Chapter 1549: Spread

The dark tunnel.

Reneedol was hurriedly fleeing with the last few subordinates that she had.

“Master, I can sense it—— it’s going to arrive very soon!”

A 12-winged seraph exclaimed in shock.

Reneedol abruptly turned around at the seraph and solemnly asked: “Are you sure?”

The 12-winged seraph affirmed: “I’m very sure. All the illusions and diversion techniques that we had prepared were unable to deceive it!”

Reneedol paused for a brief moment before suddenly speaking with a soft voice:

“Fudou, you’re the most powerful male angel here, you can definitely stop it for a brief moment and buy us some time”

Two figures appeared next to her—–

The Deity of Fate’s Beginning, Clotho; the Deity of Fate’s End, Atropos.

The two of them flew next to the 12-winged seraph called Fudou and softly whispered an incantation into his ears.

After the incantation was done, the two Deities disappeared.

“You… are correct, I have a method that can disguise my presence as you to temporarily divert it away from you” the seraph blankly replied.

“I’ll be troubling you then” Reneedol nodded.

The seraph took a few steps back and changed his directions right as they reached a fork in the tunnel.

As soon as his figure disappeared, Reneedol’s expression became grim again.

She looked at her remaining subordinates.

A 12-winged female seraph.

A 6-winged male seraph.

Three Wraith Lords.

One Wraith Might.

——-this Wraith Might advanced rapidly, his most exceptional trait was his wits. The three Wraith Lords attempted to oppress him several times, but he managed to skillfully resolve many of the certain-death situations, which ultimately drew my attention.

These are the only people left in my forces.

I can’t kill any more of them, if I do, I’ll truly be by myself.

“How much longer until we reach the Wraith realm?” Reneedol asked.

“In one more minute, we’d be able to complete the transport” a Wraith Lord answered.

“Finally we’ve managed to stall until this moment—— how many more men do we have in the Wraith realm?” Reneedol asked.

“We have 700,000 wraiths remaining” another Wraith Lord replied.

“That’s enough. Immediately after we return, activate all Causality Law barriers” Reneedol ordered.

“Do we need to change all of them to defensive barriers?” another Wraith Lord asked.

Reneedol pondered for a few moments before replying: “No, use the obscurement barriers”

At this point, the other 12-winged seraph who hadn’t said anything up to now suddenly chimed in:

“Master, I think this might not be the best idea. If we truly head into the Wraith realm, when that thing manages to find that world, wouldn’t you be completely cornered?”

Reneedol calmly replied: “If it could actually locate us, then it had better be prepared to face the ultimate Apocalypse”

Deep inside the tunnel, three figures were continuously flying forward.

“If Reneedol uses those seven strands of hair, countless worlds would be instantly reduced to nothingness, the entire Pantheon ruins would be destroyed!” Boss explained with a heavy voice.

“We can’t go on like this, we need to quickly finish our preparations” Gu Qing Shan told him while they were flying.

“We’re already following the Fate Prophecy to find Fei Yue, what other preparations are you thinking about?” Boss asked.

Gu Qing Shan turned to the void of space and asked: “Lady Darksea, where are you?”

[I’m here, Gu Qing Shan, do you need to utilize the Regiment to fight?] Lady Darksea’s voice sounded.

“No need. My Soul Points are no longer enough to support a large-scale war, and I think [Human Regiment] stands no chance against that giant eyeball” Gu Qing Shan replied.

[The Regiment needs to evolve, and it must be an evolution that transcends the normal meaning of the word, Gu Qing Shan] Lady Darksea told him.

“How should we do that?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

[Do you still remember how the Era of Chaos grew stronger in the past?] Lady Darksea asked.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but ponder.

On the battlefield in the past, the Soul Shrieker had indeed mentioned this.

『 「 …Gu Qing Shan, the Era of [Chaos] has conquered the 900 million World Layers as a whole, its power had grown infinitely greater… 』」

「 『 I have the power of the entire Era of [Chaos] aiding me, my soul had been protected with countless Causality Laws, you can never kill me! 」』

The giant corpse also once said:

“The Era of [Chaos] requires a powerful representing Deity to help the Era continuously advance towards its strongest state”

“Lady Darksea, you mean that [Order] must be spread throughout numerous worlds?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

[Indeed. While inside the Temporal Oasis, the Order could not spread, and when I returned to the Age of Immemorial with Boss, due to the danger of your situation at the time, my appearance could have irreversibly altered the course of history. That was why I had remained patient up until now——]

Lady Darksea’s tone became solemn: [Now is the moment, Gu Qing Shan, the Order must spread throughout all the worlds within the Pantheon ruins, only that would be able to help the Order surpass its limits and enter a state of transcendental evolution!]

Gu Qing Shan abruptly stopped mid-air.

Boss and Crow flew a bit before they noticed and turned around.

“What’s the matter?” Boss asked.

“We might have to split up” Gu Qing Shan replied.

He then explained what Lady Darksea had just told him.

Boss pondered: “I’m currently limited by this body created from the flames of Death, temporarily unable to get out, so it’s a bit inconvenient for me to do that…”

Crow undid the cover of the metal facemask and said with interest: “Spreading [Order]? That sounds like a very interesting thing, how about I do it?”

Gu Qing Shan stayed silent for a brief moment.

——it’s currently inconvenient for Boss, while I need to look for Fei Yue, so Crow really is the only candidate for this.

“Can you do it? You’ll need to travel to every world within the ruins in the shortest possible time” Boss was a bit worried.

Crow pointed at himself with his thumb and replied: “Don’t worry, I’m an Avian you know, we were born already knowing the word ‘Speed’!”

Boss turned to Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan whispered to Lady Darksea: “Make sure to watch your tone”

[Understood] Lady Darksea replied.

Gu Qing Shan then put his hand on Crow’s shoulder and said: “Then I’ll leave this to you”

Instantly, a female voice resounded in Crow’s ear.

[Greetings, the ultimate Hitman, the legendary male Avian, the renowned rapier wielder, sir Crow]

Crow was startled but was also ecstatic.

“Oh? How do you understand me so well?” he asked.

[My name is Darksea, I’m currently reinforcing Order onto you while also converting it to the specialized Dissemination Mode] Lady Darksea replied.

“Then, should we now be on our way?”

[Yes sir]

Crow nodded to Gu Qing Shan: “I’ll take my leave”

Gu Qing Shan clasped his fist: “This is the most crucial matter at hand; I’ll have to depend on you entirely for it”

Crow laughed, then shivered a bit before transforming into a colorful bird.

The bird casually flapped his wings and vanished like a shadow into the wind, instantly disappearing without a trace.

Boss was shocked: “He was that fast?”

Gu Qing Shan commented; “Now I know why Fei Yue and the others were assured with leaving him by himself”

“Huh? Wasn’t it because of his jinxing mouth?”

“…That might be part of the reason”

The two of them continued to talk while they flew along the tunnel.

A few dozen minutes later.

A wide tunnel appeared in front of them, from which the sound of flowing water could be heard.

The two of them flew towards it and observed the other side of the tunnel.

They could see that the underground river was right outside..

“Are we there yet?”

“I think they’re hiding just around here”

Gu Qing Shan checked the black thread on his hand.

One end of the black thread was wrapped around his hand, while the other end reached far into the underground river.

“Chao Yin” Gu Qing Shan silently called.


The Chao Yin sword appeared from the void of space as he wielded it.

Gu Qing Shan lightly swung the sword.

The river instantly parted ways to expose the riverbed far below them.

A cave was also revealed to them.

Gu Qing Shan swung his sword again.

A mass of water flowed towards the riverbed and manifested into a humanoid form that approached the entrance of the cave.


A hidden spell struck the humanoid water and scattered it everywhere.

A few figures then flew out.

“Huh? Gu Qing Shan!”

Xiao Die was the first one to see him and happily waved.

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