God of Fishing

2660 Lava Giant Tribe (2 in 1)

For some reason, the Lava Giants seemed to be very averse to outsiders. This was because outsiders who could survive in this ancient primordial land couldn’t be weak.

For example, the flames here. The emperor sparrow had mentioned that the destruction of the Primordial Era was because of the flames of chaos. Han Fei didn’t know if the flames here were flames of chaos, but their lethality was still huge. Ordinary people couldn’t stay here for long before their souls and bodies couldn’t withstand it.

Han Fei didn’t want to weather through the flames, so he took out the Extreme Cold Pearl.

After sizing up Han Fei, the Lava Giant’s tone was still a little stiff. “Recently, some outsiders have indeed entered our Lava Giants. That’s you. The Grand Elder has already said that if any outsiders appear, we’ll take them down.”

With that, these Lava Giants surrounded Han Fei.

Seeing that these people had no intention of negotiating, they sounded quite disgusted with the outsiders. Did someone do something bad here? If anyone did anything bad here, it could only be his ominous body.

Han Fei could clearly feel that the other party was becoming more and more hostile and seemed unwilling to talk to him. But since he was already here, he certainly couldn’t just leave.

Han Fei said indifferently, “If you can put away your hostility now, we can still sit down and have a good chat.”

“Humph! Take him down.”

With that, the elder of the Lava Giant Tribe completely erupted. His body emitted scorching flames as he took out two war hammers. This guy didn’t intend to use his body as a weapon.

However, they were only in the perfected Star Transformation Realm, so Han Fei wasn’t afraid of anyone here. He saw that the elder was actually approaching him in close combat with his hammer. The hammer technique attracted the surrounding fire essence and transformed into a hundred-foot-tall flame giant in midair as he hammered at him.

Han Fei concluded at a glance that this was not a Dharmakaya, but this person must have mastered some kind of Dharmakaya. However, in terms of strength, he had never been afraid of anyone.

Han Fei threw out a fist mark and a Star Explosion Fist appeared in the sky. Even after he completely mastered the Star Fist Technique, there were still faint star phantoms appearing.

Boom ~


A violent explosion swept across the nine heavens and ten earths. The earth caved in and the rocks shattered. Within ten thousand kilometers, the Lava Giants that were about to attack Han Fei were shaken back by this violent force.

The elder of the Lava Giant Tribe was sent flying too.


The bulging flesh armor on the fist of the elder of the Lava Giant Clan shattered like glass, but it hadn’t completely shattered. His arm and bones were broken, and one of his hands hung unnaturally.

Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly. This person’s body was so strong that he could resist his Star Fist with brute force. Even if it was just the Star Explosion Fist, it was enough to contend with a Dao Proving realm powerhouse. But this guy only lost an arm.

However, while Han Fei was surprised, the elder of the Lava Giant was also horrified. This person was only in the Perfected Star Transformation Realm. How could he be stronger than him?

It wasn’t that no outsiders had entered this place before, but the previous outsiders were too weak. Not to mention being able to fight him, any one of their clansmen could kill those people.

It was the first time they met someone as powerful as Han Fei. Also, why was it so cold around him? Was it because he had some kind of Spiritual Treasure of Heaven and Earth?

Although this person’s hand was broken, he didn’t admit defeat. He rolled up and turned into a meatball, continuing to make use of the power of heaven and earth here to smash at Han Fei.

Han Fei punched again. This time, it was not the Star Explosion Fist, but the Silencing Fist.

Boom, Crack…

The elder of the Lava Giant Tribe was sent flying and smashed through the ground. His flesh armor was almost completely shattered, and blood that was as hot as magma flowed out of his body.

“Elder Giant Fire…”

“Elder, are you okay?”


For a moment, these strong masters of the Lava Giants were all enraged. One by one, they burned, turned into balls, and smashed crazily at Han Fei.

Han Fei sneered. “As I said, I have no ill intentions. You shouldn’t discriminate against outsiders. Since you insist on solving the problem by force, I just have to accede to your wish.”

In the next moment, the Ragnarok was activated, and it was still golden fist marks. Boom, Boom, Boom. In less than a minute, the surrounding hundreds of thousands of kilometers were smashed to the ground. These Lava Giants all lay down, and half of them were even knocked out by Han Fei.

Han Fei walked unhurriedly to Elder Giant Fire and said casually, “Now, can we talk?”

Elder Giant Fire wasn’t scared at all. He shouted, “Outsider, it’s useless to hurt us. The Grand Elder is more than ten times stronger than me. You’re indeed strong, but not strong enough.”

In the heart of this elder, an array pattern condensed of flames was obliterated in the void, as if it was sending a message.

Han Fei shook his head slightly. “Are all giants stupid? Did I say I was going to fight you? If you keep behaving like this, I’ll kill you all.”

Han Fei didn’t doubt that there were strong masters in this world. The weakest member of this race was at least in the late-stage Star Transformation Realm, so it was only natural that their upper limit of high-end combat power could reach the Monarch realm.

He just didn’t know how strong the Monarch of the Lava Giant Tribe was and if there were any stronger Monarchs.

Han Fei was not in a hurry to attack. He was still waiting. Winning and killing were two different things. Once these people died, he would completely be enemies with the Lava Giants.

Elder Giant Fire had already sent a message. Someone else would probably come soon.

Sure enough, this time it only took less than three seconds, and a Lava Giant nearly 20 meters tall rolled out of the void.

So fast?

Han Fei was lost for words. How small was this world? Even if the other party received a message, they shouldn’t have come so quickly, right? It would take at least one second to read the message.

Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly. This one must be in the Dao Proving realm and was probably not someone the Dao Proving realm powerhouses in the outside world could compare to.

However, with Han Fei’s experience in fighting the Carefree Realm cultivators, he felt that the other party was still a little lacking, but it didn’t seem to make much difference.

When the Lava Giant saw his clansmen lying all over the ground, his first reaction was to grab a hammer and then look at Han Fei coldly. “Outsider, did you hurt my clansmen?”

At this moment, Elder Giant Fire roared, “Grand Elder, this person has the strength of the Dao Proving realm.”

The Grand Elder looked at Han Fei deeply, but didn’t seem to find it strange.

Han Fei said, “I want to be reasonable, but your people won’t listen. Then I can only let them lie down and wait for someone who I can reason with.”

The Lava Giant nodded slightly and put away the hammer, because Han Fei didn’t have any killing intent or hostility. He was just a little curious. Could the people in the world outside prove Dao?

The man said, “Outsider, I can see that you’ve shown mercy to my clansmen. Then, why are you here?”

In fact, Han Fei didn’t know why he was looking for them. But he knew that if the ominous body wasn’t here, he must have entered the river of time from this world.

Han Fei took out the Vast Ocean Navigator and said in his heart, Where is the ominous body in this world?

However, the Vast Ocean Navigator didn’t turn. Clearly, it was no longer in this world.

Under the puzzled gaze of the Lava Giant, Han Fei thought for a moment and said, “Do you know the God of War?”

The Lava Giant shook his head. It seemed that he couldn’t use the God of War to establish a friendship with them.

Han Fei said again, “You should know where I come from, right?”

This time, the Lava Giant nodded. “I know. It’s just an Origin Ground that’s slowly recovering. The power of the Heavenly Dao there is weak and the Great Dao there withered.”

Han Fei raised his eyebrows. “Since you know that world, why don’t you try to contact it?”

“There is an extremely unstable channel between your world and mine. I’m surprised that the channel didn’t collapse when you came from that side.”


Han Fei said, “That passage looks quite normal! Why would it collapse?”

The Grand Elder of the Lava Giant frowned. “How is that possible? We’ve tried countless times. First of all, the passage can’t carry the strong masters of the Sky Opening Realm or above to pass. If anyone below the Sky Opening Realm tries to pass, they will be crushed by the power of the Heavenly Dao on the other side of the passage and instantly die. Therefore, why didn’t the passage collapse when you passed it?”

Han Fei shook his head. No, except for that he was hit by some red balls of light floating in the void, everything was normal.

Han Fei narrowed his eyes. “I can be sure that when I came over, the so-called passage was extremely stable. Besides, if the passage collapses, how can I come over?”

“It’s just a temporary collapse. It’ll recover slowly after the collapse.”


Han Fei wondered if he was talking about a different channel with the Lava Giant. Besides, some people had tried to enter this place from the Raging Sea before, right? Although most of them died, a small number of them had come here.

Or could it be that they had just descended here and hadn’t really arrived here? Han Fei wasn’t sure about this. When he had the time, he could go to the library of the Supreme Mystic World to check.

The Lava Giant seemed to be confused too. “There were indeed outsiders coming here in the past, but most of them couldn’t contact us except for those coming via some special methods because they were burned to death by the Fire of Chaos the moment they came in. Therefore, we moved our entire race to the vicinity of this passage in order to discover the outsiders in time. That’s why I have some understanding of your world. Your situation was an accident and we still need to verify it.”

Han Fei didn’t care. There was nothing to argue about. If they really couldn’t get out, it could only be said that they were restricted by this world, not the so-called channel problem.

According to the elder of the Lava Giants, these flames were indeed unusual. It turned out that they were the Fire of Chaos. But the voice of the Emperor Sparrow suddenly sounded in Han Fei’s mind, “This is not really the Fire of Chaos. Otherwise, I should be able to sense it.”

Han Fei didn’t care. It didn’t matter to him whether it was the Fire of Chaos or not.

Han Fei said, “I just told them that my purpose of coming here is to find a bad guy. This person is as strong as me and can withstand the Fire of Chaos here. He came to this world 58 years ago. I want to ask, did anything unusual happen in this world 58 years ago?”

“58 years ago?”

Han Fei clearly saw that the Lava Giant’s expression changed slightly. Clearly, he knew something. Then, he said in a low voice, “Yes, something did happen 58 years ago. Someone invaded my race’s holy land and stole my race’s treasure.”


“We lost our treasure?”

Elder Giant Fire and the other Lava Giants were all shocked.

Han Fei frowned. “Treasure? What treasure?”

“This is the secret of my Lava Giant race. Why should I tell you?”

Han Fei said, “I’m here to hunt that person down. If everything goes well, I’ll kill him and bring your treasure back. Anyway, you’ve lost your treasure. Why can’t you tell me? If you trust me, I might be able to get it back for you.”

The Lava Giant asked, “W-where do you know he is? How can you find him after so many years?”

Han Fei said, “I have my ways.”

The Lava Giant thought for a moment. It was indeed as Han Fei said. There was really nothing he couldn’t tell them.

He said, “What we lost was a drop of the essence blood of the Ancient Human Race.”

“Ancient Human Race?”

The Emperor Sparrow had mentioned that humans had existed since the Chaotic Era. At that time, the essence blood of humans should be extremely pure. If the ominous Han Fei used the devouring technique, it should be easy to absorb. After all, it was the blood of his own kind. He didn’t have to devour the essence blood of various powerful creatures to improve his bloodline like Han Fei was doing now.

However, did his ominous body also need to improve his bloodline? What was the point of improving his bloodline? He was the ominous!

Han Fei thought for a moment. “Senior, can you show me where the treasure was lost? But like I said, I might be able to get it back for you.”

“Why do you say that?”

After a moment of silence, Han Fei said, “Senior, since you’ve already proved Dao, you should have passed the Monarch-level Tribulation, right?”

The Lava Giant nodded. “Yes.”

Han Fei asked, “There is a Self Severing Tribulation in the Monarch Tribulation. Senior, have you experienced it?”

The Lava Giant nodded again. “Sure.”

Han Fei said, “To be honest, that person is my Self Severing Tribulation.”


The Lava Giant was finally moved. “You mean, you want to sever the negative in advance? It’s impossible for you… Someone is helping you with that? Wait, it’s impossible for such a person to exist in your world.”

Han Fei said, “Senior, this world is very small, so is our world. Beyond our two worlds, there is a bigger and wider world, which is the Sea Realm. In the Sea Realm, there are still gods, some Great Monarchs, and even more Monarchs. Why is it impossible?”

The Lava Giant’s eyes suddenly flashed. “Sea Realm? I’ve never heard of it, but there was indeed a sea in the former Primeval Land. Is that the former Primeval Land?”

Han Fei said, “That’s right. In fact, it’s just the original Primeval Land. Don’t tell me you think that the world you’re in is the entire world?”



“Primeval Land?”

“So, we can leave now?”

“Where is that place?”

“But we can’t get through the passage!”

The group of Lava Giants suddenly became excited as if they had found a home.

The Grand Elder of the Lava Giants said anxiously, “Have you found the way to the Primeval Land?”

Han Fei nodded. “Yes, but the Sea Realm isn’t as good as you think. It’s full of dangers, especially for the human race. They’re bullied there.”

The elder of the Lava Giant Tribe seemed to have thought something out. “Of course the Primeval Land is dangerous. Otherwise, why would it be called primeval? This isn’t important. What’s important is that you can get out. Can you… really pass through the passage?”

Han Fei said, “Of course… It’s not impossible for you to get out. I don’t think all the Lava Giants are Monarchs. For example, these people…”

Han Fei pointed to everyone except the Grand Elder. “As long as they are willing to enter my Origin Star, I can take them away.”

Han Fei knew what the Grand Elder was thinking, and the Grand Elder thought of the same thing.


Han Fei saw that the eyes of these Lava Giants seemed to be filled with anticipation.

He didn’t know what these people were longing for. Although the Sea Realm might be a new world to you, it was very dangerous there. Especially, the Chaotic Wasteland was covered in ice, which was the opposite of this place.

The elder of the Lava Giants immediately became much gentler. He looked at Han Fei up and down. “Are you a human?”

Han Fei nodded. “Yes, a pure-blood human.”

The Lava Giant shook his head. “After the Primordial Era, there are no more pure-bloods.”

Han Fei said, “Whatever you say. I have no ill intentions towards the Lava Giants. I have no intention of snatching the essence blood of the ancient human race. I just want to sever my negative side. I swear that if I can snatch the essence blood of the ancient human race, I will return it to the Lava Giants.”

The Lava Giant took a deep look at Han Fei. “No, no, in fact, we don’t mind someone reproducing the bloodline of the ancient human race. We just want to use the inherited memories of the ancient human race to find the place where our Lava Giant race used to live and find the home of our Lava Giant race… If you can really lead us back to the Sea Realm, it doesn’t matter if you can take back that drop of essence blood or not. Besides, you can become a good friend of our Lava Giant race.”

After that, the Lava Giant looked at his clansmen who had been beaten to the ground and shouted, “Haven’t you rested enough? It’s time to get up.”

However, none of them got up. They were still all lying flat on the ground.

Elder Giant Fire said, “Grand Elder, there’s power surging in our bodies. We can’t recover.”

Seeing that the elder of the Lava Giants was looking at him, Han Fei smiled. Healing divine brilliance descended from the sky and enveloped these dozens of people.

Not only had Han Fei used the Ragnarok, but he had also used the Dao of Slaughter God and the Invincible Path, causing the residual power in their bodies to destroy their bodies.

Seeing that Han Fei could control the divine power between the heavens and earth, the elder couldn’t help but be surprised. This person seemed to be stronger than he had imagined.

When he first saw this person, he thought that Han Fei was only in the Perfected Star Transformation Realm. But when he saw the rod in Han Fei’s hand, he denied this thought. How could an ordinary Perfected Star Transformation Realm cultivator be carrying a demon plant in the Dao Proving Realm?

More importantly, he had carried the demon plant of the Dao Proving realm and passed through the channel. This made his heart burn with passion.

“Huh? It doesn’t hurt anymore?”

“Hiss! The hidden injuries in my body are all gone.”

“What kind of divine technique is this?”

“What a magical healing power.”

The group of hostile Lava Giants all became friendly at this moment because Han Fei said he could take them out, and because the Grand Elder had accepted Han Fei. Now they all looked at Han Fei differently.

The Grand Elder said, “I hope you don’t blame them. It’s just that 58 years ago, the essence blood of the ancient human race was stolen, so I ordered them to try to capture any outsiders they find, and I’ll kill them if they can’t.”

Now, Han Fei understood that these people were hostile to outsiders just because their precious essence blood had been stolen.

On the way back, a Lava Giant even came to Han Fei and said, “Why are your fists so hard?”

“Because I am the Human Emperor, the strongest human being in the world.”


The man exclaimed, feeling that the name sounded so awesome. Even the Grand Elder looked surprised. The strongest human being in the world?

Elder Giant Fire was the first to protest. “That’s impossible. Our Grand Elder is the strongest human being in the world.”

Han Fei tilted his head and glanced at Elder Giant Fire. “To be precise, you are just humanoids, and I am the human with the purest bloodline now.”

Elder Giant Fire said, “Humanoids are human beings too. We didn’t look like this before. It’s said that we evolved into what we are now to deal with the burning of the Fire of Chaos. Before, we were not only bigger than you, but also in perfect human shape.”

Han Fei laughed. “As you said, that was in the past. If we have to calculate it this way, the strongest person in the human race now should be a guy called the God of War. He has reached the peak of the Great Monarch realm and can even fight gods.”

The Grand Elder finally said, “God of War?”

Han Fei said, “I’ll teach you a sacrificial ritual later. Maybe you can contact the God of War. He’s now in the distant sea of stars. Therefore, if you make offerings in the sea of stars, it’s very likely to contact him.”

The Grand Elder nodded. “Okay!”

After a pause, the First Elder asked, “Is there really a big world outside?”

Han Fei said, “Of course. In the Primordial Era, there were countless races. How could only you, the Lava Giants, survive? Since you know that there is still our Raging Sea outside this world, you should have guessed that there are many races in this world. If my trip goes smoothly, maybe you can see the current Sea Realm soon.”

To be honest, the conditions in this primitive ancient land were so harsh that ordinary people would have died long ago. It was a miracle that these Lava Giants could hold out here for countless years.

Because the two parties needed some time to communicate, it was not fast to return to the Lava Giant Tribe.

Han Fei sat directly on the shoulder of Elder Giant Fire. In terms of character, there was not much difference between the Lava Giants and the War Giants. They were not bad. It was so dangerous to come from the Raging Sea to here because the people who came couldn’t resist the attack of the murderous intent in the Abyssal Chasm, and the burning of the Fire of Chaos in this Primordial Ancient Land all day long.

Giant Fire asked in confusion, “Han Fei, why is it so cool around you? I feel a little cold.”

Han Fei played with the Extreme Cold Pearl and said, “This thing is called the Extreme Cold Pearl. It’s an ultra-quality godly weapon that suppresses all flames.”

“Tsk, tsk ~”

“Wow! Is there such a treasure in this world?”

“So great. What material is this made of?”

“No matter what materials are used, we don’t have them here. Otherwise, we would definitely build hundreds of them.”

Han Fei was lost for words. Do you think it’s so easy to make a hundred of them?

However, Han Fei found that the weapons, accessories, and beads on these people’s hands were all godly weapons. It seemed that this Lava Giant seemed to be very good at refining.

“Han Fei, what’s the outside world like?”

Han Fei said, “It’s very free. The world is huge and has a large population. It can accommodate billions of people. In any random competition, there are as many as a million Sky Opening Realm powerhouses participating.”

“Hiss ~”

“So scary.”

“So many people? There are only a few thousand of us.”

“How big must the land be? Wouldn’t it be tens of millions of miles?”

“Gosh, there are so many people. How can we recognize each of them?”

Han Fei said, “Don’t. They’re just strangers. You will only need to know them when you have to.”

Listening to the chat of these Lava Giants, Han Fei sighed. Their world was indeed very small, much smaller than the Raging Sea. The reason why this world could also become an independent world was that it was a fragment of the Primordial Era. Its geographical area was not even one-tenth of the Raging Sea.

The space where the Lava Giants lived was even smaller. Except for the places where they lived, other places would naturally nurture some special creatures as their hunting targets.

This group of people had lived tirelessly for countless years. It was even possible that this lineage had been passed down from the Primordial Era.

After chatting enough, Han Fei finally came to the Lava Giant Tribe.

Then he was surprised to find that this was a cave-type lifestyle. They had dug mountains as their residence, and the bones of all kinds of creatures were piled up everywhere. The bones of countless creatures had been beaten into pieces and put on the ground. It looked very backward, but when Han Fei saw their living facilities, he was speechless. Even the f*cking fences of this Lava Giant Tribe were godly weapons. The row of totem pillars were all godly weapons, the kind that would automatically protect them.

Here, there were mostly refining stone tables. Han Fei could hear the clanking sounds from afar. Because there were enough godly weapons forming guardrails, the energy released by knocking on the refining tables was blocked by the guardrails, so it wouldn’t affect their lives at all.

Seeing Han Fei and the others return, many strong young men immediately rushed over.

Someone shouted, “Huh? Grand Elder, when did you go out?”

Someone was surprised. “Hey, how did you catch a fiery flood dragon?”

Someone saw Han Fei on the shoulder of Giant Fire and immediately exclaimed, “Wow, an outsider, it’s an outsider.”

With this exclamation, countless people put down what they were doing and scrambled to run to the huge square paved with broken bones.

“Where? Where is the outsider?”

“Hiss! This outsider is so small!”

“Huh? It’s so cool around this outsider!”

“Wow, I’m freezing to death.”

“This outsider doesn’t have any flesh armor. He’s really strange.”

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