"Who… who the hell are you?"

Rhea Bloodweaver, her body battered and broken, gazed wearily at Eren as he approached. The wounds inflicted upon her were severe, her Expert rank mana barely managing to staunch the blood flow and stabilize her condition. She felt the weight of her own vulnerability, realizing that she had little strength left to resist.

Eren's assault had been relentless, nearly severing her limb, puncturing her repeatedly, and leaving her with a myriad of deep lacerations. She had come to a stark realization during their brief four-second clash - if Eren had desired, he could have easily ended her life. The magnitude of his power was evident, and it sent a chilling realization coursing through her veins.

Her armor lay shattered, her clothes torn and soaked in a mixture of blood and the water from the River Lithe. Rhea's once-meticulous hair now hung in disarray, drenched by the river's cascading currents. Her body, drenched in a morbid fusion of blood and water, lay beneath her, a testament to the fierce battle she had endured.

To make matters worse, Rhea discovered that her connection with her contract beast had been severed. She believed that Eren's assault had destroyed the creature's soul, knowing full well of his formidable soul sense. In her estimation, someone of his caliber could effortlessly obliterate a contract beast's soul by leveraging the power of their own soul sense.

Grief washed over Rhea as she mourned the loss of her loyal companion. However, this was not the time for her to succumb to distress or abandon her rationality. Eren stood before her as an adversary, and she couldn't expect him to show mercy to her contract beast simply because she desired it. In their world, two Expert-ranked entities fought on equal ground, devoid of pity or leniency.

Eren, his appearance pristine and untouched by battle, approached with an air of leisure and elegance. Shoulder-length black hair caressed by warm southbound winds, his every step seemed to create ripples upon the water's surface. His emerald green eyes fixated playfully on Rhea, while a subtle smile adorned his face as if he viewed their clash as nothing more than a form of entertainment.

"Hmm. She believes I've slain her contract beast. Keke. Perfect. No need for me to concoct any random bullshittery," Eren thought to himself, attuned to Rhea's melancholy and sense of loss through his soul sense. He leisurely stretched his arms, eliciting satisfying cracks from his bones, and rotated his neck. In the blink of an eye, he materialized a few arm's lengths away from Rhea, maintaining a cautious distance, aware of her edginess. With an inviting smile and a welcoming tone, he addressed her question.

"Forgive me, Miss Rhea, for not introducing myself properly amidst our intense battle. I am Eren. Eren Elijah Idril. It is truly a pleasure to make your acquaintance," he declared, his words laced with sincerity. "I must commend you on your remarkable fight. You have far surpassed my expectations."

As Eren spoke, a glimmer of acknowledgment gleamed in his eyes. He saw in Rhea's eyes her battle-hardened spirit, even in her current battered state. Despite his seemingly amiable demeanor, he maintained a cautious distance, fully aware that any misstep from her could prove fatal. Not for him. For her.

A flicker of recognition crossed Rhea's mind upon hearing Eren's name as if she had encountered it in passing before. However, before she could delve into that thought, her focus shifted to Eren's next action, captivating her attention entirely.

In a seamless display of manipulation, Eren materialized a vial of White Raven healing potion in his right hand. Shaking it before Rhea's eyes, he emphasized its harmlessness before tossing it in her direction. Catching it effortlessly, Rhea regarded Eren with suspicion, her gaze locked with his.

Eren's smirk deepened as he met Rhea's eyes, his demeanor nonchalant. Pointing a finger at the vial, he spoke, his voice laced with a casual tone. "If I had intended to kill you, there were simpler methods at my disposal. The vial in your hand is a top-tier healing potion. Drink it if you wish to expedite your recovery without complications."

Curiosity mingled with caution, Rhea uncorked the vial and cautiously sniffed its contents. Assured of its authenticity, she raised it to her lips, maintaining unwavering eye contact with Eren. The potent liquid surged down her throat, and almost instantaneously, her wounds began to close at an accelerated pace. The potion's additional effects alleviated her exhaustion, revitalizing her weary body.

Within moments, Rhea's grievous injuries transformed into mere superficial wounds. The invasive foreign mana that had disrupted her own mana circuits dissipated, allowing her to regain perfect control over her bodily functions. Renewed vitality coursed through her veins, reigniting her spirit.

Just then, three members of Rhea's squad materialized beside her, expressing concern for her well-being. Two stood as staunch guards at her side, while an Adept-ranked individual positioned themselves ahead of Rhea, blocking her view and confronting Eren directly.

Amusement and annoyance danced in Eren's eyes as he regarded Rhea's backup. While he didn't mind engaging in a "friendly" spar with Rhea, he couldn't help but feel a subtle offense at the audacity of three Adept rankers mustering the courage to face him.

"Trust me, Rhea, you do not want to test your battle formation against me. If you annoy me too greatly, I'll be forced to hunt down and eliminate every member of your team before your very eyes," Eren warned calmly, directing his words to Rhea while paying little heed to the three Adept rankers who had decided to intervene. Though he possessed the means to prevent their interference, he was preoccupied with other matters, his attention split between the ongoing battle aboard Brewmaster's Bounty and his interaction with Rhea and her companions.

His spectral screen displayed a myriad of live visuals from Nina, Jiana, and Levine's distinct perspectives, offering invaluable feedback and commentary on the clash unfolding between their side and Sebastian's forces. Eren carefully monitored the situation, awaiting the opportune moment to issue his next command.

Jiana's obedience was crucial to his plan. When he deemed the time ripe, he instructed her through their group communication voice channel. "Jiana, allow yourself to be struck by Sebastian's debuff. Submerge yourself in the River Lithe, then utilize your means.

Be prepared to seize all the debuff potions aboard Brewmaster's Bounty. And when the time comes, destroy that damn vessel. Aunt Nina, support Jiana."

Jiana hesitated, reluctant to assume the role of a thief. However, her reservations didn't hinder her swift compliance with Eren's orders. Just as he had anticipated, she submerged herself in the chilling waters of the River Lithe, willingly subjecting herself to the debilitating effects of Sebastian's debuff, patiently awaiting Nina's assistance.

As Jiana prepared herself to act in accordance with Eren's command, a concerned voice echoed through the group communication channel. 'Eren, are you planning to betray House Remus or the Kingdom of Edinburgh?' Nina's words carried a tinge of worry as she joined Jiana in the river's depths.

Eren chuckled softly, his laughter unheard by those around him, before offering a response. 'Trust, loyalty, and betrayal. These words are often thrown around lightly, their true meanings diluted. Especially in times of war. Their definitions aren't as rigid as people want them to be.'

Observing Rhea's admonishment of her team members, cautioning them against engaging in battle with Expert rankers, Eren maintained his steadfast position, his hands resting behind his back. Standing with military-like poise, he continued his conversation with Nina and the others.

'Don't worry. What you perceive as betrayal, I regard as prudence. I have no intention of betraying anyone, at least not until I am given a reason to do so. But there is no harm in taking precautions, is there?

I would be a complete fool to allow those debuff potions to fall into Edinburgh's clutches or be destroyed by Birmond. Why destroy them when they can act as Trump cards for me?

And keep me updated with Sebastian's location. I'll apprehend the old fart personally if he decides to pull a fast one on naive Birmond– which I think he will.'

Eren's eyes gleamed with a chilling intent, his voice turning frigid as his words reverberated in the minds of Nina and Jiana through their shared voice communication channel.

'Today, the Myriad Potioner will be announced dead to the world. I'll fucking make sure of it.'

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