Chain of Scapegoats, Father Kneeling Son (4)

Kang Qinwang as well as the two big shots from the palace all haven’t left yet. This murder practically just happened under their eyes. The shadow in Kang Qinwang’s heart probably was already unable to be calculated.

Kang Qinwang was ‘firm and decisive’ for once, simply not asking the cause and effect, directly beating to death the killer. As for the explanation and whatnot, he simply didn’t give them the opportunity to open their mouth. Along with the person that got killed, in addition to the previous two that got beaten to death, they all got wrapped with woven mats and shipped out of the city to the corpse mound[1].

Until this moment, for everything that Yao Rao planned, the dust completely settled. Because Kang Qinwang didn’t look into the matter, it caused the entire matter to be perfectly flawless.

However, was it really like this? She won’t know that in the dark, there was actually someone watching her the whole time. Everything she’s done was actually all witnessed by someone.

After all, it was just servants, so two dying was also unimportant. The two inner attendants from the palace didn’t say a single word. Just, when they go back, their master certainly will find out. Everything else aside, at least Le Cheng Emperor will certainly record another mark for him again.

Kang Qinwang, under the eyes of the people coming and going, in the end, glancing at Le Cheng Emperor’s personal attendant, clenched his teeth and knelt down.

This act shocked quite a few people. After looking at one another in dismay, they all buried their heads and went on with their own business, pretending that they didn’t see. Not all excitement can be joined, and not all people’s laughing matter can be watched. One might have fun watching now, but later, perhaps can just throw in one’s little life.

When Yu boy’s maternal family rushed over, originally they were full of anger, but upon seeing Kang Qinwang, regardless whether it was the anger inside, or the words by their mouth, it all got swallowed back. Getting stuck in the middle, stifled in their chest, it felt increasingly uncomfortable.

And through this period of fermentation, towards this matter, the ones that should know, for the most part, all knew.

Next, it was basically just the various families sending their greetings and concern. After that, Kang Qinwang’s ‘glorious deed’ probably can become known to all.

Jing Wan was also preparing. Just, what she was preparing perhaps was a bit different from the others.

Jing Wan made Eunuch Mu take a large sum of silver banknotes and start visiting the brothels, pleasure boats, and dance houses of the capital. The purpose was just one, buying large amounts of female entertainers and clean courtesans.

Eunuch Mu expressed, he really was very miserable, visiting the land of fireworks again and again. Master clearly has plenty of actual men under him, yet he, this eunuch, had to go do this kind of thing. How come wangfei just didn’t consider his feelings? It definitely must be that he’d ‘offended’ wangfei, and wangfei was ‘retaliating’ against him.

Eunuch Mu wiped his nonexistent tears. Regardless of what, since it’s something wangfei ordered, he just needed to earnestly handle, even needing to be perfect.

The upper class families of the capital all had their eyes on Kang Qinwang Manor. As such, aside from the ‘sellers’, not that many people noticed this unforeseen event on Jin Qinwang Manor’s side.

And the people who knew inwardly pondered, could it be that because Jin Wangfei had Jin Qinwang’s beauties all dealt with, as such, just purchased large amounts of beauties for him as compensation? If this is really true, then didn’t they all misunderstood Jin Wangfei? But if it’s because Jin Qinwang got angry, Jin Wangfei thus did this, then Jin Wangfei most likely was just picking up a rock to smash her own foot. Kang Qinwang Manor’s laughing matter was enough to entertain for a very long period of time, and Jin Qinwang manor’s seemingly didn’t yield much either.

Jing Wan was writing something on paper, “This amount of people seemingly still isn’t enough.”

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Eunuch Mu upon hearing this nearly staggered. It was even more than the amount dismissed previously, yet this was still not enough? Wangfei, what exactly do you want to do?

As for Li Hong Yuan, he reached out and took the paper in front of Jing Wan, taking a few glances and just throwing to one side, “Wan Wan really is giving it a lot of thought. How come you’re not spending more time on his prince?” That complexion was also gloomy.

Jing Wan was speechless. He most likely wanted her to have her eyes on him at all times for him to be satisfied.

Jing Wan got up, hugging a certain someone and ruthlessly kissed a few mouthfuls. Seeing that a certain someone was this obedient, her coaxing him a bit more and pardoning him a bit more was also no matter.

And the living Enma has always been deeply versed in not being satisfied with small gains.

As for the final outcome, sigh, everyone all know, so no need to say any more.

Afterwards, it’s said that Kang Qinwang continuously kneeled until the next day. That pair of legs long lost their senses, and if not properly treating, perhaps he will from then on become crippled.

And according to the information Jing Wan obtained, this matter had Gong Jiu’s handiwork. Under the circumstances of not affecting Kang Qinwang heir’s injury, he suppressed his condition. In any case, his skills were brilliant enough, so no one can tell, and even if a certain imperial physician had detected something, they definitely won’t say it out loud either.

However, for the sake of preventing Kang Qinwang from borrowing this as pretext to win pity, Gong Jiu also gave him two prescriptions. Of course, he naturally won’t be that kind as to let him recover and not leave behind any complications. Just, it was merely using strong medicine, leaving behind hidden damage. In the future, if something were to happen to those knees again, it was very easy for him to just cripple his legs.

Gong Jiu’s ‘kindness’, Kang Qinwang may not necessarily appreciate, but if Gong Jiu wants to let a person ‘jump around’, there were still quite a few ways. Because there were many eyes watching, as such, even if Kang Qinwang wanted to pretend, he was all unable to.

Jing Wan very much wanted to say, sure enough, whatever kind of master there was, there will just be whatever kind of subordinate. As expected, their hearts were all thoroughly black.

“Yu’er’s condition has clearly stabilized. Will the palace finally begin settling this matter?” Jing Wan asked Li Hong Yuan.

“En, more or less, if you want to send people, you can send them now.”

Obtaining Li Hong Yuan’s certainty, Jing Wan smilingly nodded, a bit like a naughty little fox. Even she felt she was becoming increasingly bad.

Towards this appearance of hers, Li Hong Yuan rather liked.

Thus, pink little sedans one after another accompanied by gongs and drums headed towards every single one of Kang Qinwang’s in-law families. That level of liveliness was comparable to a grand wedding. The male masters of those families, as long as they haven’t divided the family, from the ones that just reached marriageable age, up to the elderly ones and even the ones paralyzed on the bed, every single one got at least one beauty, and they were even sent in the living Enma’s name. Not going to accept? Then that was just not giving Jin Qinwang face. This was waiting for Jin Qinwang to personally visit or what?

Because they were from Jin Qinwang, they couldn’t even be rashly dealt with…………….

Reasonably speaking, to want to cause chaos in the rear court, they still needed a period of time to ferment. After all, even if those female entertainers and pure courtesans have schemes and calculations inside, they still needed some time in order to be able to do something. But who knew, before they could even do anything, those ‘in-law’ families of Kang Qinwang’s just started fighting on their own. And this reason, it was very simple. As the saying goes, whose family didn’t have a few lustful bastards, and they also may not necessarily have the money to spend. Some beauties, they could only just drool about, not even having the opportunity to touch that hand. However, now, it was different. Someone had sent them to the door for free. From now on, never mind holding that little hand, they can just fool around behind closed doors however they want.

Thus, between brothers, between uncle and nephew, and even between father and son, on the surface and in the dark, situations of them fighting over someone started to appear.

[1] Corpse mound is really just the trash dump of corpses for servants and criminals, as well as unclaimed bodies. Because they have no one to given them a proper burial, they are just thrown into a pit together out in the middle of the wildness.

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