At this time, Jing Wan realized a problem. During the welcoming banquet for Former Wei and Qiang, those songstresses and dancers were still dressed lightly like in the summertime, so this while, it most likely wasn’t be any better. However, don’t forget that right now it was still snowing outside. Although it wasn’t anywhere near as serious as last night, one can still imagine just how cold the weather was. She felt that even if just wearing one less layer, it would all make one feel unbearable. But for them, even if there were many womenfolk present, their clothing absolutely won’t exceed three layers. Most likely, it was still just a layer of thin fabric or a layer of light muslin. Cotton-padded clothes and whatnot, don’t even bother thinking about it. Dressing that thick, how can one still dance properly, how can there be an alluring figure?

However, this kind of thing, she could only think about. She ultimately was unable to have her hand extended into the inner palace.

At this time, an emissary from a small country to the west of Qi Yuan stood up, expressing towards Le Cheng Emperor that they’d brought a few women from their own country, capable of singing and dancing, wanting to let Le Cheng Emperor admire the charm of their country’s women. What kind of goal he was harboring, that was practically just obvious at a glance. Everyone was all clear.

However, there weren’t many that were angry. At most, it was just the young consorts of the imperial harem that were indignant inside. The others purely just treated it as entertainment, watching a laughing matter. And for those larger countries such as Former Wei, Southern Qi, and West Xiongnu, that was further snorting disdainfully. The people of West Xiongnu further had this kind of expression carried on the face. And also the people of Cang Jin, this time, their emissary squad was led by women, so towards this kind of behavior of using women to pander to a larger country, they further loathed. However, in the end, it had nothing to do with them, so naturally it wasn’t good for them to say anything or do anything.

As for Le Cheng Emperor, don’t look at how he appeared slightly normal. In reality, he was still distracted, not even realizing that small country’s intentions, indifferently agreeing.

Shortly after, five women fluttered in. Just, the moment they saw them, they more or less had their horizon’s widened, each and every one all muttering how it offended public morals.

And Jing Wan’s first reaction was just cold. Merely a palm-sized cloth was tightly tied before the chest. The upper part carving out a deep ravine. That cloth appeared as if it will burst open at all time, and the muslin dress below further started below the navel, barely hanging on the hip bone. On their wrist and ankle hung little bells, and an exquisite waist drum was tied to the side of the waist. A long head veil flowed down the back of the head all the way to the ground. This attire truly was even more intense and provocative than the most explicit performance Jing Wan and them saw in Jiangnan.

At the same time, in an unseen place that belonged to the musicians, percussions sounded. Compared to the usual tune, this tune can be considered shocking. And those female dancers stepped to the rhythm, striking the waist drum. That movement was also exceptionally provocative. Moreover, certain movements were even blatantly seductive. Although boasting themselves as refined men, at this time, they were still unable to avert their eyes. And like the Xiongnu where there weren’t that many rules on matters between men and women, they further didn’t hide the desire in their eyes. It can be said to be ‘shameful appearances revealing all around’!

And that small country emissary, seeing this kind of scene, inwardly felt pleased with himself. So what if they were a large country, weren’t they all the same? However, when looking towards Le Cheng Emperor, the smugness inside dissipated quite a bit. That expression clearly was completely indifferent. This Qi Yuan Emperor’s self-control was actually this strong?

That’s why, all the seductive glances were all tossed to a blind man?

However, one can only say that certain people were just unlucky, having their ‘good plans’ ruined by the living Enma.

Jing Wan rather admired with a relatively normal gaze. If excluding those deliberately seductive movements, it actually was pretty good.

“What does wangye think?” Jing Wan softly said with a smile.

“Wangfei seems to be watching more intently than this prince.” Li Hong Yuan’s tone was a bit cold.

Jing Wan’s smile grew even more obvious. Although a certain someone liked to randomly eat vinegar for no reason, occasionally Jing Wan would strangely feel it was quite cute. That’s why, she actually had some ‘masochistic tendencies’ too? Cough, hold it back a little, don’t actually have the person angered, else the one to suffer would only be her.

Li Hong Yuan’s expression was a bit dangerous, but he didn’t open his mouth. Just as Jing Wan was feeling puzzled, Le Cheng Emperor’s personal attendant walked to her side, “Your Highness wangfei, his Majesty invites you over to chat.”

Le Cheng Emperor’s summoning, Jing Wan naturally got up to go over without further delay. Jing Wan fixedly stood three steps before the imperial seat, yet Le Cheng Emperor disdained that it was not enough, waving his hand. Thus, Jing Wan just stood a step from him.

“Old six’s wife, you two saw Guan Guan’s portrait at the Pei Manor?”

Jing Wan hesitated for a moment, “Replying to imperial father, actually no. It was just having heard some things, thus wanting to do a bit of something. Quite a few people all say that wangye resembles the Imperial Noble Consort, so this daughter-in-law was so bold as to let wangye wear women’s clothing for once. Originally, he was still very unwilling, but because it’s for imperial father……..And wangye also wanted to see what the Imperial Noble Consort looked like. This daughter-in-law painted according to wangye’s appearance, and during the painting process, weakened some areas, in the end, becoming this painting.” Jing Wan somewhat embarrassingly said.

Le Cheng Emperor was in disbelief, even a bit dumbstruck, “There’s such a matter?” Looking towards Li Hong Yuan, his gaze was all somewhat different. This can be considered ‘donning the rainbow garments to amuse the parent[1]‘, right?

“Yes, some things, wangye just won’t say with his mouth………..” She also needed to earn some good impressions for her own husband, no?

Le Cheng Emperor sighed, “This emperor knows. Yuan’er although is a bit of a rascal, but he’s actually a good child.”

Jing Wan smiled, “Imperial father, how much does wangye resemble the Imperial Noble Consort?”

“In the painting, that’s precisely her. You painted very well. This emperor very much likes, very very much.”

“As long as imperial father likes it, speaking of which………….”

“Your Majesty………..” West Xiongnu’s emissary suddenly stood up. He was that typical kind of husky fellow, wearing a fur tunic. His skin was also dark, and in the eyes of Qi Yuan and Former Wei, the refined scholarly type, that was just a true and honest barbarian. Of course, in their eyes, the people of Qi Yuan were all beansprouts, impressive-looking but useless———This was also just their evaluation towards those that lived in luxury. Towards Qi Yuan’s soldiers that guarded the borders, they still admired. Of course, this kind of feeling can only be buried in the heart. On the surface, there was just contempt and disdain, and also deep resentment. After all, Qi Yuan occupied this fertile land, having rich resources, and also countless women……………

Suddenly getting interrupted, Le Cheng Emperor naturally was quite unhappy.

[1] 彩衣娱亲 – This is an idiom based on an old folktale during the Spring and Autumn Period. In the stories, there was an old man that was very filial. At seventy years old, he would still dress in colorful clothes like a child to humor his aging parents. Afterwards, this became a classical story of being filial to one’s parents.

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