Chapter 453: The Seventh Tier of Divine Treasure Realm

As Lu Xuan slowly opened his eyes, he found himself to have finally made a breakthrough into the seventh tier of the Divine Treasure Realm.

It took him five years to finally be able to make a breakthrough. Simply put, he had actually been spending most of his time recuperating from his injuries.

Back then, he almost died after using the divine art “One with the Heavens and the Earth.”

The Qingdi Regeneration Chant had played a vital role in allowing him to survive that explosion. As the divine art known to be the best at healing, it enabled him to arduously remain alive.

Ever since then, he genuinely struggled to survive.

That move itself was meant to take one’s opponent down along with the caster.

That move was similar to a self-destruct mechanism, which he would never easily use unless he was cornered with no chance of escape. Back then, Ao Chen had achieved the ninth tier of the Divine Treasure Realm.

Even with a myriad of such self-destructive powers, none of them would have been effective against Ao Chen once he reached such a level.

Killing that dragon at its peak level of power was out of the question; it would have been difficult enough for anyone to even leave a dent in it. Back then, only Divine Arts like the “One with the Heavens and the Earth” were capable of completely eliminating Ao Chen.

Then again, he was not doing so out of impulse. While it was imperative to destroy that demonic dragon, that did not necessarily mean there were no other ways to do so. At the very least, Lu Xuan had managed to cheat death.

This was how he managed to kill several enemies in his previous life.

It had been a battle where death was truly inevitable, yet he was able to survive thanks to the Qingdi Regeneration Chant.

He was obviously prepared back then.

He would have only chosen to do so if he was exponentially more likely to succeed.

He had spent most of the past several years gradually recuperating from his injuries before he had been fully healed.

While he had used the Qingdi Regeneration Chant more than once, he was still shocked at that moment.

That ability truly lived up to its reputation as the best divine art to be used for healing. There were hardly any other divine arts found throughout the ages that ever possessed that same level of healing power.

He had been so severely injured that he could feel every single cell in his body being charred out of exhaustion.

Most ordinary people would have definitely never been able to live in such a dire state. Even if such folks had an extremely small chance of surviving such extensive injuries, there would have been no way for them to have made further progress with cultivation.

Cultivating while injured was considered to be completely unconventional.

Despite that, Lu Xuan still managed to pull off such a feat. It was no different from how a phoenix rose from its ashes after being completely reborn.

After pulling that off, he had even managed to make a breakthrough into the seventh tier of Divine Treasure Realm.

If he were at this level of power back then, he would have been able to kill Ao Chen the demonic dragon within only several moves. He would have been spared from the calamity of almost going down with that dragon.

There was no doubt that his powers had grown exponentially after he made a breakthrough into a higher level.

There was simply nothing at the same level of power.

After stretching for a bit, Lu Xuan said, “Feels great no having to deal with the shackles that the world put on me.”

At that moment, the shackles never existed where he woke up.

That was because he was not even on Earth at all. Simply put, he was in some pocket space that was linked to the same plane of existence as Earth.

The place he was currently at was none other than the Myriad Demon Valley itself.

During the battle five years ago, Ao Chen felt extremely threatened when Lu Xuan used One with the Heavens and the Earth.

The dragon wanted to flee back to the Myriad Demon Valley, only to end up being blasted to death. Instead of Ao Chen, Lu Xuan was the one that managed to survive and was transported to the Myriad Demon Valley.

The effects of the world’s shackles were totally absent in the Myriad Demon Valley, so he had no reason to worry about his powers being suppressed.

Then again, that pocket space still had its limits.

No true dragon could emerge from shallow waters and that pocket space was still a cage to powerful cultivators.

That was why Ao Chen had not been able to make any progress at all, despite having been sealed there for so many years. To be more precise, the Myriad Demon Valley itself was a cage used to imprison Ao Chen.

As such, the suppression of an entity’s powers was still very apparent. It was just that the place had a higher limit than Earth.

That was why the dragon was able to train and reach the ninth level of the Divine Treasure Realm without limitations.

That was also why the demon generals from the Myriad Demon Valley were generally more powerful than the cultivators on Earth.

The pocket space had a far more conducive environment, after all.

Then again, all of that was only temporary. Earth was on its own plane of existence, with far higher potential than the Myriad Demon Valley.

That was why Ao Chen planned on taking over Australia to serve as the base for the horde of the valley.

Otherwise, human cultivators on Earth would have become far more powerful than those from the Myriad Demon Valley as the shackles on Earth disintegrated.

Time was only beneficial for Earth; cultivators on the planet would only become increasingly more powerful over time.

Lu Xuan had been buying time for the human cultivators on Earth.

In his previous life, Earth’s ascendance had been built upon the bones of the several people who were killed. There was no other choice back then, so such a bloody path to ascendance was necessary.

However, Lu Xuan was not about to let that happen all over again. He could not believe that he had been given a second chance at life.

As Lu Xuan rose, massive beasts laid low on the ground one after another not far away, wearing ferocious expressions.

However, none of them were able to close in on Lu Xuan.

An incredibly massive transparent barrier stood between them and Lu Xuan. That barrier was a cage that had been used to lock up terrifying, ferocious beasts.

One could see the metal chains strewn on the ground, which seemed to have been used to chain up some kind of beast.

There was blood found on those shackles as well.

All that blood had long since dried up, yet someone could still sense some vague fluctuations of energy. While said energy signatures were weak, they were clear and unmistakable.


A massive wolf leaped from within the group of beasts with a roar. It appeared to be extremely muscular, standing at over 20 meters tall.

Roar! That massive wolf’s body crashed hard onto that transparent barrier with a loud thud.

The place shook so violently that it seemed as if the place was about to come apart.

That massive wolf crashed onto the barrier with enough force to crush a hill, yet it was unable to crash through that barrier.

That feat alone was enough for anyone to see just how sturdy the barrier was.

That was the cage that had been used to imprison that old dragon called Ao Chen back then. The bloodstained chains were the shackles that bound it back then.

The power of the shackles weakened over time, which enabled Ao Chen to eventually escape. Even so, it still paid a hefty toll to do so.

That old dragon was severely injured, while its powers had been severely diminished; Lu Xuan even managed to kill him at such a state.

The chains were once capable of binding such a terrifying beast.

That meant that the massive wolf could break the barrier no matter how hard it crashed into it.

Lu Xuan was not worried at all. Those beasts spent many years trying to break the barrier, yet none of them succeeded.

If it was easy to break the barrier, Ao Chen would have been able to escape.

Roar! After their failed attempts at breaking the barrier, the beasts then all opened their big mouths wide to reveal terrifying breaths within them.

That was all some kind of terrifying energy inherent within the bodies of those monstrous beings.

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