Vampire's Slice Of Life

Lucifer seemed annoyed after knowing there were Human Emperor Ranks coming to the Demon Continent. Despite having a slight idea as to why that was the case, Lith still asked, "Why do you look annoyed?"

"Why would I not be?" Lucifer clicked her tongue. "They didn't send a single message informing me and are coming in open just like that. It seems they don't have respect for the Demon Queen."

Lith felt surprised. "You care about such things?"

"Obviously. I can't just let mere ants trample on my pride now, can I?" Lucifer said, as a matter of fact.

Lith scanned her body from head to toe after hearing that and replied, "even after looking at every nook and cranny, I can't seem to notice any pride in you. Where is it?"

Lucifer's eye twitched as she heard that. She smiled and with her eye still twitching, said, "my dear nephew, do you wanna know how it feels to be killed?"

Lith chuckled. He extended his hand forward and pulled Lucifer's cheek. "When you're angry, you don't look like a horny otaku but a cute distressed mature lady."

Being called otaku and then cute in the very same sentence took Lucifer by surprise. For a split second she forgot what she was supposed to do but then her brain instantly trimmed the negatives in Lith's sentence and focused on the cute.

Lucifer was very rarely given compliments, meaning the people around her only said bad things. Her brain was therefore trained properly to cut out the negatives and focus on the positives, which she did.

Lucifer slapped Lith's hand away and flicked his forehead. "Feel a little shame, nephew. You're the child, not me. Only adults get to pull children's cheeks."

Lith shook his head. "There isn't such a rule. You can't stop me."

"Oh, I very well can. Do it again and the next thing you know, you've been resurrected." Lucifer handed out a threat again.

Lith sighed. "Fine. If I can't pull your cheeks, I can at least hug you, right? Come here, give me a hug."

Lucifer blinked in befuddlement as Lith suddenly asked such an odd thing to her. At all times he would do as he pleases. There were also no restrictions for him and he could touch her as much as he wanted. So why ask her for a measly hug? Lucifer didn't understand, but went in for a hug as it wouldn't really hurt.

Lucifer got up from the sofa and taking a step towards Lith, wrapped her hands around his back and hugged him, still a bit confused at the odd request.

"Happy now?"

Lith wrapped his hands behind her back as well and said, "very much. But you know what makes me happier?"


"Pulling your cheeks." Lith chuckled and immediately put his hands down, groping Lucifer's soft and big butt.

Lucifer rolled her eyes. So her nephew asked her for a hug just so he could crack a lame joke. "And here I thought you were about to do something wholesome. But it was all for taking advantage of me."

"Hey, you didn't specify which cheeks though." Lith said and lightly spanked the bottom of her buns, making them jiggle.

Lucifer rolled her eyes. "I thought my nephew would do something wholesome for once when he asked for a hug, but it was my fault for having high hopes. Tsk, reality is nothing like anime."

Lith laughed lightly. "Indeed. Reality is often disappointing."

Hearing that, Lucifer smirked. "No, don't worry, it isn't as disappointing."

"Hmm?" Lith was confused but soon his smiling face turned grim.

Lucifer chuckled evilly. "My dear dear dear nephew, did you think only you can grope my butt?"

Lucifer grabbed Lith's buttocks and groped them, making him feel weird and uncomfortable.

'Oh, crap. It backfired.' Lith thought to himself but didn't say it out loud.

Feeling the situation escalate, Lith cleared his throat and said, "by the way, the humans have set foot on the Demon soil."

"What? So soon?" Lucifer was a bit surprised. She let go of Lith's butt and turned to look at the tv screen. "Damn, they really did!"

Lith sighed in relief. 'My butt is safe now.'

"Adriel!" Lucifer let out a shout as she saw the humans on the screen.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" Adriel answered from outside the room.

Lucifer knitted her brows. "Why are you speaking from outside? Come in."

"Wait." Lith chimed in.

"What?" Lucifer asked.

Lith pointed at Lucifer's body. "You wanna show your secretary this state?"

Lucifer looked at where Lith was pointing. "What st— oh."

She was just in a single oversized t-shirt and her appearance was pretty messy.

This wasn't a look a Demon Queen should have and although she was close with her secretary, her pride wouldn't let her be seen I such a way. Only her friends and family had the privilege to see her this way.

Lucifer snapped her finger and a pair of sweatpants appeared in her hand. She then started wearing them and while doing so, noticed Lith to be staring at her.

Lucifer smirked and wore her pants in a more seductive manner, ensuring to give Lith a few glimpses of her privates.

Lith, looking at Lucifer doing unnecessary stuff, was left speechless. He could tell what she wanted to achieve by doing that but… he wasn't a virgin who's dragon would be provoked so easily.

"Just wear them already, aunt. There's work that's needed to be done." Lith said calmly.

Pulling her sweatpants up, Lucifer looked at Lith and flicking her hair back, said, "you don't have to suppress yourself. Feel free to appreciate your aunt if you want."

"Hai, hai. Aunt is the greatest. Now let's get back to work." Lith said sarcastically.

"Tch. At least put some love behind those words." Lucifer clicked her tongue and went to get the door, putting all jokes aside.

Lith walked behind her and after Lucifer opened the door, the two saw Adriel.

"Greetings, Your Majesty." Adriel bowed and said.

"Save the pleasantries and tell me, why are there unwanted people on my land?" Lucifer's expression took a 180° turn. She didn't seem like Lith's horny otaku aunt anymore when asking such a question.

Adriel knew what her Queen was asking her. She took out a bundle of scrolls from her ring and presenting it to Lucifer, said, "they sent many notices before visiting, Your Majesty. It was us who didn't reply."

"Is that so?" Lucifer said calmly and took the scrolls. She opened them and went through it one by one.

Lucifer's poker face, after going through the scrolls, soon turned into one of annoyance. "The audacity these guys have…"

"What is it, aunt?" Lith didn't understand her reaction and asked.

Lucifer clicked her tongue and tossed him a few scrolls. "Read it, you'll understand."

Lith caught the scrolls and went through them. In that there were a lot of formal messages from the Human Court asking the Demon Queen why she wasn't responding or doing something to control her people.

They also demanded an explanation for this mishap and even had the gall to seek remuneration from her.

'Oh damn… do these guys not care for their lives?' Lith thought to himself.

If it wasn't Lucifer but him who got such messages, his reaction wouldn't be as calm as Lucifer and he would already be on his way to flatten the Human Court with his maidservants.

They wanted remuneration, he would give them remuneration.

Lith turned to look at Lucifer and patting her shoulder, said, "Aunt, I am seriously impressed by you."

That was true indeed. Lucifer was the top demon, one in which the seven sins were in the peak state. Meaning, the sins, say Wrath, was more intense than anyone else in the entire world.

Even if all Wrath Demons were to have their emotions amplified, it wouldn't match what Lucifer had.

But of course, since she also had the sin of Sloth within her in peak state, there was a blance present.

But still, it was impressive that she didn't just lash out and took everything so calmly.

Lucifer, despite being complimented, knitted her brows as she saw Lith patting her shoulder.

Adriel was right in front of them, he should have some decency, she felt.

Shaking her head, Lucifer held Lith's hand, not wanting him to touch her anymore, and said, "Let's go see the humans. They need to be out in their place."

Lucifer's eyes shone with a bright glint and along with Adriel and Lith, she vanished from the Demon Castle.

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