Chapter 479: Becoming an Entity too Massive to Control

Lu Xuan likely thought little to nothing about such matters.

Trump cards or not, he was at such a level of power that he did not need to even consider anything surprising. The shock troops alone were more than massive enough to overwhelm anyone who stood in his way.

Dragon was rather impressed by Lu Xuan.

That was how a man should act!

“I’m sure a lot of Americans and Europeans are gonna lose sleep over this! Hahahaha!” Dragon was unable to help but burst out in laughter.

He was amused by the thought of seeing those people panic.

Lu Xuan wore a faint smile, but there was no mistaking the sharp look in his eyes. He deemed it necessary to clean up those pesky insects; their existence would hinder the progress of the Human Alliance.

Until those people were purged, the Human Alliance would remain as nothing more than a slogan.

“Well, none of us expected you to come back unharmed. Even after disappearing for five whole years, you still managed to take control of the Myriad Demon Valley. That alone was truly beyond anyone’s wildest imaginations.” Dragon beamed at him.

That was because he was one of those people. While Lu Xuan had casually admitted to it, the Dragon still thought everything to be very surreal.

Lu Xuan briefly explained what had happened: “At first, I thought of taking that old dragon with me, but what do you know, I ended up in the Myriad Demon Valley instead. I’ve been spending every minute of those five years recuperating there. Once I finished recovering, I then went on to conquer all of the Myriad Demon Valley.”

He then continued, “From here on out, none of you have to worry about the demons catching you by surprise. The same goes for dealing with the monsters. As long as I’m around, both monsters and demons from the Myriad Demon Valley will stand with us humans. They’ll never become an enemy of humanity.”

Dragon listened to Lu Xuan with a serious look on his face. Lu Xuan spoke so casually, making it as if he had an easy time recuperating and conquering the entire valley.

However, he knew that things were not that simple.

Lu Xuan disappeared five years ago and was never seen until recently. It was worth noting that he was so physically resilient that he could have taken a direct hit from artillery shells and come out completely unscathed.

Any injury that he ever sustained would be patched within mere seconds.

Even then, his injuries back then had been so severe that he had to actually recuperate for years before returning.

Dragon wondered just how severe Lu Xuan’s injuries had been back then.

He could easily imagine it by simply putting himself in Lu Xuan’s shoes.

As for Lu Xuan’s conquest of the Myriad Demon Valley, he imagined the man fighting through long and hard battles before finally securing a victory. Afterward, he imagined the man going on to subjugate the demons.

However, the Dragon was unaware of what was wrong with his speculations.

Lu Xuan truly did have an easy time conquering the Myriad Demon Valley; he was practically bulldozing his way through the demons without breaking a sweat.

He killed anyone who refused to submit to him and signed master-slave contracts with the rest who yielded. With a single word, he could still kill them all if he wanted.

The way things turned out was completely different from what Dragon speculated: fighting long and hard battles, sifting through the remaining lot, keeping those he could use and disposing of those he could not.

The way the demons might’ve gone about things might’ve been similar to that of humans, but he still thought that it was difficult to subjugate them because the demons were still intelligent beings.

The way Lu Xuan went about it was simple and straightforward: he left a mark on each of them. If anybody was disobedient and plotted against him, he would simply begin torturing them using the slave mark until it killed the disobedient demon.

Anybody who remained would naturally be obedient ones who dare not lift a finger against him. Naturally, all of the remaining demons would become obedient; they would never dare to do anything to hurt Lu Xuan.

While the approach was simple and brutal, it was extremely effective.

“Well, when you put it that way, Mr. Lu… I’m relieved.”

Dragon sighed in relief. The Special Task Force’s top priorities included defending against, as well as hitting, the forces of the Myriad Demon Valley.

The forces of the Myriad Demon Valley did not attack frequently, but any attack from them was enough to shake the entire world. The total number of human casualties accumulated over the years to reach hundreds of thousands.

Even now, both the Atlantic regions and Southeast Asia had yet to recover economically. Compared to when they were at their prime, the state of their economies seemed depressing.

It was all thanks to the forces of the Myriad Demon Valley.

One could imagine just how on edge Dragon had been for the past several years. To make matters worse, kings of monsters would pop up at times while restoration of spirit qi progressed and mutations became increasingly prevalent.

Those kings of monsters would awaken some kind of skills or spells inherent within their bloodline that they did not need to learn. Even deep in the mountains and jungles far away from the reaches of the Myriad Demon Valley’s forces, there was still a fair chance for a monster king to emerge.

All of those monster kings popping up here and there had once frustrated him to no end.

The assurance Lu Xuan had given just now meant that the Special Task Force’s workload had just decreased significantly.

Dragon knew of many people in the upper echelon of the Human Alliance who remained extremely wary of Lu Xuan. Such people felt threatened just by Lu Xuan’s presence alone.

Then again, Dragon had nothing to do with the people of the upper echelon of the Human Alliance.

Having watched Lu Xuan grow throughout the years, he noticed that Lu Xuan had always been powerful and forceful. He did not find anything he said to be out of place. He certainly did not share the fear that had been induced into countless people, either.

After all, their delusions of being able to control everything were shattered when Lu Xuan appeared.

He was a monster that managed to grow without being subjected to the rules and the systems.

Dragon also knew Lu Xuan well enough to see that he would’ve never become something that would threaten the wellbeing of the people.

Dragon paused for a bit before asking, “Mr. Lu, could the Myriad Demon Valley actually control all the demons and monsters out there in the world? With spirit qi getting increasingly thick throughout the planet, common wild animals mutate into monsters every single minute. Hell, it wouldn’t even be surprising to see monsters becoming demons.”

Lu Xuan then replied, “If that’s what you’re concerned about, then no need to worry. The Myriad Demon Valley had long developed a system for taking in new recruits while the place was still under Ao Chen’s control. If you happen to find any kings of monsters that are more than you could handle, just report it to me and I’ll have someone look into it.”

Lu Xuan knew that there had always been a system for taking in new recruits in the valley. All the newly mutated monsters, kings of monsters, and demons would be detected and taken into the valley.

Then again, things would only go smoothly if those new recruits joined of their own volition. Any recruit that refused to join would be subjected to beatings before being coaxed into joining. Any recruit who still refused to join even after all of that would simply be killed.

That system worked very well so far, which was the main reason the place was able to command countless fighting forces all over the world. It also explained why they were able to monitor things occurring everywhere in the world.

There was no doubt that there would still be some oversights, but agencies like the Heavenly Palace and the Special Task Force would eventually take care of them. Other agencies serving under the Human Alliance would handle any oversights, as well.

“Well, that’s good to hear.” Dragon thought for a bit, figuring that it would suffice if the kings of monsters would be subjected under the Myriad Demon Valley’s control. Through this, the monsters were no longer be able to wreak havoc.

As for whether or not Lu Xuan would become too massive of an entity to control, that was not something that Dragon needed to worry about.

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