Ruan Rui Zhong’s gaze was heavy, but didn’t explain anything. This kind of situation, even if knowing that the other party was well aware inside, still wasn’t good to pierce through, letting one lose face. Humans often times were just like this, needing to pretend that everything is at peace.

Ruan Eldest Madam didn’t laugh out loud, but from her appearance, one can clearly sense the overcast in her heart clearing. Lowering her head, she deferentially received the order. Even if knowing this father-in-law was just borrowing her hand to take care of this matter, and if handled well, it was just how it should be, and if not handled well, all the consequences, she perhaps will have to shoulder, but she really didn’t mind. To be able to openly sort out that slut, she has looked forward to this day for too long already.

However, Ruan Rui Zhong saw her expression, his heart becoming increasingly gloomy. He wasn’t certain whether or not his eldest son was also involved within. Could it be that his eldest daughter-in-law’s hatred towards Wei-shi originated from here? But, this matter, there was no way of looking into. If one really were to find out, he was afraid he really will fall apart. He would rather deceive himself that his eldest daughter-in-law was just resenting Wei-shi for monopolizing the power this whole time. Moreover, based on Wei-shi age, she probably will never have the opportunity to change the situation in her lifetime.

Ruan Rui Zhong brushed his sleeves and left. His two bastard sons were still following behind him with a deathly pale look.

Ruan Eldest Madam looked to her two younger brother-in-laws. She really didn’t understand too well, exactly what kind of bewitching soup did Wei-shi, that loose woman, drown them with that even if one gave them beautiful young concubines, it still wasn’t able to bind them.

The Ruan family servants, although all obeyed Wei-shi’s every word, but with the Ruan family this big, there were always those that she couldn’t control, for instance, them, these ‘daughter-in-laws’, so being able to insert a few people was already not bad. Moreover, if a woman wants to establish herself in the rear court, the man’s trust was the root. No matter how impressive Wei-shi was in the Ruan family, aside from her own batch of death soldiers, for the rest, their reverence towards her all had a premise. Right now, the head of the family Ruan Rui Zhong wanted to sort her out, and her people were all completely controlled. For the people that have nothing to do with her, who would be that stupid to defy the head of the family for her? Most importantly, quite a few people in the courtyard of the imperial summer residence weren’t under the eyelids of Wei-shi year round. They weren’t trusted by her, so naturally she didn’t have the intention to rope them in. Unable to sense the old madam’s generous benevolence, so now, they just became Ruan Eldest Madam’s best ‘executioners’ for the task.

As for that bunch that were the courtyard guards, their whereabouts were currently unknown. Under the premise of not knowing this trump card of Wei-shi’s, Ruan Eldest Madam completely didn’t feel there was anything wrong. The personal servants of Wei-shi, in total, there was just a dozen or so, and for the most part, all the weak and powerless kind, so no need to worry about them causing trouble.

Ruan Eldest Madam looked down at this bunch from above. Because of Wei-shi’s reason, they, on the surface, were well-behaved with propriety, but in the dark, didn’t cause trouble any less. Having such a master, there will inevitably be such servant, this saying, used on them, really wasn’t too much at all. Yet now, they were kneeling before her, kowtowing and begging for mercy. Heheh, the more miserable these people were at this time, the more refreshed she felt inside.

She didn’t order them to immediately carry out the execution. On one hand, it was wanting to see the pleading look of these bastards things who took advantage of their position to bully others, and on the other hand, she wanted to wait for someone, one that was extremely pampered and loved in the Ruan family called Ruan Fang Fei. In name, she was her little sister-in-law, but in reality, who knows whether it was ‘daughter’, or ‘niece’, or even someone completely unrelated.

Unfortunately, after waiting for about a quarter of an hour, she still didn’t see her, probably ‘avoiding the trouble’.

“Start beating!”

All had their mouths stuffed………….

Under normal circumstances, seeing blood tainting lives, one would all feel different degrees of unwell, but when these people were your greatest enemy, this kind of uncomfortable feeling will just turn into feeling pleased. It was best to have these people’s bones and flesh all beaten into a lump of mush.

Ruan Eldest Madam was just that concentrated in watching the expressions of these people distort one by one, struggling in pain, and afterwards, stop breathing. And under her command of ‘continue’, they all no longer retained their human form. First it was silence, slowly followed by laughter, and afterwards, as she laughed, her tears fell instead. That deranged and mad like appearance made the people that were already quite frightened by the pile of dead bodies to begin with go soft in the knees, further worrying that they will have nightmares for half a month.

“Madam, it has all passed.” A mama next to the woman softly consoled with a deathly pale face.

Ruan Eldest Madam gradually restrained her emotions. Indeed, it has all passed. She has taken revenge for her child that tragically died in grievance. Glancing at the tightly shut courtyard gates, “Unfortunately………..” Unfortunately she wasn’t able to let that lowly woman also end up like this. If possible, Ruan Eldest Madam further wanted to personally send her to her death.

(T/N: I wonder if this is referencing that the niece that Ruan Fang Fei stripped naked and drugged was her daughter, and perhaps committed suicide from shame afterwards. This is never specified so just my speculation.)

“In the end, it’s the ‘family shame must not be spread outside’. Even if old master, at this very moment, also hate her to death, for the sake of the family’s reputation, still won’t do anything to her at this time, and further won’t let madam you do it.” That mama still softly spoke.

“I know, just worrying that long nights, many dreams.”

“Shouldn’t be possible, right? It’s said that old master had personally caught her, was it possible for him to still be able to forgive her? Replaced with any other man, all wouldn’t be able to bear this kind of thing.”

“But mama, you also know how difficult to deal with that slut is, sometimes both demonic and bewitching, even making one suspect that she isn’t human.” Unable to personally witness her die, the madam’s heart will forever be unable to thoroughly be at rest.

“This, this……….” That mama also felt the evil air, inwardly praying to buddha with all her might.

Although it was said like this, Ruan Eldest Madam fabricated the reason for beating to death this many people, and afterwards just went to report to Ruan Rui Zhong.

The so called ‘reason’ was all for the people outside to hear. Everyone all knew, nine times out of ten, it was fake. It was nothing more than the excuse that everyone used to cover up the ugly shame, just like Le Cheng Emperor that year. Clearly it was him that killed Imperial Noble Consort, yet said it was Imperial Noble Consort dying of hemorrhaging from a difficult birth. Imperial Noble Consort’s death made him extremely furious, killing all the servants, such messiness———–However, he was the Emperor, for the excuses he brought out, no one would dare say anything. But for others, it was different, able to imagine a hundred different kinds of ‘truth’ for you.

Ruan Eldest Madam knew what kind of situation it will be, but she simply didn’t care. These days, could still be even worse than the past? Currently the Ruan family was plagued by rumors, and everything was all because of that slut’s lowly spawn. Once this mother and daughter pair both disappear, as time goes on, the rumors will dilute, all the way until it becomes forgotten by everyone. Their days will eventually get better.

Although she wasn’t able to be completely at peace inside, she still relaxed quite a bit.

Her two younger brother-in-laws were kneeling on the stone path under the scorching sun. However, she didn’t even bat an eye. The ones that should kneel here, how was it just these two. However, some things, if all ripped apart in the open, her father-in-law definitely won’t allow it.

Ruan Eldest Madam neither quickly nor slowly had the matters reported, standing there with her eyes lowered.

Ruan Rui Zhong had just rested for a while. He rather wanted to properly recuperate his spirit, but unfortunately, this body wasn’t something that will listen to what he wanted. His situation right now truly was lacking the energy to do anything. He glanced at this daughter-in-law of his. In the past, because of the difference between men and women, even if a daughter-in-law, his gaze couldn’t casually land on them either. Perhaps it was precisely because of this that he repeatedly missed the chance to discover certain truths. Her age was indeed older than Wei-shi, yet appeared as if twenty years older than Wei-shi.

Why endure that long and not reveal it? If revealed sooner, would he have been this miserably decieved by Wei-shi? Thinking to here, anger once again risen from his heart, ruthlessly gasping for breath. He repeatedly warned himself, don’t get angry, don’t get angry, if one dies…………Occasionally, he also felt it was better to just die like this. It was humiliating to just be alive. But, if he dies, perhaps he will directly be drowned by dirty waters. That’s why, no matter what, still need to have the matters taken care of cleanly.

Fortunately Ruan Eldest Madam didn’t know what he was thinking, else would’ve just mocking laughed. Wei-shi concealed too well, and she didn’t have conclusive evidence against her. For many things, it was nothing more than just her deliberately revealing for her to know, appearing true, but actually false. Additionally, in terms of money, she has always been generous, never holding back. If she were to reveal this matter, would she be able to end well? She still had children, still had a maiden family, she couldn’t afford to fight to the death with her!

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