Seeing Jing Wan in such seriousness, Li Hong Yuan’s eyes carried a smile, stroking the corners of her temple, as if carrying a bit of nonchalant, as well as carefreeness, “I know, little vinegar jar.” Such half-heartedness.

This was caring or not caring? This was understanding or not understanding? Jing Wan just smiled and didn’t say anymore, stopping here. Saying too much was also quite boring, making it lovey-dovey, and even making one feel annoyed. For many things, it wasn’t dependent on the promise at present, nor the current attitude. What it truly depended on was the actions in the future. That’s why, Jing Wan also didn’t feel he was making light of it now.

In reality, Li Hong Yuan understood Jing Wan’s mentality. Sweet talk and honeyed words didn’t have any effect on her, otherwise he would’ve long had many words and many things all voiced out. For someone as rational as her, to be able to make clear her attitude in a few short days after marrying, it was already considered hard to come by, but this was still far from enough.

Li Hong Yuan leisurely strolled through the gardens with Jing Wan. Afterwards, Jing Wan discovered many rare and valuable flowers. Just like he said, the four great name breeds of peony were even better than Sun Yi Lin’s, and from the looks of it, they were even planted quite some time ago. Furthermore, there were the others, chrysanthemum, plum trees, camellia, orchid, and so on. Of course, majority all still haven’t been seen yet. However, according to this living Enma’s degree of extravagance, would they be lacking? Truthfully speaking, Jing Wan reckon, even if adding together all the name breeds in the entire capital, all may not necessarily be more than the ones in his hand.

“No wonder at the Ding Duke Manor that one time, saw that your movement in clipping the flower spray was so skilled, and also good at picking the flower spray. Wangye is also an intermediate expert.” Such leisure mood and refined taste really was a bit outside of her expectations.

Li Hong Yuan smiled but didn’t speak. Some things, once one understands enough of, even if one doesn’t know how, one will still learn. In his past life, when he was Emperor, because his body wasn’t good, his temper was naturally just not easy to control, but when looking after these things, he was actually able to be at peace. It’s not that he liked them, but rather that person in his heart liked them, that’s all.

Slowly strolling around for about two hours, only a little less than half of the entire Jin Qinwang Manor had been seen. If one truly wanted to meticulously examine, afraid even an entire day wasn’t enough. Jin Qinwang Manor was precisely this grand.

When going back, Jing Wan once again looked towards the horizontal inscription board hanging above the main courtyard, Elegant Haitang Residence.

When she was the first time, to say she wasn’t surprised was a lie. This while, Jing Wan rather teasingly looked towards the man next to her, “How lazy must wangye have to be, for it to be this casual.” She’d heard from Qing Shi that this courtyard originally didn’t have a name. This was just hung up on the day before the wedding. Wasn’t this precisely lazy to no end?

How would Jing Wan know that this horizontal inscription board has already existed for several years.

Returning to the main courtyard, Jing Wan got told, the account books that should sent over have already been sent over, and moreover, all two shares, both the public and hidden accounts.

Jing Wan inwardly nodded. These people were still quite perceptive. However, having Li Hong Yuan this kind of master suppressing from above, no matter how dark these people’s hearts were, afraid would still leave some leeway. After all, it was okay if the living Enma didn’t flip through the account books, but once he flips through them, then they’ll really get chopped into pieces.

Jing Wan understood the twists and in turns inside, and Li Hong Yuan was also clear of them, randomly taking two account books that appear to be the same and flipping through them. There weren’t much either, just a few pages. Afterwards, he just disinterestedly threw it aside, “These people’s guts are much smaller than I’d anticipated. Mingling in this prince’s manor, no matter what, shouldn’t be worse than a fourth or fifth rank official, yet these people were just sixth seventh rank. Wasn’t it said that the servants resemble the master? The people under this prince really aren’t much.”

Often times, towards this person, Jing Wan was too speechless to respond. To think that there were actually masters that disdained that the servants one raised didn’t embezzle enough of one’s own money? Speaking from this angle, Jin Qinwang can also be considered a great outlier. Don’t know what thoughts those people will have if they knew, was it becoming even more cautious, or like a beast coming out of the cage, no longer having misgivings?

Jing Wan just glanced at Eunuch Mu. This one can be considered Jin Qinwang’s number one lackey. If he were to borrow Jin Qinwang’s name to rake in money, he’ll definitely be able to live in a mansion, and raise a bunch of beautiful servant girls. Regardless whether it was Jing Wan’s past life, or in this life, there have always been this kind of court eunuchs, having high position and strong power, countless wealth and properties. This kind of person really wasn’t that uncommon.

Eunuch Mu however had his brows lowered and eyes restrained, completely not daring to have his master’s words taken seriously. He did say you can do this, but he didn’t say he won’t sort you out if you do this. Even if a bit ‘stupid’, a bit ‘cowardly’, or even getting looked down on, it was still better than getting ‘kacha-ed’ someday. He similarly accepted things from others before, but he definitely wasn’t comparable to the close attendants of the other wangyes. As for ambitions? A castrate, having ambition in front of the living Enma, hehehhe……….

“Master, the manor’s assets, this servant has already inventoried. How about bringing it over now for wangfei to see altogether?”

Li Hong Yuan nodded.

Afterwards, Eunuch Mu hastily left. That appearance was just like as if preparing to go throw away a scalding hot potato.

Eunuch Mu left quickly and also returned quickly. Him moving things naturally wasn’t little by little, that was lifting in by the trunks.

Setting aside the specific numbers first, Eunuch Mu very diligently had the overall outline handed to Jing Wan to look over.

Jing Wan held the thick ‘account book’, engrossingly flipping through. The more she rummaged through, the more shocked she was. Looking towards Li Hong Yuan, her gaze was like as if looking at a strange creature. Good god, she really wanted to pull over her good husband and properly ask, did you move the state treasury?

Since Jing Wan thought this, she also just asked this.

“The state treasury? Too troublesome.” It was going to be his sooner or later. Moving back and forth, and even needing to spend effort to make inventory, he didn’t have that leisure mood. As for it currently being used by others, he also didn’t care. However much they use now, they’ll just have to pay back later in ten-fold. “This is the manor’s assets. This prince should also have a share of private assets.”

“These aren’t considered your private assets?”

“Prior to Wan Wan marrying, is your private assets equal to the Luo family’s assets?” Li Hong Yuan had a look of ‘Wan Wan, how come you’ve become stupid’. “If you’d really moved the entire Luo family’s assets over, Head Minister Luo will probably come looking for me for a fight.”

“Can this be the same? In the entire qinwang manor, there’s just you, this one master. Is there a difference between private and public assets?”

“Now there’s two, so these belong to the two of us. See, this is the difference.”

Jing Wan lost her anger with him, smiling yet not smiling as she opened her mouth, “Wangye’s meaning is that in the future, still preparing to hide a private little treasury? Don’t know if this wife will have the honor of seeing wangye’s little treasury?”

“Wangfei, it’s here.” Eunuch Mu quickly had a small chest handed over.

This was just having one’s own master thoroughly sold without a second word, really a good dog. Jing Wan teasingly looked to Li Hong Yuan.

Li Hong Yuan casted Eunuch Mu a glance, just like looking at an ungrateful bastard thing.

However, Eunuch Mu at this very moment wasn’t afraid in the slightest, his waist stretched straight as a pole, very much magnanimous.

Jing Wan also knew that without Li Hong Yuan’s tacit permission, just based on him, a close attendant, still able to brazenly curry favor with the just married in wangfei, and even with a look of ‘with her as the priority’? Under normal circumstances, it should be her ‘currying favor’ with Eunuch Mu.

Jing Wan fixedly stared at it for a moment, then turned to look at the calm and unconcerned Li Hong Yuan before finally reaching out to accept it. For Jing Wan, and for Li Hong Yuan, this all wasn’t the problem of money, but rather the problem of attitude. Li Hong Yuan already made clear his attitude, so Jing Wan naturally should also declare her position. If she refuses, it’ll be equivalent to refusing his kindly feelings.

Jing Wan accepted it, yet didn’t open it, placing it aside, “To have troubled Eunuch Mu. Later, I’ll slowly look it over.”

Eunuch Mu quivered, “Wangfei is cutting short this servant’s longevity, this one isn’t worthy of wangfei’s address as ‘eunuch’[1].” In the past, it couldn’t be helped, and for the most part, she’d always addressed him to his face before. But now, if he dared to accept, he probably won’t need to see tomorrow’s sun.

(T/N: When Eunuch Mu’s figure of speech ‘cutting one’s longevity short’ is actually more literal in a sense.)

“Wan Wan, you’re his master.” Li Hong Yuan had Jing Wan pulled into his arms, “Already told you before that you possess equal honor as this prince. My people, you naturally can also casually order around.”

These words were said rather effortlessly, but how was it that simple? However, these words indeed made one quite happy.

From the gatekeeper, an invitation card was passed in. It was from Rui Wangfei.

The general idea was just Jin Qinwang Manor has finally welcomed its female master. And on the day of the wedding, it was even her first time entering Jin Qinwang Manor, and towards the manor’s scenery, she was endlessly fond of. Just she could only hastily look over, thus thickening her face, wishing to drop in for a glance, asking to give consent, and so on.

Li Hong Yuan had the invitation thrown to one side, “If not one family, don’t enter the same family gate.”

This meaning was Rui Wangfei and Rui Qinwang were the same type of person?

“Since they want to show certain people brotherly affection, and the zhoulis harmonious, what harm is there in fulfilling their wish. Wan Wan, our manor’s entertainers are extremely beautiful, so you shouldn’t enjoy them alone, no?” Li Hong Yuan said with a shallow smile.

Jing Wan’s eyes spun, “Prior to wangye marrying, it indeed wasn’t appropriate to entertain guests in the manor. But, isn’t it not too good if it’s just Rui Qinwang and Rui Wangfei? Ought to have all your brothers that have already opened their own manors all invited over. Since it’s sharing the good, then naturally should be the more the better.”

Li Hong Yuan lifted his brow, “Wan Wan’s words are extremely correct.”

Jing Wan immediately went to write the invitations, issuing down the order that tomorrow there will be a banquet for guests.

Jing Wan believed, the people who will receive the invitations won’t not come. This is the first time, and unless truly unable to get up, otherwise if they don’t give face, they all won’t be able to explain to their Emperor old man.

Just as expected, each family all responded very quickly to the invitation, expressing that they will definitely arrive early.

These matters, as long as Jing Wan ordered down, the rest all didn’t need for her to personally take care of.

On this day, not long after the afternoon meal, the others just came one after another.

The first to come was Rui Qinwang and Rui Wangfei. Jing Wan and Li Hong Yuan separately welcomed them. Just, Jing Wan saw someone very unexpected by Rui Wangfei’s side, Bringing Luo Jing Ying here, what did they want to do?

[1] 公公 – Gonggong, the respectful way to address an eunuch

T/N: LHY’s subordinates have the best inner dialogue lmaoooo they are the lines I love translating the most.

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