White Online

''How?!'' Luna was surprised at Isaac's urgent question. His face showed a clear desire to get rid of his cursed state.

''Do you know what blocks humans from growing?'' Ian asked a question.

Isaac pondered for a moment. At first, he thought about their weak bodies, but he knew it wasn't the correct answer after seeing the things Simo could do.

In the end, he shook his head. There was no way he would honestly know the answer.

''Limitations.'' Ian said, ''The God, who created World of Four Seasons, had to put some kind of limiter to every living being.''

''Otherwise, it would break the balance of the universe.''

Isaac sighed and asked, ''So, does that mean it's impossible to grow beyond a certain point?''

Ian tapped his chin and answered, ''At first, that was indeed the case. However, because of the appearance of White Online. There is a way to remove the limiter.''


''Ever heard of Dreamland?'' Ian asked.

''Yes.'' Isaac nodded. He remembered Simo talking about it.

Ian raised his eyebrow and was surprised that he actually knew about it. But then shrugged his shoulders and thought that one of the Mythical Figures must have revealed it.

''There are different ways, but it's almost impossible to learn how to enter Dreamland with a human's frail mind.''

''One needs to be at least a Mythical Being.''

Then, Ian raised one of his fingers, ''One way is Dream Potion. That would allow everyone who takes a sip of it to enter their Dreamland.''

''How to get that potion?'' Isaac thought that something as valuable as that would be near-impossible to find.

However, Ian smiled and said, ''You already know… You have your Secret Quest. Don't you?''

Isaac's face showed split-second shock. Luna curiously tilted her head and saw him showing his interface and the details of his secret quest.

[Create a Special Potion!]

[Ingredients: 1/5]

[Flower of Dreams Acquired!]

[Root of Dreams Needed!]

[Resin of Dreams Needed!]

[Leaves of Dreams Needed!]

[Oil of Dreams Needed!]

''Unlocking your limiter would help you greatly,'' Ian mentioned.

''What do you mean?'' Isaac asked.

''By removing your limiter. It would also break your chains of curses. The curse had corrupted your limiter. By removing the limiter, the curse, of course has no place in your body, and it disappears.''

Isaac clenched his fists, and a shimmer of excitement was seen in his eyes. It wasn't long before his so-called curse would be truly gone.

''This lovely young lady would also find it very helpful.'' Ian also said with a sly smile.

''What do you mean?'' Isaac frowned and looked at Luna, who was as confused as he was.

''Winter Illness,'' Ian said with a serious tone.

Luna and Isaac widened their eyes in shock. They didn't expect him to know about the illness of the real world.

''By removing the chains, it would also remove the Winter Illness because it has been injected into the chains.''

''That's why it's impossible to be cured because the chains are impossible to be located by human technology!''

Luna's eyes moistened as he looked at Isaac and asked, ''I-I-Is he speaking the truth?''

Isaac looked at her and thought for a moment. Since the encounter, there was a feeling of warmth sprouting inside his heart. It told him everything he needed. The somewhat weird old man, Ian, was on their side.

''Yes… I think he is.'' He replied with honesty. Then, Luna buried her face in his shoulder and stained his shoulder in tears.

Isaac pats her soft hair and sees Ian standing up.

''Go to Spring Realm and search for the ingredients there,'' Ian said and stepped toward the door.

Isaac nodded and asked, ''Was it because of this I had to wait till 100 level?''

Ian stopped and turned his body around with a smile, ''Yes…''


He closed the door behind him, and soon the sound of his footsteps grew further away.

Isaac used his thumb and wiped Luna's tears away. Then, they left the village chief's house. During the walk, Luna asked questions about everything.

She still thought that it was unreal that the two worlds were actually connected and could barely believe it. However, the words coming from Isaac made it true in her mind.

Before returning to Stronglord, they toured around the Swornword. Every building brought a sense of nostalgia toward Isaac, while Luna was simply curious about everything.

They also went to meet Kulos, the merchant store owner. Isaac sold a few items of his, and this time, Kulos was shocked. That look gave Isaac a slight sense of satisfaction.

After all, Kulos usually showed looks of boredom or disinterest at the items he had shown. This time, Isaac managed to shock him.

After selling his items, they left the store and ripped their tickets.

''What do you plan to do now?'' Isaac asked while stepping down from the portal. Luna's eyes were still hazy. She hadn't gotten used to Realm Portals and needed several seconds to earn her eyesight back.

''Grind XP, I guess…'' She replied while rubbing her eyes. There was still some redness around the rim of her eyes.

Isaac nodded and held her chin before doing a small peck on her lips. Afterward, they bid farewell and separated ways.

Luna's body disappeared as she stepped inside the Realm Portal that took her to Beast Forest.

Isaac then began walking in the streets. His journey led him to the Golden Crown building he had visited once before.

After stepping inside the building, he was greeted by a few guild members that reminded him. He asked about the Realm Portal and was taken there.

King Jonathan already told every subordinate of his to give free passage to him.

After walking down circular stairs, they reached a basement with an eerily vibe coming from the dark, granite-like walls.

There was a wall with a door that separated the basement area. After the Golden Crown members opened the door, a dark room became visible.

In the middle of the room was the Realm Portal while glowing in radiant orange.

Isaac didn't have to go into the Golden Crown building. He had already once visited Spring Realm, which meant that he could use City Square's Realm Portals to take him there.

However, he wanted to see the secret room, and it was indeed a strange sight.

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