As the night fell, Alexander sat in his office in the Winter Palace, watching a news report about the Emergency Session in the UN. The sound of the television echoed through the room and he listened attentively to the words of the news reporter.

[Good evening, and welcome to tonight's breaking news. The United Nations has convened an emergency session for the first time since its foundation, at the request of the Ruthenia Empire. The purpose of the meeting is to address the rising Communist Forces in the Republic of China and to investigate the arms smugglers who have been supplying them with weapons, leading to continued violence in the region.

At the start of the meeting, His Majesty, Alexander Romanoff, delivered a speech that was well received by member states who listened attentively. However, tensions began to rise when a Liberian diplomat interrupted the proceedings, calling the organization out and questioning its purpose. Despite attempts to calm the situation, the diplomat was eventually escorted out of the hall but continued to voice his concerns as he was being removed.

This incident has highlighted the growing divisions within the international community regarding the effectiveness of the United Nations in addressing global issues. While some see the organization as a vital tool for promoting peace and stability, others question its ability to make meaningful changes and address underlying issues of oppression and inequality.

We will continue to monitor this developing story and bring you updates as they become available. Stay tuned for further details on this breaking news from the United Nations emergency session.]

After hearing that, Alexander ran a hand over his face and looked down. So that's what it feels like when someone calls you out and them being true at the same time. It was humiliating and disappointing.

He was not alone in his office, Christina was with him. She turned the television off using a remote and then turned to his brother, Alexander.

Christina's voice was heavy with admiration as she turned to her brother. "Well, at least you managed to keep your composure during those exchanges," she said. "That Liberian diplomat made some compelling points about the United Nations. It does make one wonder..."

Alexander raised a curious brow. "Wonder about what, sister?"

"Whether the UN was established too early," Christina replied thoughtfully. "Shouldn't each country have become independent first before forming an international organization like the UN? The charter claims to promote peace, freedom, and stability, but if we look at the world today, we see constant violence and oppression. The people in Africa, for example, are fighting for their freedom, and it seems like the UN has not done much to help them…"

Christina's voice trailed off, her eyes searching Alexander's face for a reaction. He looked thoughtful, his gaze distant as he considered her words.

"You may have a point, sister," he said finally, his voice low and contemplative. "Perhaps we were too eager to establish an international organization before we had truly addressed the root causes of conflict and oppression in the world."

He leaned back in his chair, his eyes fixed on the ceiling. "The truth is, the United Nations is not perfect. We have made mistakes, and we have failed to live up to our own ideals. But that does not mean that we should abandon the idea of international cooperation and unity altogether."

He turned his gaze back to Christina, his expression serious. "The fact remains that we live in a world that is plagued by violence, conflict, and injustice. We cannot afford to stand idly by and watch as the world burns. We must take action, we must work together if we hope to create a better future for ourselves and for generations to come."

Christina nodded slowly, her expression thoughtful. "I understand what you're saying, brother. But I still think that we need to be more cautious, and more thoughtful, in how we approach these issues. We cannot simply rely on grand speeches and empty promises. We need concrete action, we need real solutions."

Alexander smiled a small hint of pride in his eyes. "You have grown wise beyond your years, sister," he said. "I am proud of you, and I am grateful for your honesty and insight."

Christina smiled back at him, a warm glow of affection spreading through her chest. She knew that her brother was a true leader, a man who cared deeply about the fate of his people and the world at large. And she was honored to stand by his side, to support him in his quest to create a better future for all.

"So, how was the optics? Did the Liberian diplomat making a scene during the session affect me in any way?" Alexander broke the silence, his voice calm and composed.

Christina leaned forward, her eyes meeting Alexander's. "No, brother. You responded quite well to the Liberian diplomat, so you will not suffer any backlash. Though his outburst sparked some debates and discussions among the people and the media, they are covering it as we speak."

Alexander let out a small sigh of relief, his gaze drifting towards the windows that looked out over the city. "I see," he chuckled softly. "What about the Liberian diplomat? Is he okay? Did something happen to him?"

Christina placed a reassuring hand on Alexander's arm. "Don't worry, brother. He is safe. He was just escorted to his room in the United Nations. The Ruthenia Empire wouldn't do something that could tarnish its reputation and dignity."

Alexander nodded, his mind already moving on to other matters. "Very well, now that's settled, let's talk about something else," he said, his voice turning serious.

"What is it, brother?" Christina asked.

"Mind telling me about you wanting to marry the Chief of Staff of Imperial Guards?"

Christina gulped as Alexander's sudden change of topic caught her off guard. She had not expected him to bring up the matter so soon, but she knew that she could not keep it hidden forever.

"I...I don't know what to say, brother," Christina stammered, her eyes darting nervously around the room. "I...I have feelings for him, and I believe that he cares for me as well."

Alexander studied his sister's face for a moment, his expression unreadable. "And what about his duties to the Empire? Do you think that he can balance his personal life with his responsibilities as Chief of Staff?"

Christina bit her lip, her mind racing as she tried to find the right words. "I...I don't know, brother. But I believe that he is a good and hardworking man and that he will do everything in his power to fulfill his duties and obligations to the Empire."

Alexander nodded slowly, his gaze fixed on Christina's face. "I see. Well, I trust your judgment, sister. But you must remember that as a member of the Royal Family, your actions and decisions reflect not only on yourself but on the Empire as a whole."

"Does that mean that you are not opposing our marriage?" Christina asked.

"Why would I? If two people love each other, who am I to stand in their way?" Alexander replied, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Besides, I already gave Rolan my blessing."

Christina let out a sigh of relief, a smile spreading across her face. "Thank you, brother," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "I appreciate your support."

"Are you not going to give your brother a hug?" Alexander asked, his voice teasing.

"We are too old to do that brother," Christina mumbled.

"But that doesn't mean we can't express our affection in other ways," Alexander said, standing up and offering his hand to his sister. Christina took it and stood up as well, and Alexander pulled her into a brief embrace.

"What I want for my sisters is to be happy," he said, releasing her. "I may not always agree with your decisions, but I will always support you and love you no matter what."

Christina smiled warmly at her brother, feeling a deep sense of love and gratitude toward him. "Thank you, brother. That means a lot to me," she said, before turning to leave the room.

Alexander watched as she exited the room, feeling a sense of pride and satisfaction.

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