing heavily had already placed the muzzle of his gun on Sheyan's head. The pungent smell of alcohol carried over from the lieutenant's breaths. He seemed to be drunk.

"You've trespassed into a restricted military zone! You can either choose to f*ck off right away or let my bullets blow your brains out!"

"I think we can make a deal," Sheyan replied calmly with a smile, but the reply he got was a smack to the head with the butt of the gun!

Screams of shock came from the rear compartment of the Hummer. Noah looked at her sister, who was covering her mouth, and sighed.

"I think Mr. Seaman has met a very difficult person to convince."

Lilly's eyes were filled with tears. "That must have been really painful."

Sanzi suddenly laughed. "Not really," he said.

The thick rifle butt slammed into the side of Sheyan's head. If Sheyan was a normal person, this blow would at least give him a concussion, but in reality, it only knocked Sheyan's head to one side.

The lieutenant became even angrier because of that. His younger brother was buried alive in the underground base and he had no place to vent his anger. He instantly roared like a wild beast and kicked Sheyan down. After that, he actually pulled the gun bolt back and fired the gun at Sheyan. He was not holding back any longer!

The two soldiers beside him were obviously surprised, but they knew they could not stop him in time, so did not say anything. Besides, according to the regulations, during a special time like in an earthquake, curfews would be imposed on prisons, military bases, government offices, police stations and other key official departments. Killing a trespasser could only be considered a handling method that was a little too heavy, and was not against the rules. As long as all of them insisted that the trespasser had sinister intentions, his death would not be investigated.

Gordon did not expect the soldiers to be so brutal. They actually started killing without any warning! His face turned pale and he burst out in cold sweat. Sounds came from his chattering teeth. The soldiers were now walking to the car with a fierce look in their eyes. Lilly let out a scream and plunged into her mother's bosom.

The five soldiers had all pulled back their gun bolts and were walking towards the Hummer with expressionless faces, but behind them, Sheyan climbed back up silently. He sighed heavily with his hands in his trouser pockets.

"I didn't want to kill so many people. Why do you have to force me?"

When the lieutenant who fired the gun heard that, he turned around as if he had seen a ghost. He was obviously well trained as he immediately took a step forward and raised his gun to take aim.

Sheyan ignored the muzzle that was as dark as a black hole and moved forward instead of retreating. He did not seem to have moved much, only taking a step forward, but he was now standing in front of the lieutenant with the M4A1 rifle stuck under his armpit. The gun continuously fired shots, but they all hit empty spaces.

The lieutenant was reluctant to let go of his gun and kept pulling at it hard, but the gun felt like it had been welded onto a wall. Sheyan exerted some force, and the gun immediately deformed, the gun parts scattering everywhere. The lieutenant tried to reach for the handgun on his waist, but Sheyan instantly slammed his head into the lieutenant's.

The lieutenant's head snapped back from the impact, and Sheyan slammed a knee into his crotch. His face immediately turned pale. He collapsed onto the ground with his body convulsing and his crotch in a bloody mess. Having dealt with him, Sheyan lowered his body and charged into the midst of the remaining four soldiers who had not yet reacted.

Sheyan's objective was simple. These soldiers were nothing in his eyes, but there were more than 20 other soldiers armed to the teeth not far away. He wanted to create a chaotic situation so that the soldiers could not fire at him.

Ordinary bullets could not threaten him, but this was after all a military base, not to mention that they still could not confirm what was happening with Bind yet, so it pays to be careful.

Sheyan rushed into the midst of the soldiers with his arms outstretched and grabbed the necks of the two soldiers in front of him. They struggled madly but could not resist against Sheyan's abnormal strength! Their heads collided together, and the world was silent once again.

At the same time, a trail of blood appeared on Sheyan's back. One of the soldiers had used his carbon steel dagger to cut open a long wound behind Sheyan. But when the dagger cut into Sheyan, his muscles contracted to grip the dagger's blade. Sheyan spun rapidly and rammed his elbow into the soldier's face. The sound of bones breaking could be heard, and the soldier slowly fell to the ground.

The last soldier could already sense that something was amiss and tried to run away, but Sheyan gripped his neck and held the soldier in front of himself as a shield. He shrunk his body and hid behind the soldier, then dashed towards the soldiers in the distance.

All of these happened in an instant. Besides the contestants, no one expected the man who had been shot by an M4A1 rifle to climb back up and fight like a wild beast. Not only did he either kill or severely injure five elite soldiers in an instant, he was now setting his sights on the other soldiers!

In their astonishment, the large group of soldiers in the distance were all caught unprepared. They clearly had the most advanced modern weapons in their hands and were in their own base, but they felt like they were prey being hunted by a predator!

"This man has superpowers!" An officer shouted. Since there were mutants and vampires in this world, it was impossible not to leave any traces. The officer rolled backwards into a textbook half-kneeling firing posture with astonishing speed. He quickly took aim and fired.

Sheyan, on the other hand, shrunk his body even further and sprinted even faster.

Sounds of bullets penetrating into the flesh came one after another as the soldier used as a shield by Sheyan convulsed violently. All the bullets accurately hit him on his upper body, drilling deep inside. His screams of agony gradually turned weaker.

When Sheyan had approached within five meters, he flung the "meat shield" which was now filled with bullet holes forward, knocking three people down. He then jumped and kicked out. The soldier in front tried to block his kick, but he ended up folding in half at the waist and flew away like he had been hit by a heavy truck.

The pupils of the major in command contracted when he witnessed this. The smell of blood felt heavy in his nose, and a sweetness was surging up his throat. He took a few deep breaths before he gritted his teeth and pulled out a grenade. He threw the grenade and fell down to the ground.

But before the grenade could land, it was slapped back by the enemy and ended up exploding next to the four soldiers on the side. Sharp metal shrapnels instantly tore apart the human bodies. Blood-curdling screams rose one after another.

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