Warlock Apprentice

Chapter 645: Meeting Freud

Angor took out Twinning Wings from his bracelet.

“Take this to Lady Greya. Tell her that—”

Before he finished talking, he saw Toby heading for the window while flapping his wings rapidly like a hummingbird.

However, Toby wasn’t fast enough without using the sequence of gravity. In the next second, Angor used Hand of Spell to close the window.

Bam! Toby crashed head-on into the glass, and after getting rid of several fireflies from his vision, he found himself sitting on Angor’s hand again.

“Relax, it’s not like I’m going to cook you up or something,” said Angor.

Toby found it rather difficult to trust Angor’s words when he felt as if Angor was grinning bigger, in a bad way.

Five minutes later, Angor reopened his window and let Toby out.

“Now go. Lady Greya needs you!” Angor was seeing his partner off while waving a hand.

Toby didn’t escape this time. He had accepted his fated mission.

Even though he knew that Greya’s lessons and whip were meant to help with his growth, Toby would like to avoid all the taxing sessions as much as he could.

But when he thought about what Angor said, that Greya was in a bad mental condition right now, Toby still convinced himself to go to her, for he loved his old master deep down.

Before Toby arrived at Greya’s small hut, he heard hysterical curses coming from it.

Just as Angor said, Greya’s mind was extremely unstable for some reason.

The “spices” inside Toby, which represented the emotions of a legendary beast, had granted him superior senses that allowed him to distinguish different emotions better than anyone. Toby immediately noticed Greya’s burdened spirit.

In fact, he could already tell that something was off with Greya during his earlier training. However, this was the first time for Greya to vent out her frustration so openly.

Trembling a little, Toby moved to the door of the hut.

“WHO GOES THERE??!” Greya bellowed while releasing her mighty aura toward Toby’s location, which felt like a tidal wave.

Toby managed to respond by calling back, which sounded more like whining.

The aura vanished. Toby heard Greya talking in a smaller and obviously restrained voice, “What, Toby, you think I haven’t given you enough drills?”

Greya meant to ease the mood by speaking in a joking manner so that Toby would not feel bad after receiving her oppressive welcome, but she failed to fully change her tone, which caused her words to sound like sarcasm.

“Tweeeet! Tweet!!”

As Toby’s former master, Greya had no trouble noticing that Toby was worrying about her.

“I’m fine… You can leave for now. I need to be alone.”

She didn’t open the door because she did not wish to see Toby in her current condition. Any further impulse might accidentally hurt Toby, and she definitely would not let that happen.

Toby grew even more concerned when Greya rejected his visit.

Both of them remained silent for a moment. They were separated by a single door.

Several minutes later, Toby dropped Angor’s brooch on the windowsill, gave the window two gentle knocks, and flew away in sadness.

After making sure Toby had left, Greya went to the window and pushed it open.

She had been monitoring Toby using her spirit power, and she knew that Toby left something by her window, which seemed to be a shiny item that reflected the sunlight.

Her grievance did not prevent her nature of a curious woman to go for the interesting object and examine it. And when she did, she felt her mood getting somewhat brighter.

As she carefully picked up the silver charm, a piece of note dropped from it.

She picked the paper up and saw a message neatly written on it using the universal language. It was plain and not so showy compared to the ornamental handwriting popular among wizards. Yet she was glad she got to look at something easier to read in her terrible mood.

[Lady Greya, I hereby present the “Twinning Wings” to you. Hope you like it. —Angor Padt]

Greya chuckled while looking at the life-like jewelry, which displayed Toby’s two forms.

“Twinning Wings huh… Looks good enough.”

She tossed the note away, which turned to dust and dissipated among the flowers outside.

She then took a moment to gaze at the clear sky and lake water in front of her hut. She felt her anxiety leaving, albeit slowly.

With her new gift in hand, Greya returned to her working table.

She knew this was the illusion item she requested, but instead of checking the illusion right away, she placed Twinning Wings on the edge of her table.

She didn’t know why, but she was happy to feel the edginess in her mind vanishing after seeing Toby and Angor’s creation. She wished to use this chance to continue her unfinished calculation.

Something told her that this perfect opportunity might even help her to finally succeed.

Meanwhile, Toby had returned to Angor’s bedroom.

“What did I say? Lady Greya will never—”

Angor didn’t get to finish since he was terrified to see Toby falling from the air before reaching his window.

He jumped and quickly leaped onto the balcony and used Hand of Spell to catch Toby.

He saw Toby flushing all over his tiny body. Toby’s entire head was wet with sweat.

Angor put a finger on Toby’s head and realized the bird had a serious fever.

With quick moves, Angor began sending a stream of soothing energy into Toby’s form.

He was glad to see Toby getting better soon enough, who then fell asleep in his hand. But he could not understand how Toby was in such a condition. It was impossible for a monster with supernatural powers to gain fevers like common mortals even if Toby spent too much time bathing in bad temperatures.

No matter what happened, Angor had to wait for Toby to recover and ask about it.

The clock on the wall suggested that Toby had slept for half a day.

Angor stayed close to Toby in the meantime. After making sure that Toby was stable, Angor left his room and headed to the Krakoks’ temporary home, which was located not far from the lake in the garden. From there, he could easily see Greya’s showy hut.

He couldn’t see into the hut from his position, but at the very least, he didn’t hear any more curses.

He was expecting Greya to come and talk to him after receiving Twinning Wings. Now that Greya had not shown up yet, Angor was getting a little upset because he feared that Greya was discontent with his creation.

Maybe it had too many elements from another civilization that did not go with her taste?

He put his concerns away and entered the Krakoks’ room. As the tiny figures watched him, he moved behind their “skyscraper”, where a simple mist illusion was placed. The illusion contained a small, purple flower called the Soul Floret, which housed Freud.

Even though Freud acted obediently until now as if he had surrendered to his fate, Angor still kept the man alone in the illusion just in case.

The Soul Floret could not sustain Freud’s soul forever. Angor was planning to craft an item that could better act as Freud’s residence, so he came today to ask for Freud’s opinions.

He reached his spirit feelers inside the Soul Floret until they reached another micro illusion. This one was only a simple room that had some books and magazines inside. Angor deployed this illusion so that Freud would not get too bored, but he did not make it anything exquisite like how he did with Flowey’s new room.

Angor saw Freud sitting on a bed reading a novel called Chronicles Of Dragons.

It was a fantasy novel from Earth literature that basically told a common and overused plot in which a hero went on a quest to slay a dragon to rescue an imprisoned princess. However, it turned out that the princess was beginning to like the dragon’s company instead. After the hero finished his job, the princess grew so heartbroken that she sunk the hero’s weapon into its master’s heart.

It was considered a terrible novel for having such a ridiculous bad ending in which all of the main characters were dead.

Angor left such a novel in Freud’s “illusionary room” and considered it as a small prank. He wasn’t expecting Freud to actually read it, and Freud looked pretty focused too.

He wondered what Freud would say when the man reached the end of the book.

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