Vampire's Slice Of Life

Amidst the starry space, stood Lilith above a humongous blue-green planet covered in a thin curtain of grey.

Her expression was calm but the tumultuous chaos within her eyes said otherwise. What was going on inside her head, only she knew as she stared at the planet below.

With a deep sigh, Lilith said softly, "I should begin."

A cracking sound echoed in the vacuum of space as Lilith's robe from the back was torn off. Her massive wings extended out from within her body while her fangs became longer and sharper.

Her already pale shade further turned pale, making her appear like a ghost, but soon the transformation stopped as Lilith was fully in her true vampire form.

However, right in the next instant…


Lilith extended her hands behind her back and deep into her body through her sharp nails. She broke the roots of her wings and caused a loud cracking noise to arise.

It was so loud, the ones down below in the world could feel it as well.

Thankfully, Lilith was too far away and didn't do any damage to life on the planet.

Lilith held the massive broken wings on one hand and with the other free one, she snapped her long fangs out of her mouth.

Blood gushed out of her gums and dyed the shiny white fangs a deep shade of blood red.

Lilith then held her broken wings and fangs together and gripped them tight enough to turn them into fine powder.

The powder flowed down from her palms and went down towards the planet, disobeying the zero-gravity space Lilith was in.

The fine powder mixed together with the grey cover of the planet and started flickering.

Lilith then cut her wrist with her sharp nail and let the blood flow down.

The blood got mixed together as well and a grey, red, and black layer covered the planet instead.

Once Lilith felt the shade of red within the layer was bright enough, she sat down in a lotus position and closed her eyes.

Lilith then started chanting some things in the ancient vampire language and busied herself with it.

Back in the normal world, the people were going about their normal lives and felt nothing wrong.

However, in a few days, they could feel that the sky seemed to have started changing color.

It wasn't the usual blue but now appeared somewhat red.

In just a year's worth of the time, the sky took on a deep shade of red and this greatly concerned the people.

At this time around, Lilith had finished her chants and abruptly opened her eyes.

Her eyes shined with a scary red hue and like a demonic screech, she uttered a few forbidden spells.


Thunder started cracking all around her body and it was followed by a fiery blast of Fire elemental energy.

Fire was then joined by Destruction, which was then joined by Dark energy and thus continued on until all the elements came together and violently revolved around Lilith.

Lilith then got up from her lotus position and peering down into the planet, gave it a final look through her scary red eyes and…


She stabbed herself in the abdomen with her hand and pulled out an orb that seemed to flicker in and out of existence. The orb appeared just like the planet below and had many thousands of smaller orbs revolving around it.

Lilith held the main orb tightly within her hand without giving a single care to the thousands of tiny ones.

The orb continued to flicker in and out existence but soon, Lilith gripped her hand tightly and crushed the orb, causing an explosive boom to occur and the elemental energies around her to rush straight into her body.

Lilith's eyes started having their red color fade and once that was gone, it was life that seemed to slowly vanish from within her.

However, just a moment before she was fully lifeless, all the elemental energies had assimilated within her body and with a speed faster than even that of light, the fabric of space-time was ripped apart in front of her and a silver beam shot at her glabella.

Lilith's life instantly started restoring itself and her whole eyes shimmered with a bright silver hue.

Her hair extended up in the air and fluttered while the wound on her back started repairing itself.

Her fangs regrew with an astonishing speed and instead of ugly long fangs, Lilith had seductive mildly long fangs in her mouth.

Her wings started growing back and instead of the gigantic wings, they were now crimson colored majestic ancient wings of proportions that matched Lilith's tall figure.

Once the wings were fully restored, they flapped themselves once and Lilith vanished out of existence as a long blood-colored beam of light shot across the cosmos from her previous position.


In an ancient temple, a divine being was meditating.

It had been thousands and thousands of years since he had been in this position and that was evident from the dust collecting around him.

However, right in this instant, his eyes abruptly shot open and the first thing he saw a blood red beam shoot across the entire universe he was in.


The being's body shook as he spoke in his hoarse voice. Taking a step ahead, the man vanished from his spot.


In a mighty throne room, a red-haired, red-eyed being was leaning at one side of his throne, resting his face on his fist and listening to his subjects speak below.

His aura was overbearing and to the people below, he was their God.

As the being was listening to the queries of his subjects, he saw a bright red beam of light flash in front of his eyes and rip apart the barrier of space-time.

The being's eyes widened and getting up, he shouted, "WHO DARES TO TAMPER THE CONTINUUM OF THE VAMPIRE GOD'S SYSTEM!?"

He jumped down from his throne and instead of breaking the ground, vanished from the throne room.

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