God of Fishing

2661 Secrets of the Ancient Human Race (2 in 1)

The hidden races were always inexperienced. When they saw an outsider, they would chatter with a curious expression, which reminded Han Fei of the War Giants.

When he went to the War Giants, the little giants were the same. They treated him to meat every day and even held barbecue parties. They were extremely enthusiastic.

Now, after the initial hostility, when this Grand Elder appeared and confirmed that Han Fei was not an enemy, the Lava Giant’s enthusiasm soared, making Han Fei a little shy.

Simple people were like this. He didn’t expect to see such a simple race after experiencing so many dangers.

However, now was not the time to chat and eat meat with these Lava Giants. Han Fei jumped off from Elder Giant Fire, carrying Liu Qiansi who was slightly trembling, and said to the Grand Elder, “Let’s go straight to the place where the ancient essence blood was stolen.”

The Grand Elder seemed to hesitate for a moment and said, “The things have been stolen. Will it help if we take a look now?”

Han Fei said, “Grand Elder, I’ve been chasing him for 58 years. I have my ways.”

In the end, after the Grand Elder was silent for a moment, he decided to take Han Fei to take a look. He wasn’t afraid of what Han Fei would do, but it wasn’t easy for him to meet a powerful outsider. He didn’t want to let him go so quickly.

The Grand Elder said, “Everyone, go about your business. I have something to do with the guests.”

A moment later, the First Elder, Elder Giant Fire, and a dozen other elders traveled tens of thousands of kilometers and came to a place that emitted a faint purple light. This mountain had a crack halfway up the mountain, leading to the inside of the mountain.

At the entrance, Han Fei saw another Monarch. Yes, although this world was not big, it could give birth to two Monarchs. It could be seen that the strength of this world was indeed more than one level higher than the Raging Sea.

However, this Monarch seemed to be stuck at the peak of the Dao Proving realm. Was this a coincidence? Or was it the upper limit of cultivation in this world?

When Han Fei walked into the cave, he saw a humanoid corpse sitting cross-legged in the middle of the mountain. It was the kind of corpse that was only skin and bones. If it was bandaged, it would look like a mummy.

The dry corpse was sitting cross-legged on an altar with a small black hole between its eyebrows. When Han Fei saw the dry corpse, his heart did a flip. This was because the bones wrapped under the corpse’s skin were even more powerful than the power emitted by divine crystals.

Besides, even though he had been dead for so long, the suppressing pressure here was still heavy. This level of suppressing pressure reminded Han Fei of that handwriting of the Great Monarch, which meant that this person was at least a Great Monarch when he was alive.

The Grand Elder said, “That drop of primordial essence blood was originally between the eyebrows of this ancestor. At that time, it wasn’t a Monarch who protected this forbidden place. It wasn’t until 58 years ago that someone entered here and stole the essence blood.”

Han Fei asked, “Was there a seal in this place?”

The Grand Elder said, “Of course there is, and it’s a very strong seal. However, the seal was triggered for only one second before it died down. No one even saw the intruder, because the two guards inexplicably fell into a deep sleep at that time.”

“Void Stealing Technique.”

Han Fei naturally knew what method the ominous Han Fei used. Of course, two guards in the Perfected Star Transformation Realm couldn’t stop him. Although these two people were very strong, they were not facing an ordinary Perfected Star Transformation Realm cultivator.

Even if there was a Monarch guarding this place, if the ominous Han Fei really wanted to steal something from here, he would still get his way.

Han Fei looked at the dry corpse carefully for a while and said, “Why is this senior here?”

The Grand Elder said, “There’s no need to hide it from you, because there’s no need. According to the history books of our Lava Giant race, this skeleton and the essence blood of the primordial human race might contain the secrets of the origin of the human race. It’s recorded that if there’s a person with a bloodline atavism in the future, he might trigger this drop of essence blood to discover and inherit the secrets inside. And our Lava Giant race has been guarding this secret for generations. Unfortunately, to this day, no one in our Lava Giant race can have a bloodline atavism. Who would expect that after a long time, three drops of essence blood are all gone, and we haven’t inherited the secrets of the human race.”

“Three drops of essence blood? Isn’t it just one drop?”

The Grand Elder said, “A million years ago, it was said that a fellow Giant accidentally barged into this place and triggered the essence blood. At that time, the Grand Elder of the Lava Giant Race gave out a drop. About 80,000 years ago, two special outsiders accidentally entered this place and slightly triggered the essence blood. I made the decision to give out a drop. I didn’t expect the third drop to be stolen.”

Han Fei’s heart did a flip. “More than 80,000 years ago?”

Han Fei immediately perked up. “Were the two people more than 80,000 years ago called Han Guanshu and Jiang Linxian?”


The Grand Elder suddenly exclaimed and looked at Han Fei. “You know him too?”

Han Fei’s expression changed. “To be honest, they are my parents. They have been missing for 80,000 years. They managed to send a message out, saying that they were trapped in the river of time. I’m afraid that’s why I traced my Self-Destruction Tribulation to this place.”

“Oh? Are they still alive?”

Another Monarch spoke first.

Han Fei said, “They’re still alive, but they’re in an unknown situation and can’t come out. On this trip, in addition to transcending my Self Severing Tribulation, the other thing I have to do is to find them and save them from the river of time.”

The reason why Han Fei was sure that his parents were caught in the river of time was that he once returned to 100,000 years ago, which was also when he was really born.

The Monarch was a little absent-minded and murmured, “So they are not liars.”

Han Fei glanced at him. “Liar? If the Lava Giants had the ability, you would have used the three drops of essence blood yourselves. But in the end, the three drops of essence blood were taken by outsiders. Besides, look at the corpse. He actually looks similar to me. But everyone, look at yourselves. Do you look like this ancestor?”

Giant Fire said directly, “That’s not necessarily true. We might have looked like you before. We evolved into what we are now because we needed to adapt to the environment here.”

The Grand Elder also said, “Even if we transform from ancient humans into humanoids, we still have the bloodline of the former human race in our bodies. How can you be sure?”

Han Fei said, “It’s meaningless for us to argue this. Maybe it’s because of your bloodline that you can’t leave.”

The Grand Elder was about to say something, when Han Fei suddenly said, “Wait a moment.”

In Han Fei’s eyes, the Great Dao of Time was revolving. He wanted to directly trace back to the past of this primordial human. This person might be a figure from the Chaotic Era. God knew how many years had passed. If he could see a trace of his past, he might be able to directly understand the secrets of the primordial human race.

However, when Han Fei looked back, before he could see through the mist of time, he heard a cold snort in his ears. Then, his mind suddenly collapsed and he spewed out a mouthful of essence blood.


The mouthful of essence blood was sprayed all over his body. It was not that he couldn’t trace it back, but he sensed that someone looked over from the other side of time and snorted.

Han Fei was speechless. At that time, this powerhouse was still alive, but he actually noticed his prying through the heavy mist of time.

Seeing Han Fei vomit blood, the Grand Elder, Giant Fire, and the others felt their hearts skip a beat.

The Grand Elder said, “Were you using the Great Dao of Time just now?”

Han Fei felt that his head was a little painful. He coughed and said, “Yes, maybe this strong master was too strong, so I suffered a little backlash. It’s a small problem.”

Han Fei casually stuffed a mass of liquid divine light into his mouth. After a minute, he activated the Great Dao of Time again. This time, he didn’t trace the skeleton, but this space.

However, the ominous Han Fei wasn’t stupid. He messed up the time when he was here, so Han Fei could only see some broken and blurry images.

In the images, his ominous body seemed to have stepped into the river of time.

Han Fei frowned. Did he enter the river of time to kill him? But why did the ominous body take that drop of essence blood? Could he, an ominous body, use it?

Several possibilities popped up in Han Fei’s mind.

First of all, the ominous Han Fei must be able to use this drop of essence blood. It was exactly because he triggered this drop of essence blood that he came to steal it.

Secondly, it was not the ominous Han Fei who triggered the drop of essence blood, but Xia Xiaochan. After all, what flowed in Xia Xiaochan’s body was divine blood.

In the end, the ominous Han Fei didn’t want him to trigger this drop of essence blood, so he took it away in advance.

Of these possibilities, the first was the most likely. The ominous Han Fei might not have the opportunities Han Fei had, but it didn’t mean that the ominous Han Fei wouldn’t have any opportunities.

The essence blood of the ancient human race was obviously not simple. There were only three drops of it since ancient times, but it was stolen.

Unfortunately, the ominous Han Fei also mastered the Great Dao of Time, so he messed up time and made Han Fei unable to see what happened here back then.

So now he could only chase after him with the Vast Ocean Navigator. However, the ominous Han Fei obviously knew something he didn’t know, such as why he stole this drop of essence blood.

Since the Grand Elder had never met the ominous Han Fei, how could he know how precious this drop of essence blood was?

Han Fei asked, “Grand Elder, I would like to ask, did anything happen 58 years ago except for the theft of this drop of essence blood?”

The Grand Elder shook his head. “No, I have explored every speck of dust here. If anything happens, it can’t escape my eyes.”

Han Fei frowned. “When my parents were here eighty thousand years ago, did they do anything? How did they leave?”

The Grand Elder said, “I remember that they left by opening a void door. As for where the void door leads, I don’t know. But the void door definitely doesn’t lead to the outside world, nor can it carry us into it. Only the two of them can use it. As for what they have done… I don’t think they have done anything else. I only described the ancient human race to them and told them some well-known ancient legends.”

“Ancient legends?”

Han Fei’s heart did a flip. “Grand Elder, can you tell me about it too?”

Giant Fire said, “There’s no need for the Grand Elder to waste his breath on this. Let me tell you. It’s said that since the beginning of the Chaos, the world has been in darkness. In the darkness, all creatures and treasures were quietly born. It’s said that at that time, a new green vine gave birth to six fruits that ripened after billions of years, which respectively gave birth to the ancient human race, ancient demon plants, ancient strange beasts, ancient demons, ancient insect eggs, and a stillborn. These six creatures are collectively known as the innate six lineages. The six lineages give birth to all living beings. The six lineages begin the journey of creation in the Chaotic Era…”

After a pause, Giant Fire continued, “After the six lineages, all living beings coexisted. All kinds of races were born in the Chaos, and an exploration and battle that lasted for countless years began. For example, there was a supreme Nature Treasure, the Yin-Yang Mirror, that once fell into the hands of the primordial human race and could reverse life and death. It once accompanied the primordial human race to conquer all places. The primordial strange beasts obtained a supreme Nature Treasure, the Sky Swallowing Bell. It could swallow all things in the world and its power was devastating. The primordial stillborn obtained a supreme Nature Treasure, the Longevity Seal. With it, one could be immortal and live forever in this world…”

Han Fei heard Giant Fire talking about a lot of things, which almost made Han Fei’s eyes shine. It talked as if the treasures were right in front of his eyes, which made Han Fei very tempted.


“Is this skeleton from the legendary primordial human race?”

The Grand Elder shook his head. “No, no, how can it be that person? That race only exists in legends. This primordial human being is from the Primordial Era. But the blood flowing in his body should be the bloodline of the primordial human race. At least, it’s purer than the human race after the Primordial Era.”

“Oh, is that so?”

Han Fei couldn’t help but heave a sigh of relief. If this was a f*cking corpse of the ancient human race, why would the ominous Han Fei need the essence blood? This was the real treasure!

Han Fei thought about it. He couldn’t trace the past of this corpse. But this is a Great Monarch-level corpse. He really wanted to use it.

If he couldn’t trace back to its past, he could only dismantle the corpse and study its bones. Perhaps he could figure out something or use it for visualization.

Han Fei couldn’t help but ask, “Why are there so many legends of the Chaotic Era left behind in the Lava Giant Race? Have you been here since the Chaotic Era?”

The Grand Elder shook his head and said, “Of course not. The Chaotic Era was too long ago. At the end of the Primordial Era, an ancestor brought us here with the corpse of the primordial human, but for some reason, we can’t leave here. However, our ancestor once recorded a lot of things he knew.”

“A lot?”

Han Fei couldn’t help but ask, “Can I take a look?”

The Grand Elder asked, “Aren’t you going to find your Self Severing Tribulation?”

Han Fei said, “I think I’ve found some clues. So I want to see the epic legend left behind in the Lava Giant Race.”

“Oh? Where are the clues?”

Han Fei said, “Of course in the long river of time. I just want to know more information now. Only in this way can I enter the river of time with a purpose to search for something.”

When Han Fei mentioned the river of time, everyone was a little unconvinced. Even if you crossed it, could you do anything to those eras in the river of time? Wouldn’t the law of the heavens at that time restrict you?

These Lava Giants were no longer hostile to Han Fei, mainly because they didn’t have anything to scheme against. The only essence blood of the ancient human race was gone, and the remaining corpse of this ancient human had been studied countless times, but in the end, they couldn’t figure out anything.

But they didn’t completely trust Han Fei. Even this Grand Elder couldn’t completely trust him just because of Han Fei’s one-sided words.

However, in their hearts, they all hoped that they believed it.

And the Grand Elder felt that the appearance of Han Fei must have something to do with Han Guanshu and Jiang Linxian, as well as the other self of this guy who stole the essence blood of the ancient human race, so a trace of hope was ignited in the Grand Elder’s heart. And this time, he felt more hopeful than ever. After all, very few outsiders could survive here. More importantly, Han Fei was very powerful, and few people in the Lava Giants were stronger than him.

At this time, Han Fei heard someone say, “Grand Elder, do you really believe that he can take us away? Why do I feel that it’s a little strange? Is he lying to us?”

Han Fei said frankly, “There’s no need for me to lie to you. As the current Human Emperor, I act above board. If you want to hide it, I have plenty of ways to avoid your perception. I’m not here to take you out. I’m here to chase someone. And I can only take you out after I’m done with this matter.”

Some of the Lava Giants didn’t believe him. After all, seeing was believing. They couldn’t completely believe him unless they really took them out.

The other Monarch’s heart stirred. I might as well test out if Han Fei is bragging or not?

He said, “Now I’m guarding this place personally. Although you are very strong, you can’t avoid my perception.”

Seeing that these Lava Giants didn’t seem to believe him, Han Fei stabbed Liu Qiansi into the ground, and then time surged around him as he entered the Time River. These people could naturally see Han Fei, but in the next moment, they saw Han Fei disappear into thin air.


Giant Fire grew anxious. “Where did he go?”

The Grand Elder was also shocked. “Did he leave from the river of time?”

The other Monarch was also shocked. “I was staring at him.”

While the Lava Giants were shocked and stunned, a figure gradually appeared in front of them as if he had never left.


“How did you appear?”

“Impossible, you, you… What kind of demonic technique is this?”

Han Fei thought to himself, It’s just the Twin Divine Technique. If I swallow the white mist, there will be nothing left. But why would he tell this to these Lava Giants?

Han Fei stood straight and said proudly, “I’ve already said that as the dignified Human Emperor, I act above board. If I want to trick you, I have plenty of ways, but there’s no need. Besides, I want to get the information I want from you, so there’s even less need for me to lie to you.


For a moment, everyone looked at the Grand Elder.

The Grand Elder pondered for a moment and said, “I can give you the historical materials, but you can only read them here. We’ll stay with you.”

Han Fei cupped his hands. “Thank you very much.”

After all, this was a small place with a population of only more than 4,000. Han Fei obtained the historical records about the Lava Giants only a hundred seconds later.

Han Fei didn’t read any history after the Primordial Era. There were very few records about the time before the Primordial Era, but there were many legendary stories in them.

Because the stories were very legendary, it was used by these Lava Giants to tell children stories.

The records in this aspect were actually not large, like the work of a single person. About the Chaotic Era, they were all legends. Han Fei even saw the description of Supreme Primordial Treasures. It was said that its value exceeded that of Nature Treasures. Then Han Fei discovered that in addition to the six ancient lineages, there were actually descriptions of many races. However, these six lineages seemed to have appeared the earliest and rose the earliest.

Later, there were records of the birth of dragons, such as how big the appetite of dragons was and how they could swallow a race’s food in one go. To his surprise, Han Fei saw the records of the Emperor Sparrow.

Legend has it that the Emperor Sparrow was born in the primordial chaos and happened to be in the middle of a battle. It was born from the endless aura of death on the battlefield. When it tweets, its voice was like cries that tore at one’s heart. The Emperor Sparrow controlled the emotions of all things and liked to fight. It liked to devour the aura of death of living beings and eat the grievances of all living beings. With the Frenzying Eye, it can drive people crazy… The Emperor Sparrow had obtained the secret of longevity and could reincarnate generation after generation. The heavens won’t take his life…

The description was quite true. Just from this description, Han Fei felt that much of the information in the records of the Lava Giants was true. Otherwise, how could they know so many characteristics of the Emperor Sparrow?

After reading a lot of secrets, Han Fei suddenly saw in one of the records that the primordial human race developed rapidly, expanding the territory and opening the primordial land, creating a huge race. The powerhouses thought that the human race had expanded too much and conspired to exterminate the human race, a race with such a powerful reproduction ability. In the end, they killed the primordial human king in the East Mountain Nether River. Then, the primordial human race declined…

“Tsk, tsk. It turns out that the human race used to be so powerful that several of the Ancient Six Bloodlines personally took action to deal with that ancient human powerhouse.”

“East Mountain Nether River?”

Han Fei’s eyes glittered. Was there such a place?

“Could it be that my parents and the ominous Han Fei got a little carried away because they saw this?”

Han Fei couldn’t help but think that since his parents could give him the Vast Ocean Navigator, did they also master some kind of directional ability?

He couldn’t help but wonder if it was really possible to enter the Chaotic Era if he kept retracing time. Once he entered the Chaotic Era, what would happen if he followed the primordial human race?

Did the ominous Han Fei have designs on that era too?

Wait, Han Fei suddenly thought that the Time Temple kept retracing time. Could it be that they also had some designs on that era?

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