By the time Le Cheng Emperor finally finished drinking this one cup of tea, Rui Qinwang and Gong Qinwang finally opened their mouths to asked to be excused. Standing here was practically just suffering hardship, so might as well just ‘out of sight, out of mind’. Perhaps because they were ruthlessly provoked by Le Cheng Emperor, the two of them, after leaving, didn’t even bother to maintain the brotherly ‘affections’ on the surface, each returning to their respective homes, each looking for their respective………..mothers.

The resentment in Li Hong Ming’s heart already reached a breaking point. If he doesn’t vent it out, he perhaps really will do something unexpected.

Seeing Noble Consort Su, he directly had the servants all driven out, even losing his most basic manners and etiquette, venting out to Noble Consort Su. Have to say, the only place that’s able to make him expose his raw emotions was really just Noble Consort Su’s place.

Noble Consort Su was rather calm and composed, leisurely drinking her tea. When Li Hong Ming finally calmed down, carrying bit of helplessness, she finally opened her mouth slowly, “Are you finished?”

“Consort mother, this son was ill-mannered, asking consort mother to please forgive.”

Noble Consort Su has always been strict towards Rui Qinwang, but when he’s really in a moody state, she however was a gentle and caring mother. “It’s nothing more than your sixth brother and your imperial father’s ‘natural love[1]‘ causing you to be unhappy. You’re a grown man, someone who’s aspiring for the throne, yet putting out such a delicate appearance like a little girl, how is that appropriate?”

Li Hong Ming’s complexion was somewhat pale, “Consort mother, don’t blur the important points every time.”

Noble Consort Su faintly casted him a glance, “This consort has long told you, your imperial father won’t have the throne passed on to your sixth brother. How many times is this already? Don’t take your imperial father’s doting towards your sixth brother to heart, why won’t you listen? Must you insist on continuously clinging onto this?”

“If consort mother wants to let this son feel at ease, at least need to have the matter explained clearly to this son. You always let this son rest assured, but in reality, this son only sees imperial father just treating him as a son, and the rest of us aren’t anything at all.”

Noble Consort Su remained silent for a moment, quietly looking to Li Hong Ming, “So long as you have some trust in this consort, you wouldn’t be saying these kinds of words.”

Li Hong Ming’s lips trembled, “Consort mother, this son just…..every time one sees that kind of scene, one will feel afraid inside.”

“Your sixth brother is a ghost child. The throne, even if passed on to a bawling small child, still won’t go to him. Now you can rest assured.” The secret that has been guarded for many years, after repeatedly brushing off Li Hong Ming, in this moment, was easily blurted out instead.

Li Hong Ming’s face was full of shock, “This, this………..”

“That year, this consort personally witnessed Imperial Noble Consort’s death, and personally witnessed your imperial father cut open her stomach. Your sixth brother, from birth, just lost the right to inherit the throne. Everything else, no matter how much more he gets, that is all rightfully so. For this consort to be able to obtain your imperial father’s deep trust for this many years, a very large portion of the reason is because of Imperial Noble Consort and your sixth brother. And Imperial Noble Consort’s death, this consort needs to…………Ming’er, once you ascend the throne, don’t bother with your sixth brother anymore. By that time, you are the ruler, and he the subject. He won’t continue to trouble you anymore. As for the matters in these years, compared to your other brothers, in the end, you’ve never had any real losses. As someone who’s going to be an Emperor, your mind mustn’t be that narrow.”

Li Hong Ming momentarily fell silent. Finally digesting Noble Consort Su’s words slowly, “Since sixth brother is a ghost child, then naturally just inauspicious, isn’t imperial father afraid………”

“Your imperial father is the true dragon son of the heavens, so naturally has the heaven’s protection. Your sixth brother has no power, no influence, just an idle wangye, so naturally isn’t able to affect the country’s fortune. Also, Imperial Noble Consort was the meat of your imperial father’s heart. Your sixth brother is the sole child she left behind, and besides,” Noble Consort Su paused, “Imperial Noble Consort was personally killed by your imperial father. With everything added together, if Yuan’er was born prior to her death, these mountains and rivers, really won’t have your share. If a perceptive one, then stand aside sooner.”

The information Noble Consort Su tossed out in succession made Li Hong Ming a bit stupefied. “Imperial father killed Imperial Noble Consort?”

“Regarding this bit, the specifics of the matter, you don’t need to know. For you, there isn’t any benefits. In the future, you just need to properly take care of your business. That temper of your sixth brother’s, you are also aware of. If there’s nothing, then don’t go provoking him. The rest, as long as your imperial father hasn’t thoroughly become muddleheaded, firmly maintaining his bottom line, then regardless of what he does to your sixth brother, you just need to remain silent.”

Li Hong Ming deeply inhaled a breath. Ghost child, this kind of thing, he although wasn’t afraid of, but provoking Li Hong Yuan indeed wasn’t a good thing. In the future, he naturally will stay far far away. “Consort mother, for imperial father to be that good to sixth brother, will he……….”

“So what if he will, and so what if he won’t? Ambition is linked with the power in one’s hand. For your sixth brother to live absolutely unrestrainedly, you think he’s unable to see clearly? The Emperor’s boundless pampering can very easily make one lose themselves. Giving favor, yet not power, if he’s unable to see clearly, then there wouldn’t be the him today. After all, having favor yet no power is more than enough to have a person thoroughly driven insane. Ming’er, just based on intelligence, you all, as his brothers, not a single one is able to surpass him, besides…………”

Li Hong Ming didn’t know what Noble Consort Su’s unspoken words were, but his consort mother has always presented herself to others as gentle and dignified. Her other emotions, perhaps when fighting against the other imperial consorts and concubines, would appear, but even so, it was also mostly just putting on an act. As such, it really was very difficult to perceive what her true feelings were. However, at this very moment, her complexion was indeed somewhat unsightly. He knew, it was the same as with his imperial father killing Imperial Noble Consort, the specifics, he mustn’t get involved in.

“Now, you should be able to rest assured?”

“Consort mother, this son is ashamed.” Li Hong Ming lowered his head, his expression difficult to describe.

“Just don’t continue to be overly suspicious. If there’s nothing else, just go back then. Consort mother is tired.”

“Consort mother, rest well, this son will take one’s leave.”

“Today’s matter, the ones that were aware of back then were just this consort and your imperial father, so don’t let it enter a fourth person’s ear. If this matter were to leak out, it will definitely anger your imperial father. All these years, he has continuously felt guilty inside, yet also has continuously deceived himself, like as if forgetting what he’d really done. If you were to uncover his wound, the aftermath isn’t something we can bear.”

“Don’t worry consort mother, this son knows the severity.”

“Go then.”

Li Hong Ming’s mood was like this sixth month sky, suddenly just clearing up. This entire time, the opponent he was the most afraid of wasn’t Kang Qinwang, but rather Li Hong Yuan. Because under the absolute imperial power, no matter how great your influence, one still can’t win against an imperial decree. Even if in hindsight you’re able to commit regicide and seize the throne, you’re still a rebellious traitor and illegitimately conferred, getting denounced by the later generations. But now, it was great. His worries never existed to begin with. Aside from Li Hong Yuan, when it comes to favor, who can beat him? In addition to having power in hand, ha, hahaha………..Li Hong Ming’s smile was very obvious, nearly just short of facing the sky and laughing out loud.

Ghost child………these two words repeatedly slid across the tip of his tongue.

Overlooking the recklessness and insolence on Li Hong Yuan, he, in Li Hong Ming’s eyes, just turned into an inauspicious person, a pitiful bug!

Li Hong Yuan didn’t know Li Hong Ming’s thinking, but if he did, he probably was just coldly snort. Pitiful bug? In the future, when being crushed under the foot by him, this pitiful bug, what kind of expression will he have?

For the sake of passing down a good reputation through history, one was just bounded by the hands and feet. This thing, however, for Li Hong Yuan, wasn’t worth anything at all. Never mind seizing the throne, even if it’s letting the world burn, he similarly won’t bat an eye. Otherwise, in his past life, he wouldn’t have been an infamous tyrant, to the point where even the surrounding countries all withdrew their necks like turtles.

Rui Qinwang returned to his own courtyard in a good mood. However, as soon as he entered, he was just informed that Concubine Ying has been endlessly screaming and shouting this whole time, wanting to meet him. For Li Hong Ming, Luo Jing Ying already lost her worth. However, for better or worse, there was still a child in her stomach. Although right now, he didn’t care all that much about whether or not he had a son, but if he had one, for him, it was still more advantageous. At least, there won’t be anyone clinging onto this bit and not letting go. It’s not like he was a youngster ascending the throne. For grown princes like them, having an heir similarly was an important factor in whether or not they can ascend the throne. The family clan very much cared about succession, and for the Emperor, it was further so.

Li Hong Ming thought for a moment, in the end still deciding to go see her, at least letting her know her place a little. For her to continuously throw a tantrum like this, it was also annoying.

When Luo Jing Ying finally saw Li Hong Ming, her tears rapidly just fell, very much pitiful, “Wangye………..” Even forgetting the rules, throwing herself into his bosom just like that, tearfully sobbing.

In the past, Li Hong Ming perhaps would even endure his temper, patiently coaxing a few words. But now, it was just a look of annoyance. And further because he felt his clothes getting wet, he revealed an extremely loathing expression. “Are you all dead, still not having her pulled away from this prince?”

Sensing Li Hong Ming’s chilling air, before the servant girls could move, his personal attendant already went forward, having Luo Jing Ying peeled away from Li Hong Ming’s body, not at all gently. Perhaps, in order to prevent her from clinging onto their master and not letting go, that attendant directly made a malicious move in the dark, twisting her fingers with all his strength. Luo Jing Ying cried out in pain, feeling her fingers were about to break. Probably because Luo Jing Ying was just too used to being arrogant recently, that without even thinking about it, she just swung a slap over, “Lowly slave, how dare you.”

That attendant was stupefied by the slap. All say, ‘when hitting a dog, still need to look at the master’s face’. Ever since he became Rui Qinwang’s personal attendant, there were plenty of people that fawned over and flattered him. Even the wangfei, when speaking with him, all carried an amiable manner. Aside from suffering hardship when his own master was angry, it was probably just getting kicked by Jin Qinwang before. That living Enma, no one could afford to offend. Getting kicked was also just getting kicked in vain, don’t count on anyone seeking justice for him. But now, a mere concubine slapped him? The bitter resentment flashed across his eyes. Feeling a bit wronged, he quietly retreated behind Rui Qinwang. When having worth, you are a treasure, but when worthless, you’re just a blade of grass.

Li Hong Ming’s complexion instantly darkened. He was a man that very much favored gentle and quiet women. He didn’t mind occasionally changing his taste, but once fed up with, regardless of what they did, it was all wrong. Turning his hand, he fanned a slap over. Luo Jing Ying was directly struck onto the ground.

Luo Jing Ying covered her face. There was even bloodstain on the corner of her mouth. She looked to Li Hong Ming in disbelief. This man standing before her simply wasn’t her husband, right? Clearly a few days ago he was still affectionately holding her, even saying words of love by her ear. “Wangye, you hit me?”

“To dare use ‘you and I’ towards wangye, Concubine Ying, please pay attention to your status.” The attendant behind Rui Qinwang warned.

Li Hong Ming couldn’t see, but Luo Jing Ying clearly saw the disdain and malice in his eyes.

“Luo Jing Ying, know your place, and this prince will leave you a bowl of rice, otherwise………….” Li Hong Ming directly stormed off in anger.

[1] 父慈子孝 – Literally translates as ‘benevolent father, filial son’, but it refers to the natural love between parent and child

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