“Take back to the manor. When wangye returns, let the He family come to the manor to claim the person.” For some people, if not taught a profound lesson, forever won’t know their mistakes.

“Yes.” An Yi let out a response, and then waved his hand. The qinwang manor’s bodyguards went forward, each person grabbing one, the blade propped up against the neck. Either it was walking on their own, or directly getting knocked out and taken away. Moreover, they even very clearly explained, if it’s getting knocked out, they can’t guarantee that their bodies will be fully intact. As for that little tyrant, An Yi personally set to the task.

Afterwards, the entire journey was just relatively ‘spectacular’. However, the majority of people’s reaction was all, which family’s idiot was this?

To have dare provoked Jin Qinwang, this was just like the old god of longevity trying to hang himself, disdaining his long life!

Since Jing Wan had said to hand over to Li Hong Yuan to handle, she naturally won’t go meet that little tyrant, just ordering An Yi and them to have the person locked up, and temporarily don’t touch them.

When Li Hong Yuan returned from the palace, it was already after noon. However, Jing Wan had also just finished using the afternoon meal a while ago.

In the palace, Li Hong Yuan had gotten ‘intercepted and surrounded’ by a bunch of old men, just wanting to know more about Jiangnan’s matter. Li Hong Yuan very much got annoyed by them, so his mood naturally was just bad. In the end, he thoroughly lost his patience. Everything about Jiangnan, Yu Zhong Qing for the most part all knew, and the one in charge of going out to investigate and arrest was Li Su Yan, so don’t look for him again. Even if continuously asking, he still won’t say another word. It wasn’t good for him to touch them, but in their family, there were plenty to take the beating in their place.

With such obvious threats, this slew of old officials also could only pinch their nose and not utter a sound.

After wasting time here, it was more or less already the afternoon mealtime. Le Cheng Emperor let Li Hong Yuan accompany him for the meal.

Afterwards, Le Cheng Emperor mentioned Noble Consort Su’s matter with Li Hong Yuan

Noble Consort Su naturally didn’t dare to tell Le Cheng Emperor the real reason why cracks appeared in their mother and son relationship, just saying there was some misunderstandings between them. Yuan’er believed that she cared about her actual son more, thus getting angry, unwilling to listening to her. Noble Consort Su, in these last two days, was very haggard, and her eyes were also red and swollen, presumably having cried quite a bit.

Le Cheng Emperor actually didn’t think onto Jiangnan’s matter, because he had Yu Zhong Qing present. Yu Zhong Qing was his trusted aide, so if Li Hong Yuan had hid matters regarding Li Hong Ming, as long as he compared with Yu Zhong Qing’s report, he will know. And in reality, on Yu Zhong Qing’s side, the situation was identical to what Li Hong Yuan had reported. That’s why, Le Cheng Emperor easily believed Noble Consort Su’s words.

Le Cheng Emperor won’t know that the things Yu Zhong Qing reported, those were all things he’d prepared in advance. That’s why, from the start, Li Hong Yuan just had a portion of Li Hong Ming’s contents covered up. And he was also certain that as long as Noble Consort Su is given the opportunity, she will just ‘plea’ with him. Everything was all within his expectations, occupying the right time and right place, and when implementing, the human conditions were also on his side.

Le Cheng Emperor wanted to be this mediator.

Letting the mother and son pair have the misunderstandings resolved naturally was good for everyone, so he even earnestly and patiently began to urge Li Hong Yuan with things like:

‘All these years, your consort mother clearly was just a bowl of water held in balance, sometimes even favoring you a little more, so saying things like the actual son and foster son, isn’t that purely breaking your consort mother’s heart?’

Li Hong Yuan’s expression grew even colder, and from the looks of it, seemingly about to retort Le Cheng Emperor again. However, unknown as to why, he ultimately endured. In the end, “Asking imperial father to pass on to consort mother, let her properly take care of her body. In a few days, this son will go pay one’s respect to her.”

“Since you’re still concerned about your consort mother’s health, why not go now? Once she sees you, the misunderstandings will be cleared up, and everything naturally will be fine.”

It was still better to not say, because once said, Li Hong Yuan’s eyes just overflowed with dark currents, “Not going.”

Le Cheng Emperor naturally wouldn’t go as far as to be scared of Li Hong Yuan. In contrast, this while, he was even a bit surprised and curious. Although on the surface, it appeared to be no different from when he retorted him in the past, yet the feeling was like a stubborn calf. This trait on this son really was quite rare. In other words, this was really having gotten ruthlessly angered? “Must go, this is an imperial decree.”

Li Hong Yuan’s expression was dark and gloomy, staring at Le Cheng Emperor. Afterwards, he dropped the chopsticks and got up to leave. The table of imperial dishes, having more than ten dishes, not many were touched.

Noble Consort Su didn’t eat anything either, and was currently lying on the recliner resting her eyes. Hearing that Li Hong Yuan came, she hurriedly got up, having a look of delight.

Once Li Hong Yuan entered and was just about to bow, Noble Consort Su had already walked before him in a few steps, grabbing his arms, “Yuan’er, no need to be this formal. Is Yuan’er still angry at consort mother?” She carefully asked, while the strength of her hands slightly increased, seemingly afraid that Li Hong Yuan will just turn and leave.

Li Hong Yuan tried to pull out his arm, but didn’t succeed. Casting her hand a glance, it was preserved quite well, the fingernails somewhat long. If he really were to exert himself, her fingernails might break.

Noble Consort Su took it in and was delighted inside. Her son, sure enough, still cared about her. “You were accompanying your imperial father in using the meal, so how come just came over at this time? You certainly must not have eaten anything. I’ll let the little kitchen prepare some food. You, a grown man, not eating anything, certainly won’t do. Someone come………..”

“Consort mother, no need.”

“How can you not eat? As the saying goes………..”

“Don’t want to eat, not hungry, no appetite.” Li Hong Yuan interrupted her, appearing rather rude. Afterwards, seeing Noble Consort Su’s somewhat startled expression, a vexed look flashed through his face, somewhat regretting, but unwilling to apologize out of anger.

Noble Consort Su immediately laughed in spite of herself, “Not eating is just not eating then. A grown man, missing a meal or two is also nothing.”

Li Hong Yuan averted his line of sight, “If consort mother has something to say, then just say it. This son still has other matters to attend to.”

What other matters can Li Hong Yuan have. In Noble Consort Su’s eyes, he was just still angry. “Then let’s sit down to talk?”

“No need. Presumably, some things are also just a matter of a few words.”

Noble Consort Su was completely helpless. Some things, if not explained clearly, will only just become worse and worse. Deliberating for a moment, she brought up Yu Zhong Qing, mentioning how Le Cheng Emperor didn’t suspect anything at all, “…………Yuan’er had long made arrangements?” Faintly revealing a bit of disbelief.

Li Hong Yuan looked to her, and afterwards reached out, forcibly and firmly, yet also subconsciously carrying a bit of cautious, had Noble Consort Su’s hand brushed away. With a stern cold look, “It’s consort mother that just assumed from the start that this son won’t do these things, right? This son indeed didn’t get along with Li Hong Ming, not getting along with all the brothers, but Li Hong Ming is your biological son. If his situation is too terrible, you certainly will worry, unable to eat and sleep. After all, this wasn’t like those small skirmishes in the past. Afterwards, you want this son to just helplessly watch from the side? Some things, this son had already erased when still in Jiangnan. Or could it be that you think with Yu Zhong Qing following by the side at all times, everything in his eyes was all transparent? Is this son just this incompetent?”

Noble Consort Su clearly didn’t expect that there was even this layer of relation inside, but if one had slightly pondered over it, then one would’ve known that this not only wasn’t impossible, but rather certain to happen. Yuan’er has always been a filial child, yet she completely overlooked this. In a certain sense, wasn’t this also a kind of denial towards him? No wonder he would be that angry. Noble Consort Su was terribly stifled inside, just continuously shaking her head and denying, “No, no…………….” But anything else, she was unable to say, “Yuan’er, Yuan’er, why didn’t you tell consort mother earlier?”

“Tell you? Why should I tell you earlier?” In Li Hong Yuan’s ice-cold voice, there seemingly was even a trace of stubbornness, “If I tell you, will you keep it from him? And afterwards, let Li Hong Ming feel grateful towards this son? Not needed! It’s not like this son did it for him! Afterwards, are you also going to thank this son for his sake?”

Noble Consort Su, this time, seemingly understood. Having not gotten along since childhood, yet now, suddenly doing a bit of something for the other party, regardless of the reason, the other party would all express their gratitude. Then, that way of interacting in the past that has already become a habit will just be broken. As such, the two sides perhaps will both feel uncomfortable, so might as well not say anything. In any case, it was just as Yuan’er said, he didn’t do it for Ming’er. In the end, it was just feeling disagreeable inside.

Once this was understood, she was even more unable to speak, especially that last line, because he really was right.

In this matter, she seemingly never considered his feelings before. She, as the mother, didn’t think anything of it, but in reality, it was the mother, for the sake of her biological son thanking her foster son, the close and distant relationship immediately standing out.

Yuan’er had thought of everything, and didn’t want to see this kind of scene. That’s why, he chose to not say anything. Yet, in the end, it was her that ‘pleaded’ with him first, forcibly splitting chasm between them. At the time, when she ‘pleaded’, the pain in this son’s heart afraid was even countless times more painful than expected.

Noble Consort Su’s body shook, her lips trembling, unable to say anything, because regardless of how she explains, her ‘mistake’ has already been made, and Yuan’er’s heart has already been hurt. Saying more, perhaps would even have the opposite effect, making him think that she indeed was partial.

Li Hong Yuan lowered his head, “Consort mother, within a short period of time, this son won’t be entering the palace to pay one’s respect. This son needs some time to cool off, asking consort mother to please forgive. This son will take one’s leave now.”

Noble Consort Su could only helplessly watch Li Hong Yuan’s departing figure, seemingly carrying loneliness and sorrow.

What she wanted to resolve didn’t get resolved, instead becoming even more estranged. Noble Consort Su hadn’t been eating and sleeping well these last few days to begin with, so this while, she just felt her blood pressure going up. Feeling dizzy, her body went limp, and just collapsed onto the floor.

“Your Highness———” A trusted palace maid hurriedly went forward, “Someone come, quickly invite an imperial physician!”

“Call what imperial physician, not allowed to call. Quickly help this consort up, just need to lay down on the recliner for a while.” Her son had came to visit, and immediately after, she just collapsed with an illness. Wasn’t that just making her son bear an unfilial name? This son of hers although didn’t have that good of a reputation, but being unfilial, this kind of title, it was still better to not have, especially if it was even brought about because of her.

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