The Fist Saint proved his dominance against a swordswoman barely two seconds into the conflict.


Meeshah only exchanged a few moves with Ken before she was forcefully sent into the air tens of meters away from her position. A perfect connect with Ken's punch broke Meeshah's rib bones and made her split blood. It dislocated her shoulder and damaged her internal organs severely.

Meeshah quickly got up on her feet only to receive another round of beating from Ken. She was forced to stand and became a punching bag against Ken's consistent and precise attacks.

"Aaaaaaah! Don't just stare, you idiots. Attack him."

Meeshah tried to create a distance from Ken and ordered her team to finally stop being spectators. Her ego was not as important as her life. And she knew that Ken's barrage was about to take her life if she didn't get a breather from it.

Ken was attacked with Meeshah's team members all at once when the latter gave them the orders. Meeshah successfully managed to get away from Ken as a result of keeping her pride aside.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Ken's fists created vibrations in the air as they connected with their intended targets. The ground beneath his feet got depressed because of his excessive movements and drawing support from his feet while delivering heavyweight punches.

However, the Fist Saint stayed exceptionally nimble on his feet and managed to dodge most of the lethal attacks aimed at his vital organs. And this time, Ken was targeting his enemies' vital organs too. Thus, everytime his punch connected, it evoked a painful shrill from his opponents.

Meeshah watched with disbelief as Ken expressed his individuality battling against so many opponents at once. She had never seen this version of him even while he had killed many of the rankers from the kingdom of Layos in front of her.

'This bastard. He… he has flipped a switch.'

Ken laughed as he got bruised and battered by his enemies' attacks landing on his body. He wouldn't have suffered by their hands to this extent if he wasn't restricted by the Sansara World. Or if he just had his usual gear with him.

Unfortunately, whatever gear and weapons the rankers used were given to them by spending Karma points. And most of these weapons and artifacts were average at best. So he couldn't remain unscathed battling against seven rankers at the same time.

Meeshah tried to support her team by trying to attack Ken from his supposed blind spot. She also coordinated with her entire team to poke holes in his defensive stance. However, she soon found out that Ken Riverine wasn't someone who she could handle despite the number advantage she had.


"Captain, help… aaaaargh!"


Three rankers battling with Eren were sent flying away from Ken in three different directions. They had various fist-shaped depressions all over their bodies which made them look weird to look at. Their flesh was still intact but their organs were beyond any normal means of recovery.

All three of them triggered Sansara World's defensive mechanism as they sustained mortal injuries on their bodies. The Sansara wheel tattoos on their bodies started shining. They were about to be teleported away from the conflict zone soon.

Ken wasn't going to let his enemies off the hook just like that. He ignored the cover attack and approached the nearest opponent from those three. He appeared behind the first opponent and punched through the guy's heart before he could be teleported away. He killed the second ranker by squashing her head.

Unfortunately for Ken and fortunately for the third ranker, Sansara World's defense mechanism kicked in and he was teleported away successfully. Still, Ken didn't get disheartened and carried on with his attacks.

What Ken's enemies didn't know was the fact that he was drawing power from his life force while battling with his enemies. This Ability allowed him to pump up his attacking or defensive capabilities at the cost of a severe burn-out.

Ken knew that he wouldn't be able to maintain his form for long. And that he was about to run out of the life force. Thus, he decided to kill one more ranker to create a deterrence before escaping from the scene.

All of this happened within a fraction of seconds. And Meeshah's team had no viable means to stop Ken from doing what he wanted. Meeshah herself was visibly shaken by the ferocity Ken had shown.

Only now did she realize why the higher-ups from the kingdom of Layos wanted Ken dead. Wars in the land of Anfang didn't start or stop on a whim. They would drag on for years on end. An entity like Ken becoming stronger in the wartime wasn't something the kingdom of Layos wanted to see. Thus, it had added killing Ken as one its agendas after the successful infiltration of the rankers into the Sansara World.


Ken successfully killed the third weakest ranker in Meeshah's team and decided to make a run for it. He used his movement spell and disappeared from his position. Meeshah's team followed right after him for some time before seemingly giving up on chasing him.

Ken kept on running even though he sensed his opponents not pursuing him anymore. He thought that Meeshah had given up on settling her affairs with him. He couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief when that happened. He was bloody, wounded, and sweating all over. His heartbeats were erratic and he had to take quick breaths because of the exertion.

"Help! These elves from Layos are trying to kill me."

Ken suddenly heard a voice from the north-east direction. He looked and saw a frail-looking girl getting chased by a bunch of elves. She had expressions of fear and panic written on her face and was heading straight to him.

Ken's subconscious mind was torn between helping the girl and securing his own safety first. That indecision was enough for the girl to approach him, supposedly seeking shelter from him.

Ken knew at that time that another fight was inevitable. So he let the girl go past him and bumped his gauntlets-wearing fists against each other.

And everything started going downhill for Ken after that.

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