Vampire's Slice Of Life

Darkwing Country, Vampire Continent.

The Dracula Castle, Milano.

A tall and handsome black-haired guy in his late teens was lying on a sofa in his bedroom and was playing a game on his new console. He had the controller in his hands and the room was filled with the sound of gunshot and other things related to war as he played a first person shooter game.

This teen who was slacking here was none other than the heir of the Duke Clan, Duke Dracula's only son, Dennis Dracula.

Dennis was done with his boring training and was relaxing but soon, he heard his phone ring.

Dennis couldn't pause the online game he was playing and so, he simply took a glance over his phone to see who was calling him. But just as he noticed the name on the screen…

"What?" Dennis became shocked to see that it was Lith calling him. It has been seven years since they last talked and Dennis had assumed that Lith probably forgot about them.

He quickly put the controller down and went towards the phone on his bed and picked it up. But before he could say anything or hear anything from the phone, he heard:



Dennis looked at the screen away from him and clicked his tongue in annoyance as his team lost.

But then he switched it off and focused on the call.

"Hello? Your Highness?"

"Hi, Dennis. Just a second, let that guy pick up and then I'll brief you on everything." Lith said from the other side and Dennis fell silent.


Arrowstorm Country, Demon Continent.

Asmodeus Castle, Veron City.

Inside of the well lit rooms of the magnificent and exquisite castle of the Asmodeus family, a handsome pink-haired guy in his late teens with slight feminine looks and lean and tall body was sitting on a chair near his study table and solving some problems.

Behind him was a beautiful pink-haired lady in a nightgown floating in air while being in a cross-legged position and was massaging the shoulders of the teen.

One was the heir of the Lust family of demons, Ralph Asmodeus and the other was the head of the Lust family, the Sin of Lust itself, Avelyn Asmodeus.

Ralph was doing his work but Avelyn just couldn't sit still and came here to watch him do his things. Though she was very lustful in nature, she actually liked watching Ralph do his things more than she liked having sex with any of the ladies in her castle.

As for Ralph, he wasn't so stone hearted to ask his mother to stop watching him and leave the room. He let her do whatever she wanted as long as it didn't bother him and let him do his work.

Soon while the two did their things, Ralph's phone rang.

He took it out of his ring and noticing the contact name on it, he was quite surprised. But Ralph suppressed his initial surprise and picked it up.

He then heard, "Hi Ralph, it's me, Lith."

A rare smile appeared on Ralph's face as he heard that, surprising Avelyn as she didn't know that just one call could get such a reaction from her son like this.

"Greetings, Vampire Prince." Ralph said with a smile still on his face.

"Such formalities… Are you somewhere out in public? I'll call later if that's the case." Lith said from the other side.

"No. Anywho, is something the matter?" Ralph went straight to the point. He was just joking when he greeted Lith like that to see how he would react, but instead of making another sarcastic remark like him, Lith was serious and assumed he was out somewhere.

Ralph's joke failed and he changed topic.

This didn't go unnoticed by Avelyn. She thought to herself, 'My Ralph seems so happy right now while talking to him. Is he… Is he perhaps gay?'

'No! Couldn't be! That's impossible! I know my Ralph-chan only likes ladies. Hmm… wait… but… I've left my room door open so many times while having sex and I even did it a lot of times out in the open so that Ralph could see. But I never saw any reaction from him. Oh no…'

'Is my son not into women? Well… Women or men, it doesn't matter in our species, but if he hates women then what would happen of his poor mommy here? If he doesn't like ladies then he'll never do it with me!'

'No! That can't happen! My Ralph is definitely into ladies, I know. And I'll be the one to pop his cherry for sure! Nobody will separate you from me, Ralph-chwan!'

Avelyn misunderstood as well as over-thought about things a little too much. She hugged Ralph from behind and made his head press deep onto her boobs. She thought he would run away if given a chance from him and so held him in place.

Meanwhile, on Lith's side…

Lith made Ling watch what he was doing. He put the phone on speaker and placed it on the table in front of him. He lay back on his chair and said with a smile,

"Alright, both of you are here. That's good. Before I get to business, I wanna ask, how are you guys? It's been a while, right?"

"Yes, Yes, Your Highness. It's been soooooooo long. I thought you forgot about us." Dennis said dramatically from the other side in a slightly deeper tone than before and his voice was more like a man now.

"Indeed. I assumed you forgot about us as well." Ralph said. His voice was soothing to hear but still deep and manly.

"Haha. How is that possible? I've just been busy for a while and didn't have the time to contact you." Lith said honestly.

Lith considered Ralph and Dennis as his friends and so he was honest.

"So, what was the business?" Ralph went to the point while cutting the chit-chat.

"Well… I am at a war currently. Of course, it's not mine, it's something else. Just know that I am at war. Do you guys wanna come and join it? It'll be fun." Lith didn't reveal too much information and just asked what the main thing was.

"Eh? War… I am in!" Dennis didn't even hesitate to answer. A battle maniac like Dennis would never reject war.

"I currently have a few things to do… Will it be okay if I join three days later?" Ralph said.

"Yes, there's no problem. You can get your things sorted and join a week later." Lith flashed a small smile and said.

He was happy to know his friends were going to join him in the war.

"Works for me. I'll see you in a week then. Where is the location?" Ralph said.

"I'll text you everything in a bit." Lith replied.

"Your Highness, I can't wait! Can I come right now?" Dennis said excitedly.

Lith chuckled and said, "Calm yourself down, Dennis. Think about it first. Will your parents even allow you?"

"Ah…" Dennis was stupefied hearing it. Lith was right. He had to take permission from his parents to leave the castle…

"Oof… Your Highness, I might never be able to convince them to let me get out of the castle. They gave me so many tasks, I haven't even finished half of it. They'll definitely not let me go! Can you please talk to them? Pleaseeeeeee!" Dennis pleaded.

"Tsk. Idiot, then try to finish the work on time that is given to you." Ralph clicked his tongue and said from the other side.

"Shut up, Ralph. I've got a social life, unlike you who is busy with books all day." Dennis jabbed back.

"Hanging out with one girl and that too against your own will isn't considered socializing." Ralph didn't falter as well.

"What… How did you know Cecilia was bullying me and forcing m– oh wait, I said nothing. Ugh. Shut up, Ralph." Dennis almost blew his cover, or so he thought.

"Alright, Alright, you two. Stop bickering. I'll do something for you Dennis, don't worry. Then Ralph, I'll see you in a week, Dennis, I'll see you in uhh… tomorrow I guess."

"YESSSSS!" Dennis exclaimed happily.

"Sure." Ralph said.

The three then talked for a bit and Lith then hung up.

Lith looked at Ling and said with a smile, "A battle maniac and a strategist is coming. Are you less stressed now?"

Ling couldn't help but stand up and bow to Lith. "I am really grateful for Sir Ray's help. And I thank you on behalf of the whole sect as well."

Though Ling had a lot of questions in her mind, like who these people were and why one was calling Lith 'Your Highness' as if he was some royalty or something, but she didn't ask Lith as she thought that it would feel rude and kept it to herself.

Ling left after talking a bit to Lith, who got busy texting the things to Ralph and Dennis.


Back in the Asmodeus Castle, Ralph was being hugged to death by his mother.

Avelyn was waiting for Ralph to finish with the call so she could talk to him. She could tell that it was Lith and Dennis on the other side and since she knew that they were friends, she waited for the call to get over.

Soon, the call was over and soon as it did, Avelyn let go of the hug and turned Ralph's chair and made him face her.

She got down from the air and bending down, she held Ralph's face. She looked at him seriously and said, "Ralph, Mommy will ask you something very important, answer it honestly, okay?"

Ralph had no idea why his mother seemed so serious, but he lightly nodded his head and asked her to proceed.

Avelyn took a deep breath to calm herself down. She then stared into Ralph's pink eyes with her own pink ones and asked with the utmost seriousness,

"Are you into men?"


A/N: Normal chapter.

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