Chapter 1566: Rhode will surely lose


A watermelon was split open.

“You take this half” Gu Qing Shan said.

“Brother, this half is too big, I’ll be too full” Little Dusk said.

“Take a look at your malnourished appearance, you need to eat more to grow bigger; only after growing bigger would you be able to break out of the shell; and only after you break out of your shell would you be able to move around, got it?” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“I understand” Little Dusk relented.

The pair of brother and sister sat atop the tree branch, reaching their tiny hands out from inside their fruits and grabbed their portion of the watermelon.

After they finished eating, Gu Qing Shan clapped his hands.

The elves and giants at the foot of the tree were already prepared.

“Children of Fate, which one would you like to see today?” the elven Grand Elder respectfully asked.

“Let Little Dusk decide” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Little Dusk thought briefly and said: “Then, Pirate Adventure”

The elven Grand Elder turned around and said: “Did you hear that? Get ready!”

A beautiful elf nodded, then began to chant an incantation.

Rumble rumble——

Tidal waves washed over and enveloped the land, making it look like an ocean.

A small wooden boat then slowly rode in from the distance.

An elf wearing blackeye makeup and a black captain’s hat stood on the boat with a saber hanging at his hip.

“Treasure, here I come!” he drew his sword and loudly declared.

The other elves who were hiding under the shade of the great tree began to play a unique kind of wind instrument under a graceful male elf’s lead.

This signaled the introduction of the evil forces, the giants.

Little Dusk happily enjoyed the play.

Gu Qing Shan yawned while listening to their recital, relaxing himself on the branch of the tree.

—–a few days ago, a Deity of Fate had silently attempted to take his body over, only to be nearly killed by three Law Behemoths, leaving them with only a small bit of their soul that ran away.

The entire Tree of Fate had been placed under a protective barrier by the Behemoths.

Now I’m safe.

I only need to wait to be born.


How boring.

While he was thinking, a hoarse female voice sounded by his ears:

「 You don’t seem to be in much of a hurry, are you? 」

Gu Qing Shan respectfully replied: “I am indeed not, thank you for personally hosting this Deathmatch for me”

The female voice appeared to be smiling as she replied: 「 The heads of three Wraith Lords had far surpassed what was required from the Dance, and since this is the very first time you’re attempting a Deathmatch Dance, I would naturally come take a look. If you perform this Dance again later on, I won’t be coming 」

“Hm, can I ask when this Deathmatch would come to an end? I’ve been resting quite well for the past few days, so I’m not that willing to leave just yet” Gu Qing Shan glanced at Little Dusk and said.

The hoarse female voice seemed to be making some considerations before answering: 「 Since I’m already here as the referee, I’ll make sure to enjoy myself as long as I can, you can continue to rest for a while 」

Gu Qing Shan respectfully replied: “Understood”

He silently mourned for Reneedol in his mind.

Grand Empress, have you still not noticed that the referee was actually on my side?

Gu Qing Shan sighed and took a sip from the nearby fruit juice.

—Fate has always been unfair.

But after you’ve conquered it, it would sometimes happily cooperate with you to bully someone else.

“No, this can’t be right!”

Reneedol forced herself to calm down.

It’s impossible for Rhode to have always been fighting with his life on the line.

As a Deity from the Age of Immemorial, the Death God feared by all Deities, it’s impossible for him to be at a disadvantage during his entire life.

Then why do I keep appearing right before the most critical moments?

Rhode must have had time to rest at one point in time!

He must have even been at an advantage at certain points in time as well!

Reneedol calmed herself and waited for the next vision in Rhode’s Fate to appear.

The scenery around her slowly became clearer.

Atop a snowy mountain top, someone loudly chanted:

“Demon of dead spirits, devourer of souls, climb out from the abyssal casket as the original [Order] of the infinite worlds summons you!”


The void of space broke apart.

A towering figure appeared.

——-The lycanthrope Dead Soul Demon King whose body was clad in black flames.

It returned the crown on its head to the void of space before turning to its summoner and whispered in a cruel tone:

『 Did you summon me? 』

『 Very well, for the original [Order] of the infinite worlds, I shall eliminate your enemy 』

An immense presence erupted from its body and rose through the sky.

——it was significantly more powerful than Reneedol!

Reneedol only sense it from afar before muttering with a speechless tone: “Change”

The entire vision became blurred and faded to black.

Another vision gradually became clearer.

——once again, a completely new period of time.

Reneedol cautiously observed her surroundings while preparing for battle.

In the sky.

Layers of clouds were continuously shifting, swirling along with the howling wind.

Countless sparks appeared from the void one after another.

The faint sound of inaudible singing resounded through the air, followed by graceful black flowers that manifested from the void of space.

Occasionally, a couple of peerlessly charming faces would peek out from the flowers, look around, then immediately giggle and hide back inside.

Above the ice, countless dark shadows drifted around her. They appeared to be residing in a different world but were capable of entering this place at any moment.

The sound of galloping hooves resounded throughout the layer of ice almost like a torrent.


Countless battle cries continuously echoed, causing one’s blood flow to increase.

But nothing could be seen at all.

Strange and unusual demonic creatures appeared in the sky one after another.

But very quickly, they would disappear into the wind once again.

Reneedol looked around, unable to help herself from questioning: “Why are there so many demons and devils?”

She suddenly remembered something——-

A Tribulation.

This was a cultivator’s Tribulation!

But I’m a Deity, what I practice is the power of Law, so why do I also have to face this kind of calamity?

This isn’t fair!

She tried looking into the distance to find a place where she could flee to.

But after scanning the surroundings, she slowly fell into despair.

This isn’t just a Tribulation.

The army of the [Demon King Order] is staring down towards me from a distance.

A sea of demonized people had completely surrounded the area of the Tribulation.

Once I break through this Tribulation, they would all charge forward and rip me apart!

Reneedol’s entire body went stiff.

Suddenly, four Demon Kings and three Devil Kings appeared from the void of space.

They had completely surrounded her and prepared themselves to draw their weapons.

Reneedol didn’t want to look any further.

“Change” she spat out a single word.

The vision instantly faded to black.

A new vision slowly expanded around her into a new world.

“Huh?” Reneedol exclaimed in surprise.

It was completely silent around her.

There was no threat of death.

No terrifying monsters.

No battles.

Nothing but complete darkness.

Gradually, there was sound and light once again.

Thunder continuously boomed outside, lightning strikes illuminated the large hall.

——-she was standing in the middle of a beautiful dignified palace.

A woman that didn’t pale in comparison to Reneedol’s beauty stood in front of her, slowly sending her voice:

“And so, if you wish to repair the Earth sword, you must enter the Primordial Heaven realm and find the Earth sword’s twin”

“The sword’s name is Heaven; the Heaven sword”

“The twin swords Heaven and Earth, that which was made to kill the Divine”

“My disciple, I originally didn’t want to tell you about this, but I know that for a sword cultivator, their swords are their everything. Instead of allowing you to wander the outside world aimlessly and fail, falling into depression while losing the Earth sword in the process, I would rather tell you the truth instead”

“The Earth sword has accompanied me for a very long time, and you’re my direct disciple, so I hope that both of you could be safe”

The woman slowly explained.

While listening to her, Reneedol nervously looked around herself.

——-there aren’t any possible battles in this environment.

This place is safe!

She almost couldn’t believe this answer.

Suddenly, she noticed something in her hand.

It was a long rectangular box.

Sensing it briefly, she knew that there was a broken sword inside.

That’s right, that woman just now said something about the twin swords Heaven and Earth…

Those weapons sound very familiar…

Come to think of it, this was the weapon that Shroud had spent a lot of resources to create in order to go against the demonic creature at the bottom of the Abyss.

This is the main body of the Abyssal Weapon, Evil-warding weapon of the Bottomless Abyss, the Guardians against ultimate extinction, the Swords of Changing Fate, the Key to infinite worlds, the legendary twin swords.

Unfortunately, it was impossible for the Eternal Abyss to forge these two swords; only the humans of the Samsara would be able to achieve this feat, not even Shroud had a way to resolve this issue.

——and I have yet to obtain these two swords either.

The woman of peerless beauty continued: “Your cultivation isn’t high enough; you won’t survive in the Primordial Heaven realm”

Reneedol nodded: “You are right, master, then I won’t go”

The beautiful woman then said in a delighted voice: “Your master had prepared to send you into the Strife Zones in order to improve your strength”

Reneedol suddenly felt her eyes going dark.

In that instant, everything around her completely vanished.

——-what’s going on?

Did I already die?

Reneedol trembled then suddenly opened her eyes to see her surroundings.

She noticed that she was standing in an underground sealed room surrounded by drifting sand.

A humanoid figure clad in dark light stood facing her.

The dark figure of light slowly explained: 「 During Space-time Infiltration, you will have 800 chances to achieve what you plan to do during the time period that you have chosen; you must find a solution within that time to help you and me go against the Divinities and escape this place! 」

Reneedol was stunned for a brief moment before her eyes lit up.

“800 chances?” she asked.

The dark figure of light nodded: 「 That’s right, a total of 800 chances 」

“Did I die once just now?” Reneedol could hear her voice trembling.

The dark figure of light replied: 「 Indeed. You could not create a branching path during that period of time and instead followed the same course of events in the past, leading to the timeline becoming chaotic and you being erased by the Law of Time 」

Reneedol naturally understood the erasure rules of the Law of Time, so she immediately realized what had happened.

“How many chances do I have left?” she pursed her lips nervously and asked.

「 797 chances 」the dark figure of light replied.

Reneedol almost cried tears of joy!

The second round of the Fate-themed Deathmatch now consists pf 797 chances of dying and restarting.

This was practically giving me 797 extra lives.

This truly is——

Impossible for me to lose!!!

“I choose this period of time” Reneedol quickly decided.

From the void of space, the hoarse female voice resounded:

「 Are you certain? 」

Reneedol gritted her teeth: “I’m very certain of my choice. With this Fate, with a chance like this, Rhode will surely lose to me!”

「 Very well, then you may begin… 」

The hoarse female voice replied and said nothing else

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