Limitless Sword God


Who's Ji Baiye?

Chu Yu stared blankly, at a loss for words.

However, that did not hold him back and he made an immediate move on the black knights' ringleader.

The poor ringleader, a Great Sage alike the rest of them, was instantly oppressed by Chu Yu.

There was barely any time for him to react!

Not even a thought crossed his mind.

Chu Yu used his paramount powers to search the black knights' leader's soul.

In the blink of an eye, he got the news he wanted.

Chu Yu subsequently unlocked the seal of the black knights' leader.

Feigning a bow, he said 'I'm going to go then.'

'Very well' the leader of the black knights' let Chu Yu leave without even noticing anything


He even urged Chu Yu to put on his best foot forward for it was a blessing in disguise to meet such a great man.

Diwu Liuyun was at a loss for words. Even after Chu Yu held the token and led her into Ji's oasis, she still couldn't comprehend what had happened.

Not until Chu Yu explained things to her personally.

Soul searching? You are capable of such an evil power? Diwu Liuyun looked at Chu Yu fearfully.

Feeling helpless, Chu Yu looked into her eyes and said 'In this world, it is true that such evil magical powers exist. For example, someone who wants to train a hundred million virgins to practice some form of magical power...that's evil!

'Huh?' Diwu Liuyun looked at Chu Yu in shock. 'Don't tell me that knight captured this lady just for the sake of that?'

Chu Yu shook his head and laughed 'No, that was just a casual statement. I just wanted you to understand that evil magic does exist.'

'But powers like soul searching, you can't really call it evil. Look, I got the information I want and he… doesn't know anything nor suffered any harm. Isn't that good?'

Who would have expected that Diwu Liuyun would say 'All those people deserve to die! Look at the way they treat these people, they basically don't even see them as humans!'

She looked at Chu Yu and asked, 'What do they want to do with this girl?'

Chu Yu shook his head and said, 'I'm not very sure either, from that person just now, I could only tell where Ji Baiye lives. But exactly what Ji Baiye wants to do with that girl, he wasn't clear. Nonetheless, we have successfully sneaked in and that's a good thing.'

Diwu Liuyun nodded, adding, 'That's true, but I still want to know what that Ji Baiye wants to do. My gut tells me that he's definitely not a good man!'

'Yeah, let's go there and see things for ourselves'

Holding the black knight's token, Chu Yu brought Diwu Liuyun on a smooth sailing path.

According to the information Chu Yu obtained, Ji Baiye's status in Ji Clan was not low.

It was an elder from Ji Clan's outer court.

They were all Ji Baiye's men, including that team of black knights guarding the entrance of the oasis.

A quick half day passed and Chu Yu, along with Diwu Liuyun, appeared at Elder Ji Baiye's residence.

The scenery was enchanting, with verdant mountains and crystalline waters.

It boasted a huge pavilion.

It was just like a small town of its own!

And this place was merely a mansion of Ji Baiye's.

Here, Chu Yu and Diwu Liuyun were stopped and had their tokens confiscated. They were made to wait at the gatehouse.

Not long after, a group of people came and entered the gatehouse.

Amongst them were three young and beautiful maids, each looking conceited and not once did they even glance Chu Yu. Surrounding them was a cold and unwelcoming aura.

They were all just looking at Diwu Liuyun who had been transformed into Xiaoxue. One of the maids could not help but express a hint of ridicule.

Accompanying them were two old women.

They looked fierce and cross-grained; one look and you could tell they were not decent beings.

They circled Diwu Liuyun and paced around him, then nodded in agreement. One of them said, 'Not bad! She's a virgin.'

Diwu Liuyun's face turned red immediately and her eyes burned with ferocious anger.

There was no need for pretence.

The people here are all her enemies, she only needed to express her emotions as per normal.

'Alright, little girl, don't look so angry, this is but your chance to rise to the top! Although you would get…but as soon as you pull through that part, you'll be rich.' One of the old women said casually.

The other old woman said instead, 'We know you, a girl from a small town at the entrance, named Xiaoxue. Your elder brother is rather clever. You just have to perform well and as soon as you pull through, you two siblings will be rich!'

Diwu Liuyun replied coldly, 'My brother? He's dead.'

'Hmm?' The two old women and the three maids were slightly taken aback.

At this moment, Chu Yu stood up and announced, 'I killed him.'

At that point, Diwu Liuyun glared at Chu Yu with a death stare.

Chu Yu, on the other hand, remained expressionless, not wavered by any emotions.

'Heh heh.' One of the old women looked at Chu Yu rather approvingly and said 'It's good that he's killed, end it once and for all!'

The other old woman said instead, 'I hate people like this who kill others on a whim.'

She then glared at Chu Yu fiercely and said, 'There's none of your business here already, you should leave quickly. I feel disgusted looking at people with hands full of blood'

Diwu Liuyun lowered her head, looking rather nervous.

This place… is really a wolves' den.

Although she was highly knowledgeable, she had never encountered such a situation. If Chu Yu were not by her side, she really wouldn't know what to do.

Chu Yu immediately put a message in her mind, 'Don't worry, I'm not really going to leave.'

Subsequently, he rushed a few nods at the old women and maids then turned to leave.

Someone sent Chu Yu a few training resources, but they were all rubbish that held no appeal to him.

But for a discipline like a Great Sage, you could really say so.

When Chu Yu left, he wandered around before returning to his usual self, once again sneaking into the place.

To and fro, not for another two minutes.

But Diwu Liuyun… had vanished completely!

Chu Yu searched the entire mansion—the size of a small town, but had not found a single trace Diwu Liuyun!

Diwu Liuyun's anxiety started to rise.

If someone of his calibre could not even find a person, then that would mean that the other party's objective of capturing a girl like Xiaoxue was not simple for sure!

It even crossed Chu Yu's mind--could this be a trap?

A small-town girl of such low status, is she worth such caution?

After much thought, he still thought that it was too much of a coincidence.

Chu Yu then calmed down and started searching for the three maids and two old women from before.

Finally, he discovered an old woman's aura at a deep corner of this mansion.

It was the same cold-blooded old woman who said that it was good to kill Shitou and end it once and for all.

Chu Yu hesitated no longer and went to her residence. Just as he was about to enter, Chu Yu's stature flashed and disappeared there.

Then, a shadow cast out of the old woman's room and disappeared in a blink.

Following, a waft of fresh blood came from the old woman's room.



Just like this, he was killed?

Chu Yu was stunned at that moment.

Was this old woman not under Lord Ji Baiye?

Just a while ago he still had a face full of arrogance, how did he get killed so suddenly?

This simply made no sense!

For an ordinary small-town girl, he used so much effort? Was it necessary to go to the extent of killing one's own men?

Chu Yu started to suspect that this was really a trap targeting Diwu Liuyun.

But what puzzled him the most was that just those black knights alone…how could they possibly design such an ingenious trap?

This does not seem right...there must be some other reason behind this!

At that moment, Chu Yu did not conceal himself and immediately demonstrated an enormous power, engulfing the entire mansion.

Subsequently, he found the three maids and the other old woman…all dead!

They all died in individual rooms.

And those rooms--someone had used their powers to divide them perfectly.

Had he not used the force of the Three Worlds Tactic when demonstrating the Flying Immortal Stage power, it would have been impossible for him to discover this!

The person who had just killed them, Chu Yu recalled for a while, was actually a power of The Ancestral Realm!

He had killed even his own men and still went on to use the power of The Ancestral Realm?

What the fuck is this situation?

In Chu Yu's mind, an absurd speculation suddenly surfaced.

Unless…this is not a trap targeting Diwu Liuyun, but one that was targeting himself?

Diwu Liuyun…is one of them?

How else can all these be explained?

As Chu Yu thought, his facial expression softened.

Just then, stone-cold and intense killing intentions struck Chu Yu.

Boom boom boom!

A wave of supernatural powers boomed towards Chu Yu.

Then, countless powers started acting up in the entire mansion.

At this time, Chu Yu finally realised what was wrong in the mansion.

Just now, when his supernatural eyes scanned past, he had felt there was something not quite right, a mansion as big as this actually did not have many powerful practitioners in it!

This was an empty town!

It was just to lure him in!

This was a…trap targeting him!

That group of black knights could deceive him precisely because the status of those people was too low!

To Chu Yu, they were just a swarm of ants!

It had not occurred to Chu Yu that a swarm of ants like them could get him caught in their trap.

Behind all this, there must be some superior power acting!

In that instant, Chu Yu's stature disappeared on the spot.

The entire mansion, in that very moment, vanished into thin air!

The previously splendorous palace mansion was now but an enormous deep pit!

And in it laid those practitioners, almost all of them buried at that very pit.

How ruthless!

So many of his own people were sacrificed just to pit against him.

Chu Yu's face turned stone-cold.

From all around, a huge group of practitioners appeared. Each exuding waves of powerful forces.

A hysterical laughter full of hatred rang throughout.

''Chu Yu, oh Chu Yu, the heavens have a path for you to walk but you choose to find the door to hell…Let's see where else you can run today!'

This voice sounded very familiar to Chu Yu.

The next moment, he realised who this person was.

Zhou Xu!

It actually was the Celestial Great Sage Zhou Xu from the mortal world back in those days!

Xu Xiaoxian's ex-fiancé.

Suddenly, Chu Yu figured it all out, the one pretending to be him, was Zhou Xu!

Except we do not know what sort of lucky chance this is that he consecutively clashed into the Great Sage and Ancestral Realm's disciplines.

Judging by the resentment between the two, it was really no surprise that Zhou Xu would do all these.

It was just a pity…that had really treated Diwu Liuyun as Yi's descendant and wanted to take proper care of her.

Chu Yu sighed and shook his head, you all asked for this.

Various imprisoned Buddhist musical instruments appeared in the sky all at once, suppressing him down.

Each piece of the instrument carried enormous forces of power.

They were all superior instruments of the Ancestral Realm!

A gush of strong powers flooded in and exploded onto Chu Yu's body.

Zhou Xu, right?

Today I will finish you once and for all!

Chu Yu held the Xuan-Yuan Sword, locked his eyes on the attack of the horde of instruments, and threw it in the direction of Zhou Xu!

The sword's force was horizontal and it pierced through the sky.

That sword, fell on Zhou Xu's head in a split second.

Zhou Xu screamed in shock.

Chu Yu was surprised by the increase in speed of his status, so why was he not surprised by Chu Yu's increase in speed of status?

Previously, even if his ancestor burned all his lives to deduce Chu Yu's status today, he was not completely convinced.

Today, seeing things for himself, he finally understood. Chu Yu was truly a talented practitioner!

He was almost like a witch.

Even if he had a lucky chance to defy the gods, he was still no match for Chu Yu.

In the nick of time, someone suddenly appeared under Chu Yu's sword, taking the blow for Zhou Xu.

But this person was sliced in half by Chu Yu's sword!

The Xuan-Yuan sword possessed monstrous killing intent!

That was the crystallisation of countless horrific killing intentions in runes.

This person instantly disintegrated.


Zhou Xu let out a cry of sorrow.

This respected ancestor, who for the sake of deducing Chu Yu's secrets, had previously burned all his lives.

Soon, he would be reaching the end of his life.

Although he was not far from death, helplessly looking at someone being sliced in half, Zhou Xu was greatly affected. He was anguished but could only back away as fast as he could.

Chu Yu's fighting power was simply too terrifying!


An arrow!

It shot toward Chu Yu.

Chu Yu let a sigh in his heart.

He looked over.

Diwu Liuyun stood in the distance, bow in her hand, looking at Chu Yu rather confusedly.

Things had already reached this stage, everything was clear.

Diwu Liuyun, along with Zhou Xu, and Ji Clan... they were in cahoots!

Her appearance alone was full of coincidences.

Chu Yu had just appeared at this territory, she then appeared at the other side and shot him with an arrow.

Evidently, Zhou Xu understood Chu Yu well.

He not only knew a lot of information about Chu Yu, but he also knew Chu Yu's personality. He knew Chu Yu was not the kind to kill the innocent.

They let Diwu Liuyun go, that was a risky move.

If Chu Yu did not kill her then, there would be Zhou Xu to provide information for anything after that, which makes things so much simpler!

Using Yi to obtain Chu Yu's trust, then using his hatred from the killing of his entire family, he obtained Chu Yu's help.

Step by step, they lured Chu Yu into this place.

The only thing they did not manage to trick him into…was that red bow!

But they had only missed by a slight bit!

Chu Yu's relationship with Yi was deep, if he had not hesitated back then, he might have even given the red bow to her.

He even sent a message through telepathy to Diwu Liuyun.

Heh heh.

How foolish!

Amidst all these, many people were sacrificed too.

Including innocent Shitou.

There were also superior powers like Zhou Xu's ancestor.

He actually burned all of his lives as a price to deduce information related to Chu Yu!

It was truly a well-plotted scheme!

Chu Yu had to applaud him for it.

Looking at the arrow shot towards him, Chu Yu's gaze turned stone-cold.

He then pulled out his red bow.

After which, he notched an arrow in his bow and took his aim at Diwu Liuyun.

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