Limitless Sword God

There were a large number of cultivators who are very out of place as compared to the residents of this town, showing up here.

They rode a variety of fierce beasts and looked majestic.

"Listen up everyone, in a few days, it is the day of Ji's celebration! You guys will all receive a reward!"

A knight in black armour and riding on the dragon beast said loudly.


"Thanks to the great ones!"


There are bursts of gratitude in the crowd, these are the residents of the town.

"However, you all have to be alert. Someone might try to ruin the celebration! You are here as the gateway guards to the place, you must be vigilant. If you find strangers, you must report them to us immediately!"

The black knight said, "We shall station here for the time being!"

"Do not worry oh great ones, we will watch here diligently and will not let even a single bad guy get away!" someone in the crowd shouted.

The black knight nodded, then turned around and slowly left with a group of followers. The direction they were headed was towards a huge tent on the edge of the town.

The tents were obviously built at the last minute and both sides of the entrance were lifted up.

It can be felt from the fluctuations of those people that it is a group of cultivators from the sage realm.

Chu Yu and Di Wu Liu Yun hid in the crowd, listening to their arguments.

"I haven't heard of anything happening recently... what is the celebration about?"

"You don't know? Ji has eliminated the Di Wu clan! From here on out, we are the king!"

"The Di Wu clan is gone? Are they not a huge clan? How can they be so easily destroyed?"

"Hey, I don't know, maybe we have another powerful expert?"

"I have heard that a strong helper has appeared on the side of Ji..."

As she listened to their arguments, killing intent oozed out of Di Wu Liu Yun's body.

Suddenly, Chu Yu suppressed her back, then brought her away.

Having found a remote place, Chu Yu looked at Di Wu Liu Yun and said with a serious look on his face, "Just the bickering of a group of ordinary people is able to cause your killing intent to leak out, do you want to be discovered by them?"

Di Wu Liu Yun lowered her head weakly, she naturally understands what it meant to be exposed at this time.

It was certainly not a problem for the two to escape from this place if detected, but the enemy would be alerted, making it harder to infiltrate this place subsequently.

"Sorry, I will control myself," she said as she looked up at Chu Yu.

Chu Yu cannot put too much blame on her. After seeing Ji's black knights, he had to restrain himself from attacking as well. For Di Wu Liu Yun, it must have been an immense act of self-restraint.

When the enemy responsible for the genocide of one's clan is right before him, and how many can control themselves?

"Those are just a group of small minions, even if we kill them, it doesn't serve much purpose." Chu Yu said.

Di Wu Liu Yun nodded, but in her pair of beautiful eyes flashed a ray of light.

She originally thought that Chu Yu only wanted to prove his innocence and find out who was posing as him. At this moment, she can finally confirm that Chu Yu genuinely wants to help her.

Otherwise, Chu Yu did not need to bring her, it is not difficult for him to sneak in alone to find out the truth himself.

Shitou and Xiaoxue are a pair of siblings.

The two are very young.

Shitou is 19 years old and Xiaoxue is 17 years old this year.

The parents of the siblings passed away very early, leaving only the two of them to depend on each other for survival.

The 19-year-old stone is cultivated in the Divine Lord realm while the seventeen-year-old Xiaoxue in the True Lord realm.

In the town, both of them are considered to be geniuses.

Of course, to Ji's gifted in the oasis, they were not worth paying attention to.

Shitou is a hunter and an explorer.

He would often enter the depths of the desert to hunt some of the unique creatures in the desert, all of which are hidden deep in the desert. Without experience, even the mighty would not find them easily. At the same time, he would also look for a variety of metals.

He would then take them to the oasis for sale and use the spirit stones he earned to exchange for his and his sister's cultivation resources.

Unfortunately, recently Shitou's business had become terrible.

After the Ji clan had destroyed the Di Wu clan, they amassed an unimaginable amount of cultivation resources.

Ji's executives sold all of the low-grade resources at a low price. Therefore in the recent period, only the occasional prey that he brought back can still be sold. It was rather difficult to find buyers for the cultivation resources he is looking for.

This made him very depressed thus he had stayed at home for over ten days straight without going out.

The sister of Shitou, Xiaoxue, looked delicate and pretty. Although she cannot really be considered beautiful, she is still a good catch in this town, hence there are many boys who like her.

"If this carries on, our rate of cultivation would slow down significantly," Shitou said to her sister worriedly.

Xiaoxue smiled and tried to comfort him, "Brother, you don't have to worry too much. Our speed of cultivation is actually considered very fast, it does not matter if it slows down by a bit."

"I want to leave here and go to the larger world beyond," Shitou said.

He is a young man with great ambition and was not willing to continue living such a mediocre life.

Xiaoxue is also very supportive of his brother's wishes, so she comforted him, "I think that after we get past this period, things will improve."

At this moment, their door was pushed open abruptly.

A black knight appeared and the pair of eyes behind his visor gazed at Xiaoxue. He said coldly, "You, follow me."

Shitou swiftly stood in front of my sister and looked at this man with a vigilant look on his face. He said, "Great there anything I can help you with?"

The black knight waved one of his hands and struck Shitou's chest with his palm.

Shitou did not have any time to react and was hit squarely in the chest, his heart shattering instantly!

A stream of fresh blood squirted out of Shitou's mouth.

His eyes widened immensely and they were filled with anger, reluctance... and boundless fear.

In no way did he expect that Ji's knight would murder without any hesitation whatsoever.

Xiaoxue let loose a piercing scream from the side.

However, she was suppressed by the black knight in the blink of an eye. Her body was unable move, and no sound could escape her lips.

"So troublesome!" The black knight mumbled while frowning.

Their leader had developed a crush on this girl.

These people all had a very low-status level in the oasis.

There is simply no opportunity for them to do as they wish.

However, when they got to this place, they are big shots that can do whatever they want guilt-free!

When they fall for a girl, they can simply take her away. No one would be seeking justice for these victims.

Although Xiaoxue couldn't make a sound from her mouth, her teardrops were enormous and kept falling from her eyes. She had a death stare on the black knight as if trying to remember his appearance.

Shitou laid dead on the ground with his eyes wide open, gradually losing their expression.

A teenager with a dream is unable to stand up the cruelty of reality.

The black knight took a look at Shitou that is on the ground and from his eyes, he shot two rays of light at Shitou's corpse.

Immediately, the Shitou's corpse turned into ashes.

The grief of Xiaoxue, who was being suppressed by the black knight, reached beyond her limits, causing her to pass out on the spot.

The black knight grabbed her and just as he wanted to throw her into the pocket dimension, he felt a tinge of cold on his neck.

His heart skipped a beat. Then, he saw a headless body just standing before him.

Next thing he knew, his head had fallen to the ground.

Who... dared to attack Ji's knight?

This is the last thought that flashed in the mind of this black knight.

Chu Yu gave a disgusted glance at the head of the black knight which he had decapitated. Following that, with just a thought, he turned the black knight of the Great Sage realm into ashes!

Di Wu Liu Yun held Xiaoxue in her arms, her eyes showing a great sorrow, muttering, "We were just a step late."

When the two heard the scream from Xiaoxue, they came in an instant.

But by then, the young Shitou had already been killed.

At that moment, Xiaoxue was still unconscious. For a girl who had not experienced much difficulties and had always been very well protected by her brother, it is impossible to withstand such a devastating emotional blow.

Chu Yu let out a sigh and sent Xiaoxue into the pocket dimension along with a divine thought to let those in the pocket dimension know her identity.

Later, Chu Yu glanced at Di Wu Liu Yun and said: "You, transform into Xiaoxue."

As he said this, Chu Yu morphed into the appearance of the black knight whom he had just executed.

Di Wu Liu Yun was shocked and looked at Chu Yu, unable to talk.

Because at this moment, Chu Yu's appearance, temperament, and the energy fluctuations flowing from his body were indistinguishable from the black knight!

If she had not seen it with her own eyes, Di Wu Liu Yun would never believe it is possible.

"I... I don't know how to change like this..." said Di Wu Liu Yun. "I can barely transform to look like her, but the temperament and energy fluctuations... I am unable to perfectly match hers."

Chu Yu thought for a moment and passed a technique to her.

As Di Wu Liu Yun absorbed the technique, her eyes glowing brighter as she progresses. In the end, the way that she looked at Chu Yu has changed completely.

It was full of respect and worship

After that, she bowed deeply to express her gratitude and said, "Thank you, teacher, for passing to me the technique!"

Chu Yu had passed a segment of the sacred art of morphing into Liu Yun. Although it was not a Master's gift to his apprentice, he did not mind when Di Wu Liu Yun called him a teacher.

If it was anyone else, Chu Yu would never teach them so easily.

However, this lady is a descendant of Yi.

Chu Yu had never forgotten Yi's assistance and support in the past.

Now that he met Yi's descendant, passing on a technique to her is really nothing to him.

Di Wu Liu Yun is truly gifted in cultivation.

She grasped technique very quickly.

She morphed into Xiaoxue and this time, she was identical to Xiaoxue regardless of the energy fluctuations or temperament of the body.

Even if Xiaoxue herself saw this imposter, she would definitely think that this was her twin sister who had been separated from her for many years.

"Come on, let's go and take a look." Chu Yu said to Di Wu Liu Yun.

"What if they want to..." said Di Wu Liu Yun, who is hesitant.

The duo realised that the black knight should have captured Xiaoxue in order to dedicate her to someone. Now they are replaced by two of them. Although they are not worried about losing, there is the possibility that the enemy would try something funny, and they would be alerted when the duo tried to defend themselves.

"Then kill all of them, and then replace them with our people." Chu Yu said calmly.

The famed technique of the Monkey King is something Chu Yu had learnt very well.

He could extract a couple of hairs from his body and make some black knights without breaking a sweat.

Subsequently, Di Wu Liu Yun put on her best mournful appearance and followed Chu Yu, acting as if she is forced. They left the house and walked toward the tents.

Along the way, the faces of the people all displayed shock and horror.

However, no one dared to speak out.

Who dared to provoke the big shot from Ji?

They can only lament to themselves silently: Just like this, a decent young lady is about to be ruined.

Chu Yu took Di Wu Liu Yun to the biggest tent. No one stopped him as he went straight in.

Sitting inside is the boss of the black knights, he glanced at Di Wu Liu Yun and there was no desire for the girl within his eyes. He just nodded and said, "You did a good job, follow my orders and send her to Lord Ji Baiye."

As he said this, the leader of the black knights, threw an order token to Chu Yu.

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