Chapter 1616: Demon Dragon in the fog

This is an unedited chapter. If you don’t like slightly terrible grammar and occasional typo, please re-read in 7 days for the edited version. Thank you for understanding.


Gu Qing Shan kept his head down and followed Demon Dragon.

In front of his vision, lines of glowing text quickly scrolled through:

[Current character: Chu Feng]

[By the power of the Spirit Snatcher Apocalypse, you’ve obtained all of Chu Feng’s memories and abilities]

[By the power of Mystery of All Beings Equal, you’ve obtained all of Chu Feng’s signature physical characteristics]

[You’ve officially become Chu Feng]

[Please quickly familiarize yourself with your character]


Numerous memories flashed through Gu Qing Shan’s mind like a flipbook.

It felt to him like these memories had always been there, just forgotten at the back of his mind until something triggered it.

Gu Qing Shan continued walking while slowly digesting Chu Feng’s experiences thus far.

“As the mission is over, for now, we can take a short rest” Demon Dragon said.

“Yes sir” Gu Qing Shan and the other servant both replied.

Demon Dragon led the two of them to the outside of a jet-black room and clasped his fist to the guarding cultivators: “We’ve completed our missions, please give me a room to rest in”

He then handed them a jade talisman.

After examining the jade talisman, one of the guard cultivators handed him a wooden badge and said: “Wraith Might Xue Long, sir, you have 30 minutes of rest, after which you need to be present in front of the Wraith Lords, please do not be tardy”

“I understand, thank you”

Demon Dragon received the wooden badge and brought his two servants to the back.

Standing in front of the jet-black wall, he held the badge up.

The wall suddenly split apart to reveal a steaming hot spring inside.

An almost tangible stream of spirit energy drifted from the hot spring, manifesting as a colorful light.


Demon Dragon brought his two servants inside.

The wall closed behind them.

After standing silently next to the hot spring for a bit, he suddenly ordered: “Chu Feng, Zhao Jiu Xuan, I want each of you demonstrate the fifth technique and the seventh weapon skill you learnt for me”

The servant called Zhao Jiu Xuan was surprised and impatiently called out: “Big brother Leng, you’re really going to do this right now?”

“Hurry up and do it”

Demon Dragon’s voice now contained a faint hint of forceful urging.

“Leng Qian Chen! It’s good to be cautious, but your caution is practically paranoia already!” Zhao Jiu Xuan shouted.

Demon Dragon pulled a pair of sharp claw gauntlets from the void of space and equipped it on his hand.

Ferocious killing intent could clearly be sensed from his body.

“Zhao Jiu Xuan, demonstrate the fifth technique and the seventh weapon skill you learned, or I’m going to kill you” Demon Dragon coldly said.

Zhao Jiu Xuan had no other choice but to sigh and took out a short staff, then casually performed a spell with it.

He then took out a sword and demonstrated a series of swings.

Demon Dragon carefully observed him, then nodded: “Now tell me, in the morning 20 days ago, what was the first thing that I told you?”

“Don’t let your guards down today, we need to complete an exceptionally difficult mission, we might even lose our lives” Zhao Jiu Xuan shrugged.

Demon Dragon’s killing intent swiftly faded and patted Zhao Jiu Xuan’s shoulder with a smile:

“See, wasn’t that simple?”

Zhao Jiu Xuan still complained: “But why is that necessary?”

Demon Dragon replied: “You came late, so you don’t know, but it’s not very difficult for some scheming people to take your place and impersonate you”

He then turned to Gu Qing Shan.

“Alright, I’ll do as big brother Leng ask” Gu Qing Shan said.

He then took out a bronze mace and performed two different mace techniques.

——tch, this Demon Dragon sure is careful, even testing his own subordinates more than one.

Had he been deceived so many times that he had to be this cautious?

Gu Qing Shan silently thought.

Demon Dragon observed his demonstration and asked: “Chu Feng, when you started following me in the past, what was the first thing you said?”

“If there’s a way to fight the Apocalypse, please take me with you, brother Leng” Gu Qing Shan sincerely answered.

Hearing that, Demon Dragon calmed back down.

His voice now lacked a bit of stiffness and gained a hint of casualness:

“Alright, don’t blame me for being too careful, it’s just that what we need to do is simply too crucial, we can’t let our guards down for even a moment”

Demon Dragon took off his crimson red mask with black stripes that depicted a pained expression to reveal his pair of bloody red irises.

He swiftly took off his clothes and began to soak in the water.

“Big brother Leng, has the Wraith realm really recorded the weaknesses of that Apocalypse?”

Zhao Jiu Xuan asked.

He also entered the water and happily relaxed himself.

Gu Qing Shan also entered the hot spring with them.

As soon as he entered, the massive spirit energy entered his pores, causing him to shiver a bit from pleasure.

“Of course, as long as we can find that record, we’d be able to immediately destroy the entire Apocalypse and save our world” Demon Dragon replied.

“But we’ve been here for so many years already, when would we be able to find it?” Gu Qing Shan asked doubtfully.

——-through Chu Feng’s memories, he had understood everything.

Demon Dragon, Chu Feng, and Zhao Jiu Xuan were all people who stood at the peak of a certain world, having known each other for many years and going through many adventures together within the Space Vortex.

One day, the world they originated from became enveloped by the Apocalypse.

Everyone had exhausted all of their wits, but still couldn’t defeat that Apocalypse at all, the most they were able to do was to hold the Apocalypse off in a constant tug of war.

To search for a way to save the world and its living beings, Demon Dragon thought of the Wraith realm.

——–the Wraith realm had conquered numerous worlds and fought against several Apocalypses, so they naturally have many records of countermeasures against the Apocalypses.

As he originated from the Wraith realm in his past life, Demon Dragon was naturally able to pass the Wraith realm’s trials to gradually reach a higher position.

And now, Demon Dragon had finally discovered a certain item that would help them end that Apocalypse.

—–it was one of the artifacts inside the Wraith Temple.

Demon Dragon had hoped that they would be able to use that artifact to put an end to the Apocalypse that plagued their world.

And their operation had now reached a critical point.

Chu Feng and Zhao Jiu Xuan came here in order to help Demon Dragon steal that artifact.

How strange.

Gu Qing Shan was silently surprised.

Since Demon Dragon came here to find an artifact to save his world, why did he end up becoming an envoy for the Apocalypse?

He turned to Demon Dragon.

In the hot spring, the drifting mist had obscured Demon Dragon’s face.

“Don’t worry” Demon Dragon spoke from behind the mist vapor: “I’ve already found a clue”

Suddenly, Demon Dragon’s body abruptly stood straight up and came out of his relaxed state in an instant.


The water vapor swirled and scattered around his body, Demon Dragon’s hands were each equipped with a claw gauntlet as he gave off a sharp presence——-

He seemed to have prepared himself to fight a battle to the death!

“Big brother Leng, what happened!?” Zhao Jiu Xuan was shocked.

Demon Dragon flew up with a complicated expression: “An old acquaintance had arrived, I need to greet him”

“Acquaintance?” Gu Qing Shan parroted his words.

“Indeed, it’s been many years since I saw him—— Chu Feng, Zhao Jiu Xuan, stay here and rest up, I’ll return shortly.

As soon as he said that, Demon Dragon vanished without a trace.


All the water crashed back down, once again forming a pool of warm water.

Zhao Jiu Xuan stood with a surprised expression in the water, muttering: “Chu Feng, what do you think happened to big brother Leng?”

Gu Qing Shan didn’t answer.

He had realized something.

It seems——-

I’ve just arrived in this world.

That’s right, right at this point in time, I met Demon Dragon and was brought into the Wraith Temple by him.

Demon Dragon was waiting for me.

So he had gone to meet me at this time!

——then what exactly was going on here?

Standing in the faint drifting mist of the hot spring, Gu Qing Shan felt like the truth was also being obscured, making it impossible to discern the truth among all the delusions.

Suddenly, the Apocalypse of Time’s voice could be heard:

“All Apocalypses heed my order and immediately be prepared at your stations”

“I repeat, all Apocalypses are to be prepared at your stations”

“She’s about to arrive”

“Furthermore, I have something to inform all Apocalypse Sequences”

“I discovered——-”

“That there was a traitor among us”

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