This time, a certain someone’s complexion was comparable to the bottom of a pot. The wine cup in hand all got crushed into pieces by him, yet he didn’t try to have Jing Wan pulled back.

Jing Wan was a bit worried inside, looks like he really was quite angry. Sensing that she might suffer a calamity tonight, should she consider hitting the road right away? Just, she was merely withdrawing to undress, that’s all. But, from the looks of it, if she runs, perhaps later she’ll have to submit on the bed.

Moreover, towards the man who had a bit of problems inside, when ‘acting up’, it was already scary to begin with, so if she runs, would the ‘symptoms’ intensify? She’d already clearly sensed his somewhat unusual possessive desires. If this thoroughly corrupts, perhaps he’ll just have her completely cut off from the rest of the world. The more she looked, the more she felt this man would definitely do this kind of thing.

Jing Wan stared at the side of his face, feeling a bit helpless, but also a bit amused. Yet, the expression on her face was indescribably soft.

Jing Wan took apart her hair bun, just leaving behind the front part simply fixed to the top of her head. She removed her clothes, leaving behind the exceptionally close-fitting dudou and inner pants, then removing her shoes, she once again slid into the water. In that moment, she clearly saw a certain someone’s complexion improving quite a bit.

Really, prior to getting married, he was that thick-skinned, daring to say anything, yet now it was like as if his character completely changed.

Jing Wan’s entire body submerged into the water, sliding her arms and legs, swimming towards the center of the pond, reaching the spot directly in front of a certain someone. Turning her body, facing Li Hong Yuan, she suddenly broke out from the water. Speaking of which, for the sake of coaxing someone, she even went all out in seducing, really is increasingly shattering her sense of honor. In the future, perhaps she’ll become even more shameless.

However, the result Jing Wan wanted was achieved. After all, a certain someone that was ‘ignoring’ her, at this very moment, was fixedly staring at her, and that clump of seemingly undissolvable dense ink in his eyes similarly became extraordinarily bright again.

Li Hong Yuan just felt all the blood in his body surging downwards to his lower half, causing the strong beastly desires to burst out of the cage.

In reality, on Li Hong Yuan, it was indeed his possessive desires acting up, but his inherent goal was also just wanting to let Jing Wan voluntarily ‘compensate’ him. The others, for him, perhaps forcibly demanding was more amusing, but towards Jing Wan, seeing her voluntarily offering herself up, it further made him excited. But, in the end, she was still a girl, and knowing that she was thin-skinned, Li Hong Yuan originally didn’t plan on going overboard either, yet reality gave him an unexpected surprise. As such, in the future, he rather didn’t need to ‘restrain’ himself too much.

If Jing Wan were to know, her future tears will all be the waters entering her brains at this very moment, don’t know what thoughts she’ll have.

Although she was already mentally prepared, but when actually going about making love in the great outdoors, her feeling of shame still rapidly shot up. And in many cases, because the nerves were tense, the stimulation brought about would also increase.

The evening meal became the very very late midnight snack.

By bedtime, Jing Wan finally recalled his bloody garments.

“Went to go hunting, encountered a tiger, I had it slaughtered.” Li Hong Yuan nonchalantly spoke.

Jing Wan’s heart directly jumped from hearing. Being covered in blood, one just knew, it wasn’t killing using an arrow from far away, but rather the result of fighting in close proximity. Hey, that was a tiger, the king of beasts, not a cat. “In the future, not allowed to do this kind of dangerous thing.”

“Don’t worry, just a tiger, I’ll be fine. Or rather, Wan Wan doesn’t believe in this husband?”

“Worrying and believing, they can also coexist. Even if it’s absolute trust, as long as one cares, one will still worry.”

Li Hong Yuan, seeing Jing Wan with a serious look, couldn’t help but kiss her, “Alright, I promise you, in the future, won’t easily risk danger.”

Jing Wan’s lips moved. Originally, she wanted to let him not risk any dangers, but recalling the things he’s doing now, already riddled with dangers to begin with, already impossible to pull back, he can only continue forward without looking back. “That’s right, how come there are tigers in the forest nearby?” In reality, there were quite a few ‘imperial villas’ in the vicinity, so the hidden dangers should’ve long been cleared away.

“Probably came out from the depths of the forest.” In reality, the position they set out to was also relatively deep.

Because there were still people present on the estate, Jing Wan, even if somewhat sleep deprived, still didn’t get up late.

The beast that had his fill, his mood also improved quite a bit. Looking to these people, he didn’t find them that irksome anymore, and thus didn’t think of leaving the estate again to hunt. Calling Luo Jing Bo and them, the three relatively older brother-in-laws, he prepared to talk about life philosophy through verses and poetry.

Alright, this was all nonsense.

In these aspects, even if Li Hong Yuan knew how, he still didn’t have that leisure mood.

In the high pavilion, Luo Jing De sat across from Li Hong Yuan, and on the table was a chessboard. Luo Jing Ming and Luo Jing Bo sat on the two sides watching the match. Probably because Li Hong Yuan curbed the dangerous air around him, he appeared rather gentle. In addition, his good towards Jing Wan, they all took to heart, thus towards him, they didn’t have too much fear.

However, as time passed, regardless whether it was Luo Jing De who was playing qo, or the two watching, they were all faintly sweating somewhat. Too scary. Jin Qinwang who was considered by other to not have a single good point, this qi skill was terrifying to the point that it made one tremble in fear.

Then, looking to Li Hong Yuan again, aloof and indifferent, very casual in placing down the pieces, neither quickly nor slowly, always picking a stone and placing it down right after Luo Jing De lands his. In fact, he wasn’t even seriously looking at the board, let alone pondering for a long time.

And don’t know if it was because his mood was still pretty good, he would even advise a few words occasionally.

Luo Jing De attentively listened to his teachings.

Three consecutive rounds, the time spent on each round all weren’t considered short. Of course, ninety-nine percent of the time, it was all Luo Jing De contemplating.

The person was switched. Speaking of which, Luo Jing Ming’s qi skills, compared with Luo Jing De’s, was slightly stronger, but under Li Hong Yuan’s hand, there was no difference. However, all say observing qi was like observing a person, especially with people like Li Hong Yuan, one certainly must go all out. It was impossible to still hold back and hide one’s skills, so some things were just directly exposed.

Among the three brothers, Luo Jing Ming, because he was a shu-born’s shu-born, it was hard to avoid feeling inferior inside, yet he also concealed an even deeper desire to win beneath the surface, as well as a burst of determination that has never been displayed before on normal days.

“Have your marriage arrangements been settled yet?” Li Hong Yuan suddenly asked.

Luo Jing Ming blanked, unsure why Jin Qinwang would suddenly mention this. However, he still honestly answered, “Already decided on, just short of going through the rites, it’s the Head of the Hong Lu Office’s shu daughter.”

“Head of the Hong Lu Office[1]? His family seemingly still has a di daughter. Later this prince will let him switch the person.”

Never mind Luo Jing Ming, even the other two brothers were all endlessly shocked.

“Wangye, this seemingly is a bit inappropriate.” Luo Jing Ming hardened his head and said.

Li Hong Yuan lifted his head and glanced at him, opening his mouth with an unclear tone, “Could it be that you’re thinking this prince will act recklessly?”

Luo Jing Ming hurriedly denied, but in reality, his first thought really was this. This probably was the fault of thinking based on impression. In reality, from some tiny clues, one was already able to tell, Jin Qinwang didn’t match with the rumors.

“This prince will let the Head of Hong Lu Office voluntarily switch the person, and others won’t say anything either.”

The Head of the Hong Lu Office was a high third rank, and truthfully speaking, Luo Jing Ming although was Luo Pei Shan’s grandson, his father was nothing at all. Moreover, he was also a shu son. Even if many people all thought highly of him, it was impossible for the di daughter of a high third rank official to take a fancy to him. A shu daughter was just right. But, one line from Li Hong Yuan just had this changed, really a bit…………….

That girl he was discussing marriage with, Luo Jing Ming had only seen once. He didn’t have any special feelings, but because his family all felt she was pretty good, and although it’s not like there weren’t better candidates, this one didn’t prick the eye, so Luo Jing Ming naturally just nodded in agreement. But to be able to switch with a higher status wife, unless the man already had that person in their heart, otherwise, under normal circumstances, all won’t refuse.

Just, don’t know what kind of method Jin Qinwang will use.

Luo Jing De glanced at him. If this really is the case, then second brother’s wife will also be of a higher birth than his own wife. Originally, there was already a third sister-in-law suppressing, and although he himself didn’t think much of it, just don’t know whether or not his wife will think too much. Looks like later, he’ll need to properly talk with her. The Luo family’s current situation was still peculiar, absolutely can’t have the inner manor in discord.

[1] Hong Lu Office – 鸿胪寺, one of the nine offices in ancient china, in charge of foreign affairs as well as receiving foreign guests

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