Vampire's Slice Of Life

Lucifer's stupid question wasn't liked by Lilith, which resulted in her getting hit on the head.

Lucifer knitted her brows and was going to bicker, but Lith chimed in and talked about going for another round.

Lucifer got distracted by it and since her body hadn't cooled down yet, went for another round.

Lith, Lilith, and Lucifer went on for a whole day. Lith climaxed inside the two ladies multiple times and got sucked dry.

Once everyone was satisfied to their heart's content, they rested for a bit and after dressing up, sat around a round table and chatted over tea.

While talking, Lucifer asked what was on her mind for so long, "Right… Why did you suddenly decide to visit me, nephew?"

Lith put down his teacup and said, without joking this time, "It's for work. I need a favor from you, aunt."

Before Lucifer could ask further, Lilith chimed in and asked, "What favor do you need from her, baby? If you want something, you can just ask mama instead."

Lucifer knitted her brows hearing that. She turned to look at Lith and said, "Ignore your mother's words and ask."

"Ask me whatever you want, there's no favor between an aunt and her nephew."

Lith smiled in response. He couldn't help but extend his hand out and pinch Lucifer's cheek.

"Damn, I didn't know my aunt had a gentle side to her too."

Lucifer slapped Lith's hand away and said, "If you do that again, I'll kill you."

Lith chuckled and leaned in to give Lucifer a kiss on her cheek, seemingly not threatened by her words.

"Alright. Since there's no favor, I'll call it help then. I need some help from you aunt."

"What help?" Lucifer asked, a bit curious.

"It's like this…"

Lith explained to Lucifer what had transpired in the Elven Continent.

The Humans had attacked the Elves and it wasn't a normal attack, but something that came from the Human Court itself.

The behavior of the Humans made it clear that they wanted to war and take control of other races. They had been showing signs of it from ages, but now they had started acting on it.

Lith didn't know a lot of things about them, but this was what he deciphered.

Of course, if Lith came to such a conclusion, Lilith and Lucifer could understand as well what was transpiring. The two had been watching the humans for a much longer time than Lith could even imagine.

"So they finally couldn't sit still." Lilith commented.

Lucifer nodded their head from the side and rubbing her chin, said, "I don't know where they got the balls to attack that cow bitch, but since they did, it'll be fun to see her retaliation."

Lilith shook her head. "I don't think Agalea will retaliate."

Lucifer clicked her tongue. "You're right. She'll not do anything unless it's threatening her too much. I hate pacifists like that."

Lith interrupted the two's conversation after Lucifer said that, saying,

"Well, I am sure aunt Agalea doesn't know about this yet because I erased the evidence."

Lucifer looked at Lith with a stupefied look hearing that. "Why would you do that? Do you want to anger that cow?"

Lith felt a bit weird to hear his Elf aunt being called a cow, but he ignored it and continued, "No. I have full control over everything in the Elven Continent for a year, so even if I told this news, she wouldn't do anything unless I instructed her to."

"Alright. And?" Lucifer asked Lith to continue further.

Lith nodded. "So coming to the main topic, the help I wanted from you." Lith's lips curved up. "I want aunt to release the devils in the Human Continent for a while."

"..." Lucifer, for the second time, was dumbfounded with what she was hearing. She knocked Lith's forehead a finger flick and asked,

"Are you okay in the head? Do you know what you're asking from me?"

"Of course." Lith replied immediately.

Lucifer's mood turned serious. "Lith, in case you don't know, releasing the devils would mean I am declaring war on the Human race. The Human Supreme Rank would come knocking at my door when that happens."

"Although it wouldn't be a problem since…" Lucifer flexed her bicep. "...since your aunt is damn strong, I just don't want to needlessly fight for nothing."

Lilith, being silent for so long, finally said while looking at Lith, "baby, do you want to war with the humans? Do you want to conquer them?"

Lith shook his head. He knew where his mother was getting at. She loved him so much that if he asked her to kill all of the Humans, she would do so without thinking twice.

Lith also had a hunch that his mother was definitely stronger than the Human Supreme Rank, so the Human Race was doomed if he made a command to his mother.

Add onto that, there were also his aunts who were Supreme Ranks and also his wife, Arya.

Lith was basically surrounded by overpowered beauties who would do anything for him. But of course, he had no such plans and his goal was something else.

"Mom, I am not planning to kill all the Humans. Relax." Lith then turned to look at Lucifer. "Aunt, I am not asking you to declare war on the Humans. What I am asking is…"

Time to time, the Humans would summon the Devils through ancient spells and sign a contract with them, eventually gaining the ability to use their powers.

These summoning spells gave the Devils temporary access to the real world, but it wasn't a permanent method as the Humans could cancel the spells and the Devils would be gone.

However, they would suffer backlash for canceling the spells and the Devils could also curse them before leaving, causing them more harm than good.

Another instance where the Devils came out of the Abyss was when Lucifer's suppression fluctuated on the lower levels, making cracks appear through which the Devils could escape and roam in the normal world.

They would gain freedom from the Abyss and could eat people until they were either killed by some higher being or imprisoned by the Demons.

Both the cases are an example of how the Devils could come out of the Abyss.

Lith wanted to make use of these and create a scenario where it would appear like an accident had happened and the Devils were temporarily out of the Abyss.

The Devils would then attack the Humans and run havoc in their continent, causing a widespread massacre.

This was Lith's goal and he needed Lucifer to help him in that.

Hearing everything and understanding it all, Lucifer put on a pondering expression and asked, "All of that is good, but why do you wanna do such a thing? What will you get?"

Lith smiled. "There's a rare resource that I want to harvest. To do that, I need people to war."

Lilith, looking at Lith, said, "If you need resources, the clan's treasury is open for you. Did you not find things there to your liking?"

Lith shook his head. "It is to my liking, mom. But yes, the treasury lacks this resource and although it isn't something I truly need, I feel it'll be a fun experience to harvest it."

"Damn, you're attacking a whole ass main race for a single resource?" Lucifer asked with visible surprise.

But then she smiled and continued, "Good. I like this attitude. So when are we starting?"

Lith chuckled hearing that and answered Lucifer the things she wanted to know.

For the entire afternoon, Lith planned with Lucifer on the things she needed to do and also let his mother have an idea on what he was doing.

Lilith was a bit sad knowing she couldn't do anything in this, but Lith cheered her up by changing topics and saying that he'll have a lot of free time after a while and would spend it with her.

Lucifer of course heard it and demanded to be given attention as well, which slightly annoyed Lilith as Lucifer was being a third wheel in between her and her baby's sweet future time.

An argument began between the two again and Lith watched them bicker with a smile on his face and while sipping on some tea.

Once their argument was done, Lith chatted with them for some time more and once he felt it was enough for today, got up and said stretching,

"Alright, I think it's time to leave."

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