The old woman appeared to have said a lot, but because for the most part, they just entered the main topic from the start, as such, the time spent really wasn’t much.

But this place was the qinwang manor after all, and on normal days, all didn’t have anyone visiting, so even if it’s a not that conspicuous old woman, if someone were to be prompted by a sudden impulse, who knows whether or not they’ll attract trouble. The living Enma certainly won’t have any problems, just the people of the Zhou family………Don’t have it where one not only wasn’t able to help, but instead let the Zhou family invite trouble first.

Prior to leaving, Jing Wan told the old woman, “Auntie, after you go back, don’t do anything excessive with your family. However, towards your daughter’s matter, what you should fight for, still need to fight for. Aside from this, just treat it as not knowing anything at all, and don’t have anyone backing you either. If someone want to use money to approach and cease the matter, when you all feel it’s more or less enough, just accept it. Don’t do anything meaningless that will injure oneself. The rest, leave it to us. Regardless of who, and regardless of how many people participated in it, there will eventually be a day where they will pay a heavy price.”

The old woman was somewhat moved, but in the end, suppressed it. However, her complexion wasn’t all that good either, “This commoner don’t want their dirty money, my daughter’s life, my daughter’s purity………….”

“Auntie, don’t get worked up, listen to me first. Money in itself doesn’t have fault, the fault just lies in the people using them. If you feel this money isn’t comfortable in hand, then just use it to go help those who need help. The other party has killed someone after all, so no matter what would all feel guilty. If you all don’t accept, it’ll make them think that you all won’t leave the matter at that. Then, who knows what they will do. Sir Yu perhaps is precisely considering for you all, thus forcibly suppressed his anger and pain. If something were to happen to you all, then he will no longer have anything to bind him. At that time, what will he do? Even if he’s deeply regarded by his Majesty, but because of the position he resides in, he’s destined to be a lone official. That way, will he be able to wrestle with Rui Qinwang?”

The old woman’s lips trembled, the tears in her eyes flickered, “Wangfei is right, my daughter is already gone, can’t also have my son sacrificed, and the whole family sacrificed.”

At the same time, she thought of their family’s old two. Perhaps he also thought of the crucial points within, but he didn’t say anything at all. Right now, was he using all his power to protect them?

“For you to be able to understand, it’s naturally for the best. I know, encountering this kind of thing, for outsiders, it’s easy and simple to say, if not the person involved, one was unable to understand that kind of pain. It’s not that one is able to just be rational when necessary, and even if one does something irrational, it’s also understandable. In reality, you are far stronger than the average person, and also a mother worthy of deep respect.”

“Wangfei is just the wangfei, even the words said are different than others. Just, this commoner is truly unworthy.”

Worthy or not, Jing Wan also didn’t say anymore, letting someone have the old woman sent out, and must ensure her safety, putting an end to possible dangers.

Of course, there was no need for Jing Wan to instruct. The moment Jing Wan nodded her head and accepted Yu Zhong Qing’s surrender, accepting the Zhou family, for the most part, Li Hong Yuan already accepted their lives.

Jing Wan’s mood, however, wasn’t that relaxed. How to put it, Zhou Ke Xin admittedly was deserving of sympathy, but she has never even met the person before after all. In her past life, this kind of thing was more known, but at present, one was still in a feudal society, conservative in thought. Women, even if dying tragically, as long as one had gotten tainted, when said out loud, that woman as well as her family all won’t obtain pure sympathy. As such, when encountering this kind of thing, it was still very rarely known by others. In her past life, it wasn’t just limited to this, seeing often on the news, and when hearing for the first time, perhaps would still resent, but any more, perhaps one will just become numb.

Jing Wan was skeptical of the role her own husband played on this matter.

Her understanding towards Li Hong Yuan was still far from one hundred percent, but just based on those that she was aware of, she can also be certain, for the sake obtaining Yu Zhong Qing’s support, he definitely was able to do this kind of thing. After all, his situation was special. If he wants to ascend the throne, either force the Emperor to abdicate, or it was just killing all his brothers. When Le Cheng Emperor only has one son left, even if he’s a ghost child, Le Cheng Emperor still wouldn’t be able to have the throne yielded to an outsider, no?

The reputation for these two paths all weren’t that great. However, as long as one’s able to exercise proper control, the casualties in the first path can be greatly reduced, and Yu Zhong Qing was the necessary link in this. After all, as the head of the palace security, taking down him was just equal to taking down the various gates of the imperial palace without wasting a single solider or pawn.

The fight for the throne was riddle with hardships. The entire path filled with thorns and blood, so using some cruel means was also unavoidable. If one must do so, with no other alternative, as long as it doesn’t involve herself, not harming her close family, Jing Wan also won’t say anything. And when necessary, she was even willing to do some ‘things’ for him. But if not something one must do, she hoped that he can be lenient.

Since she has the doubt, Jing Wan decided to go seek confirmation. Else, regardless of the truth, her heart afraid will all have a knot.

Li Hong Yuan had already gotten up, rather leisurely reading a book. Hearing the movement, he lifted his head and looked towards Jing Wan, “Done with the matter?” Seeing Jing Wan slightly off, “What’s wrong, is there a problem?” Waving his hand, he let Jing Wan come to his side.

Jing Wan didn’t refuse either, sitting down next to him, getting right to the point and having her suspicions asked out loud.

Li Hong Yuan didn’t get angry. Having everything asked out was always better than bottling it in the heart, no? “Since I know Yu Zhong Qing’s background, then presumably those brothers of mine all know too. Just, they don’t know about the Zhou family. More precisely, that year, practically no outsider knew about the Yu family’s eldest di son going missing for several years. Yu Zhong Qing’s old man had this matter concealed very tightly, even separately raising a person to live in the Yu family. When I was letting someone investigate his background, even I was nearly deceived. And it’s also because of this, no one paid attention to this aspect on Yu Zhong Qing, else he wouldn’t have been able to have the Zhou family hidden this well until now.”

In reality, if not for his past life, Li Hong Yuan wouldn’t have known about the secrets behind Yu Zhong Qing either.

“Then, Ah Yuan wants to tell me something.”

“For me, I don’t necessarily need Yu Zhong Qing. Although I know of the Zhou family’s existence, this matter had nothing to do with me at all.” It was nothing more than something similar happening in his past life, and because it was related to Yu Zhong Qing, he somewhat remembered. But the specifics of what happened, he didn’t know.

At most, it was just letting things happen. He didn’t have an obligation to protect the Zhou family, no? And this matter was also beneficial towards him, why the need to prevent?

“If not for Wan Wan, for the sake of subduing Yu Zhong Qing, the Zhou family would’ve long been schemed against by me. Wan Wan doesn’t hope for me to create meaningless killings, no?”

Jing Wan reached out to hug him, having her head buried in his neck, “Ah Yuan……..”

Li Hong Yuan laughed, his Wan Wan really was unexpectedly easy to move.

Thus, Jing Wan was just this miserably ‘deceived’ by him.

“Ah right.” Jing Wan got up and looked to him, “Since you had Sir Yu investigated that clearly, then you must know what happened to the Yu family. His entire family just has him alone remaining, and according to his foster mother’s explanation, even now, he still doesn’t know who the person behind the scene is. Ah Yuan, you must know, right?”

“So what if I know?”

“Then just be a good person to the end, ‘sending the buddhist scriptures to the west’[1].”

“Which of Wan Wan’s eyes sees that this husband is a good person?” Li Hong Yuan shallowly smiled, exceptionally dazzling.

However, as she got along with him day and night, Jing Wan’s perception was becoming increasingly sharp. A certain someone at this time was somewhat dangerous yo.

Then, when his symptoms were acting up, it just signified that she needed bend at the waist. Reasonably speaking, occasionally eating vinegar between husband and wife can advance the feelings, but a certain someone completely treated it as a hobby, doing it from time to time, sometimes even deliberately using something as a pretext to make a fuss. If you think he’s causing trouble for no reason, and ignore him, he will darken for you to see in seconds, the consequences even more serious.

That’s why, this kind of thing, if able to avoid, then just avoid as much as possible. One of the landmines was just, towards other men, definitely can’t be overly concerned with.

“For the time being, regardless whether Ah Yuan, you are a good person or bad person, in any case, in this world, there aren’t purely good people, and there also aren’t purely bad people. I just simply feel, since he’s someone that will soon become your subordinate, appropriately giving a bit of sweet, that is also the way of ruling, no? Right now, the new grudge, probably can’t immediately help him take revenge, but the old grudges, even if it’s just telling him who his enemy is, should all be enough to make him feel deeply grateful towards you, right? And this degree of loyal naturally will be even higher, no?” That’s why, everything is all considering for you, look at my sincere eyes.

Li Hong Yuan chuckled, kissing her on her eye, “For Wan Wan to go all out for this husband, my heart is very comforted.”

This was called going all out for her? Then, a certain someone at this level, probably would’ve already died eight hundred times.

However, it’s just whatever you say, as long as you don’t easily go crazy, it’s all good. “However, presumably, on these things, Ah Yuan certainly must have an idea inside already, so I’m purely just doing more than necessary.”

“Nothing can compare with Wan Wan’s kindly feelings.” The way of a ruler, he naturally doesn’t need someone to teach him, and Wan Wan’s original intentions certainly wasn’t this either. Seeing that she’s going through such ‘great lengths’ to escape his ‘pampering’, then this time, will just let her off the hook.

However, the petty living Enma expressed, his wife can do whatever she wants, but on Yu Zhong Qing’s side, it can’t just be forgotten about like this. This debt was marked down.

Thus, the pitiful army under Li Hong Yuan increased by one more again, always getting sorted out in various ways, yet don’t even know the reason. But to just cast oneself under another master because of this was still not likely, and after witnessing Li Hong Yuan’s capabilities as well as means, to still have this kind of thought, that was just water entering the brains.

“However, since Sir Yu long knew about some of your matters, then will he suspect that you schemed against him?” Jing Wan poked his shoulder, “As the person who shares the bed, all will think like this. If by chance he suspects this, and secretly become a double agent……………….”

“This kind of thing won’t happen. The Zhou family is already his most sincere show of good faith. He’s actually very compassionate and upright, so he won’t let the Zhou family be grasped in a second person’s hand. Since he did this, then he won’t have suspicions towards me. However, since Wan Wan mentioned this bit, I will go confirm.” Actually, even if it’s like this, it also didn’t matter, just in the future, when taking care of it, it’ll inevitably be troublesome. That’s why, all possibilities should just be strangled to death in the cradle. “However, these next two days probably will also have other matters.”


“When time comes, you’ll know. Wan Wan will like it, but afraid you’ll be exhausted.”

“Since it’s something I like, being a bit exhausted doesn’t matter. I very much looked forward to it.”

[1] This phrase is referencing the classic literature ‘Journey to the West’.

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