The clock chimed six o'clock in the evening, and the orange-pink sky was slowly giving way to a dusky blue. Alexander gazed out of the tinted windows of his armored car, the Beast, as it made its way towards the headquarters of the United Nations. The city's neon lights flickered to life, casting a warm glow over the streets below.

Beside him, Sergei, his foreign minister, sat attentively, ready to brief him on the upcoming events. Alexander could feel the tension in the air, a palpable sense of urgency that hung heavily over them.

"Your Majesty," Sergei began, "all the member states are eager to know why the Ruthenia Empire has convened an emergency meeting. It has been six years since the last time it was invoked."

Alexander nodded, his gaze still fixed on the cityscape. "They will know soon enough. The world is in a precarious state, and I am not going to sit idly by and watch it crumble."

Sergei continued, his voice serious. "As for Ralf Hietela, Your Majesty, the Foreign Intelligence Services describe him as a shadow. He always manages to evade our grasp, trading arms and fueling violence in Africa and Asia."

Alexander's jaw tightened, his mind focused on the elusive arms smuggler who had become a thorn in his side. "I don't care if he's a shadow. I want him taken out."

"The Foreign Intelligence Offices said that they received a tip from one of their informats in Africa, saying that is hiding somewhere in the Congo."

"Congo?" Alexander's brows raised. "Of all places, why is he hiding there?"

"We don't know, but we will find out about it once the strike team arrives in the Congo," Sergei said.

"Very well, inform me of the progress of that operation tomorrow."

After having a brief conversation, the car pulled up to the entrance of the United Nations building, and Alexander took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. As he stepped out of the car, he was greeted by a flurry of activity, the sound of reporters shouting questions and cameras flashing.

Ignoring the commotion, Alexander made his way into the building, his mind already focused on the task at hand. He was determined to make a difference, to put an end to the violence that threatened to tear the world apart.

Inside the hall, the air was thick with anticipation, every member state waiting with bated breath for Alexander's announcement. He stood tall at the podium, his voice steady as he addressed the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Ruthenia Empire has called this emergency meeting to address an issue that threatens the peace and stability of the world. The Communist Forces in the Republic of China continue to engage in acts of violence and aggression, fueled by the unrelenting flow of arms supplied by individuals such as Ralf Hietela,"

Alexander began, finishing his introduction as he recalled the speech that he had been formulating in the Winter Palace hours ago. Then, he continued.

"The Ruthenia Empire cannot and will not stand idly by while our weapons are used to fuel conflict and destruction. It is our duty as responsible members of the international community to take action against those who seek to undermine the very foundations of peace and prosperity.

The actions of these individuals are a stain on the collective conscience of humanity. They do not represent the values of freedom, democracy, and justice that we hold so dear. We must stand together as one to send a clear message to these arms smugglers and terrorists that their actions will not be tolerated.

I implore each and every one of you to join us in this fight. Let us work together to root out this cancer that threatens to engulf our world in chaos and destruction. Let us stand together as one, united in our pursuit of a brighter future for all.

We must not lose sight of the fact that our ultimate goal is to create a world where every individual is free to live, love, and pursue their dreams. Let us not forget that our actions today will determine the course of history for generations to come.

Let us be the generation that stands up to the forces of darkness and ushers in a new era of peace and prosperity for all. Let us show the world that we are united in our commitment to building a better future, and that we will not be deterred by those who seek to do us harm. Thank you."

As Alexander finished his speech, the room erupted in a round of applause. He could see the relief and determination in the eyes of the diplomats who were present in the United Nation. However, not all of them were on board with the idea. One of the members of the United Nation, Liberia, stood and called Alexander.

"That's a very sweet word for you to say, Your Majesty."

The room was silent, every eye fixed on the Liberian diplomat, waiting for him to continue.

"Democracy and justice, you say? Yet, where is the justice for the people of Africa? Where is the democracy that they so rightfully deserve?" The diplomat's voice rose, his passion evident in every word.

"The United Nations is a farce, a mere puppet of the Western powers," he declared, his eyes scanning the room, daring anyone to contradict him. "The Ruthenia Empire may claim to be a champion of freedom, but where is the freedom for those who suffer under its rule? Did it not occur to your mind that they are rebelling against their masters to achieve freedom? And that the man Ralf Hietela is giving them a tool to achieve it?"

He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "We cannot ignore the fact that our world is plagued with injustice and oppression. The very foundations of this institution are built on the principles of equality and respect for human rights, yet we see these values trampled upon time and time again. The voices of the marginalized and the oppressed are drowned out by the powerful and the privileged. How can we claim to be a beacon of hope when we allow such atrocities to occur?"

The Liberian diplomat's words hung heavily in the air, the weight of his argument impossible to ignore. The room was filled with a stunned silence, as everyone present grappled with the uncomfortable truth he had just spoken.

"Your Majesty, if the United Nation is founded because of that principle then I suggest that we dissolved it. This United Nation is an organization built to further the interest of the Western powers. Or maybe, ask your fellow westerners to actually grant the nations that were once rightfully ruled by the people who dwelled in it."

He fixed Alexander with a hard stare. "Or perhaps, Your Majesty, you could start by asking your fellow Westerners to grant the nations that were once rightfully ruled by the people who dwelled in them the freedom and autonomy that they deserve."

Alexander was silent for a minute. Those were powerful words from the Liberian diplomat, and he didn't expect that he would be on a hot seat.

"I understand your concerns, but you are mistaken if you believe that Ralf Hietela is some kind of hero fighting against oppression. He is a criminal, a traitor who has aligned himself with the Black Hand to spread violence and chaos around the world. He is not giving power to the weak, he is taking advantage of their suffering for his own gain," Alexander's voice was unwavering as he delivered his response to the Liberian diplomat.

Alexander paused for a moment, his eyes meeting the Liberian diplomat's. "As for the United Nations, it is true that we have our flaws and our limitations. But we must work together, as a global community, to address the issues that threaten our collective security and well-being. Dissolving the United Nations would be a grave mistake, for it is only through dialogue and cooperation that we can hope to build a better future for all."

He took a deep breath, his gaze sweeping across the room. "I implore you to reconsider your stance, to join us in our fight against the forces of darkness that seek to tear us apart. Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can build a world where every individual is free to live, love, and pursue their dreams."

The Liberian diplomat sneered in response. "You are all delusional! This is not what we signed up for. Over the last six years, the United Nations you created has done nothing to address the root causes of conflict and oppression in the world. Instead, it has only served to further the interests of the Western powers and their allies."

And once it got to the melting point, the Imperial Guards converged on his position.

"See, this is why people took the path of violence, because peaceful dialogue has never been effective to all high and mighty such as the western powers!" he said, while he was being dragged away by the Imperial Guards.

The Liberian diplomat's words echoed through the room, his voice rising in defiance as he was forcibly removed from the premises. "You cannot silence the truth! The people of the world will rise up against the oppression and injustice that you perpetuate in the name of 'peace' and 'stability.' This is not what the United Nations was meant to be! We will not be silenced!"

As he was dragged away by the Imperial Guards, his words continued to reverberate through the halls. Alexander stared at the direction of where the diplomat was being taken.

"For a second there, why did I feel scared?"

Alexander took a deep breath, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling that had settled in his chest. He couldn't let the words of the Liberian diplomat get to him, not when there was so much at stake.

He turned back to the podium, the weight of his responsibility heavy on his shoulders. "My fellow leaders, let us not allow the actions of a few to obscure the work that we have accomplished together. The United Nations may not be perfect, but it is a testament to our commitment to dialogue and cooperation in the pursuit of a better world.

Let us not forget that we have made progress, that we have brought about positive change in the lives of countless individuals around the globe. Let us continue to work together, to build a brighter future for all."

The room was silent, every eye fixed on Alexander as he spoke. His words were measured, his tone steady as he delivered his message.

"As for Ralf Hietela and the Black Hand, we will not rest until they are brought to justice. We will hunt them down, wherever they may hide, and we will put an end to their reign of terror."

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