Vampire's Slice Of Life

Ten days later.

Lith was all beaten up.

He was shown no mercy by Lucy and to tell the truth, even Lucifer wasn't so cruel to him during their month-long time that they spent together.

Of course Lith dominated Lucy for the most parts and even brought her to shaking orgasms multiple times to tire her out.

She was exhausted but somehow still had room for more.

It was the equivalent to eating a belly full but still having some place for dessert.

Lucy didn't joke when she said she wanted Lith to pound her more than Lucifer.

Lith had probably done her twice the amount of times he did with Lucifer.

Lucy took the first place among all wives in terms of anal as well as sex as a whole.

She became the most pounded of all and knowing this made her really content and happy.

Lucy rested in her room, happy and satisfied with the pounding while Lith needed some help after this.

His body was literally sucked dry and he needed a proper massage as well as various potions to rehydrate himself.

It took three days for his recovery and once he was done, he went to the throne room to take part in the administrative work.

In the throne room, Lucy was the one calling the shots and Lilith sat in her place and watched her for the most parts.

Lith put forward some of his suggestions into a few things here and there. For the most part, he just listened and didn't interfere.

Once the things related to the Vampire Society were over, Lucy dismissed the maidservants to have a chat with Lith.

"Little brother, you're aware of the Grand Banquet right?"

"Grand?" Lith wasn't aware.

He had heard and participated in Royal Banquets before but not something called Grand.

Lucy smiled and shook her head. "Grand Banquet, the event to celebrate your 100th birthday. Were you not made aware of this?"

"Wait… why is it a Grand Banquet for my birthday? Why not a Royal Banquet?" Lith was confused.

A Grand Banquet was more luxurious and as the name had it, Grand. Not only the nobles but even the commoners would be made part of it.

Lucy and Lilith both chuckled.

Lilith looked at Lith and said, "Why else? I don't want to hide my baby anymore. I want to show you off to everyone."

Lith blinked and stared at his mother with a stupefied gaze. He had trouble understanding why she would want such a thing.

"Don't look at me like that," Lilith chuckled. "My only assets are my two babies. I don't have anything else to show off, you know?"

Lith and Lucy both smiled and shook their heads.

Their old lady was far too humble to be saying such a thing. She literally had the entire world in the palm of her hands yet she said only her children were her assets.

Lith had nothing to argue back with such a comment from his mother and he simply gave in to her wishes.

"So, when is it?" Lith asked.

"In two weeks." Lilith answered with a smile.

Lith nodded. "Then, next week, I wanna have a small celebration prior to this big celebration."

"No problem."

"Am I invited to this small celebration?" Lucy asked playfully.

She knew her brother had friends and they too had turned a hundred years old. He probably wanted to celebrate with them alone, but hey, it never hurt to ask, did it?

"Of course. This small celebration is just with friends and family." Lith answered.

Lucy clapped her hands. "Sounds fun. I'll have the arrangements done for it then."

Lith did a thumbs up. "I am looking forward to it."

"Leave it to big sis," Lucy winked at Lith.

After discussing things for an hour more, Lith left the throne room to discuss things with his two friends.

He sat in the courtyard where Lilith usually sat and called the two.

It took a few seconds for the call to get connected and when it did, Lith heard from the other side.

"Hello, Your Highness." Dennis's voice rang from the other side.

"Greetings," Ralph's voice was slightly formal.

"Ralph, you sound like an old man trying to blend in with the younger kids. When are you gonna learn to just say 'hello'?" Dennis didn't leave any chance to take shots at Ralph.

"Shut it, Dennis. You of all people should not advice me on anything." Ralph jabbed back.

"You know, Your Highness, Ralph is the type of person to drink the soup from a ramen bowl and then throw away the noodles."

Lith smiled hearing that while Ralph said, "Dennis is the type of vampire who eats garlic bread on purpose."


"Oh damn." Lith said and laughed. He didn't expect Ralph of all people to make such a comeback.

"Ralph, despite being the sin of lust himself, can't score any bitches."

Now this was getting fun, Lith thought.

"Dennis, I know it, Lith knows it, and even you know who can't score bitches among us three. Let's not lie to ourselves now, shall we?"

That was the last bomb Ralph dropped that made Dennis turn silent and Lith to laugh out loud.

"A-Anyway… What's the matter, Your Highness? Why'd you call?" Dennis tried to change the topic.

Lith and Ralph would usually not call unless it was work related stuff. It was just Dennis who did that.

Joking aside, Lith said, "we all have turned hundred, haven't we?"

"That's right."


"Yes, so, let's celebrate together. Friends and family, my place." Lith was straight to the point.

"Don't you have a big banquet planned already, Your Highness?" Dennis asked.

"Yes. It's a really big one and not really as fun. The smaller the audience, the better the celebration." Lith put forward his opinion.

"When is it?" Ralph asked this time.

"Next week."

"I can come." Ralph answered right away.

"What about you, Dennis?"

"Uhh… won't it be slightly awkward, Your Highness?" Dennis asked.

"Nope, it won't be." Lith answered and saw Luna come towards him holding a tablet in her hand.

"Think about it, Your Highness. You're the Prince… your family is the Royal Family and then there's me and Ralph…" Dennis tried to explain why it might get awkward.

"Your Highness…" Luna showed the tablet to Lith and said softly, not disturbing his call.

She stood at the side after doing her job.

Lith looked at the tablet and simultaneously answered Dennis, "relax, Dennis. You're thinking too much. Anyway, I am not taking a no from you both. This is an informal invitation to the small banquet, I'll soon send someone to do a formal invitation for this as well as the bigger banquet that will happen two weeks later."

The tablet contained various outfits as well as options for birthday cake.

It seems his sister wanted to have him pick the outfit and cake of his choice.

Looking at the options for cake, something suddenly clicked Lith and he thought, 'hmm… I haven't tried that yet…'

"If you say so, Your Highness." Dennis replied.

Lith was simultaneously doing two things at once. Talking and selecting stuff, and then he was planning on doing a third thing on top of this.

It may seem chaotic but such a level of multitasking was nothing for him.

"So, we good?" Lith asked while tapping on the table in front of him.

A slice of cake arrived on the table.

"Yes, let's gooooo!" Dennis said excitedly.

"Yay!" Ralph had no idea how to act cheerful like Dennis, so he just said yay to be included.

"Also, if you're both free, we can hangout. I totally forgot about the anime studio, so brush me up on whatever has happened with it too." Lith said and held the plate of cake in his hand.

"Done. When are we meeting?" Dennis asked.

"Tomorrow." Lith said and turned to look at Luna.

He extended his hand out and she extended hers in response, holding Lith's eventually.


"I'm in too." Ralph replied.

"Sweet, I'll see you tomorrow." Lith cut the call after saying so.

He then brought Luna close to him and made her sit on the table in front of him.

"Call aunt Agalea, Luna." Lith instructed her while parting her legs.

"As you wish, Your Highness." Luna felt nothing from what Lith was doing to her. She was totally used to such randomness.

Lith put her skirt up and was going to tear away her panties, but saw her to be wearing none in the first place.

The call got connected at this moment and he didn't have time to talk to Luna about her being commando.

"Hello, Nephew Lith." Agalea said from the other side.

"Hi, aunt. How have you been?" Lith asked and made Luna scoot closer on the edge of the table, getting complete access to her pussy.

"I've been wonderful. But what's with you? I haven't heard from you in over a year!" Agalea was not happy with Lith not contacting her for over a year.

The cake that was on Lith's one hand, he took it and rubbed it along the lengths of Luna's vertical lips.

While doing so he said, "I am sorry, aunt. I was caught up in something important."

Finishing saying so, Lith licked the cake on Luna's pussy and had a taste of it.

"What was so important that you couldn't even text your aunt once in a whole year? I missed you so much, you know?" Agalea said softly.

The cake's sweetness mixed with the taste of Luna's pussy was something that amazed Lith with how good it was.

However, Lith wasn't happy as his aunt's concerns were something that bothered him.

It seemed it was the wrong timing at which he was eating cake off of his maid's pussy.

"Aunt, I was stuck in a different dimension altogether. I had no means of communicating. But you know, the moment I got it, I contacted you. I am sorry for not contacting you earlier." Lith said sincerely.

The things he was doing coupled with the things he was saying on call, totally didn't match up.

Internally he felt he was being a crap human, but then he realized, he wasn't even a human. Add to that, his aunt feeling sad due to him not contacting her was something which wasn't in control of anybody.

Lith was thus calm and he knew his aunt would also understand it.

"Ah, nephew… Why didn't you say this before? I was getting angry at you for nothing…" There it was, as Lith had expected, his aunt realized the situation.

Lith ate some more cake off of Luna's honeypot and said, "it's fine, it's fine. Anyway, if you're missing me this much, shall I come over?"

Luna wiped the cake that was on Lith's face as he said that.

This depraved situation Lith was in, felt wrong as well as not wrong at the same time.

Among the two, Lith chose the latter since he was long past his innocent boy stage.

Agalea's voice suddenly turned meek and she said, "w-well, if you miss your aunt, you can come visit her anytime you want."

Her voice was meek because she was imagining the events that would happen if Lith came over.

"Haha, I would love to, aunt. But no, I am not coming over. It's you who's gonna come over to me instead."

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