Chapter 1623: Total destruction

Within a certain palace hall of the Wraith realm.

Gu Qing Shan, Demon Dragon, the glowing cloaked skeleton, and a wraith cultivator appeared.

Demon Dragon kept his eyes closed, still in a confused and befuddled state.

The sword in his hand spoke up: [How much longer until the Reality Gate opens?]

The wraith cultivator and glowing cloaked skeleton exchanged glances, then replied: “Very soon, the giant eyeball is about to travel by this world, it would soon discover this place, then descend on it”

The glowing cloaked skeleton followed up: [We don’t know of the exact situation and circumstances, but after its appearance, the Reality Gate’s opening should shortly follow]

The sword said: [If that’s the case, I might as well lead it here now]

The wraith cultivator hurriedly stopped it: “No, you can’t touch this period of history, otherwise, a huge issue would occur—— as it contains one of the most exclusive abilities hidden in the domain of Time”

[What’s that?] the sword asked.

The wraith cultivator answered: “[Distortion]”

The sword went silent.

[Distortion…] the glowing cloaked skeleton pondered and said: [This seems to be one of the most unreasonable forces within the Law of Time. If we attempt to change anything at all, it would directly kick us out from this period of history and guarantee its own continuity]

[Who was the one that triggered this power?] the sword asked.

The glowing cloaked skeleton gritted its teeth and replied: [The one called Gu Qing Shan. He’s carrying a fragment of the Traveler’s Proof, that’s why this situation had become the way it is]

The wraith cultivator also added: “We originally wanted to kill him within the River of Time, but the Chrono race helped him injure us”

[If that’s the case…]

The sword’s voice slowly subsided and fell silent.

Demon Dragon woke up.

He opened his eyes with a gaze that looked down on all things and spoke:

“My current wielder still carries some unnecessary meaningless emotions, but there is no time to resolve them. I’ll take control of his body first as preparation for what’s to come”

He raised the sword and recited: “Apocalypse Phase World Barrier, summon!”

Invisible fluctuations began to radiate from the sword.

In an instant, a world filled with boundless destruction manifested and descended under everyone’s feet before spreading in every direction.

Other than ruins, this world only had sky-high scorching flames.

As the world continued to expand, the Apocalyptic scene of carnage also unraveled itself.

Dried, crack land.

A gloomy sky.

A lifeless world.

The glowing cloaked skeleton reached its hand into the void of space.

Various fluctuations radiated from where it touched and began to part ways like a pair of curtains to display the scenery outside.

——-it was still the same palace hall in the same Wraith realm.

Demon Dragon said: “Since we can’t affect the normal world, I’ve created an Apocalyptic world. As soon as we discover that Samsara carrier, we can directly abduct and kill them in here”

The wraith cultivator said: “I suspect that the carrier would be quite powerful, we would need to exert all of our strength”

Demon Dragon chuckled, then raised the sword into the sky and called out: “With the power of my divine weapon, I summon nine Apocalypse Sequences!”

The sword immediately gave off a sharp howling noise.

Gu Qing Shan looked around and found various dark shadows appearing out of nowhere.

A total of nine dark shadows.

——their forms were completely obscured, and so was their existence.

After showing up, these shadows simply stood motionlessly.

Demon Dragon continued: “The nine Apocalypses that broke the Samsara in the past are now ready, as soon as the Reality Gate opens, they would find this location through my power and directly descend upon this world”

Silently listening to them, Gu Qing Shan’s heart gradually sank to the very bottom.

At this point, he finally felt a hint of despair.

Not only did this Apocalypse weapon create an Apocalyptic world, but it could also summon nine Apocalypses from outside the Reality Gate.

Specifically, the nine Apocalypses that once destroyed the Samsara!

In other words, once the Reality Gate opens——

The wraith cultivator glanced at those dark shadows and said: “Now all we need to do is to wait until the Reality Gate opens, and when the Samsara carrier show themselves, we will—–”

The glowing cloaked skeleton clenched its boney fingers and followed-up: [—–Even the complete Samsara couldn’t compete against these nine High Sequences, let alone a single carrier]

Demon Dragon continued: “Then we will eradicate all of those Awaitings and the Samsara beings who were playing dead, and finally destroy the remaining worlds inside this Reality Gate”

He slowly stepped outside of the world.

“Where are you going?” the wraith cultivator asked.

“I’m going to take a look at the circumstances of this civilization, you don’t need to care about me, just do what you have to” Demon Dragon said.

“Ah right, I’ve already given all of you the authority to bring the other Apocalypses in and out of my Phase World”

“——-The total destruction of this Reality Gate shall begin right now”

After saying that, waves of fluctuation appeared around Demon Dragon’s body as he vanished from this world.

——he had returned to the Wraith realm.

The only ones left inside this Phase World were the glowing cloaked skeleton, the wraith cultivator, and Gu Qing Shan.

[I used up too much power to kill those Samsara beings earlier, I’m going to rest here for now]

The glowing cloaked skeleton said.

It then found a place to sit down, turned back into a mass of white light, then silently hovered in place.

The wraith cultivator turned to Gu Qing Shan and said: “You should remain here as well”

Gu Qing Shan immediately said: “The closer that time approaches, the more uneasy I feel, I want to examine everything again”

Not good, I need to inform Shifu of what happened here!

No one would be able to fight against all of these Apocalypses.

There isn’t a single power within the entire Reality Gate that could go against them!

I need to quickly tell Shifu to leave——-

The wraith cultivator chuckled and said: “Invincible Spirit Snatcher, you worry too much. We have the Apocalypse Divine Weapon; it had brought with it the Apocalypses that destroyed the Samsara in the past, as well as the dozens of Apocalypses that had already entered this world, not to mention both Silent Light and myself here. No one would be able to fight against us.”

[Indeed, after this Reality Gate had been completely destroyed, all of us Sequences would benefit from it]

The skeleton’s voice could be heard from inside the mass of white light.

Gu Qing Shan changed his argument: “That Samsara carrier would surely not be able to face off against us directly, but I’m afraid that they might be able to flee”

“—-That’s true, we should indeed take that factor into consideration” the wraith cultivator was also a bit surprised by his words and pondered: “You’ve made considerations even more thoroughly compared to myself… no wonder you were able to become a unique Sequence”

Gu Qing Shan stayed silent and waited for its next statement.

The wraith cultivator quickly walked forward without looking back at Gu Qing Shan and said: “Then, I will summon the possessing Apocalypses and have them establish a total encirclement around this world to prevent anyone from escaping, as for yourself—— you may take a look around every corner once again. If you see any issues, immediately report them to me”

“Yes!” Gu Qing Shan replied.

He followed the other party and walked forward as well.

Invisible fluctuations appeared around the two of them.

They had exited this Apocalyptic world and reappeared within the palace hall.

The wraith cultivator disappeared in a flash.

Gu Qing Shan remained in place for a short moment.

His head was completely empty, unable to come up with any solutions.

The Reality Gate would definitely open.

This was a historical incident that couldn’t be prevented.

And as soon as the Reality Gate opens, the Apocalypses would rush in like a swarm of ants to completely destroy everything.

Even the giant corpse had no choice but to carefully conceal himself when facing the Silent Light Apocalypse’s true body.

Not to mention the End of Time Apocalypse that would closely follow it.

Just now, when the End of Time Apocalypse attacked, it didn’t even break a sweat to kill the countless wraith spirits.

It was even more powerful compared to the Silent Light Apocalypse!

And then the nine additional Apocalypses that broke the Samsara would arrive.

“Shroud, do you have any good ideas?” Gu Qing Shan silently asked.

“None at all” Shroud sighed, “Even if I exert all of the frozen corpse’s power, I would only be able to fend off the End of Time Apocalypse. I won’t have enough strength to fight the Silent Light Apocalypse, let alone the Apocalyptic sword. Furthermore…”

“Furthermore, what?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Furthermore, if I fight the End of Time Apocalypse, I wouldn’t be able to close the Reality Gate” Shroud answered.

Gu Qing Shan blankly followed-up: “And even if you close the Reality Gate, with so many Apocalypses here, they would still be able to destroy the entire Reality Gate”

“That’s right” Shroud couldn’t help but sigh once again.

Gu Qing Shan fell silent.

Against such overwhelming power, all schemes had become meaningless.

He tried to think, then fell further into thought for a while.

But still couldn’t come up with any solutions.

—–No matter what, Shifu can’t die here!

Gu Qing Shan took heavy steps as he walked up to the gate of the palace hall and pushed it open before leaving.

The Wraith Temple.

It was busy everywhere here.

The giant eyeball still hadn’t descended at this point in time, so the cultivators of the Wraith realm and angels were still making preparations to conceal the world.

Gu Qing Shan strolled through the streets with an unchanging expression.

Inside his Inventory Bag, he used his inner sight to record all the information he had learnt into a jade tag.

He then left everything in his Inventory Bag in a corner, leaving only this jade tag at the center.

This way, as long as Shifu comes, she’ll be able to understand what I’m implying.

I hope Shifu will notice this jade tag quickly!

As long as she’s alive.

As long as she can stay alive…

Gu Qing Shan suddenly felt panicked.

The entire world inside the Reality Gate is about to be destroyed, even if Shifu manages to survive this ordeal, how much longer would she be able to live?

Gu Qing Shan readjusted his yaksha mask and blankly walked on the streets.

Without noticing, he had already arrived in front of the grand hall.

—–this was the center of the entire Wraith Temple where everything would begin after a short while, Shifu should be able to take notice of this location.

Gu Qing Shan found a secluded spot and silently stood there.

“Why are you here?”

A voice was heard from behind him.

Demon Dragon.

Currently, he was no longer his original self, but rather the Apocalyptic sword.

“I was ordered by the End of Time to observe this civilization and check if there were any gaps in our plans”

Gu Qing Shan replied.

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