This is an unedited chapter. If you don't like slightly terrible grammar and occasional typo, please re-read in 7 days for the edited version. Thank you for understanding.

Time had completely stabilized within this part of the void.

The orange cat's body was completely obscured by a mass of icy smoke that only left his eyes exposed.

His frigid gaze scanned through the entire surroundings.

There were strange and unusual entities everywhere within this part of the void of space.

The Game of Eternal wasn't the only one.

Next to its manifestation as a gigantic mass of light, there was also a stone statue several hundred meters in length whose entire body was full of engraved runes. One of the engravings depicted a strange black figure with a total of 199 heads.

-------from his conversation with the Game of Eternal, Gu Qing Shan had guessed this strange entity's identity.

It was the Game of Eternal's advanced form, the Game of Infinite Worlds Destruction.

Next to them was a vortex that had enveloped some transparent scenery.

This was the God Slayer Apocalypse.

Numerous screams and cries of desperation could be heard from inside the vortex.

At one point, a hand that exuded infinite power even tried to reach out of the vortex.

「 SOMEBODY------- SAVE ME! 」

Such a voice could be heard from within the vortex.

But the voice and the hand both fell back into the vortex and vanished without a trace.

The orange cat calmly watched this without doing anything.

Because right next to the vortex hovered a gigantic ship made up of nothing but green insects.

Zi---- zii---- ziiiii--------

On the ship, long and colorful feelers occasionally reached out that exuded a chilling eerie presence.

There was then another Apocalypse next to the ship.

------numerous kinds of Apocalypses filled this region of the void.

It could even be said that all existing Apocalypses within the Boundless Void had actually gathered here.

The orange cat observed for a while, then started waving his tail.

Although I've made it through the temporal blockade and arrived at the second layer of defense, I can't keep staying here.

I need to think of a method to enter the Wraith realm.

Suddenly, a voice called out:

[As entrusted, I will now begin to discern your powers and origins, then issue each of you a corresponding mission]

The orange cat turned his head.

Only to see that the voice originated from the gigantic ship made of insects.

The ship began to fly through the void.

It reached out a long feeler and touched each Apocalypse.

From the looks of it, it seems to be gauging something.

All the Apocalypses remained still, waiting to be tested.

This time, the orange cat also had to remain still.

"Shroud" the orange cat sent his voice.

"No problem" Shroud replied.

So the orange cat just sat down on the spot.

A few moments later.

The insectoid ship began to approach the orange cat's vicinity.

Its long feeler first touched the Game of Eternal.

[Eternal competition, a Deception-type Low Sequence Apocalypse]

A voice spoke from inside the ship.

The feeler then touched the Game of Infinite Worlds Destruction.

[------decent, secondary form. Destruction-type Mid Sequence Apocalypse]

After saying that, the colorful feeler reached towards the orange cat.

The orange cat didn't move at all, but the icy smoke around his body abruptly surged and became a freezing flow of air.

As soon as the colorful feeler touched the smoke, it abruptly shrunk back.

A doubtful voice spoke up from inside the ship:

[Possession-type Apocalypse, the Spirit Snatcher Apocalypse----- but why do I feel like something is different?]

Complete silence.

All of the Apocalypses turned their attention towards him.

"Shroud?" Gu Qing Shan silently sent his voice.

"There are no mistakes, it simply doesn't know" Shroud sent his voice in return.

Gu Qing Shan calmed down a bit more.

He began to speak with a mocking tone: [How ridiculous, you recognized the secondary form Apocalypse to be a Mid Sequence Apocalypse, how come you don't recognize me?]

The colorful feeler hesitantly said: [You seem similar to Spirit Snatcher, but also different------]

It stopped and didn't continue.

Gu Qing Shan continued: [Indeed, but you've already seen the Game of Eternal, you should know that Low Sequences are always prone to problems, and I'm not a normal Spirit Snatcher------- I'm the Invincible Spirit Snatcher Apocalypse!]

He shook his fur to radiate the power of [Invincible].

At the same time, lines of glowing text appeared in front of his eyes:

[To coordinate with you, Shroud had exerted 'Mystery of Apocalypse Equal' to its very limit]

The colorful feeler touched the void of space a few times, seemingly to confirm the power of [Invincible]

After a few moments, the voice from the ship seemed genuinely impressed:

[You are stronger compared to the normal Spirit Snatcher Apocalypse, that is correct]

The feeler pulled back.

The ship continued to fly and examined the other Apocalypses.

The orange cat remained sitting where he was and silently observed the ship's movements.

After a while.

"Safe" Gu Qing Shan silently thought to himself.

"That's right, you didn't arouse any suspicions, but I think we're stuck here" Shroud sent his voice.

"No----- I can sense that these Apocalypses are going to attempt something, otherwise, why would it want to examine each Apocalypse Sequence?" Gu Qing Shan said.

"I hope so" Shroud replied.

The orange cat waited for a while longer.

Whenever that ship loudly said the attribute of a certain Apocalypse, the orange cat would silently make a note of it.

----up until the entire process was complete.

The ship returned to the middle and spoke to all the Apocalypses:

[Headcount complete, preparing to distribute missions]

Colorful feelers reached far into the sky and began to give off an invisible fluctuation.

[All Apocalypses that can sense my fluctuation will stand guard here]

[You don't need to know anything, you only need to keep an eye on the border of the world to ensure that no living being can enter]

The orange cat sat still without sensing anything.

But the Game of Eternal that was sitting next to him began to give off some flickering light.

The colorful feeler wiggled a bit before giving off a more intense fluctuation:

[Next are the advanced Apocalypses]

[All Apocalypses with the Control, Descent, and Possession attribute, you all need to gather around me]

The orange cat's tail waved back and forth.

He could sense the intense fluctuations----- which seemed to be a summoning signal.

The orange cat carefully looked around.

Only to see many Apocalypses starting heading towards the large ship.

By the time all the summoned Apocalypses had gathered around the colorful feeler, the orange cat finally began to move.

He continued to be obscured by the icy smoke as he flew through the void, stopping at a relatively far distance from the colorful feeler.

The voice on the ship became austere:

[The majority of the slumbering Apocalypses hiding within this void gate have had their powers absorbed by the Silent Light Apocalypse]

[Because of that… only you all remained]

[Now, we must complete a mission of the highest priority]

The feeler moved through the void of space.

The darkness scattered.

The Wraith realm as a whole appeared in front of all the Apocalypses.

But everything within the Wraith realm was currently in a stationary state.

Time had been frozen.

[As you can see, time had been stopped at this moment]

The voice on the ship continued:

[As soon as everything resumes, you all must use your control, descent, or possession-type abilities to enter this world, take control of a certain living being, then lie silently in wait for a certain moment]

[I will support you from behind to ensure that no living being notice you]

Gu Qing Shan suddenly cut in: [What are we going to do? Simply wait until the moment arrives?]

[No] the voice in the ship was raised a bit.

The colorful feeler moved through the void of space again, causing the entire dark void to disappear into emptiness.

[This is a temporary Phase World that I've created. What comes next is top-secret, which Low Sequences aren't qualified to be informed of]

[Having been entrusted by that High Sequence Apocalypse, I will inform you of a top-secret matter, but you Sequences must participate in the following destruction operation]

Gu Qing Shan was startled, considerably shocked.

Not only had these Apocalypses prepared three layers of defenses against him, they had also prepared a different plan.

They're planning a certain event in a highly organized manner.

All the remaining Apocalypses within the Boundless Void had gathered here to plan a single event.

------this is completely unprecedented.

The voice on the ship began to explain:

[An indiscernible distant time ago, an ultimate weapon belonging to living beings was created]

[Although we managed to break it into pieces in time, it had the ability to reform itself and escaped without a trace into a certain Reality Gate]

[For the past countless years, we have always been searching for it]

[------And indeed, at a certain moment in the future, this Reality Gate had opened, after which we discovered traces of that ultimate weapon]

[The Spirit Snatcher Apocalypse was the first to arrive and fought]

All the emptiness around them disappeared.


Followed by light.

A vision slowly appeared in front of all the Apocalypses.

The voice on the ship continued to explain with an absolute austere voice: [This was the situation at the time. You must all take a careful look at it, because we would begin to hide within a place called the Wraith realm]

[Indeed, this was a trap]

[We would wait for its arrival within the Wraith realm]

[------The one carrying it would definitely show up, because that carrier wishes to close the Reality Gate]

[After that carrier arrives, we will find a chance to kill her with all our strength!]

Finally, that vision became bright and clear.

Gu Qing Shan wasn't prepared to see the content of the vision, so he was extremely shocked, having to spend all his strength to maintain his presence.

He saw Xie Dao Ling riding a dragon through the boundless void.

In front of her stood a woman carrying the light of stars.

Simply by standing there, countless worlds were being created and destroyed behind her.


Gu Qing Shan took a closer look.


This isn't right.

This isn't the real Reneedol, the heavily chaotic presence she carried seemed to have been fused together with numerous powerful forces.

Her eyes, her gaze, her presence, everything was completely different from Reneedol.

From the looks of it, her body seemed to have been taken over by some sort of entity.

This vision was exactly the same as the vision he saw while he was in the Spirit Wanderer state, but he wasn't familiar with Reneedol at the time, so now that he could take a closer look, he was faintly able to sense that this woman wasn't actually Reneedol herself.

Reneedol looked at Xie Dao Ling and declare: [I am the Spirit Snatcher Apocalypse, we've been looking for you for a very long time, now hand over that weapon]

Standing on the dragon's back, Xie Dao Ling curtly replied: "An Apocalypse hiding inside a dead body actually dares to order me around?"

Reneedol coldly chuckled and said: [After countless years, I've finally found you. Don't even dream about running any longer, I'm going to destroy you right here and now]

She reached her hand forward------

Xie Dao Ling curtly glanced at her.

From the void of space, boundless heavenly clouds suddenly manifested.

A colorful length of chain suddenly reached out of nowhere and swiftly restrained Reneedol, not leaving her even a bit of space to retaliate.

"The Spirit Snatcher Apocalypse? You dare declare yourself an Apocalypse?"

Xie Dao Ling put up one hand and formed a hand seal.


Reneedol began screeching with an ear-piercing voice.

The length of chains suddenly gave off an intense radiance that illuminated the entire void of space.

This radiance burnt away all of Reneedol's power and flesh, leaving nothing but a single skeleton behind to struggle and scream.

The skeleton tried to escape from the chains, but couldn't manage it no matter how much it struggled.

"Head into the Forgetting River of Huang Quan. Your body belongs to a living being, so she shall reincarnate, while an Apocalypse like you shall be restrained for eternity at the riverbed of the Forgetting River"

Xie Dao Ling changed her hand seal.

A massive river arrived from the void of space, enveloped the chains and skeleton, then quickly took them away.

Only Xie Dao Ling stood by herself on the back of the dragon, pondering something.

She carefully counted something on her fingers and muttered: "They want to open the Reality Gate? That can't be allowed to happen------"

Her figure then disappeared together with the dragon.

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