Vampire's Slice Of Life

Fourth layer of the Shadow River Sect.









"Can you like, stop? It's annoying." A black-haired vampire said to the dark elf beside him who was constantly causing explosions and laughing like a maniac.

"What? It's so amazing! HAHA–"

"Please, shut up." The vampire said to her again.

"Now, now, you two, be nice to each other. We are on a mission." A skeleton holding a crystal ball and standing behind them, said in a calm voice.


"Let's keep moving. Remember, the more we talk, the more are our chances to blow up our cover." A jacked man smashing the ground in front of him, said in a calm tone.

"Yes. Let's keep moving. We are yet to get attacked by the members of the sect, we should take advantage of this." An elf standing a few meters away from the four people, said while shooting arrows.

A few minutes later.

"Hhnngghhh!" The jacked man was trying to pull something from the ground.

"Keep pushing, keep pushing!" The vampire said from the side.

"What's the update on team B?" The skeleton asked the elf.

"One second." The elf said and placed her fingers on her earpiece.

A few seconds later, she said, "team B is moving as planned. No problems till now."

"Good. Our job will be done within a few more–"


The skeleton's body exploded before he could even finish saying his sentence and the impact of the explosion was so strong, it even ended up causing some damage to the other party members.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and immediately turned to look at the skeleton.

"ENEMY ATTACK! ENEMY ATTACK!" The vampire shouted and went to take cover.

The other party members didn't care much about the skeleton and went to take cover as well.

The four people created strong earth barriers around them and hid behind it to take cover. They looked from it at the place where the explosion had occurred but could see nothing but a dust cloud.

Soon, the dust cleared up and the four people saw a tall figure holding a lance and slowly walking towards them.

When the dust fully cleared up and they saw the figure clearly, they couldn't help but be amazed. The two elves felt their hearts beat faster as they saw the godly figure in front of them and as for the vampire and the jacked man, they were on high alert.

It was Lith walking towards them while holding a lance. This was the same lance he threw at the skeleton and killed him in one-shot.

Lith was planning to do a sneak attack on these people and kill them one by one, but after a discussion with the Sect Masters, it was decided that Lith would keep these people busy while the sect members figured out what was the motives of the other party.

Thus, Lith didn't sneak attack and instead decided to clash with them head-on. It had been quite a while since he had practiced his battle skills. The last time he practiced properly was when he was in the academy and so, he needed to fight and loosen up a bit.

Lith was wearing a formal white shirt and black pants. It wasn't something one would wear when going in a battle but it didn't matter to him.

Walking towards the place where the skeleton had been killed, Lith noticed that the crystal ball was undamaged and it was still shining brightly. He held the ball in his hand and noticed some strange magical fluctuations in it.

Lith casted a barrier around the ball so that it doesn't do anything weird and to protect himself from the ball self-destructing. He placed the ball in his ring and then moved towards the four people present a few hundred meters away.

The four people were really on the edge as they noticed Lith closing in on them. But they knew that they couldn't hide for long. Having no other choice, the four decided to clash with Lith.

They would try their best to stall him and not get themselves killed. Their only motive was to act like distractions while team B did the main job.

The four people readied themselves and looked at Lith with determined gazes.

Noticing that there was a vampire among the four people, Lith couldn't help but flash a cold smile. He slowly walked towards the four and suddenly…

"OOOOOOOMPH!" The vampire among the four people felt heavy suppression and fell down to the ground.

Blood trickled out of his seven orifices and his body twitched as he felt suffocated and had all the elemental energies in his body become chaotic.

The guy was a commoner vampire with a high cultivation. But, when in front of a strong noble bloodline, he was bound to be suppressed like this.

Lith had not let out all his aura and caused heavy suppression to the vampire in front of him. He wanted to see how much of his aura could this commoner vampire handle and how much it would take to kill one commoner.

Lith felt no mercy and no remorse for doing such an inhumane action. He had come to terms with his identity as a vampire and this felt normal to him. He had done far worse things when he was assassinating people during the past seven years and also, he had fed a person to rats this one time and watched him get slowly devoured by them.

The three people beside the vampire were really confused and had no idea why their party member was doing such a thing. They wondered what caused him to be in such a state but looking at Lith closing in on them, they didn't have the time to ask him about it.

"R… run… aw… ay…" the vampire said while still bleeding and twitching.

Just from Lith's aura, he could tell that Lith was a noble vampire and not some average noble, but a really strong one. The vampire had fought with some noble vampires but he had never felt such a heavy suppression from anyone.

He thus knew that Lith was really bad news and if his party members decided to clash with him, they were bound to die.

The three people were concentrating on Lith and due to the vampire saying his warning in a low voice, they didn't hear him.

Noticing that his party members didn't listen to him, the vampire gave up letting them know just what sort of monster they were about to face. He simply tried his best to not die and continued to fight against Lith's aura.

Lith swirled his lance in between his fingers and looked at the three people. Judging from their prowess, they didn't seem to be immortals. If nobody among them was Saint Rank or above, things were much easier for Lith.

The two elves pulled the arrows in their bow strings and on the count of three, they let go of the arrows.

The jacked man sent his hammer flying towards Lith and ran behind the hammer.

Lith calmly looked at the weapons coming towards him with a neutral gaze.

The arrows soon arrived and Lith swirled his lance once again, this time hitting the arrows and breaking them fully.

After being done with the arrows, Lith sent his lance flying towards the hammer and took a step forward, immediately closing in on the jacked man.



The lance pierced the hammer and broke it into pieces.

Before the jacked man could notice it, a thunderous punch came flying towards his face and smashed it with great force, sending him flying.

The elves who had just sent their arrows and were preparing to send the second ones couldn't help but shiver in fear. Their strong arrows were broken just like that and even the jacked man's hammer was done and he himself was sent flying.

The jacked man was the strongest in their party and he was also their leader. Judging from how things turned out for him, the elves wanted to do nothing but run away now!

The jacked man felt his vision blank for a bit and then as he felt it return and soon got clarity, he noticed Lith standing in front of him and looking at him coldly.

Lith's stare made the man seem as if he was a mortal who was being looked down by a god. The jacked man couldn't help but ask in slight fear,

"Wffo… arf youff?" The man's teeth were broken but he still managed to speak.

Lith looked at the man with a neutral expression and said, "does it matter who I am?"

The man didn't speak further when Lith said that. He could tell that Lith was in no mood to give away his identity.

Right at this moment…

Swish! Swish!

Two arrows came towards Lith once again, which he ended up holding with his hands. Lith looked towards the source and saw the elves still trying their best to send arrows towards him.

Lith shook his head with a smile. He should probably commend these two for trying their best despite being in this unfavourable situation.

Lith looked at the man below him and said, "Alright, I'll let you go if you answer me and not outright kill you."

"Tell me, what's your motive?"


A/N: This is a normal chapter. Remaining two bonuses will be uploaded shortly.

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